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1、仁爱英语八年级上册Unit3topic1知识点总结Unit3 Our HobbiesTopic1 What is your hobby?一、重点短语such as 例如 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事take a bath 洗澡 be interested in 对感兴趣go dancing 去跳舞 go boating 去划船 play volleyball 打排球 collecting stamps 集邮 collecting coins 收藏硬listening to pop music 听流行音乐 listening to classical music 听古典音乐li

2、stening to symphony 听交响乐 walking in the countryside 在乡间散步二、重点句型1. Wow! So many stamps! 哇,那么多的邮票!2. We can learn a lot about people, places, history, and special times from stamps. 通过这些邮票我们可以学到许多关于人文、地理、历史和特殊时代的知识。3. Would you like to collect any of these things? 你想集下面这些东西吗?4. What things do you love

3、 collecting? 你喜欢集什么东西?5. I am interested in playing sports. 我对运动感兴趣。6. What do you often do in your spare time? 在你的业余时间里面你都做些什么啊?7. I often go fishing. 我经常去钓鱼。8. And I do a lot of reading. 我通常都是阅读一些书籍。9. I m a movie fan. 我是一个电影迷。10I also rent VCDs and watch them at home. 我也租一些VCD在家看。11. Why not go o

4、ut and do some outdoor activities? 为什么不走出去做一些户外运动呢?12. Maybe I need a change. 或许我需要改变。13. My interests are changing all the time. 我的兴趣爱好总是在不断地改变。14. And I wasn t interested in sports at all. 我对运动一点兴趣都没有。15. But now, my hobbies are sports, like soccer and swimming. 但是现在我的爱好是体育,比如足球和游泳。16. I never mis

5、s any important soccer games. 我从未错过任何一场重要的足球比赛。17. I used to know little about paintings. 我过去不太懂绘画。18. I enjoy listening to rock music. 我喜欢听摇滚音乐。19.Did you use to go swimming duringsummer vacations? 在暑假里,你过去经常去游泳么?20. I used to do that in the pond in front of my house. 我过去常在我家门前的池塘里游泳。21. Nobody. I

6、taught myself. 没有任何人,我自学的。22. When they are free, people usually do what they like. 当人们空闲的时候,他们总是做一些自己喜欢的事情。23. They also paint pictures or collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps. 他们也绘画或者收集一些东西,例如硬币、娃娃或邮票。24. When people become old, hobbies can keep them healthy. When people are sick, hobbies

7、 can help them get well sooner.当人们变老的时候,爱好可以帮助他们保持健康。当人们身体虚弱的时候,爱好还可以帮助他们尽快地康复。25. I call him Pink pig. The color of his skin is light pink. 我叫他粉色,因为他的皮肤是淡粉色的。26. Pink likes to have a bath. Pink喜欢洗澡。27. How do you take care of them? 你怎样照顾它们?Section A1. Some of them areof great value.of great value意为

8、“很有价值的”,相当于valuable.“Of+名词”表“有的”,相当于一个形容词。如:It is of importance. = It is important.2. Iused toenjoy listening to rock music, but now Ilovecollectingpaintings. (1) used to +动词原形,表过去经常做某事(现在不了),否定形式为didnt use to或usednot to,如:He didnt use to drink beer.= Heused not to drink beer.其疑问句即可用助动词did,也可以用used,

9、如:Did he use to live in Beijing? = Used he to live in Beijing?(2) love的用法同like,后即可以接动词ing形式,也可以接动词不定式。 (3) picture广义的图画,包括painting(水彩画),drawing(简笔画)3. Iam interested inplaying interested in对感兴趣4. I enjoydancing to to music随着音乐跳舞5. Iam fond fond of喜爱Section B1. W

10、hat do you often doin your spare time?In ones spare time = in ones free time在某人空闲时间里2.why notgo out anddo some outdoor activities?(1)表建议的句型有:Why not = Why dont you,后接动词原形,如;Why not/ Why dont you go out ?What about = How about后接动词ing,如:What / How about going out ?Shall we +动词原形,如:Shallwe go out ?(2)

