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1、飞机客舱服务用语100句精编版“各位旅客,由悉尼飞往北京的HYLL5118次航 班,再有一个小时就要起飞了,请还未更换登机牌和行李托运的旅客抓紧时间办理手 续,多谢合作!All the passengers, Flight HYLL5118 from Sydney to Beijing is getting ready to take off in one hour. Those who havent got the boarding passes or havent checked their luggages please hurry up and do so. Thank you for

2、 your cooperation. 在降落之前到达机上上空时 we are landing XXX airport shortly(or in 5-10 minutes).the cabin crew are collecting carpet and earphones now, please help to do so. the temperature is XX degree. the weather is sunny/cloudy/windy. 快要到达跑道时: cabin crew take a seat, we are landing now. 降落时: please faste

3、n your safe belt till the symbol light is off, keep you in seat and do not open overhead cabin till the flight is totally stopped thank you!飞机客舱服务用语100句(中英文) 1、欢迎您乘坐南航/东航班机。Its nice to have you aboard China Southern/Eastern Airlines.2、请出示您的登机牌。May I see your boarding pass?3、我来为您引座。Ill show you your

4、seat.4、请随我来。Follow me, please.5、我帮您拿行李好吗?May I help you with your bag?6、为了使飞机在起飞时保持配载平衡,请您按指定的座位入座。Please take your assigned seat, for the plane must keep balance when it takes off.7、这是呼叫钮,如果需要我们帮忙,请按一下。This one is the call button, if you need us, please push it. 8、请将您的椅背调直。Please put the back of yo

5、ur seat in upright position. 9、让您感到舒适是我们的职责。Its our duty to let you feel as comfortable as possible. 10、请把您的箱子放在行李架内。Please put your box in the overhead bin. 11、您不能把行李放在这儿,基于安全原因过道不能堵塞。Please do not leave your baggage here. The aisle shouldnt be blocked as a safety requirement. 12、由于机械故障,航班已延误,机械师们正

6、在对飞机进行仔细检查。The flight has been delayed due to mechanical troubles. The engineers aremaking careful examination of the plane. 13、由于地面有雾,本次班机将延误约两小时。The flight will be delayed about 2 hours due to foggy weather on ground. 14、由于空中航路拥挤,我们要等待通行许可(才能起飞)。Due to heavy air traffic, well wait for take-off cle

7、arance. 15、我们须等待跑道上的冰被清除。We have to wait until the ice on the runway has been cleared. 16、我们的飞机要装完货才能起飞。Our plane cant take off until the cargo is loaded. 17、我们正在等待几位乘客办理登机手续。 We are waiting for a few passengers to complete boarding formalities. 18、如果有进一步的消息,我们会立即通知你(们)的。 If we have any further info

8、rmation, well let you know immediately. 19、请您回到您座位上好吗?飞机马上要起飞了。 Would you please return to your seat? The plane is taking off soon. 20、请在安全带信号消失前坐在座位上,系好安全带。Please stay in your seat and keep your seat belt fastened until the sign has beenturned off.21、飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。The plane is about to take of

9、f. Please dont walk about in the cabin.22、头等舱乘客的盥洗室/厕所位于前舱,其他乘客的在后面。The toilet for first class passengers is located in the front of the cabin and the onefor other passengers in the rear.23、盥洗室/厕所有人。The lavatory is occupied.24、盥洗室/厕所没人。The lavatory is vacant.25、您可放下遮阳板,关掉阅读灯,系好安全带,这样您能好好休息一下。You cou

10、ld draw down the window-shade and turn the reading light off and fastenyour seat-belt so that you can take a good nap.26、为确保飞行和通信系统的正常操作,请您不要使用手提电话/激光唱机/调频收音机。In order to ensure the normal operation of airplane navigation and communication system, you are kindly requested not to use your cellular ph

11、one/CD player/FM receiver. 27、我们前方有大雷雨,无法穿越。我们决定返回杭州。非常抱歉由此给您带来的不便。 There is a heavy thunderstorm ahead of us. We have no way to pass it. So we have decided to return to Hangzhou. Much to our regret for the inconvenience that may cause you. 28、我们马上要供应饮料了。请放下您的小桌板。Now well be serving drinks. Please p

