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1、小学英语教材闽教版知识梳理闽教版教材知识梳理三年级(上)Unit 1 Hello闽教版的教材安排是按照话题进行的,单元内容会围绕该话题展开,学习相关的词汇、句型,所以看到标题的时候我们可以结合自己的经验来猜一下本单元会学到哪些句型。先来认识一下闵教教材中的人物吧!顺便看看他们是怎样认识彼此的。Hello, Im Miss Gao.Hi, Im Wang Tao. / Im Sally. / Im Julia.除了这个常见的打招呼,还有一个就是:Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.除了这一句外,我们还能想到哪句?Whats your name?My na

2、me is Lily.闽教版的教材从开始就学习26个字母的书写,并举例示明。那么在本单元中就学习了四个字母的大小写:Aa apple Bb banana Cc cat Dd dog我发现闽教版教材一个特别的优点:单元末最后一个部分是Evaluate yourself。在这个部分,把本单元的所有要求学生该掌握的内容都以列表的形式罗列出来了。所以我觉得不需要教参,这本书本身就是教材和教参甚至和练习册的三位一体。Unit 2 Greetings上一个单元我们学习了初次见面一些打招呼的用语,那么我们还要学习一些跟认识的人打招呼的用语。例如:Good morning, Sally.How are you

3、, Fido?Im fine. Thank you.Goodbye, Fido.Good afternoon, boys and girls.This is Mr Yang.本单元学习的四个字母分别是:Ee an egg Ff a fish Gg a girl Hh a hen这个单元还以图画的形式给孩子们展示了名词的单复数:a boy boys a girl girls an apple apples an egg eggs a dog dogs a cat cats a hen hens Unit 3 Numbers本单元的内容就是学习数字110的表达,再以图画的形式学习几个名词的复数,跟

4、数字构成名词短语。我们一般遇到描述物品数量的时候一般都会用到how many来提问。这就是本单元的所有内容。one two three four five six seven eight nine ten再来看一看数字和名词复数构成的名词短语:four cats、eight bananas、ten eggs、seven jackets、two boys、six hens、three girls、five dogs、nine apples本单元学习了两个新动词:Come and play. 还学习了一个用how many提问:How many baby ducks?以及一个回答语Right.(对

5、的。)本单元学习的四个英文字母分别是:Ii ice cream Jj a jacket Kk kite Ll a lionUnit 4 Age and phone numbers上一个单元我们学习了数字的表达,那么本单元围绕“年龄”和“电话号码”展开,猜想我们要学习两个句型:How old are you?Whats your phone number?翻开书看看,果然没有猜错哦!那么再看看还有哪些新的表达:I am three.You are a nice dog.Its my dog. 本单元学习的四个英文字母分别是:Mm a monkey Nn noodles Oo an orange

6、Pp a pig Review 1这个部分整合了前四个单元学习的所有内容,分为A、B、C、D四个部分,分别复习了前四个单元学习过的所有句型、词汇、名词复数以及字母的大小写。Unit 5 My family前四个单元的学习告一段落,后面四个单元中的前三个是帮我们认识事物,最后一个单元的安排应该是考虑到时间上接近寒假和过年,特意安排的课程吧,也让我们的小朋友学会如何用英语向大家拜年。这个单元没有直接学习有关家庭成员的称谓,而是从对话中学习,那么我们就先来看看吧!Whos he? Hes my brother, Ben.Whos she? Shes my sister, Kate.This is B

7、en. This is Kate. Right.Who are they, Sally? They are my father and mother. / They are my grandpa and grandma.注意and的用法,还有一个就是sister的复数形式sisters。本单元学习的四个英文字母分别是:Qq a queen Rr a rabbit Ss a star Tt a teacherUnit 6 Colors本单元学习颜色是通过交通信号灯来导入的,然后再通过问答的形式学习颜色。所以看本单元的句型:Stop! The light is red.Now the light

8、is green. Lets go.What color is it? Its orange.来看看本单元学习颜色的单词:red、yellow、green、blue、orange、pink、white、black本单元学习的四个英文字母分别是:Uu an umbrella Vv a violin Ww a window Xx x-rayUnit 7 School things这个单元中出现的句型有点多:Please give me a ruler, Lily.Which ruler?The pink one.Here you are.Thank you.Youre welcome.关于这一段对

9、话,是不是都没见过?下面还有一个更为复杂的:May I use your pencil, Lily?Sure. Here you are.看本单元学习了哪些学习用品:a pencil、a pen、a ruler、a pencil-box、a box、a bag、crayons。本单元学习的最后两个英文字母分别是:Yy yellow Zz a zooUnit 8 The New Year我们来看看本单元出现的句型:The New Year is coming.Lets have a party.Good idea.Lets sing.Lets dance.Lets make a New Year

