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1、七年级英语上册完形填空经典题型带答案word2020-2021年七年级英语上册完形填空经典题型带答案(word)一、七年级英语上册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1根据短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选取最佳答案填空。 It is not 1 for a woman like me to go shopping. Why do I say that? Firstly, I have three children to look 2 . My husband doesnt even know how to 3 them. I think its my own fault. I always do

2、 all the things myself instead of(而不是) teaching 4 . So I feel very 5 every day though I am a homemaker(家庭主妇). Maybe I think I feel even more tired than my husband. How can I find free time to 6 ? If I do, how should I do with my three children? The oldest of them is only five years old. Secondly, I

3、am getting much 7 . So its hard for me to find clothes that fit me well. Lastly, and I think its the most 8 . We dont have enough 9 for pretty clothes. We have to raise(养育) so many children with the little money that my husband gains. Oh, how I regret(后悔) that I had so many children that I am living

4、 such a 10 life.1. A. importantB. easyC. difficultD. interesting2. A. atB. forC. afterD. out3. A. dressB. watchC. readD. wear4. A. themB. himC. myselfD. us5. A. happyB. unhappyC. interestingD. tired6. A. eatB. shopC. restD. sleep7. A. healthierB. fatterC. tallerD. shorter8. A. beautifulB. interestin

5、gC. importantD. hard9. A. timeB. childrenC. shopsD. money10. A. happyB. richC. poorD. free【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)B;(5)D;(6)B;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】本文讲述一个有三个孩子的母亲的困难的生活不能去逛街。她后悔生了这么多孩子。句意:对于像我这样的女人来说去购物是不容易的。important重要的;easy容易的;difficult难的;interesting有趣的。根据下文可知选B。句意:首先,我有三个孩子要照顾。短语:look afte

6、r照顾。故选C。句意:我丈夫甚至不知道怎么给他们穿衣服。dress sb给某人穿衣服。watch看(比赛等);read读书;wear穿(衣服等),故选A。句意:我总是自己做所有的事情,而不是教他。此处指教丈夫,故选B。句意:所以我感到分词累,虽然我是一个家庭主妇。happy高兴;unhappy不高兴的;interesting有趣的;tired累的;故选D。句意:我如何找到自由的时间去购物呢?eat吃;shop购物;rest休息;sleep睡觉。根据上文可知选B。句意:其次,我变得更胖了。healthier更健康的;fatter更胖的;taller更高的;shorter更矮的。根据常识可知买不到


8、因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Its December 28th. New Years Day is 1 . Ma Li is in a 2 shop. She wants to buy a blouse 3 her mother. She is happy because she 4 a blue blouse. It looks pretty. She thinks it 5 her mothers trousers well, so she asks the shopkeeper what the 6 is.“198 y

9、uan,” says the shopkeeper. Ma Li is surprised (吃惊的),”Too 7 ! What is it made of?” The shopkeeper tells her the blouse is made of silk. “Good things always 8 much,” he says. “But I have only 190 yuan. Can it be cheaper? I buy it for my mother.” “ 9 . 198 yuan is the last price, but I wil lend you 8 y

10、uan.” “ 10 ? We dont know each other.” “Because I love my mother, too,” says the shopkeeper with a smile(微笑).1. A. goingB. comingC. hereD. there2. A. toyB. clothesC. giftD. sports3. A. withB. inC. aboutD. for4. A. wantsB. getsC. findsD. makes5. A. fitsB. goesC. matchesD. meets6. A. sizeB. colorC. ma

11、terialD. price7. A. expensiveB. cheapC. niceD. hard8. A. costB. needC. haveD. spend9. A. ThanksB. OKC. FineD. Sorry10. A. WhatB. WhyC. HowD. Where【答案】 (1)B;(2)B;(3)D;(4)C;(5)C;(6)D;(7)A;(8)A;(9)D;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了新年将至,马丽去服装店给妈妈购买女衬衫的故事。(1)New Year新年,日期是在1月1号。而前文中提到 Its December 28th.今天是12月28号。由

