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1、大运会志愿者常用英语100句青奥会志愿者常用英语100句志愿者必备大运关键词1、组织机构 OrganizationsInternational Olympics Committee (IOU)国际奥林匹克委员会Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 20142014年南京青年奥林匹克运动会Organizing Committee for the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games 2014南京青奥会组委会2、场馆 VenuesYouth Olympic Sports Park 青年体育公园 Wutaishan 五台山体育场馆Nanjing Olympic S

2、ports Centre 南京奥体中心Fangshan Training Base Archery Field 方山训练基地射箭场Nanjing Sport Institute 南京体育学院Youth Olympic Village Training Venue 青奥村训练场Nanjing Heavy Athletics School 南京重竞技学校Nanjing International Expo Centre 南京国际博览中心Nanjing Rowing-Canoeing School 南京水上运动学校Laoshan Mountain Bike Course 老山山地车竞技场Laosha

3、n Road Cyling Course 老山公路自行车运动场Nanjing Equestrian Venue 南京马术竞技场 Qingliangshan Sports School 清凉山体校Jiangning Football Training Base 江宁足球训练基地Jiangning Sports Centre 江宁体育场Nanjing Zhongshan International Golf Club 南京钟山国际高尔夫俱乐部 Longjiang Gymnasium 龙江体育馆Jinniu Lake Sailing Venue 金牛湖帆船比赛中心China Tennis Insti

4、tute 中国网球中心Xuanwu Lake Triathlon Venue 玄武湖铁人三项竞技场3、比赛项目 GamesAthletics田径Basketball篮球Fencing击剑Football足球Gymnastics体操Judo柔道Swimming游泳Diving跳水Water Polo水球Table Tennis乒乓球Tennis 网球Volleyball排球4、人员 ParticipantsAthlete运动员Coach教练Team Leader领队Technical Delegate技术代表Referee裁判员Chief Referee裁判长Volunteer志愿者Specta

5、tor观众Media / Journalist媒体/记者Medical Staff医疗卫生人员Security Personnel安保人员5、赛中 During the GameAthletes Lounge 运动员休息室Doping Control 兴奋剂检测Eligibility 参赛条件Disqualification 取消资格/禁赛Protests & Appeals 抗议与申诉Assistance 援助Penalty 处罚Showing a Yellow Card 出示黄牌Sounding a Whistle or Horn 吹口哨或喇叭Waving a Red Flag or Ca

6、rd 挥动红旗和红牌Suspension 停赛Ban 禁赛6、其他 OthersCommand Center/Headquarters 指挥中心/总部Press Center 新闻中心Opening Ceremony 开幕式Victory Ceremony 颁奖仪式Closing Ceremony 闭幕式Medal奖牌Trophy 奖杯志愿者服务必备经典句7、Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening.您好!早上/下午/晚上好。8、How are you?您好吗?9、How was your trip?您的旅途还愉快吗?10、Im really happy to

7、meet you。非常高兴见到您。11、Welcome to Nanjing.欢迎您到南京来。12、My name is Li Gang. Nice to meet you.我叫李刚。很高兴见到您。13、We are volunteers for Nanjing 2ndth Summer Youth Olympic Games.我们是南京第2届青奥会志愿者。14、I feel honored to know you.能认识您我很荣幸。15、Its very kind /nice of you.您真是太好了。16、I appreciate it very much.我非常感谢。17、Thank

8、you very much.太谢谢您了。18、Youve been very helpful.您帮了我大忙了。19、Im (very/terribly)sorry.(非常)对不起。20、Excuse me for a minute.请原谅我失陪一下。21、Please accept our apologies.请接受我们的歉意。22、Im sorry. I didnt mean it.对不起,我不是有意的。23、Can/May I help you?我能帮您吗?24、Do you need a hand?您需要帮忙吗?25、What can I do for you?我能为你做点儿什么吗?26

9、、Would you like me to get you a taxi?需要我帮您叫一辆的士吗?27、Please let me know if you need any help.如果您需要帮助的话,请告诉我。28、You may come to me anytime you need help.如果您需要帮助,随时都乐意来找我。29、Where are you heading?您要到哪儿去?30、Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights。请直走,在交通灯处向左拐。31、Walk down this road to the

10、first crossing and then turn to the right.沿着这条路直走到第一个十字路口再向右拐。32、Take the elevator down to Basement Level One and its right there。搭电梯到负一层,它就在那儿。33、 The elevators are beside the escalators over there.直升电梯就在那边扶手电梯的旁边。34、It takes twenty minutes to walk there.从这儿走过去得二十分钟。35、You cant miss it.您不会错过的。36、Wh

