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1、大学体验英语自主学习1级答案101He Bin: Hello, David. What are you doing this afternoon?David: Nothing special. Why?He Bin: Would you like to go roller skating with me?David: Oh, thats a terrific idea.He Bin: Great, Ill pick you up at your house at 2 oclock. OK?David: OK. See you then.He Bin: See you.Zhou Ming: Hi

2、, Dick. I was wondering if youd like to come to a party on Saturday evening?Dick: Wow, that sounds wonderful. Id love to.Zhou Ming: Were holding it at the Star Club, about 8 oclock.Dick: Ok. But what should I wear?Zhou Ming: Its quite a formal party. I think youd better dress up a little.Dick: Fine.

3、 Thank you very much.Zhou Ming: Are you free this evening.Karen: Im not sure. Why?Zhou Ming: Well, Im thinking of asking you to go to a movie with me.Karen: Oh, thanks, but. Im sorry to say I have a test tomorrow. Zhou Ming: Never mind. I quite understand. Maybe some other time.Karen: Yeah. How abou

4、t this weekend?Paul: Hi, Li Hong. How are you doing?Li Hong: Pretty good.Paul: Do you feel like going out for dinner tonight?Li Hong: Sure. Id love to. Where do you want to meet?Paul: How about meeting in front of the club?Li Hong: Great! Why dont we go dancing after the dinner?Paul: Thats a great i

5、dea.Dick: Li Hong, do you want to go to play tennis this Saturday afternoon?Li Hong: Id love to, but I have to visit my parents.Dick: Well, how about Sunday, then?Li Hong: Sunday? Im really sorry. I cant make it either.Dick: Oh, thats too bad.Li Hong: But. Im free this afternoon.Dick: Wow, thats gre

6、at!-102A: Excuse me.B: Yes? Is there anything I can do for you?A: I bought a DVD yesterday, but the movie was blank in the middle. Could you change it for another one?B: May I see your receipt?A: Yes. Here you are.B: OK. Ill get you a new one. Im really sorry about this. A: Thats OK. Thanks for your

7、 help.Dick: Whats the matter, Li Hong?Li Hong: Can you believe it? There is something wrong with my computer again. I had it repaired two days ago.Dick: Im sorry to hear that.Li Hong: I have to finish my paper this afternoon. May I use yours?Dick: Sure. No problem.Li Hong: Thanks. I really appreciat

8、e it.A: Excuse me, Madame, can you help me?B: Sure.A: Id like to find the way to the Great Wall Hotel.B: Well, it is not far from here. Just go straight down this road. Walk for two blocks, then turn right at the crossroads. You cant miss it.A: I see. Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.A: Thanks,

9、Dick, for helping me with my English.B: Oh, its no trouble at all. Im glad I could help.A: I think its always so difficult for me.B: Well, whenever you need any help, just give me a call.A: Its very kind of you. Many thanks.A: Oh, Im so sorry Im late. Have you been waiting long?B: Its nothing. Ive b

10、een waiting here for about 30 minutes.A: Thirty minutes!? I feel terrible.B: It is a little hot here.A: Please forgive me. We had a meeting after class, so I couldnt get here on time. B: Forget it. Its okay.-103A: Hello? This is Mr. Carters office.B: Hello, This is John Wayne. Id like to make an app

11、ointment to see Mr. Carter.A: Let me see. Could you come in at 2 oclock this Friday?B: Im afraid not. Usually I dont get off work until 4 oclock. Can you make it after 4 oclock?A: Well, he will be waiting for you at 4:30 in his office.B: OK. Thatll be great. Thanks.Maria: Sales department. Mr. Wayne

12、s office. Can I help you?Jason: Its Michael Jason here. Can I speak to Mr. Wayne, please?Maria: Im afraid Mr. Wayne is out of the office today. Can I take a message?Jason: I just want to arrange a meeting with him for sometime later this week, or next week.Maria: Just let me check his diary. Next we

13、ek is better for him. What about Tuesday?Jason: Tuesday, 5th April? Thats fine for me. What time?Maria: Early afternoon? Is two thirty OK for you?Jason: Yes thats fine. Thanks.Maria: Youre welcome.Maria: Sales department. Mr. Waynes office. Can I help you?Jason: Hello. This is Michael Jason speaking

14、.Maria: Oh, hi, Jason. Its Maria.Jason: Is Mr. Wayne there?Maria: Sorry, hes just gone out.Jason: Ah, I see. Look, Maria, you know the meeting we planned at the end of last month?Maria: Yes. You wanted to talk about next seasons sales projections.Jason: Yes, thats right. Its on the 5th of April. I a

15、m afraid I cant make it then. My boss is sending me to China that week. Can you tell Mr. Wayne that we will have to postpone the meeting to sometime the week after?Maria: Yes, of course. No problem!Kate: Hello?Tim: Hi, Kate? This is Tim Carter. I dont know if you remember me. but, uh. we were in the