10、 card.本单元主要学习的是用Lets.表示建议;以及几个动词。Review 2这个部分整合了前四个单元学习的所有内容,分为A、B、C、D和E五个部分,除了所有的句型和词汇,比较有特色的一个是一些缩写:ATM、CRH、EMS、EXPO、PRC、RMB、TV、UFO、UK、UN、USA、WTO。三年级(下)Unit 1 Birthday在上册中我们已经学习了26个英文字母的大小写,这一册开始学习字母的发音规则。来看看本单元都学习了哪些句型:Please come to my birthday party.OK.Lets buy a present. And a birthday card.Wh

11、at about a football?Oh, no. / Good idea.Happy birthday, Sally! Here is a present for you.Oh, thank you!Whats this?Its a rabbit. 词汇累积:a football a present a card a bird a rabbit a cake语音:a cat bag hat black Kate baby cakeUnit 2 Ability本单元主要学习情态动词“can+动词原形”。肯定句:I can dance. I can dance, too. 五个动词:swim

12、 dance sing draw run一般疑问句:Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.否定句:I cant skate. 语音:e ten pen hen he she meUnit 3 Food本单元围绕“过生日”又学习了一些关于食物的名词,同时还学习用like和dont like表示喜欢或不喜欢。Whats this?Its a fish.I like rice/noodles/cake/ice cream/bananas/hamburgersI dont like grapes.语音:i pig fish swim six kit

13、e bike five nineUnit 4 Time本单元学习的主题是“时间”。那涉及到的句型和词汇你可以猜猜吗?Its early, Lily. Lets play.Its five oclock. Lets go home.Look, its six oclock. Youre late. Sorry.Wow, so many clocks. Whats the time, Mom?Its eleven oclock in Beijing.词汇:story book London eleven twelve语音:o pencil-box dog stop go home no noseR

14、eview 1 这个部分整合了前四个单元学习的所有内容,分为A、B、C、D和E五个部分,分别汇总了所有的句型、词汇和语音。Unit 5 Parts of the Body本单元学习身体部位的名词主要是借助两个动词:draw和touch。后面还用到了一首儿歌中的三个动词:clap、nod和stamp。Lets draw a face. Then draw two ears.Touch your eyes/nose/face/ears/mouth.My head/arm/leg/foot/hands.语音:u run duck jump pupil blue ruler至此,五个元音字母的发音都已

15、经学习完毕。Unit 6 Clothes (1)关于“衣服”,又会用到哪些句型和词汇呢?本文是用“运动会”的场景设定的。Put on your T-shirts.Its too big.What size do you wear?Size S.Now put on your sports shoes.Theyre too small.I want my sports shoes, too.本单元学习的表达:Size S/M/L/XL语音:b bag book boy p pen pig pink t ten teacher foot d dog duck redUnit 7 Clothes (

16、2)本单元继续围绕“衣服”展开。Whose jacket is this?Its Yang Mings.Here you are.Your sweater is beautiful.Thank you.词汇累积: jacket shirt sweater hat skirt语音:k kite cake bike g girl green dog f fish four football v violin five elevenUnit 8 Childrens Day上册的时候我们最后一个单元的主题是“新年”,本册最后一个单元的主题又是一个节日“儿童节”。Happy Childrens Day!

17、Are you ready?Yes. Lets go.I can play football/fly my kite in the park.Lets go to the zoo.What are the kids doing?look. Sally is flying a kite.What is Ben/he doing?He is playing football.Lets go boating.Great!Have fun!本单元学习的内容还真不少,尤其是现在就学到了现在进行时。看吧:He is riding a bike/playing football/boating/drawin

18、g/running/flying a kite.语音:s sing six swim z zoo zero size l lion girl leg r red rice rabbitReview 2这个部分整合了前四个单元学习的所有内容,分为A、B、C、D和E五个部分,分别汇总了所有的句型、词汇和语音。不过最有特色的是复习单元中出现了一段关于人物的描述,都是用之前学过的句子,然后找出符合短文描述的人物图片。四年级(上)Unit 1 Our classroom新学期伊始,又见到老同学了,要换新教室了,一起去看看吧!Nice to see you again.Nice to see you, t

19、oo.Were in Grade Four now.Yes. Lets go and see our classroom.Look. Its a nice classroom.Look at the window/blackboard.词汇:a chair a desk a blackboard a tiger语音:ar arm card park star er ruler father tiger teacherUnit 2 Our school上一个单元学习了教室,这个单元学习关于“校园”。Whos that girl?Thats Ma Li. Shes my cousin. Shes