12、此可以推知,新年马上就要到来。going去。coming来。here这里。there哪里。由题意可知答案选B。(2)根据后文提到了 a blouse(一件女衬衫)可知,马丽是去服装店了。故答案选B。(3)考查固定搭配。给某人麦某物的句型为:buy sb sth=buy sth for sb,所以答案选D。(4)上文回顾:马丽进了一家服装店,想给妈妈买一件女衬衫。want想要;get得到;find发现;make制作。根据上下文语境可推知,此时用find符合语境。故选C。(5)此空后的her mothers trousers(她妈妈的裤子)是作空格的宾语。结合选项含义:fit合适;go变得;mat

13、ch与匹配;meet遇见。可知答案应选C。(6)根据后面的售货员的回答“198 yuan,”可知马丽是询问这件衬衫的价格,所以答案选D。(7)根据文中的中文提示,马丽对价格感到吃惊,而且售货员告诉她the blouse is made of silk. 可推知,马丽认为价格是贵的,故选A。(8)句意:好东西一般价值不菲。cost 花费,主语是物。spend 主语必须是人;need需要;have有。根据句意可知答案应选A。(9)由后面的提示the last price(最低价)可知,价格低不了了。所以答案为D。(10)由售货员的回答Because I love my mother, too可知是

14、提问原因,故用特殊疑问词why。故选B。3根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选取正确答案填空。B I have a nice bedroom. In the room, you can see 1 pictures on the wall. A photo is 2 the desk. There is four 3 in the photo. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. The boy 4 a green sweater is me. You can also see a football 5 the chair.

15、6 is the bed? Its 7 the left of the desk. My trousers 8 on the bed. 9 blue. My father and 10 bedroom is near my bedroom. Theirs is bigger than mine.1. A. aB. anC. oneD. some2. A. inB. onC. underD. behind3. A. menB. peopleC. peoplesD. women4. A. hasB. there isC. inD. have5. A. behind B. underC. inD.

16、on6. A. WhoB. WhereC. HowD. Whose7. A. inB. onC. for D. to8. A. beB. isC. are D. /9. A. ItsB. ItsC. TheyreD. They10. A. motherB. mothers C. mothersD. mothers【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)B;(4)C;(5)B;(6)B;(7)B;(8)C;(9)C;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】句意:在房间里,你可以看见墙上有一些画。pictures是复数,用some修饰。a/an/one+单数。故选D。句意:一张照片在桌子上。in在里;on在上;

17、under在下放;behind在后面。根据常理,照片应该放在桌子上,所以选B。句意:照片里有4个人,他们是我我父亲、母亲、姐姐和我。men男人的复数;people人,本身就是复数;women女人的复数,因此选B。句意:穿绿色毛衣的是我。A. has有;B、there is 表示某地有某物;C、in穿着(人在衣服里); D、have有。故选C。句意:你可以看见一个足球在椅子的下面。behind在后面;under在下面;in在里面;on在上面。足球应该在椅子下面,故选B。句意:床在哪儿?who谁;where哪儿;how怎样;whose谁的。故选B。句意:它在桌子的左边。on the left/ri

18、ght在左/右边。故选B。句意:我的裤子在床上。trousers是复数,故选C。代替复数trousers,用they,故选C。句意:我父母的卧室在我的卧室旁边。表示某人的用名词所有格,故选B。【点评】完型填空考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完型填空首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4完形填空。 This is a photo 1 a classroom. Its 2 classroom. Look 3 the walls (墙). They 4 white. You can see 5 old photo

19、6 the wall. What can you see 7 the photo? This is 8 desk. 9 English book is on it. These are 10 . Theyre on the desk too.1. A. of B. inC. on D. at2. A. oursB. ourC. wesD. ours3. A. at B. afterC. likeD. on4. A. isB. areC. amD. be5. A. B. aC. anD. some6. A. inB. onC. of D. at7. A. afterB. in C. to D.

