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1、学年上外附中高二上英语期中2018/11/092018学年上外外国语大学附属中学高二年级上学期期中考试试卷Choice:15%17That naughty boy observes many times in a video every day the difference between the games he plays and the games_ around him play.A. who B. which C. that D. those18.Mr.Timson is punctual for everything. How_ it have been that he was l

2、ate for the opening ceremony?A. could B. should C. might D. must19. Australia has offered to send a small team of police to help investigate the attack ,_ included identifying victims and assisting families to get over _ is now one of the worlds biggest tragedies.A. which ,that B. which, what C. who

3、, which D. who ,what20._ shoppers with a huge variety of choices for every shopping experience distinguishes online shopping from other forms of purchase.A. Provided B. Providing C. Being provided D. Having provided21._ to live in an English- speaking country that I determined to learn English well

4、.A. so difficult I felt B. so difficult I felt itC. So difficult did I feel D. So difficult did I feel it22._ youve got the keys, legally, you wont be regarded as the owner of the house until you have your ownership certificate in hand.A. When B. Since C .After D. Even though23. Human or animals _ t

5、o have communicable diseases will be detained _ they are proved free of infection.A. suspecting ,until B. having been suspected ,when C. suspected ,until D. being suspected, when24. Some irresponsible social media have been reporting fake news ,which is seen as an extremely _intention to provoke peo

6、ples hatred against the government.A. frail B. sinister C. powerless D. vulnerable25. To be honest, I was not bothered by the loudness of the trumpet player _by his lack of talent. A. as B .than C. so much as D. rather than26. Its not until recently _ there are so many different kinds of hearing def

7、ects. A. have the scientists discovered B. that scientists have discovered 27. Many of the domestic electric devices which are advertised as _the modern woman tend to have the opposite effect.A. liberate B. to liberate C. liberating D. liberated28. Because of the economic slump , there are only _ at

8、 the resort as before. A. two-third as many tourists B. one-third as many tourists C. two-fifths fewer tourists D. tourists as one-third many 29. The teacher always tells us that every minute must be made full use _ for the exams. A. of revising B. of revise C. to revising D. of to revise30. In your

9、 shoes , I _ the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity even though there had been difficulties. A. didnt waste B. wouldnt waste C. hadnt wasted D. wouldnt have wasted31. It seems that the position Jack occupied before his retirement _ by Richard but our department leader forgot to tell him.A. intends to fi

10、ll B. has intended to be filled C. Is intended to be filled D. is intended to fill32. Not having the courage to admit the mistake ,he continuously _ a negative attitude to the investigators _ be accused of interfering with the investigation.A adopted. only to B. employedin order toC. used to D. foll

11、owed but to33. The anti-war group Veterans for Peace plans to construct a memorial with4000 flags, _ a casualty of war.A each representing B each representsC. every representing D. with every to represent34._ in a lonely place as the sun went down, a wolf noticed the long shadow by his body. Fancy a

12、 big fellow like me _ afraid of a lion! he said. Why, I must be thirty yards long! “Ill make myself king and rule all the animals, every single one of them.A. Wanderingcast to beB Wanderedto be cast.beingC. Wanderingcast. beingD. Having wandered. be35. Such attributes are generally considere

13、d important part of what it takesto bring a gold medal home cant beA. which. ignoredB. as. neglectedC. what. overlookedD. that. emulated36. When the storm was over, casualties were taken to _ centres all over theregion and people whose homes accommodation in hotels and guesthousesA emergent. damaged

14、 were givenB emergency. had been damaged were givenC urgent. were damaged givingD urgency. were damaging given37. The teacher walked into the room,_ ,stood in front of the class, and _the class in a friendly way.A. book in handaddressedC. with a book in his hand., addressingB a book in hand. address

15、ingD book in his hand. addressed38. There are_ number of exhibits-as many as 60 different interactiveLaunch Pad gallery the week days and families usually come at weekendsschool parties visit frequently duringA. athe.where B a. the. which C. a/where D the././39 China Daily along with many other broa

