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1、九年级英语下测试题英 语 试 卷第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节:单项填空(满分20分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其番号填入机读卡相应的位置。21.Would you like to help me with my English tomorrow ? Yes, _. A. I would B. Id like C. Id like to 22. There are many _on the table . A. potatos B. meat C. tomatoes23. This is the last thing_ I

2、 have to do this night . A. that B. which C. who24. He is a student of _ international middle school. A. an B. a C. /25. Its _ hot in Leshan in summer. But its even _ in Chengdu. A. quite, hot B. very, hot C. very, hotter26. I have _ the book for 3 weeks from the library . A. borrowed B. kept C. len

3、t27. Did you find Mr. Cheng in the park ? Oh, I _ , but I couldnt see him . A. looked like B. looked around C. looked into28. Jim dislikes people _ talk much but never do anything. A. whom B. when C. who29. What is your father like , Tommy ? _. A. He is forty B. He is warm and friendly C. He is a wo

4、rker30. We want to know the reason _ she has been to America several times. A. when B. where C. why31. Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he _. A. will arrive B. was arriving C. arrives 32. Its a good habit to practice _ English aloud every morning. A. to read B. reading C. read33. Not on

5、ly I but also Tom _ interested in English because it _useful. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is 34. I have never heard him _ the song. By the way, can he sing it ? A. sings B. sang C. sing35. The place _ interested Bob most was the Great Wall in China. A. which B. where C. who36. This book is very int

6、eresting. Yes, It _by the famous writerJohn Brown. A. was written B. write C. be written37. We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet. Really ?But can you tell me _ it ? A. how I can use B. how can I use C. why can I use38. Could you give me _? A. an advice B. some advice C. any advice39

7、.Hi, Kate. Were going to help Grandma Li with her housework this Saturday afternoon. _. A. So I am B. So do I C. So am I40.Look ! Mr Hu is on the other side of the street . It _ be him. He has gone to Chengdu. A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt 第二节:完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,读懂大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C选项、D四个

8、选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将其番号填入机读卡相应的位置。Mr Green works in an office in Chicago. _41_ Saturday, he went to the office to do some work. When he got on the elevator(电梯), it stopped between the _42_. Mr Green could not get out of the elevator. He started to _43_, but no one _44_him. Then Mr Green remembered

9、 that it was a holiday in America. No one was going to come to work _45_ Tuesday .There was _46_for him to do . He had to wait. With nothing to eat _47_ drink, Mr Green slpet for most of time. Early Tuesday morning, his _48_came to work and found the elevator was not working. When the elevator was _

10、49_, Mr Green came out. He was cold, weak, and tired. He had been in the elevator for about sixty-four _50_! Now Mr Green says, “I will use elevators if they have a telephone in them. ”( )41. A. On B. An C. All D. None( )42. A. buildings B. rooms C. steps D. floors( )43. A. speak B. say C. shout D.

11、laugh( )44. A. saw B. heard C. came D. talked( )45. A. until B. on C. by D. since( )46. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything( )47. A. and B. for C. or D. but( )48. A. wife B. teachers C. parents D. workmates( )49. A. closed B. opened C. clean D. empty( )50. A. hours B. days C. minutes D

12、. weeks第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将其番号填入机读卡相应的位置。(A)国庆期间,华联商厦部分商品在热销中,请阅读下面的商品促销单,然后完成5155题。Hualian Clothing StoreClothesColorPriceSweaterwhite, blue$30Tshirtred, yellow$10Sockswhite$3hatwhite, green$6pantsblack$12( )51. You can buy _ in Hualian Clothing Store . A.

