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3、练习,争取当堂课消化巩固知识,提高课堂效率。2归类复习先把知识点进行梳理整合,并结合前一轮复习中学生感到较困难的知识点进行以讲、练为主的复习,使学生学会有规律的学习。可以从以下几个方面进行归类(1)音标 要解决音标元音字母的发音规律,解决常见的字母组合的发音规律。形式为读,思,归纳,强化和练习。(2)时态 一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时和现在进行时进行归纳,比较复习,可以整理信息词和基本的语法结构。(3)介词 结合实例讲解,练习,巩固。(4)阅读 进行阅读练习的方法指导并结合阅读材料训练。(5)听力 听力并非一日之功,我们可将听力分散安排在每一节课时中。3综合练习,查漏补缺,针对学生暴露的

4、一些问题,再一次补充复习。五、具体时间安排6月3日-6日: 各单元知识梳理;6月10日-120日:综合复习,做上年度各县、市、区期末试卷。小学英语六年级复习课教案一、教学内容:复习语法一般过去时(The Past Tense)和一般将来时(The Future Tense)二、教学目标:1、复习一般过去时和一般将来两种时态时并能熟练运用2、通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,提高与他人合作、交往的能力3、能够用简短的语段表达自己的思想,体会到英语学习的成就感三、教学准备:多媒体课件、录音机四、教学过程:A:Free talk:a: What date is it today? Its

5、 . What day is it today? Its . What lessons do you have on morning? We have . Whats your favorite subject? Its .b: Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like in in Kuming? Which season do you like best? Why? c: Whats your hobby? Whats your father/ mothers hobby? My hobby is taking photos.设

6、计意图:由老师与学生的自由交流,拉近了师生之间的距离,营造英语氛围,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话,并从老师的爱好是拍照过渡,为下一个环节作了较好的铺垫。B: Look, listen and guessa: T: Here are some photos. Lets look, listen and guess what is the girl doing now?( 只出示照片上的人物,点击声音键,让学生猜一猜,然后出示完整的图片。)学生照 片(单数)钢琴声S:Is _ ? Maybe shes . Shes , I think. Are _? (多猜几次,然后出现事情的真实画面) T: Wh

7、at is the girl doing?S: Hes listening to music. b: What are they doing? They are playing basketball.学生照片(复数)拍球声设计意图:通过看图、听音,猜事的活动,让学生在不知不觉中进入了教师精心创设的英语情境,他们可以用现在进行时的肯定句或一般疑问句来猜一猜图中的人物正在干什么,学生的学习积极性一下子就能调动起来。原本枯燥的句型复习具有了较强的趣味性。C: Look and guessT: Do you usually play basketball at the weekends? What d

8、o you usually do at the weekends? What do you usually do in the morning?a. 出示照片:李老师(女)早晨跑步 T: What does Miss Li do in the morning?S: Does she usually / often _ in the morning? Perhaps she _ in the morning. b. 出示照片:何老师(男)星期六上网 T: What does Mr Jiang usually do on Saturdays? S: Does he _ on Saturdays?c

9、. 出示照片:学生们放学后打乒乓T: What do the boys often do after school?S: They often play table tennis.设计意图:先出现人物的半身照,只给学生提供部分信息,即只能确认人物性别、单复数以及表示一般现在时的时间in the morning/ on Saturdays/ after school,通过这些信息沟的设置,让学生产生想问、想知道的愿望,自然而然地用一般现在时的句型猜图中的人物在特定的时间可能做什么事。D: Reviewa: The past tense(一般过去时)(1)T: Do you like playin

10、g table tennis? Do you often play table tennis? I played table tennis with my son on May Day. It was great fun. What did you do on May Day? S:I on May Day. 设计意图:由前面的打乒乓球过渡到刚刚过去的劳动节,由此导入本节课要复习的第一个重要语法一般过去时,让学生用肯定句说说自己在劳动节干了什么。让学生在生活话题中恰当的使用语言进行真实的交流,使学生对所学知识进一步得到巩固。学生带着自己的知识、体验、思考、灵感、兴致参与课堂活动,融入课堂教学。