12、ull down your tray table. 29、先生,您想要杯香槟吗?Would you like a glass of champagne, sir? 30、您想来点热/冷饮料吗? Would you like something hot/cold to drink? 31、您是要淡茶还是浓茶? How do you like your tea? Weak or strong? 32、咖啡还未冲好,来杯热茶好吗? Coffee isnt ready yet. Would you like to have a cup of hot tea instead? 33、您想在饮料里放点冰块

13、吗? Would you like some ice in your drink? 34、小心烫手! Its hot! Mind your hand. 35、您喜欢直喝威士忌还是加冰块? Would you like your whisky straight or on the rocks? 36、您准备现在用午餐吗? Are you ready for your lunch now? 37、我们马上给您提供正餐。这是茶单。 Well soon be serving dinner. Here is the menu. 38、您想要吃什么?烤牛肉还是熏火腿? What would you lik

14、e to have? Roasted beef or smoked ham? 39、我们机上配备的餐食既有中式口味也有西式口味。 Our meals on board are designed to meet both Chinese and Western tastes. 40、我们有多种菜肴供您选择。 We have a selection of dishes for you. 41、先生,您还要点别的什么吗? Would you like more of anything, sir? 42、您要什么样的牛排?嫩点的、适中的、还是老点的? How do you like your stea

15、k done? Rare, medium or well-done? 43、对不起,鱼没有了。您能换一道菜吗?我们有鸡您想来点吗? Im sorry. There is no more fish left. Can you make a change? We havechickenWould you like some? 44、这是您的小菜,这是您的牛排,请慢用。 This is your hors doeuvre and this is your steak. Please enjoy your meal. 45、对不起,让您久等了。 Im sorry for keeping you wai

16、ting. 46、您能喜欢我非常高兴。再来点吗? Im glad you like them. Would you like to have some more? 47、您对这顿饭还满意吧? How do you like the meal? 48、您介意我把这些东西拿走吗? Would you mind me taking these away? 49、您可以就如何提高机上质量给我们提些建议吗? Could you give us some advice on how to improve our inflight service? 50、这是本次航班的纪念品,但愿您能喜欢它。 This i

17、s our flight souvenir. I hope youll like it. 51、您买点机上免税商品吗? Would you like to buy some duty free items? 52、请您让开过道,以便让其他旅客通过。Could you please step aside and allow the other passengers to go through. 53、如果您需要任何帮助,请按呼唤铃;如果您想阅读,请打开阅读灯;如果您需要休息,可以按住座椅扶手上的按钮,身体向后仰,放倒座椅靠背。这是通风孔,您可以把它向任意方向调节,或向右旋紧关掉。 If you

18、need any help, please press this call button. If you want to read, you can turn on the reading light. If youd like to have a rest, you can press this button on your armrest and lean back at the same time. Here is the air vent. You can turn the knob here in whichever direction you like, or you can tu

19、rn it off by turning it tightly to the right. 54、我理解您,我替您去看看是否有空座位,请您暂时坐在这个座位。 I appreciate your problem and Ill see if there is any empty seat. Would you please sit here for the time being. 55、根据最新规定您可以升舱,不过要付差价部分的钱。 According to the latest regulations, you can upgrade your class, but you have to p

20、ay the extra. 56、请您配合一下不要把行李放在紧急出口旁边。您可以把它放在座位下面。 Im afraid you cant leave your bag there. You are sitting next to the emergency exit. I think you may find theres enough room to put it under your seat. 57、对不起,请回到座位上,飞机马上起飞,厕所暂时停用。 Excuse me. Would you please return to your seat? We are taking off so

21、on, and the lavatory has been suspended. 58、请您把孩子抱在安全带外面,对孩子会舒服些。我们有加长的安全带。 Excuse me. Would you please hold your baby outside the seat belt. That willbe more comfortable for the baby. I can get you a supplementary seat belt. 59、对不起,请您们几位谈话声音小些,以免影响其他客人休息。 Excuse me, but could you talk softly to avo