13、 black socks B. a red Tshirt C. a red sweater( )52. The price of a sweater and a hat is _. A. $40 B. $18 C. $36( )53. You like yellow and you only have $15. You can take _. A. a hat B. a Tshirt C. a pair of socks( )54. Which is the most expensive of all ? A. The sweater. B. The pants C. The Tshirt(

14、)55. You only have thirteen dollars. You can buy _ with the money. A. a pair of pants and a hat B. a pair of socks and a sweater C. a pair of socks and a hat(B)Have you ever seen snow ?Many people in the world have not. Some countries never have snow; some have only a little on the tops of very high

15、 mountains . In the north of England , there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England, there is usually little.When a student from a warm country comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first . There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in Eng

16、land in autumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this.But snow is different. Though it is cold , it is also beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day , and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks “Is it so late ?” and jumps out of bed. But

17、no, it is not very late. He looks out of the window and there is the snow on the ground and on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean, beautiful snow.( )56. In which part of England is there much snow in winter? A. In the north B. In the south C. In the west( )57. In the a

18、utumn of England, we can NOT often see _. A. strong winds B. dark clouds C. grey sky( )58. In England both snow and autumn rain are _. A. beautiful B. clean C. cold( )59. Why does the student ask himself “Is it so late ?”A. Because its really late .B. Because he has some work to do .C. Because it is

19、 bright in the room.( )60. Which of the following statements is right ?A. Every country in the world has snow in winter.B. Many people in the world havent seen snow.C. It is often very warm in the autumn of England.(C)This morning , a boy of twelve saw a small fire at one end of a ship. Tom left hom

20、e very early, against the wishes of his father, to see the ships at the port. It was a good thing that he did, because there was nobody else around, and the small fire grew dangerously big very soon .Tom stood near the ship and shouted at the top of his voice. He woke up the port (港口)workers living

21、nearby.The ship was one of the six big ships in port at the time and they were all carrying oil(石油)and paper.The fire burned hundreds of boxes of paper, so it spread very quickly. The end of the ship was black with smoke, but thanks to Tom, the fire didnt reach the oil.Tom was also lucky, because hi

22、s father was pleased rather than angry with him.( )61. When Tom saw the fire , he was _. A. at home B. at the port C. on the ship( )62. It was a small fire _. A. but it grew big very quickly B. and luckily it stayed small C. but it grew big very slowly( )63. As soon as the boy saw the fire, _. A. he

23、 knocked on the doors of nearby houses B. he ran back home to tell his father C. he shouted to wake up the workers nearby( )64. The ship was carrying _. A. paper and wood B. oil and paper C. wood but not oil( )65. The fire _. A. burned boxes of paper at first B. burned oil at last C. burned the boy(

24、D)Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning. Others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world.Sometimes, we do not have enough time to

25、 read all the news carefully, so we just take a quick look at the front page. At other times, we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the headlines of the passage .Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in big citie

26、s, but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers.Some newspapers are published once a week, but most of the papers are published once a day with many pages, some even published twice a day ! You know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news and others prefe

27、r short stories. They just choose what they are interested in .Today newspapers in English have the largest numbers of readers in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily or 21st Century . Also they bring us more and

28、more information with Internet.( )66. People read newspapers in order to _. A. learn the latest news B. meet their own different needs C. read the short stories( )67. From the passage we can see that _ when people get newspapers. A. they read them very carefully B. they just read the headlines C. no

29、t everyone reads all the pages( )68. Newspapers have so many pager because_.A. more and more people like to read them B. newspapers become cheaperC. people enjoy reading something different( )69. Newspapers _are the most popular in the world . A. in English B. in Chinese C. in other language( )70. A

30、ccording to the passage , besides newspapers , people also get information from _. A. buses B. TV C. Internet卷II(共四部分,满分40)第一部分 口语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从对话后的选项中选择适当的选项补全对话,把相应的字母填在小题后的横线上。(A)A: Where do you come from, please ?B: Guess!A: You come from Guangzhou, dont you ?B: Yes, I do . _71_A: The way you speak ! When did you move to Beijing?B: _72_A: Why did you move to Beijing?B: _73_A: What does your father do , then ?全卷共12页 第9页B: He teaches math in a middle school.A: Oh, _74_Could I ask him to help me with my maths now ?B: Im afraid you cant. Hes in hospital now. He is ill .A:

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