11、ats wrong?/What seems to be the trouble?您怎么了?37、How are you feeling today?您今天感觉如何?38、Maybe youre just tired and need a good rest.可能你只是太累了,需要好好休息一下。39、Youll be fine.您会好起来的。40、Do you have any drug allergies?您对什么药物过敏吗?41、You have to keep an eye on your diet and take good rests.您得注意饮食,好好休息。42、You need t

12、o see a doctor.您得去看医生。43、The doctor is coming.医生正在赶来。44、You should take some hot tea and get a good sleep.您应该喝些热茶,好好睡一觉。45、Please follow me.请跟我来。46、This way please.请这边走。47、In case of difficulty again, do not hesitate to ask our volunteers for help.如果再有什么困哪,请别客气,一定要找我们志愿者帮忙。48、Well do our best to pro

13、vide you with good services,and make you feel at home.我们会尽力为各位提供最好的服务,让你们感觉像在家里一样。49、Are you looking for the right gate? I am a volunteer.您是在找入口吗?我是志愿者。50、Please follow the signs and get out of here as soon as possible.请按照批示标志尽快离开这里。51、Please form a line,and get out of this building from the nearest

14、 exit quickly and quietly.请排好队,快速、安静地从最近的出口离开这里。52、Do not panic.别惊慌.53、Excuse me. You cant smoke here.对不起,您不能在此吸烟.54、Im sorry. Im afraid thats not allowed.对不起,恐怕这是不允许的。55、Without a valid certificate,no one can get into this building. Thats the regulation.没有有效证件,谁也不能进入大楼。这是规定。56、You mustnt enter the

15、building without going through the security check.未通过安检,您不得入内。志愿者必备经典对话57、A: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Steven,the team leader of Australian delegation?B: Yes, I am.A: Great!Let me introduce myself. We are volunteers sent by the Executive Board for the Nanjing 2nd Youth Olympic Games. My name is Li Gang

16、.B: Oh,wonderful!My name is John Steven. Nice to meet you.A: Glad to meet you too,Mr. Steven. Welcome to Nanjing. We are responsible for guiding you all to the designated hotel, the Pavilion Hotel.B: Thanks for coming to meet us.A: My pleasure. How was your trip?B: It was pleasant all the way.A: Tha

17、ts great! So you have got all your team members here?B: Yes. They are all here.A: OK. Everythings ready now. Lets get on the bus. We will drive you to the Pavilion Hotel.B: Well, where do we pick up the luggage?A: This way, please.Could you all please take your luggage and follow us?A:您好,请问您是澳大利亚的领队

18、史蒂芬先生吗?B:是的,我就是。A:好!让我来介绍一下自己。我是南京第2届青奥会执委会派来的志愿者,我叫李刚。B:太好了!我是约翰史蒂芬。很高兴认识你。A:我也很高兴认识你,史蒂芬先生。欢迎你到中国来。我负责带领你们到指定的圣廷苑酒店办理入住。B:谢谢你前来接待。A:不用客气。旅途怎样?B:一直很愉快。A:那就好!你们代表团的所有团员都到齐了吗?B:是的。都到齐了。A:好的。所有东西都准备好了。我们上车吧。我们将开车送你们到圣廷苑酒店。B:好啊。我们在哪里取行李?A:在这边请带上所有的行李跟我走。58、A: Hi, Mr. Li?I come here to express my apprec

19、iation for your help all these days. I really enjoy my stay here.B: Youre welcome.A: Im returning to America today. So I thank you for all the time youve spent on my account during my stay here.B: Dont mention it. I was only too pleased to be of assistance.A: If theres anything that I can help you w

20、ith in the future, please let me know.B: Thank you. Have a safe trip home.A: Sure. Take care.A:您好,李先生。我是专程前来对您的帮助表示感谢的。我在这里过得很愉快。B:不用客气。A:我今天就要回美国了。所以我感谢您在我逗留期间给予的帮助。B:别客气。我十分高兴能帮上忙。A:如果将来有什么需要我帮忙的话,找我好了。B:谢谢。祝您一路顺风。A:我会的。您保重。59、A: Excuse me. Are you a volunteer?B: Yes, I am. What can I do for you,

