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1、M6柯林斯词典U4M6U41. consume /knsum/ ( consumes, consuming, consumed )1. V-T If you consume something, you eat or drink it. 吃; 喝FORMAL例:Martha would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day.玛莎那时每天吃将近一磅奶酪。2. V-T To consume an amount of fuel, energy, or time means to use it up. 消耗例:Some of the most efficie

2、nt refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.一些能效最高的冰箱比传统型号少消耗70%的电。consuming /knsum/1. ADJ A consuming passion or interest is more important to you than anything else. 强烈的例:He has developed a consuming passion for chess.他对国际象棋已经产生了浓厚的兴趣。2. renewable /rnubl/1. ADJ Ren

3、ewable resources are natural ones such as wind, water, and sunlight which are always available. (资源) 可再生的例:.renewable energy sources.可再生能源。2. ADJ If a contract or agreement is renewable, it can be extended when it reaches the end of a fixed period of time. (合同、协议) 可延长有效期的例:A formal contract is signe

4、d which is renewable annually.签署的一份正式合同每年可续签一次。3. greenhouse /grinhas/ ( greenhouses )1. N-COUNT A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather. 温室2. ADJ Greenhouse means relating to or causing the greenhouse effect. 温室的; 造成温室效应的 ADJ n例:.controls

5、 on greenhouse emissions.对温室气体排放量的控制。4. Fahrenheit /frnhat/ADJ Fahrenheit is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. It is represented by the symbol F. 华氏的例:By mid-morning, the temperature was already above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.到上午10点左右,气温已

6、超过华氏100度了。N-UNCOUNT Fahrenheit is also a noun. 华氏温标例:He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.有人问他华氏温标下水的沸点。5. come aboutPHRASAL VERB When you say how or when something came about, you say how or when it happened. 产生; 发生例:The peace agreement came about through intense pressure by th

7、e international community.该和平协议是在国际社会的强大压力下产生的。例:That came about when we went to New York last year.那件事发生在去年我们去纽约时。6. Sophie sufin. 索菲(女子名)例:Sophie: My children would like that; they like dancing very much.索菲:我的孩子们会喜欢的,他们非常喜欢跳舞。7. Armstrong mstrn. 阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员,登月第一人)例: Buzz is still very unsure and t

8、his is ironic for those who dont understand the relationship within that Apollo 11 crew but I dont think Buzz, to this day, really understands Armstrong very well.巴兹也还是很不确定这对那些并不了解阿波罗11号船员之间关系的人来说是个讽刺但是我认为巴兹直到今天还是不能真正地很好了解阿姆斯特朗。8. graph /grf/ ( graphs )N-COUNT A graph is a mathematical diagram which

9、 shows the relationship between two or more sets of numbers or measurements. 图表例:.a graph showing that breast cancer deaths rose about 20 percent from 1960 to 1985.一张显示1960至1985年间乳腺癌死亡人数上升了大约20%的图表。9. random /rndm/1. ADJ A random sample or method is one in which all the people or things involved hav

10、e an equal chance of being chosen. 随机的例:The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across the Midwest.这项调查使用的是对中西部地区2000人的随机取样。randomly ADV随机地 ADV with v例:.interviews with a randomly selected sample of 30 girls aged between 13 and 18.对随机抽取的30名年龄在13至18岁之间的女孩的访谈。2. ADJ If you describe even

11、ts as random, you mean that they do not seem to follow a definite plan or pattern. 随意的例:.random violence against innocent victims.对无辜受害者的随意攻击。randomly ADV随意地 ADV with v例:.drinks and magazines left scattered randomly around.随意四处散落的饮料和杂志。3. PHRASE If you choose people or things at random, you do not u

12、se any particular method, so they all have an equal chance of being chosen. 随机地例:We received several answers, and we picked one at random.我们收到了好几个答案,就随机地拣选了一个。4. PHRASE If something happens at random, it happens without a definite plan or pattern. 随意地例:Three African-Americans were killed by shots fi

13、red at random from a minibus.3名非洲裔美国人被从一辆小型公共汽车中胡乱射出的子弹打死了。10. phenomenon /fnmnn/ ( phenomena )N-COUNT A phenomenon is something that is observed to happen or exist. 现象FORMAL例:.scientific explanations of natural phenomena.自然现象的科学解释。11. subscribe /sbskrab/ ( subscribes, subscribing, subscribed,to sub

14、scribe )1. V-I If you subscribe to an opinion or belief, you are one of a number of people who have this opinion or belief. 持有 (意见或信仰)例:Ive personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.我个人从未持有过一种性别比另一种性别优越的观点。2. V-I If you subscribe to a magazine or a newspaper, y

15、ou pay to receive copies of it regularly. 订阅例:My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.我订阅新科学家的主要原因是要跟上科学的进步。3. V-I If you subscribe to an online newsgroup or service, you send a message saying that you wish to receive it or belong to it. 申请加入 (在线新闻组)

16、; 申请 (在线服务)COMPUTING例:Usenet is a collection of discussion groups, known as newsgroups, to which anybody can subscribe.新闻组网络是由称为新闻组的讨论组组成,任何人都能申请加入。4. V-I If you subscribe for shares in a company, you apply to buy shares in that company. 申购 (股份)BUSINESS例:Employees subscribed for far more shares than

