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Section Ⅱ Lesson 1 3.docx

1、Section Lesson 1 3Section Lesson 11DiscussionLook at the following pictures and discuss what traditions you have at Spring Festival and what traditions have changed over the years.The_answer_is_open.2PredictionLook at the pictures on Pages 5253 and predict what the three texts are probably about.The

2、_three_passages_are_probably_about_the_experience_of_the_Spring_Festival_of_Tom,Xu_Gang_and_Li_Yan.1First readingRead the three texts carefully and choose the best answer.(1)Who did Tom Jenkins spend Spring Festival with?AHis friends. BHis family. CHis host family. DHis teachers.(2)What was Spring F

3、estival about when Xu Gang was a kid?AIt was about fireworks,sweets and decorations.BIt was about new clothes.CIt was about a family gathering.DIt was about delicious food.(3)Why do Li Yans family always have jiaozi during Spring Festival?ABecause they are their grandchildrens favorite food.BBecause

4、 they are easy to make.CBecause they are the most delicious food.DBecause they are a sign of their wishes for health and happiness in the coming year.答案(1)C(2)A(3)D与春节相关的词汇1春节 Chinese New Year2除夕 Chinese New Years Eve3春运 Spring Festival travel rush4农历 the lunar calendar5生肖 zodiac animal6春联 Spring Fe

5、stival couplets7春晚 the Spring Festival Gala8舞龙 dragon dance9舞狮 lion dance10庙会 Temple Fair11烟花 fireworks12红包 red envelope13压岁钱 gift money14鞭炮 firecrackers15守岁 stayingup16拜年 New Years visit17团圆饭 family reunion dinner18年夜饭 the dinner on New Years Eve如何做细节理解题1Go through the questions and underline the k

6、ey words.2Read the passage and find the information sentence.3Analyze and understand the information sentence.4Go through the choices and make a choice.2Second readingRead the three texts carefully again and fill in the form.3Third readingRead the three texts again and try to summarize their main id

7、ea in one sentence.The_three_passages_are_mainly_about_the_experience_and_the_meaning_of_the_Spring_Festival_for_Tom,Xu_Gang_and_Li_Yan.1Pair work:Introduce your experience of Spring Festival to your partner.(You can refer to the following aspects:where,with whom,preparation and activities.)The_answ

8、er_is_open.2Group work:Find out the similarities and differences between Spring Festival and Christmas.Spring FestivalChristmassimilaritiesdifferencesThe_answer_is_open.语言现象感知.单词理解体会句中加黑单词的词性和含义1It was my first time spending Spring Festival in China with my host family.n.主人2Next,the Chinese characte

9、r Fu was attached upside down to our front door.n.字.词块积累写出下列词块的含义1host family 寄宿家庭2from top to bottom 从头到尾3sweep away 扫除4upside down 上下颠倒5let off 使某物爆炸6scare away 吓跑7old times 过去的时光8family gathering 家庭团聚.句式欣赏1that引导主语从句,其中又含有when引导的时间状语从句It is believed that when Fu is put upside down,happiness arriv

10、es.2what引导主语从句;who引导表语从句Whats important is who we eat it with.3三个并列的what引导的宾语从句We think about what the children would like to eat,what we need to buy and what dishes need to be prepared.单词语境记忆根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1When the head teacher asks us to do something,we do it immediately (马上)2In Chinese custom(风俗

11、),people often set off fireworks on the Chinese New Year.3It snowed throughout (自始至终) the night.The whole town was covered with snow.4He pretended to be local but his foreign accent (口音) gave him away.5In spite of the fact that his original(最初的) experiments had failed,Pro.White stuck to his research

12、.6Owing to the bad weather,the flight(航班) was delayed for a couple of hours.7He was too shocked to give an account(描述) of what had happened.8Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as decorations (decorate) on their cars.9After the terrible hurricane,the whole house was destroyed entirely (e

13、ntire)10Surrounded(surround)by many people,this spokesman made an inspiring speech.短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语1A week before Earth Day,posters were put_up (张贴) around our school,calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.2Throwing their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let_out(

14、发出) loud shouts of victory.3He filled a glass with water,covered it with a piece of paper and then turned it upside_down(倒置地)4Some people worry the earthquake will scare_away(吓跑) people.5In order to get_ready_for(为做好准备) the examination,the students are studying day and night.6Jan was_sweeping_away_(

15、正在清除) the bits of paper and broken glass then.句式语境仿写1It is believed that when Fu is put upside down,happiness arrives.人们认为将“福”字倒着贴,福就会到来。仿写人们一致认为,互联网使我们的生活变得容易和方便。It_is_believed_that the Internet makes our lives easy and convenient.2Every year,the moment I get on the train,I am surrounded by Shanxi

16、accentsI know that I am heading home to my family.每年,一坐上火车,就会被山西方言包围,我意识到我踏上了回家的路。仿写我一到家就发现把夹克衫忘在操场上了。The_moment_I_got_home,I found I had left my jacket on the playground.3However,what we eat isnt the most important thing.然而,我们吃的什么并不是最重要的。仿写让我吃惊的是,每个人似乎对她都很冷淡。What_surprised_me is that everybody seem