22、id disturbing the others. 60、起飞后您可以使用手提电脑,但下降时请关闭。 After take-off you may use the laptop computer but not during descending. 61、几分钟之后我们将提供饮料(快餐、餐食),请放下您前面的桌板。 In a few minutes well be serving drinks(snacks, meals).Please pull down the seat table in front of you. 62、您想喝点什么饮料吗?我们有矿泉水,橙汁,可口可乐,雪碧等,您喜欢哪一

23、种? Would you like something to drink? We have mineral water, orange concentrate juice, CocaCola, Sprite and so on. Which do you prefer? 63、您喜欢淡茶还是绿茶? How do you like you tea, Weak or strong? 64、对不起,我们服务时您睡着了,没有叫醒您,现在您想喝些什么? Sorry, you were sleeping while we served. I didnt want to interrupt you. Now

24、, what would you like to drink? 65、您喜欢您预定的牛排烤几成熟?嫩些,中等,还是老些? How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well-done? 66、我们可以为您提供素食。飞机上备有素食。但您在订票时提出申请会更有帮助。 We can serve you a vegetarian meal. We have vegetarian food on board. But it does help if you request for special meal when you book your tick

25、et. 67、哪位旅客预定了犹太餐(素食,儿童餐,穆斯林餐)? Who has ordered Kosher meal(vegetarian food, baby food, Moslem food). 68、您需要多少牛奶?您觉得牛奶热吗? How much milk do you want? Do you think the milk is warm enough? 69、是的,我们飞机上有摇篮,但您要换到前客舱就坐。 Yes, we have a little cot on board. But you have to change to the front cabin. Illset

26、up a cot right there. 70、当安全带信号灯亮起来的时候,比如颠簸时,您应该把孩子从摇篮中抱起,抱在怀里,系好安全带。 You should remove your baby from the bassinet whenever the Fasten Seat Belt sign is switched on, for example, during turbulence, and hold your baby in arms with the seat belt fastened. 71、您需要给孩子换尿布的话,请到洗手间,里面有一个小桌板。如果您需要帮助的话,请告诉我们

27、。 You can go to the lavatory if you want to change the diapers for the baby. Theres baby change table there. If you need any help, please dont hesitate to call us at any time. 72、您需要买一些免税物品吗?今天航班上的物品品种繁多。 Would you like to buy some duty-free goods? We have a wide selection on board today. 73、我们的免税商品

28、都是世界名牌,我们可以承诺这些商品都是质优价廉的。 Our duty free merchandises are very famous worldwide, and we can assure you that they are of the best quality and the prices are rather low. 74、这种商品是中国特产,非常有名,值得一买。 This is one of the Chinese specialities. Its famous and worth buying. 75、我们接受美圆的旅行支票和主要信誉卡,比如维萨卡,运通卡,万事达卡,JCB

29、卡等等。 We accept US dollar travelers checks and such major credit cards as VISA card, American Express, Master card, JCB card and so on. 76、打搅一下,落地前请您填写这些表格,以方便您办理海关,移民,检疫等手续。 Excuse me ,would you please fill out these forms before landing? Youll need them when you go through Customs, Immigration and

30、Quarantine. 77、如果您在填写表格时有疑问或困难请找乘务员,我们很高兴为大家服务。 Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions or difficulties in filling out these forms. We are very glad to be at your service. 78、根据当地政府检疫的规定,严禁旅客携带任何新鲜水果,鲜花,奶制品,肉类,动植物种子等入境。 According to the regulations of Quarantine of the local gove

31、rnment, passengers are not allowed to bring in any fresh fruit, cut flowers, diary products, meat, animal or plant origin. 79、别太紧张,咱们去清洗一下伤口,放松。我去取急救药箱。请用纱布按住伤口,我来调节座位。躺下,休息一会。 Dont get nervous. Lets go to wash the cuts. Take it easy. Ill go and get the first-aid kit. Please press the wound with gauze. Ill adjust the seat back. Lie down and have a rest. 80、很遗憾,飞机上没有医生。不过机长已经决定在附近的备降机场着陆。停机坪上有救护车等侯,希望您尽快痊愈。 Im sorry to tell you there are no doctors here. But the

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