17、 were available.雇员们申购了远比实际数额还多的股份。12. subscibe to持有 (意见或信仰);订阅;申请加入13. fossil /fsl/ ( fossils )N-COUNT A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock. 化石例:At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.时间隔得这么久了, 很难确定这化石的年代。14. fuel /fyul/ ( fu

18、els, fueling, fuelling, fueled, fuelled,to fuel )1. N-MASS Fuel is a substance such as coal, oil, or gasoline that is burned to provide heat or power. 燃料例:They ran out of fuel.他们用完了燃料。2. V-T To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense. 加剧例:The result will inevitably fuel specul

19、ation about the prime ministers future.该结果将不可避免地加剧人们对首相前途的猜测。15. byproduct /baprdkt/ also by-product ( byproducts )N-COUNT A byproduct is something that is produced during the manufacture or processing of another product. 副产品例:The raw material for the tire is a byproduct of gasoline refining.这种轮胎的原料

20、是汽油提炼的副产品。16. Janice dnisn. 贾尼斯(女子名,等于Janis)例: Janice Ellig points out that, if you truly want to prevent another Enron, there are regulators you can contact to report misconduct.贾尼斯艾丽格指出,如果真的想避免“安然”事件重演,“可以向监管部门揭发公司的违规行为。17. Foster /fstr/ ( fosters, fostering, fostered, to foster )1. ADJ Foster par

21、ents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the childs legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child. 收养的 ADJ n例:Little Jack was placed with foster parents.小杰克被安置在养父母家。2. V-T If you foster a child, you take it into your family

22、for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent. 收养例:She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.她此后又通过收养一百多个孩子找到了快乐。3. V-T To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop. 促进例:He said that developed countries had a responsibility t

23、o foster global economic growth to help new democracies.他说发达国家有一种促进全球经济增长以帮助新兴民主国家的责任。18. methane /men/N-UNCOUNT Methane is a colorless gas that has no smell. Natural gas consists mostly of methane. 甲烷19. Celsius /slsis/ADJ Celsius is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 de

24、grees and boils at 100 degrees. It is represented by the symbol C. 摄氏的 (简写为C)例:Highest temperatures 11 Celsius, thats 52 Fahrenheit.最高温度11摄氏度,即52华氏度。N-UNCOUNT Celsius is also a noun. 摄氏温度例:The thermometer shows the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.温度计显示摄氏温度和华氏温度。20. quantity /kwntti/ ( quantiti

25、es )1. N-VAR A quantity is an amount. 数量例:.a small quantity of water.少量的水。2. N-UNCOUNT Things that are produced or available in quantity are produced or available in large amounts. 大量例:After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity.解决了最初的一些问题后,成功地生产出了大量丙酮。3. N-UNCOUNT You

26、 can use quantity to refer to the amount of something that there is, especially when you want to contrast it with its quality. (尤指相对于质量而言的) 数量例:.the less discerning drinker who prefers quantity to quality.重量不重质、识别力较差的饮酒者。4. PHRASE If you say that someone or something is an unknown quantity, you mean

27、 that not much is known about what they are like or how they will behave. 未知量; 未知数例:She had known Max for some years now, but he was still pretty much an unknown quantity.她现在认识马克斯也好几年了,但是他仍然是个大大的未知数。21. quantities of许多例:Victoria has quantities of brown coal.维多利亚有着大量的褐煤。22. tend /tnd/ ( tends, tendin

28、g, tended, to tend )1. V-T If something tends to happen, it usually happens or it often happens. 倾向于; 往往会例:A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy.制造商遇到的一个问题是重量较轻的汽车往往噪音大。2. V-I If you tend toward a particular characteristic, you often display that characteristic. 趋向例:Artis

29、tic and intellectual people tend toward left-wing views.艺术人士和知识分子趋向左翼观点。3. V-T You can say that you tend to think something when you want to give your opinion, but do not want it to seem too forceful or definite. 倾向于 (认为)例:I tend to think that our Representatives by and large do a good job.我倾向于认为我们的

30、众议员们总体上干得不错。23. go up 1. PHRASAL VERB If a price, amount, or level goes up, it becomes higher or greater than it was. 上涨例:Interest rates went up.利率上涨了。例:The cost has gone up to $1.95 a minute.价格已涨到了一分钟$1.95。2. PHRASAL VERB When a building, wall, or other structure goes up, it is built or fixed in pl

31、ace. (建筑物、墙等) 被建造例:He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.他注意到一幢新楼正在惠特克公园附近拔地而起。3. PHRASAL VERB If something goes up, it explodes or starts to burn, usually suddenly and with great intensity. 爆炸; 着火例:The hotel went up in flames.那家宾馆着火了。4. PHRASAL VERB If a shout or cheer goes up, it is made by a lot of people together. (喊声、欢呼声) 响起例:A cheer went up from the other passengers.一阵欢呼声从其他乘客中响起。24. Charles Keeling查尔斯基林例: It was a scientist called Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the at

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