20、from Taiwan.Which class are you in?Class Three, Grade One.This is our playground. Its so big.This is our computer room. Wow, so many computers.This is our library. Wow, so many books.语音:ir girl bird shirt skirt or story sports shoes morningUnit 3 Numbers and animals根据单元标题可知,本单元主要是用数字描述动物的数量。而课文中描述的是

21、农场上的动物的数量。同时还学习了如何描述加法。数字的学习是从1320。thirteen cows fourteen horses fifteen sheep sixteen pigsseventeen eighteen nineteen twentyWe have thirteen cows.How much is seventeen and three?语音:ee sheep green queen three ea read ice cream teacherUnit 4 Numbers and time根据单元标题可知,本单元是有关数字和时间的表达。所以要求学生学习时间的英语表达法,并且

22、进一步学习数字的表达。Its nine thirty. He is very slow. I cant stop. Im the winner.Whats the time?Its nine fifty.语音:oo zoo noodles room school book food good look 前面四个单元分别学习了元音发音。Review 1 这个部分整合了前四个单元学习的所有内容,分为A、B、C、D和E五个部分,分别汇总了所有的句型、词汇和语音。还有数量的表达,时间的表达。还有部分的小短文很不错!注意:She often runs in the playground. often是频

23、度副词。Unit 5 Daily activities本单元的主题是日常活动,那我们想一想,无非就是:起床、吃饭、上学、回家和睡觉。所以本单元主要学习这几个事件的表达。我们先看词组:get up have breakfast/lunch go to school go home go to bed课文中描述这些事件的时候与时间表达合在一起,一起来看看。When do you get up?At five thirty.She goes to bed at nine oclock. 这里要注意第三人称单数作主语,谓语动词要用三单形式。语音:c cat card cow cake ck duck

24、clock black jacketUnit 6 Meals看到标题我们想到的是一日三餐,上一个单元我们已经学习了早餐和午餐的表达,但是没有看到晚餐的表达。那么在本单元必定会出现了吧。除此之外,本单元主要学习了一些正餐的食物。Welcome to my home.Thank you.Breakfast is ready, children.Whats for dinner, Mom?Beef and potatoes.Any green vegetables?Sure.Do you like vegetables? 我们学到的第二个一般疑问句。第一个是Can you.?Yes, I do.Ha

25、ve some potatoes, please.词汇累积:bread milk tomatoes potatoes vegetables beef语音:sh fish shirt sheep shoes ea head bread sweater readyUnit 7 Christmas又到学期末,看看本单元学习的主题圣诞节,下一个单元学习的不是新年,而是春节。这两个也是有区别的。What presents do you want?I want a robot.Do you like your present?Yes, we do.Its from Yang Ming. Merry Chr

26、istmas.词汇累积:a Christmas tree a Christmas card a robot computer violin 语音:ow window yellow ay play day cow how ai email waitUnit 8 The Spring Festival过春节的时候都有哪些习俗呢?你们是怎样过春节的?How do you spend the Spring Festival?We make rice cakes/make dumplings/have a family dinner/sing and dance.Do you watch TV afte

27、r dinner?/Do you get any presents?/Do you go to the park?We watch the Spring Festival Party on TV./We get some New Years money./We say Happy New Year to your friends./We go to the fair.语音: th mouth three thirty birthday father mother brotherReview 2这个部分整合了前四个单元学习的所有内容,分为A、B、C、D和E五个部分,分别汇总了所有的句型、词汇和语

28、音。其中有两篇小短文分别描述了圣诞节和春节的习俗,感觉很好。四年级(下)Unit 1 Days of the week本单元学习的主题是“星期”,那么一周七天,你都会做些什么事情呢?What do you often do every week?We raise our national flag on Monday. We have a class meeting on Tuesday. We dance in the playground on Wednesday.What do you often do on Thursday?We have sports in the playgrou

29、nd.We clean our classroom on Friday. I play the violin on Saturday. I play football on Sunday.一口气把一周七天的英文表达都学完了,还积累了一些短语。语音:m milk mouth monkey swim n pen run noodles nineUnit 2 Cleaning Day星期五是大扫除的日子,那么同学们在干什么呢?Yang Ming is standing on a chair. He is cleaning the blackboard.Lily is cleaning the des

30、ks/chairs/window/door.卫生打扫完之后,教室是不是又干净又明亮?Our classroom is clean and bright now.打扫完卫生,记得关窗关门关电哦!Please close the windows/door.Please turn off the fans and lights.语音:h hen house hand horse j jacket juice jumpUnit 3 School subjects习惯性地把课程和星期联系起来,而教材的编排也是这样做的。What day is today?Its Wednesday.We have a math class this morning.Thats right. I like math.We have an English class, too.I like it. But Im not good at it.Don worry. I can help you.Its very nice of you.Do you have a science class this

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