17、ed to be very indifferent to her.记单词.一言串记多义词1According to his daughters account,the old man suffered from amnesia,which accounted for his forgetting his password of his bank account.2The spokesman who represented the company to give a speech at the meeting explained that the design represented the s

18、pirit of their company.构词法助记派生词1名词后缀:ing,ion,ationgather(v.)gathering(n.)greet(v.)greeting(n.)congratulate(v.)congratulation(n.)donate (v.)donation(n.)2副词后缀:lyimmediate(adj.)immediately(adv.)entire(adj.)entirely(adv.)fortunate(adj.)fortunately(adv.)句型公式1It is believed that.“人们认为”。2the moment是名词短语作连词

19、,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。3what引导主语从句时,主句谓语动词一般用单数。1account n描述,叙述;报道;账户 v说明;解释;认为Read the three readers accounts.(教材P52)读三位读者的描述。合作探究体会account的用法和意义We should take his health into account and then make a decision.我们应该先考虑他的健康状况,然后再做决定。The heavy rain may have accounted for the absence of so many students this

20、morning.大雨可能导致了今早很多学生缺席。On no account should you leave the baby alone in the house.你切不可将婴儿独自留在家中。On account of lack of human protection,the number of Yangtze Finless Porpoise is becoming smaller and smaller.由于缺少人类的保护,中国长江江豚的数量在逐渐减少。自主发现account for说明(原因等);作出解释;占比例on account of 由于,因为on no account 决不(放

21、在句首时,句子要倒装)take.into account/take account oftake.into consideration 将考虑在内巩固内化(1)单句语法填空As far as I know,Peters careless driving accounted for the terrible accident.She retired early on account of ill health.I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into account when judging my examination.(2)同义句转

22、换I sincerely hope that you will take my suggestions into account.I sincerely hope that you will take_account_of my suggestions.We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.The bad weather accounted_for our delayed departure.2attach vt.贴;固定;附上;喜欢,依恋attached adj.依恋的;附加的Next,the Chinese chara

23、cter Fu was attached upside down to our front door.(教材P52)接着,汉字“福”被倒着贴在门上。合作探究体会attach的用法和意义Many of us teenagers attach much more importance to our phones than to our friends.我们很多青少年认为手机要比朋友重要得多。Attach a recent photo to your application form.请在申请表上贴一张近照。This hospital is attached to the medical colle

24、ge nearby.这家医院附属于附近的那所医学院。自主发现把固定到/附/贴在上attach importance to 认为重要(be) attached to 附属于;依恋巩固内化(1)单句语法填空Attach a stamp to the envelope before you post your letter.The middle school attached (attach) to Beijing Normal University is wellknown across the country.(2)完成句子It is wise of parents to a

25、ttach_great_importance_to_their childrens education对于父母们来说,重视孩子们的教育是明智的。Mary_is_attached_to_her_mother,so if she goes abroad,she may feel homesick.玛丽非常依恋她母亲,因此,如果她要出国,她有可能会想家。3scare vt.使(某人)惊恐; 吓唬 n惊恐scared adj.害怕的;被吓呆了的Mrs Chen said that it was to scare away the monster Nian.(教材P52)陈女士说这是为了吓走“年”兽。合

26、作探究体会scare的用法和意义Some parents try to scare their children into behaving well.有些父母试图用吓唬的方法使孩子守规矩。The dog scared the thief away.那条狗把小偷吓跑了。Ive always been scared of dogs.我一直怕狗。The girl is scared of going out alone.这个女孩不敢一个人外出。I felt scared to death when watching the thriller.看这部恐怖片时,我吓得要死。自主发现scare sb i

27、nto doing sth威胁/恐吓(某人做某事)scare sb/sth away 把吓跑be scared of sb/sth 害怕某人/某事be scared 害怕做某事be/feel scared to death 吓得要死巩固内化(1)单句语法填空Most girls are scared to_go(go) out alone at night.At first,John was scared of planes,but two years later,flying to other countries on business is his main business.Hearin

28、g the sudden shot,the little boy was almost scared (scare) to death.(2)完成句子I was_nearly_scared_to_death when hearing that big noise.听到那巨大的声音,我几乎被吓死。She was_scared_to_stay outside after 19 oclock because she was_scared_of_being_robbed19点以后她不敢待在外面因为害怕被抢劫。4surround vt.围绕,环绕,包围surrounding adj.(作定语)周围的;附

29、近的surroundings n环境(指周围的具体的物质环境)Every year,the moment I get on the train,I am surrounded by Shanxi accentsI know that I am heading home to my family.(教材P53)每年,一坐上火车,就会被山西方言包围,我意识到我踏上了回家的路。合作探究体会surround的用法和意义The moment he got out of the airport,the famous pop star was surrounded by his fans.这位著名歌星一出飞

30、机场,就被歌迷围了起来。The professor loves to surround himself with his students.那位教授喜欢和他的学生们在一起。Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.只有这样我们才能生活在更舒适更美丽的环境里。自主发现surround sb/sth with sb/sth使某人/物包围某人/物be surrounded by/with. 被包围巩固内化单句语法填空It took me a few weeks to get used to my new surroundings(surround)They all went out to look for the lost child in the surrounding(surround) villages.The film star was surrounded by/with a crowd of young pe

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