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新境界英语教参 Unit 4.docx

1、新境界英语教参 Unit 4Unit FourPart I Text APre-reading ActivitiesBackground InformationChina Import and Export Fair: also called Canton Fair, is held twice a year in Spring and Autumn since it was inaugurated in the Spring of 1957. It is Chinas largest trade fair of the highest level, of the most complete

2、varieties and of the largest attendance and business turnover. Preserving its traditions, the Fair is a comprehensive and multi-functional event of international importance.Answer KeyTask 1 1. They are clothes and electric appliance. They are at trade fairs.2. A trade fair is a large event at which

3、companies show their products or services in order to sell them.3. Yes. There are many large exhibition centers in the world. Hannover Messe (德国汉诺威会展中心) is the largest exhibition center for industrial technology. It covers an area of 451, 260m2.Canton Fair Complex (广交会会展中心) is the second largest, wi

4、th the total construction area of 395000m2. Messe Frankfurt(德国法兰克福会展中心) is also one of the worlds largest trade fair organizers with its own exhibition grounds. Every year, it runs more than 120 exhibitions and trade fairs, attracting more 65,000 exhibitors and 3,000,000 visitors.4. People visit the

5、m for different purposes. Some people want to look for products for their business or for their own use; many more people go there out of curiosity.5. They want to promote their products or services and attract their buyers.6. Designing posters, handouts and information brochures, and inviting the c

6、lients to the fair.Task 2a) garment b) electronics c) fair d) bilateral e) phase f) applianceMini Text: Task 3 Pair Work1. In spring and autumn.2. It is to develop trade between Chinese and the overseas trade companies.3. There are three.4. Each phase lasts for 5 days. 5. You can go from Oct. 31 to

7、Nov. 4.Task 4 Context Clues1. curious 2. media 3. showcase 4. prospects 5. attendees 6. boostText ABackground InformationTrade show: (trade fair, trade exhibition or expo) is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service,

8、 study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. In contrast to consumer fairs, only some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives (members of the trade, e.g. professionals) and members of the press, therefore tra

9、de shows are classified as either Public or Trade Only. A few fairs are hybrids of the two; one example is the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is trade-only for its first three days and open to the general public on its final two days. They are held on a continuing basis in virtually all markets and norm

10、ally attract companies from around the globe. For example, in the U.S. there are currently over 2500 trade shows held every year, and several online directories have been established to help organizers, attendees, and marketers identify appropriate events.Language Points1.(Para. 1) A large number of

11、 trade shows are organized throughout the year and you can often hear about them through the media, in your local newspaper, on TV or through the Internet.Paraphrase: People organize a large number of trade shows all over the year and you can often hear about them through the media, for example, in

12、the local newspaper, on TV, or through the Internet.Structure Analysis: It is a coordinating sentence. “and” is coordinating (plural form of medium) the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers and the Inte

13、rnet 新闻媒体The scandal was widely reported in the national media. 这件丑闻被全国各大媒体广泛报道。2.(Para. 2) A good portion of the target audience learns about new products to be launched.Paraphrase: A large part of the target customers learns about new products that will be made to sell.Structure Analysis: “to be l

14、aunched” here modifies “new products”, functioning as post-modifier.launch: to make a new product, book etc available for sale for the first timeThe company hopes to launch the new drug by next October. 该公司希望在明年十月份以前推出新的药物。3.(Para. 2) A large number of enthusiastic buyers directly purchase new produ

15、cts.Paraphrase: A large number of excited customers buy new products directly from the trade shows. enthusiastic: feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something 热情的, 热心的The singer got an enthusiastic reception. 这位歌手受到了热情的接待。4.(Para. 3) Exhibiting at a trade show offers you one o

16、f the best ways to get in front of many customers and prospects in a relatively shorter time.Paraphrase: Showing your product or service at a trade exhibition provides you with one of the best ways to meet many customers and potential customers in a comparatively shorter time. Structure Analysis: “o

17、ffer” is a ditransive verb, it is often used: offer sb sth. relatively: to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to something else 相对地E-commerce is a relatively recent phenomenon. 电子商务是最近才流行的现象。5.(Para. 3) Trade shows give an opportunity to showcase a companys latest products or services a

18、nd create the first most important impression, which also reflects the companys brand image.Paraphrase: Trade shows give a company a chance to display its newest products or services and create the first most important impression and it also reflects peoples opinions about the product. Structure Ana

19、lysis: “which also reflects the companys brand image” is non-restrictive relative clause. 6.(Para. 4) According to a market research study, 91% of respondents ranked trade show as “extremely useful” source for acquiring product information.Paraphrase: A market research study shows that 91 % of respo

20、ndents considered trade show as “very useful” source for getting production information.rank: to decide the position of someone or something on a list based on quality or importance 排列,归类于We rank among the safest countries in the world. 我们国家是世界上最安全的国家之一。7. (Para. 5) There are many ways to boost busi