16、 same biology class last year.Kate: Oh, sure. You were always asking questions.Tim: Uh, no. That was Tim Price. He sat in front of me.Kate: You. dissected. frogs?Tim: Uh, yeah. Kate, I was wondering.Would you like to come over and have coffee with me sometime this weekend?Kate: Well, actually, Im go

17、ing to be away this weekend.Tim: How about next weekend?Kate: Im really kind of busy these days.Tim: Well, OK. Maybe some other time.-104A: Hello, Wang Lin. This is Wayne.B: Oh, Wayne, how are you doing?A: Not bad. Are you free Saturday night?B: Yes. Why?A: Well, do you feel like going to a concert?

18、B: Oh, thats terrific!A: Then Ill pick you up at 7 oclock at your house.B: OK, see you at 7, then.Lu Hong: Excuse me, Dick. Could you lend me your dictionary?Dick: Please. Youre welcome to use it.Lu Hong: Thank you. By the way, where did you get it?Dick: From the Foreign Language Bookstore downtown.

19、Lu Hong: Would you mind telling me how I can get there?Dick: Of course not, its really quite simple. Its near the Department Store on Wangfujing street.Dick: Good morning, Lu Yi.Lu Yi: Good morning, Dick. How are you getting on these days?Dick: Im doing just fine, thanks. Everyone here is warm and f

20、riendly.Lu Yi: Is there anything I can do for you?Dick: Yes, please. Could you accompany me to the Department Store some time this week?Lu Yi: Id be happy to. How about this afternoon?Dick: Great! Thank you so much.Tim: Excuse me. May I know your name, please?Lu Yi: Yes, my name is Lu Yi.Tim: Is Yi

21、your surname?Lu Yi: No, Lu is my surname, and Yi is my given name.Tim: Thank you. And could I have your phone number?Lu Yi: Of course. Its 36202579.Tim: 36202579. Thank you.A: Miss Park, could you rush this report please?B: How many pages?A: About 25 pages.B: When do you want it typed?A: Tomorrow mo

22、rning. Can you manage it by then?B: Well, I think Ill have to work late to get it finished.A: Thanks a lot.A: Excuse me, I dont mean to be nosy, but I wonder if you can tell me how old you are?B: I beg your pardon?A: I was wondering about your age.B: Well, sorry, but that is none of your business.A:

23、 Im sorry. I didnt mean to offend you.B: Oh, dont take it personally. I never tell anyone my age.-105Lu Yi: Dick, take a seat, please.Dick: Thank you.Lu Yi: What would you like to drink beer, wine or Maotai?Dick: What is Maotai?Lu Yi: Its a kind of spirit, a real Chinese specialty.Dick: Really? OK.

24、Ill have a sip.A: What do you think about the dishes?B: They look inviting and taste delicious.A: Would you care for some seafood?B: Marvelous. The Chinese way of cooking seafood is my favorite.A: Im glad you like Chinese food. Have some more, please. Lets drink to your health.B: And to our cooperat

25、ion.A: Which would you prefer, tea or coffee?B: I would like some coffee, please.A: Do you take milk and sugar?B: Milk would be nice, but I dont care for any sugar.A: Would you like to have some dessert?B: No, thanks. Im not fond of sweet things. Just a coffee would be fine.Lu Hong: Dick, tell me so

26、me of your favorite things? Dick: What do you mean by that?Lu Hong: To be more specific, tell me your favorite color, for example. Dick: Well, let me think. I like pink. What is your favorite color?Lu Hong: I like every color.Dick: Really?Lu Hong: Yes. Life would be very boring with just one color.D

27、ick: Hello, Mr Lu. When did you arrive in London?Lu Yi: Two weeks ago.Dick: What do you think of the weather here?Lu Yi: Its all right, but it rains quite a lot.Dick: How do you like the weather in your country?Lu Yi: I like it. Its warm at this time of year. I enjoy visiting the gardens in Xiangsha

28、n Park.-106A: Ally, youve been working in your office for a long time.Ally: Im working on a report.A: Have you finished yet?Ally: Its almost done.A: You must be very tired. Lets go somewhere and relax.Ally: All right. Lets go for a walk.A: As your doctor, I strongly advise you to go on a low-fat die

29、t.B: Do you really think thats important?A: Definitely. If you dont, you might have a heart attack some day.B: Well, I think I should take your advice this time. You have been very helpful. Thanks.A: Good morning. I would like to read some novels in the original to improve my English. What books wou

30、ld you recommend?B: It might be a good idea to read some simplified readers first. You will enjoy them more and be able to read them faster. Start on the originals later.A: Thats a good idea. Thank you for your advice.B: All the simplified readers are on those shelves on the left.A: The contest is about to start. Im getting cold feet.B: Come on

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