11、(2) Look at the pictures, ask and answer: 出示take photos / yesterday 和dance / just now:take photosyesterdayT:Did the boy see a film yesterday? S:No, he didnt.T:What did he do yesterday? S:He took some photos.出示句型:What did _ do?Did_ ? Ask and answer in pairs: dancejustnow What did the girl do just now

12、?Did she sing just now? 出示一组图片和时间状语Fly kitesGo shoppingWater flowers clean the windowWhat did _do last night?Did_ a moment ago? make a model shipLook at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs:What did _do _? He/ She/ They _.Did _? Yes/ No.Look at the pictures, make all kinds of footbal

13、lmilk a cowgo to the zoo_yesterday._ two weeks ago?Model: The boys played football yesterday. The girls didnt play football two weeks ago.Did the boy play football yesterday?What did the boy do yesterday?When did the boy play football? Where did she go two weeks ago?设计意图:通过单张或多张组合图片,给学生提供更多的语言信息和情景,

14、让学生自主地利用创设情景,进行语言交际、实践和运用活动。个性化地发挥自主学习的意识和能力,促使学生有意识地发展语言、运用语言以及用语言表达自己的思想。Listen and answer:Listen to the dialogue, and answer the questions:A: What date is it today?B: Its the tenth of March.A: Yesterday was Linlins birthday.B: Really? Did she have a birthday party last night?A: Yes. Liu Tao, Yang

15、 Lin and I went to her party.B: What presents did she get?A: She got a new bike, a schoolbag, a storybook and some new clothes.B: What did you do at the party?A: We sang and danced. We ate a lot of food, too.B: Did you have a good time?A: Yes.Questions:1. Whens Lin Lins birthday?2. Did Lin Lin have

16、a birthday party?3. What presents did Lin Lin get?4. What did the children do at the party?5. Did they have a good time?设计意图:此环节是针对前面复习的一般过去时设计的一道听力训练。我在编这段对话时充分考虑到语言规范,语言材料既要符合学生生活体验又要紧贴训练目标,合理设计题型。先让学生阅读问题,然后带着问题去听。听的过程中学生抓住语言材料关键词,抓主要线索,抓整体,并做一些简单却很有必要的笔记。在训练听力时进行听法指导对学生听力技能的提高是十分必要的。b: The futur

17、e tense: (一般将来时)(1)T: Childrens Day is coming soon. Are you happy? Look, this is Mikes plan for Childrens Day. A plan for Childrens DayMorning Take part in the singing contestAfternoon See a film and go skatingEvening Have a big dinnerT: What is Mike going to do in the morning? Hes going to _. What

18、is Mike going to do in the afternoon? Hes going to _.What is Mike going to do in the evening? Hes going to _.We also can say: He will have a big dinner in the evening.What are you going to do on Childrens Day?Im going to _ on Childrens Day.We also can say: I shall _.T: When are going to _?Where are

19、you going to _?设计意图:为了找到合适的切入点,我联系实际情况把即将到来的儿童节通过图片和表格相结合的形式引入到教学中来,让学生用一般将来时的肯定句式表达自己的节日计划,交流自己的设想,从中感受到所学知识与生活密切相关,从而体会到学习英语的成就感。(2) T: My favourite holiday is National Day. I usually have a trip with my family on National Day. Last National Day we went to Shanghai. We visited Shanghai History Mus

20、eum. There were many interesting things in it. My son was very excited on that day. National Day is coming soon. We are going to Tianmu Lake for two days. We are going to climb the hill and go fishing there. 板书: My plan for National Day. My favorite holiday is . I usually . Last National Day I . Im

21、going to .Do you want to make a plan for the summer holiday / National Day / your birthday or some other holidays? Work in groups. 设计意图:首先由我的示范,用一段话介绍我的国庆节计划,屏幕上给出关键句型,这样既给学生适当的引导,又给学生必要的提示。小组活动时,学生积极参与,自主选择话题,并且围绕话题讨论、制定节日计划,根据所给提示进行有目的、有方向的活动。通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语。 (3) Fill in the form: Look, l

