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1、高中英语搭配词典M素材2015年高中英语搭配词典MMmake1. make a good person (thing) 成为人(东西)。如:He will make a good teacher. 他会成为一位好老师。If you train hard, youll make a good footballer. 如果你努力训练,你就会成为一名优秀的足球运动员。This coat makes a good present for my mother. 这件外套是送给我母亲的好礼物。注:该结构中的 person, thing 要根据不同语境选择适当词语。2. make sb (sth) do s

2、th 使某人(某事)做某事。如:He made me repeat the story. 他要我把那事重讲一遍。Rain makes plants grow. 雨水使植物生长。I couldnt make my car start this morning. 今天早上我的汽车发动不起来。注:这类结构中不定式不带 to, 但在被动语态中须带 to。如:He made me go there alone. / I was made to go there alone. 他要我一个人去那儿。另外,这类结构一般不能将 do 换成 doing。如:他的笑话使我们笑了。正:His joke made us

3、 laugh. 误:His joke made us laughing. 3. make sb (sth) done 使某人(某事)被。如:He tried to make his ideas known. 他设法让别人知道他的想法。She made herself her voice heard across the room. 他大声说话,让房间另一头的人能听得见。When he speaks English, he cant make himself understood. 他说英语时还不能让人听懂他的意思。4. make sb sb 使某人成为某人。如:I want to make y

4、ou my wife. 他使她成为他妻子。We made him chairman. 我们选他当主席。5. make sb sth / make sth for sb 为某人做某事物。如:He made us coffee. / He made coffee for us. 他为我们泡咖啡。She made her daughter a dress. / She made a dress for her daughter. 她为她女儿做了件连衣裙。6. makeinto (out of)使成为(变成)。如:She made the material into a skirt. / She ma

5、de a skirt out of the material. 她用那块布料做了一条裙子。Working in the kitchen made the boy into a good cook. / Working in the kitchen made a good cook out of the boy. 厨房工作使这男孩成长为一名好好厨师。注:这类结构通常可用于被动形式。如:Glass can be made into bottles. / Bottles can be made outof glass. 玻璃可做成瓶子。Rice can be made into wine. / Wi

6、ne can be made out of rice. 米可以酿成酒。7. makeof (from) 由制成(通常用被动式)。如:The chair is made of wood. 这椅子是用木头做的。Some paper is made from wood. 有些纸是用木材做的。Bread is made from wheat. 面包是由小麦加工做成。注:用介词 of 和 from 的区别是:用 of 通常指在制成品中看得出原材料,而用 from 通常指在制成品中看不出原材料。有时某些制成品是否看得出原材料很难分清,则两者均可用。如:Steamed bread is made from

7、of flour. 馒头是用面粉做的。8. make for (1) 走向,往走去。如:Its late; wed better make for home. 时间不早了,我们最好回家吧。As the thief opened the door, the dog made for him. 小偷一开门,狗就向他扑去。(2) 有助于,有益于,促进。如:Early rising makes for good health. 早起有益于健康。The large print makes for easy reading. 大号字体便于阅读。9. make it (1) 及时赶到。如:You can m

8、ake it if you hurry. 如果你赶快还可以及时赶到。We are too late; I dont think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。He says hell come on time, but hell never make it. 他说他明天准时来,但他绝对做不到。(2) 成功,办成。如:He wants to make it as a writer. 他想作一名作家而一举成名。You neednt worry; he will make it. 他不必担心,他会办成的。10. make out(1) 理解,明白。如:Can y

9、ou make him (it) out? 你能理解他(它)吗? I couldnt make out what he meant. 我不懂他是什么意思。(2) 看清,(勉强)辨认出。如:I cant make out his handwriting. 我辨认不出他的笔迹。We made out three figures moving in the distance. 我们看出远处有三个人影在移动。(3) 填写。如:Make the check out to me. 支票上填写清楚给我。I asked her to make out a receipt. 我叫她打了个收条。(4) 假装,装成

10、,声称。如 :He made out to be ill. 他假装生病了。He makes out that hes younger than me. 他声称比我年轻。11. make up(1) 构成,组成,占。如Farmers make up only 30% of the total population of the country. 这个国家的农业人口仅占30%。注:用于此义时,通常用 be made up of 这样的形式。如:The United States is made up of 50 states. 美国由五十个州组成。A car is made up of many

11、different parts. 汽车由许多不同部件组成。(2) 编写,创作,编辑。如:He asked us each to make up a dialogue. 他叫我们每人编一个对话。One of our students made up the school song. 我们的一个学生创作了这首校歌。(3) 编造,捏造。如:Its not true. He made it up. 那不是真的,是他捏造的。The whole story is made up. 整个故事都是虚构的。(4) 和解,言归于好。如:Why dont you make (it) up with her? 你为什