20、of8. A. myB. my aC. my theD. mine9. A. SomeB. AC. An D. 10. A. my pencilsB. my pencilC. mine pencil D. pencil【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)B;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,简要介绍了一个教室的图片。(1)考查固定短语:a photo of 的照片,故选 A。(2)用形容词性物主代词our来修饰名词classroom,our classroom 我们的教室,故选B。(3)look at 固定搭配,故选A。(

21、4)主语They是复数,be 动词用 are,故选B。(5)old是以元音开头的单词,前面用不定冠词 an,故选C。(6)在墙上 on the wall ,用介词 on,故选 B。(7)在照片中 in the photo,故选B。(8)句意是:这是我的课桌,用 形容词性物主代词my 修饰名词 desk,故选A。(9)English是以元音开头的单词,前面用不定冠词 an,故选C。(10)These are后面跟可数名词复数形式,故选A。5阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Dear Bob, My name is Zhang Jun, I want

22、 1 your penfriend, I 2 in Beijing, China. I think Canada is a very beautiful country. Im 14 years old, 3 my birthday is in 4 , the second month of a year. I can 5 a little English. I have 6 brothers or sisters. I like to stay 7 my classmates. We often play 8 after school, such as football, basketbal

23、l, tennis and running. My favourite 9 is Maths. I dont like Science. Its too 10 . Lets be good friends.Yours,Zhang Jun1. A. beB. to beC. to do2. A. comeB. speakC. live3. A. andB. onC. but4. A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. March5. A. speakB. sayC. talk6. A. aB. anyC. no7. A. atB. withC. for8. A. the guitarB.

24、 soccerC. sports9. A. colourB. subjectC. fruit10. A. difficultB. funC. easy【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)C;(9)B;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:张军给鲍勃写了一封交友的信,首先告知写信的目的,然后介绍了自己的基本情况和兴趣爱好。最后诚恳地想彼此成为朋友。 (1)句意:我想成为你的笔友,want 后跟动词不定式,想成为want to be,故答案是B。 (2)句意:我住在北京。A.来;B.说话;C.居住。live in居住在某个地方,固定搭配,故答案是

25、C。 (3)句意:我14岁了,我的生日在二月。A.和;B.在上面;C.但是。空缺处的前后两句话说明同一个人的情况,需要并列连词连接,因此应使用and,故答案是A。 (4)句意:我14岁了,我的生日在二月。A.一月;B.二月;C.三月。根据 the second month of a year. 可知是二月份,故答案是B。 (5)句意:我会说一点英语。A.speak,表示说话的能力,后跟语言;B.say强调说话的内容;,强调连续不断的交谈,English是一种语言,应是使用speak。故答案是A。 (6)句意:我没有兄弟姐妹。根据or,可知本句为否定句,能够直接构成否定的是no,故答

26、案是C。 (7)句意:我喜欢跟同学们待在一起。stay with sb.与某人待在一起,固定结构,故答案是B。 (8)句意:放学后,我们经常进行体育运动。A.吉他;B.足球;C.体育运动,根据 such as football, basketball, tennis and running. 可知前一句说的是经常进行体育运动。故答案是C。 (9)句意:我最喜欢的课程是数学。A.颜色;B.课程;C.水果。根据maths,可知说的是最喜欢的课程,故答案是B。 (10)句意:太难了。A.困难;B.有趣的;C.容易的。根据I dont likeScience可知不喜欢科学,因为太难了。故答案是A。 【

27、点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。6阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Many people like to travel on vacations. Now more and more travellers in the United States are spending nights at small houses 1 inns (小旅馆) instead of (代替) hotels. They get a 2 for the night a

28、nd the breakfast for the next morning. In the past five 3 ten years, these bed- and-breakfast places have become popular in the United States. Many of these Americas bed-and- breakfast inns 4 old historic (历史性的) buildings. Some bed-and-breakfast inns have only 5 rooms. Others are much larger. Some i

29、nns do not provide (提供) telephones or televisions in the rooms while (而) 6 do. Staying at a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different 7 staying at a hotel. Usually the cost is much lower. Staying at an inn is like visiting 8 home. The owners are 9 to tell about the interesting places to visit. Many travellers say 10 enjoy the chance (机会) to meet local families.1. A. andB. butC. on2. A. roomB. gardenC. home3. A. ofB. toC. in4. A. wereB. areC. is5. A. a fewB. fewC. little6. A. anotherB. the otherC. others7. A. forB. fromC.

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