16、dsheet newspapers _includingForeign diplomats and tourists as it translates major Chinese newspaper articles in editorials.ItsA are targeted at an international audienceB is targeted at an international audienceC is targeted at many international audiencesD. are targeted at many international audien

17、ce40. The climbing team early in the morning and reached the top of themountain before dark. They then _cooking supper for themselves.A. set out set aboutB. set off. set forC. set around. set downD. set in. set away41. Even when he was in imminent danger of dying due to terminal diseases, the old ma

18、n still tried in his own way to_ the spirit of Chinese culture _the most valuable heritage of human beings can take root in peoples mind and hopefully can be passed on from generation to generation.A spreading, in case B. spread, so thatC spread, so that D. spreading, when 42. I managed to make some

19、 friends and tried to socialize a bit, but when it cameto enlarging my social circle, it was just _difficult for me. I mean it was_ difficult for me.A. much too, too much B. too much, much tooC rather much, fairly too D. very much, much so43. The speed of communications today, as opposed to_, has gr

20、eatly alteredthe manner in which business is conducted.A. the one of yesterday B. that of yesterdayC. communications yesterday D. those of yesterday44. Was everything Einstein _ away from him when Hitler came into power?A liked to take B had be taken C. owned taken D. wanted to be taken45._ with vid

21、eo tape-recorders, color TV sets _ better .A. Compared. Sell B. To compare will sellC. Comparing. are sold D Being compared. are to be sold46. If_, the wound in your arm may become infected。A. leaving untreating B. leaving untreatedC. left untreated D. left untreating Cloze 10%As a physician who tra

22、vels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded “Is there a doctor on board?” announcement. Ive been called only once for a woman who had merely fainted. _47_the accident made me quite curious about how _48_ this kind of thing happens. I wondered what I would do if faced

23、 with a real midair medical emergency-with out access _49_ to hospital staff and the usual emergency equipment. So when the New England Journal of Medicine last week 77 a study about in flight medical events. I read it with interest.The study estimated that there are a(n) _50_ of 30 in-flight medica

24、l emergencies on U.S. flights every day. Most of them are not _51_; fainting and dizziness are the most frequent complaints. But 13% of them roughly four a day are serious enough to _52_ a pilot to change course. The most common of the serious emergencies include heart trouble, stroke and difficulty

25、 breathing.Lets face it: plane rides are 84. For starters, cabin pressures at high altitudes are set at roughly 85 they would be if you lived at 5,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level. Most people can tolerate these pressures pretty _53_ ,but passengers with heart disease 87 experience chest pains as r

26、esult of the _54_ amount of oxygen flowing through their blood. _55_ common in-flight problem is deep venous thrombosis the so-called economy class syndrome happens, dont panic. Things are getting better on the in-flight-emergency front. Thanks to more recent legislation, flights with at least one a

27、ttendant are starting to _56_ emergency medical kits to treat heart attacks.47: AOtherwiseBButCAsDSo48:Asoon BmanyClongDoften49:AassistanceBavailabilityCaccessD. contribution50:AnumberB. sumCamountDaverage51.:Asignificant BcommonCserious Dheavy52:AinquireBacquireCrequireDrequest53:AeasilyBcasuallyCc

28、arefullyDreluctantly54:AreducingBincreasingCincreasedDreduced55:AOneBOtherCAnotherDAny Reading 17%(A)The simple act of surrendering a telephone number to a store clerk may not seem harmfulso much so that many consumers do it with no questions asked. Yet that one action can set in motion a cascade of

29、 silent events, as that data point is acquired, analyzed, categorized, stored and sold over and over again. Future attacks on your privacy may come from anywhere, from anyone with money to purchase that phone number you surrendered. If you doubt the multiplier effect, consider your e-mail inbox. If

30、its loaded with spam, its undoubtedly because at some point in time you unknowingly surrendered your e-mall to the wrong Web site.Do you think your telephone number or address is handled differently? A cottage industry of small companies with names youve probably never heard oflike Acxiom or Merlinbuy and sell your personal information the way other commodities like corn or cattle futures are bartered. You may think your cell phone is unlisted, but

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