12、么不与她和好呢? At last theyve made up after their quarrel. 他们争吵后终于和好了。(5) 弥补,补偿,补上。如:You must make up the work you missed. 你得补上你耽误的工作。We should let him make up for his mistakes. 我们应该让他将功补过。(6) 化妆。如:She makes herself up in the morning. 她早上化妆。(7) 凑足。如:We cant make up the money. 我们凑不足钱。(8) 准备好,做好。如 :Bring th

13、e sheets and make up the bed. 拿床单来把床铺好。manage1. can manage 能对付,能做到,拿得动,吃得下。如:Can you manage lunch on Friday? 你星期五能来吃午饭吗? Can you manage to eat with chopsticks? 用筷子吃你能行吗? The box is heavy, but I can manage (it). 这箱子很重,但我能拿得起。Can you manage another piece of cake? 能不能再吃一块蛋糕? 2. manage to do sth 设法做成某事。

14、如:We managed to get what we wanted, somehow. 不管怎么说, 我们还是设法弄到了我们需要的东西。How did you manage to finish it so soon? 你怎么这样快就完成了? Unfortunately I didnt manage to pass the exam. 不幸的是我未能通过考试。3. manage with (without) 用(不用)做某事。如:I shall be able to manage without help. 我一个能行。We cant manage with these poor tools.

15、 这些工具很憋脚,我们无法干活。manner1. inmanner 以方式。如:Do it in this manner. 照这样做它。He spoke in such a manner as to offend them. 他用这种方式讲话,以致冒犯了他们。Please fill out the form in the following manner. 请按下列方式填写表格。2. Its bad (good) manners to do sth 做某事有(没有)礼貌。如:Its bad manners to talk with a full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西讲话是不礼貌的。Its

16、 good manners to stand in line. 排队等候是有礼貌的行为。3. the manner of doing sth 做某事的方式(方法)。如:We dont like your manner of doing it. 我们不喜欢你这种做法。This seems rather a strange manner of deciding things. 这似乎是一种决定做事的很奇怪的方式。many1. a good great many 许多。如:I read a great many English books. 我读了许多英语书。I asked her a good m

17、any questions. 我问了她许多问题。注:其后接名词时通常不用介词 of, 但是若其后接的是代词或有限定词修饰的名词,则要用介词 of。比较:A great many of them couldnt find work. 他们当中有许多人找不到工作。A great many of the trees were destroyed in the storm. 这次暴风雨毁了许多树。2. as many as (1) 与一样多。如:Take as many as you want. 你要多少就拿多少。He didnt get as many as he had hoped. 他没有得到他

18、预期的那么多。注:有时其中可插有名词。如:We need as many records as possible. 我们需要尽可能多弄到一些唱片。(2) 多达,整整。如:He has been working at his book as many as five years. 他的书整整写了五年。(3) 凡都(后接动词)。如:As many as came were caught. 来的人全都被抓获。3. many a 许多。如:I have been there many a time. 我去过那儿许多次。Many a student has seen the film. 许多学生看过这部

19、电影。注:其后接单数可数名词,用作主语时,谓语也用单数(尽管意思上为复数)。比较:Many a boy likes swimming. / Many boys like swimming. 许多男孩子喜欢游泳。map1. in on the map 在地图上。如:Look it out in the map. 把它从地图上找出来。Mark the place on the map. 把这个地方在地图上标出来。2. the map of 的地图。如:This is a map of China. 这是一张中国地图。We need a map of the world. 我们需要一张世界地图。ma

20、rket1. at the market 在赶集,在市场购物。如:Mother is at the market. 母亲在市场买东西。We buy our vegetables at the farmers market. 我们在农贸市场买蔬菜。2. on the market (1) 上市。如:It has appeared on the market. 它已上市。(2) 在出售,被供应。如:There isnt much fruit on the market this time of year. 每年这个时候水果供应不多。注:有时也用介词 in。如:Her house is on in

21、the market. 她的房子要出售。3. to (the) market 去集市,去市场。如:She went to (the) market to buy food. 她去市场买食物。He took the cattle to (the) market. 他把牛带到市场出售。marriage1. by marriage 与婚姻有关的,由婚姻产生的。如:He is my uncle by marriage. 他是我的姻叔(伯)父。She is my niece by marriage. 她是我的姻侄(甥女)。2. ones marriage to with sb 与某人的婚姻。如:I wa