22、ets fill in the form:设计意图:首先是帮助学生回忆、巩固动词的四种形式,尤其对特殊形式作了较多的复现。其次为下面游戏中运用四种句式打下了伏笔。 (4) Play a game: Look at the information, then ask a question. The computer will tell you “Yes” or “No”. Model: Who Activities When Nancy play the piano tomorrow Is Nancy going to play the piano tomorrow? 设计意图:采用游戏的形式进

23、一步使学生对四种语法知识的强化、巩固,同时把适度的紧张感带入课堂,让学生既紧张又兴奋,充分调动学生的积极性。 D:Homework:A: Read and choose: (选择最佳答案)( )1. Did they _ a film last night? Yes. A. watched B. watching C. watch ( )2. What _ she _ tomorrow? A. is, doing B. is, going to do C. does, do( )3. _ Nancy like _ puppets? A. Did, make B. Do, make C. Doe

24、s, making( )4. Helen _ the piano every night. A. playing B. played C. plays( )5. Listen, Helen _ the piano. A. is playing B. played C. playsB: Read and complete the passage: (阅读并完成短文)Jim and his parents _ (go) to the farm last weekend. Jim _ (pick) many strawberries. His father _ (milk) cows. His mo

25、ther _ (cook) them nice food. They _ (have) a good time. They often _ (go) to farms at the weekends. Sometimes they _ (have) picnics or _ (go) on outings. Now they _ (make )a plan for next weekend. His father _ (sit) on the sofa. Jim and his mother _ (stand) near him. What are they _ (do) next weeke

26、nd? Oh, they are going to have a birthday party, because Jims birthday is coming. How happy they are! 设计意图:设计适当的习题,既能培养了学生“写”的能力,也可以让他们再次巩固新知。复习课中的练习是为了技能向能力转化,侧重于英语能力的形成;侧重于知识结构转化为认知结构,因此我出示了综合性较强的习题让学生练习。 Recycle 2第一课时一、教学内容:第一课时:Lets read (P62), Read and tick or cross二、教学目标1能够听、说、读Lets read部分的对话并

27、正确回答对话后的问题。2能够读懂并回书写简单的英语请柬。三、教学重点本课时的重难点是能听、说、认读对话,能用can句型,表述会做什么,并且能书写简单的英语请柬.四、教学难点教学难点是学生会表达自己能做什么并能正确书写英语请柬。五、教学准备1教师准备一些铅画纸。2教师准备一个英语请柬。3教师准备音乐、课文磁带。4教师准备单词卡片。六、教学步骤1热身(Warm-up)放复习一单元中的歌曲Lets read 部分的对话并正确回答对话的问题。2. 预习(Preview)教师出学生体检表,提问:How tall are you now? How tall were you in Grade 1? How

28、 heavy are you now? How heavy were you at 7 years old? 教师根据体检表中的记载判断学生说的是否正确。教师再问:This is our last term.3. 新课呈现(Presentation)1、教师说:Boys and girls youre students in Grade 6 now. You will leave soon and study in a middle school. So were going to have a farewell party next week.教师板书,领读后启发学生What shall w

29、e bring for the party?2、教师启发学生Would you like to give performances at the party?让学生能够说:I can .13、教师接下来说Zhang peng and Mikes class is going to have a farewell party,too.What can zhang peng do? 学生独立朗读课文,回答教师的问题并提出不理解的句子。教师解答。4、教师放Lets read对话,学生跟读,分角色朗读。5、Read and tick or cross教师说:You can invite your pa

30、rents to the party. You can invite your teachers,too然后展示英语请柬,说:Look this is an invitation. Can you read it? 指导学生朗读请柬内容。4. 巩固和扩展(Consolidation and extension)1根据P62短文组织学生进行表演。2分发请柬。5、Sum up:6、The limited-time exercise7、Check and explain板书:Recycle 2 A farewell party Lesson 1What can you do at the party?I c

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