21、sir?A: Can you tell me whats going on here? Why cant we go into the stadium?B: Im sorry, sir. Before entering the stadium, all spectators must go through the security check. And that takes some time.A: I see. It seems that we have to wait quite a while.B: Im sorry about that. But this is a necessary

22、 procedure.A: But look at such a long lineB: Please accept our apology. I hope you can understand. A: Thats all right. Youre doing what you have to do.B: Thank you for your understanding. Im sure it wont take too long.A:打扰一下。请问你是志愿者吗?B:是的。请问我有什么可以帮忙的吗?A:你能告诉我这儿发生了什么事吗?为什么我们不能进体育场?B:对不起,先生。所有观众进入体育场之

23、前都必须通过安全检查,这需要一点时间。A:原来是这样。看来我们得等上好一会儿了。B:非常抱歉。但这是个必要的程序。A:可是你看看这老长的队伍。B:请接受我们的歉意。希望你能理解。A:没关系。我们只是尽力在做好工作而已。B:谢谢您的理解。我相信这不会占太长时间的。60、A: Good afternoon, madam. Is there anything that I can do for you?B: Oh, yes, please. Could you help me carry these baggages to the gate over there?A: No problem.B: I

24、ts really nice of you.A: My pleasure.B: By the way, could you tell me how I can get to the airport?A: You can take the bus to get there. The bus station is just around the corner.B: How long will it take me to get there?A: About an hour, I think.B: My flight is at four oclock. Im afraid I wont be ab

25、le to make it.A: If thats the case, Id suggest you take a taxi.B: Sounds right.A: If you dont mind, you may stay here with your baggages while I go get you a taxi.B: That would be very nice of you. Thank you very much.A: You are welcome.A:下午好,女士。有什么需要我帮忙的吗?B:哦,好的,谢谢。可以帮我把这些行李箱搬到那边的大门口吗?A:没问题。B:你真好。A

26、:我很高兴能帮上忙。B:我还想问问我怎样去机场?A:您可以坐公共汽车去。汽车站就在转角处。B:我去到那儿要多久?A:我想大约要一个小时。B:我要赶4点的航班,恐怕来不及。A:这样的话,我建议您打出租车去。B:好主意。A:如果您不介意的话,您可以在这里看着行李,我帮您叫出租车。B:那真是太感谢你了。A:不用客气。61、A:Excuse me, Miss. You look puzzled. Can I help you?B: Oh, yes. I seem to be lost. Could you tell me how I can get to the Diwang Building?A:

27、Sure. You can take the subway to get there.B: I just cant figure out the subway system at all. As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.A: Or you can take Bus No.12 to get there. The bus station is just across the street, see?B: Oh, I get it. Thank you.A: And could you tell me the w

28、ay to the nearest bank?I need to draw out some money.B: The bank may be far away from here. I would advise you to use ATM. There are some ATMs on the second floor of this building. You may take the escalator around that corner.A: Thank you very much.B: No problem. Have a nice day.A:小姐,您好。您看上去很困惑。需要帮

29、忙吗?B:哦。好啊。我好像迷路了。你能告诉我怎么去地王大厦吗?A:当然可以。坐地铁就能直接到达。B:我看不懂地铁路线,只要下到地下,我就迷失了方向感。A:或者您可以坐12号公共汽车去。车站就在马路对面,看见了吗?B:哦,看见了。谢谢。还想问问最近的银行在哪里?我需要取点钱。A:这里离银行可能挺远的。我建议你使用自动取款机。这栋楼的二楼有几台,您可以在那边拐角搭电梯上去。B:非常感谢。A:不用客气。祝您今天玩得开心。62、A:Whats the trouble with you?B: I fell off my bike and hurt my legs.A: Where exactly doe

30、s it hurt?B: Right here.A: Its all bruised and swollen. Take it easy. Im giving you a first aid right now.B: How do you feel now?A: The pain relieves now. Can I go back to my game?B: Maybe you should wait a few more minutes. But dont worry. Youll be alright soon.A:你怎么了?B:我从单车上摔下来,弄伤了我的脚。A:你痛的地方在哪里?B:就在这里。A:充血红肿了。放松点。我现在给你作紧急处理。A:现在觉得怎么样了?B:疼痛缓解了。我可以回去比赛吗?A:也许你再等上几分钟。不过不用担心,很快就会好的。63、A: Excuse me, madam. I am a volunteer. What can I do for you?B: Im looking for Gate F. My friends and I are supposed to meet there. But I seem to be lost. A: Don

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