22、s surprised at her marriage to her teacher. 听说她嫁给了她的老师,我感到很惊讶。On her marriage to Mr Smith, Miss Jones became Mrs Smith. 琼斯小姐与史密斯先生结婚后就成了史密斯太太。My marriage with Mary is a happy one. 我与玛丽的婚姻生活很幸福。marry1. be married (to sb) (同某人)结婚。如:Is he married? 他结婚了吗? She was married to a rich man. 她同一位有钱人结了婚。2. get

23、 married (to sb) (与某人)结婚。如:He got married last month. 他上个月结婚了。She got married to a man from her hometown. 她同一位同乡结了婚。注:get married (to sb) 为终止性动词,不与一段时间连用。他们结婚30年了。正:They have been married for thirty years. 误:They have got married for thirty years. 3. marry sb 与某人结婚。如:She married a doctor. 她同一位医生结了婚。

24、Jane is going to marry John. 简就经嫁给约翰了。注:不要根据汉语意思而用 marry with to sb。如:误:She married with to a doctor. mass1. a mass of (1) 一堆,一团,一群。如:Theres a mass of stones in the yard. 庭院里有一堆石头。Ive a mass of letters to answer. 我有一大堆信件要回复。(2) 许多,大量。如:He spent a huge mass of treasure. 他花了大量财富。I have a mass masses o

25、f work to do. 我有大量工作要做。(3) 满是,遍布着(用作表语)。如:The garden is a mass of flowers. 花园满地是鲜花。The theory is a mass of mistakes. 这个理论错误百出。2. in the mass 总体上,大体而论,合计。如:She says she doesnt like children in the mass. 她说她从总体上讲不喜欢孩子。3. the mass of 大多数。如:The great mass of men consider themselves healthy. 大多数人都认为自己是健康

26、的。The mass of citizens supported the mayor. 大多数市民支持市长。match1. a match for sth (sb)(1) 与某事物(某人)相配。如:This tie is a good match for your suit. 这条领带和你的西装搭配得很好。She will make a fine match for my son. 她会成为我儿子的好妻子。(2) 可以与某人(某事物)相比。如:He is no match for them. 他不是他们的对手。They are a match for each other. 他们势均力敌。2.

27、 match sb (sth) in (for, at) 在某方面与某人(某事物)相比(相匹敌)。如:No one can match him at chess. 下棋谁也比不上他。The hotel cant be matched for good service and food. 这家旅馆的优质服务和美味佳肴是无与伦比的。You cant match him in knowledge of music. 你在音乐知识方面无法与他相比。3. match sb (sth) with to sb (sth) (1) (使)与相配。如:He never matches his words wit

28、h his deeds. 他从来是言行不一。注:有时也用介词 to。如:Something went wrong in matching supply to demand. 供需平衡出了问题。(2) (使)与较量。如 :Ill match my strength with yours. 我要与你比比力气。注:此用法中的介词 with 也可换成 against。(3) (使)与结婚。如:Im trying to match him with the nurse. 我正介绍他与这位护士结婚。4. match with 与相配。如:I want a tie that will match with

29、this suit. 我想买条领带来配我这套衣服。These ribbons do not match with your hat. 这些丝带与你的帽子不相配。matter1. a matter of (1) 的问题。如 :Its a matter of life and death. 那是生死攸关的问题。(2) 大约,大概。如:We only had to wait a matter of (ten) minutes. 我们只等了几(10)分钟。2. It doesnt matter. 没关系。如:A:Weve missed the train. 我们错过火车了。B:It doesnt ma

30、tter. Theres another one in 10 minutes. 没关系,再10分钟还有一趟。注:其后根据情况有时可接其他成分。如:It doesnt matter to me. 这对我没关系。It doesnt matter about closing the window. 关上窗子没有关系。It doesnt matter if you come home late. 即使你回家晚了也没关系。3. no matter 无论,不管(后接疑问词)。如:No matter what you say, I wont believe you. 不管你说什么,我都不会相信你。Its n

31、ot true, no matter who says so. 不管是谁那样说,那都不是真的。Well have to finish the job, no matter how long it take. 不管要花多长时间我们都要完成这项工作。注:从句有时可用情态动词 may。如:No matter what happens may happen,dont be discouraged. 无论发生什么事,你都不要气馁。4. Whats the matter with sb (sth)? 某人(某事)怎么了? Whats the matter with her? 她怎么啦? Whats the matter with the bus? 这公共汽车怎么了? 注:在 Whats the matter (with)? 这一结构里,what 是主语,th

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