21、ness at a trade show.Paraphrase: We can find many ways to improve the development of business at a trade show.Structure Analysis: “there be” construction. boost: to take actions that will make an economy stronger and encourage business activity促进,推动The new resort area has boosted tourism. 新的旅游胜地促进了旅

22、游业的发展。8.(Para. 6) All clients should be emailed in advance, invited to visit the exhibition.Paraphrase: We should email all customers and invite them to visit the exhibition.Structure Analysis: Subject and part of the Predicate is omitted in “invited to visit the exhibition” and its full part should

23、 be “(and they should be) invited to visit the exhibition.”9.(Para. 7) Attendees may only pass once through your booth, so try to maximize the attention you intend to attract them.Paraphrase: People participating in the trade shows may pass through your booth only once, so youd better try to attract

24、 as much their attention as possible. Structure Analysis: “which / that” is omitted in the attributive clause “you intend to attract them” maximize: to increase something as much as possible 使达到最大值The companys main function is to maximize profit. 企业的主要目的就是使利益最大化。10.(Para. 7) Decorate trade show boot

25、hs with bright, colorful displays and banners, to grab their attention.Paraphrase: You should use bright, colorful displays and banners to make trade show booths look more attractive in order to attract their attention. Structure Analysis: It is an imperative sentence. banner: a long strip of cloth

26、or paper used for decoration or advertising横幅The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners. 旁观者呐喊着,欢呼着,挥舞着旗帜。11.(Para. 8) Divide staff into shifts with meal breaks.Paraphrase: You must divide staff into shifts, and during the breaks, staff can have meals. Structure Analysis: This is an i

27、mperative sentence. 12.(Para. 8) The staff has to be available at all the time during the show to deal with customer inquiries.Paraphrase: During the trade show, the workpeople must be at present at any time so that they can deal with customers questions. available: someone who is available is not b

28、usy and has enough time to talk to youCollins was not available for meeting on Thursday night. 科林斯周四晚上没有时间来开会。13.(Para. 9) You dont always have the opportunity to go into as much detail in your presentation as you would like, but trade shows open the doors for future communications, a door that some

29、times is very difficult to get your foot into.Paraphrase: You dont always have the opportunity to make as detailed a description in your presentation as youd like, but trade shows make future communications possible, and sometimes this possibility is very hard to get. Structure Analysis: “that somet

30、imes is very difficult to get your foot into” is attributive clause and it modifies “a door”. Translation of Text A企业如何从商品交易会中获利 商品交易会总是能够吸引好奇的公民众,这也正是商品交易会的目的所在。每年都会组织大量的商品交易会,你可以经常通过传媒了解它们,比如当地的报纸、电视或者网络上。 参展者通常都会在这些商品交易会上展出他们一大部分最新产品或服务,并通过两种方法获利。第一种方法是通过广告和品牌促销。许多目标消费者因此了解到将要推出的新产品。第二种方法则是通过在这些商

31、品交易会上的现场销售。许多热情高涨的消费者会在交易会直接购买新产品。这是因为他们可以在这样的商业活动中获得比较大的折扣。 参加商品交易会是参展商在相对较短的时间内接触到大量消费者的一种好方法。商品交易会为公司提供了一个展示最新产品或服务的机会,为其创造了最为重要的第一印象,这也反映出公司的品牌形象。 一项市场调查显示,百分之九十一的受调查者把商品交易会列为获取产品信息“相当有用”的资源。同时,百分之五十一的受调查者表示曾经在商品交易会上购买过商品或服务。通过商品交易会促进企业发展的方法有很多。为交易会做好充分的准备对于在商品交易会上展出何种产品,企业必须提前计划。并依此设计海报、宣传单以及产品

32、画册。应该提前给所有的客户发邮件,邀请他们来参观展览。吸引参会者的注意参会者可能在你的摊位前只路过一次,因此要尽量吸引他们的注意力。用鲜艳明亮的横幅来装饰你的展摊,以此来吸引他们的注意。你的展摊应该尽力给参会者留下持久的印象,促使他们和你的员工交谈并询问更多的信息。如果你的展摊不能使这一印象持久,那么你很可能会浪费金钱以及一次难得的机会。能够为参会者随时服务在展摊中禁止吃饭。把工作人员分成几班,中间留下吃饭的时间。还应该避免在展摊闲聊或者打电话。如果没有人理他们,参观者很可能会离开。在展销期间,工作人员必须在任何时候都在场以处理顾客的询问。工作人员应该欢迎参观者,让他们有机会开口并了解他们寻找何种产品。为了以后跟进联系,应该记录他们的电子邮件地址和联系信息。在介绍产品时你不可能总是有机会作详尽地介绍,但交易会为将来的沟通敞开了一扇门,这扇门有时候是很难跨入的。因此,对于大多数的企业而言,为商品交易会做努力都是值得的。ComprehensionAnswer KeyTask 11. They are for at

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