11、do some outdoor activities做户外活动3. Maybe I need achange.change名词,改变,如:a great change。动词,改变,如:Hechanged his mind.(改了他的主意)名词,零钱,如:Heres your change.4. water flower浇花(water在此为动词,表“给浇水”)5.含time的短语:allthe time一直at the same time同时at times有时intime及时on time准时at that time在那时from time to time不时6. not at all一点也

12、不,如:I dont like it at all.Not at all不用谢;没关系7. Do yousharemy interests ? share sth with sb.同某人分享某事物,如:I want to share my happiness with you.Section C1. Did you used to go swimming during thesummervacation? vacation= holiday假期2. I used to swim in the pondin front ofmyhouse. in front of在(某物体外面的)前面,如:Th

13、ere are some trees in front of my house. in the front of在(某物体里面的)前面,如:There is a blackboard in front of the classroom.3. How clever !感叹句:(1)How+形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)!感叹句中主语和谓语常省去。如:How tall (the tree is)!Howfast (he runs)!(2)What+ (a / an) +形容词+名词(+主语+谓语)!当名词为可数名词单数时,用a/an,如:Whata tall tree (it is) !当此名词为复

14、数或不可数名词时,不要a/an,如:What tall trees (they are)!Whatbad weather (it is)!4. Theykeep pets, play sports, danceto music.keep pets养宠物(keep有养,保存的意思)feed pets喂宠物(feed指给东西它吃)5. such as通常放句中,后接几个并列名词,如:I can speak many languages, suchas English, French and Japanese.而for example可放句中,句首或句尾,后常接一个句子或短语并与它用逗号隔开,如:F

15、orexample,Australiawas unknown.6. Hobbies help people relax after theirdailywork. daily = everyday每天的,日常的。如:in our daily life = in our everyday life7. well(1)副词,好地,如:He speaks English well (2)形容词,身体好的,如:I am well.Section D1. the color of his skin islightpink. light(1)颜色浅的,反义词dark(2)重量轻的,反义词为heavy(3)

16、灯2.Helikes water and I often help himtake a bathin the pond. (1)He和she也可以表动物的雌雄,指祖国时用she. (2) take a bath = have a bath洗澡3. He doesnt mindwhetherthey aregood or not. whether和if表是否时,常可以互换,但在以下情况只能用whether,不能用if .(1)whether可以和or (not)合在一起使用,也可以分开使用,但if可以只能在口语中与ornot分开使用。Let meknowwhether or notyou can

17、 come.(2)whether后可接不定式,而if不能。如:Pleasetell us whetherto goor stay here.(3)whether可置于句首引导主语从句,而if不能。如:_Whether_the 2000 Olympic Games will be in Beijing is not known yet.(4)whether可用在介词之后,引导宾语从句,而If则不能。如:Success dependson whetherwe make enough effort.(5)whether可引导表语从句,if则不能。如:The questionis whetherit

18、is not worthdoing.(6).在有些动词(如discuss)之后,只能用whether,而不用if引导宾语从句。如:Wediscussed whetherwe should close the shop.三、重点语法1. 反身代词的形式单数 复数myself ourselvesyourself yourselveshimself themselvesherself themselvesitself themselves2. 反身代词的用法1)“by+反身代词”表示“单独地,独自一人地”。如:The boy couldnt make the model plane by himse

19、lf. 那个男孩不能独自制作飞机模型。2)反身代词常与一些动词连用。如:“teach+反身代词”表示“自学”;“ hurt+反身代词”表示“伤到自己”。如:Jane teaches herself English. 简自学英语。Lily fell down and hurt herself yesterday. 昨天莉莉自己摔伤了。注:反身代词与个别动词搭配使用,意思发生变化。如:“help +反身代词+to.”表示“随便吃.”;“ enjoy+反身代词”表示“.玩得开心”。Help yourself to some strawberries,please. 请随便吃些草莓。They enjo

20、yed themselves at the party last night. 昨晚在晚会上他们玩得很开心。3)反身代词作名词或代词的同位语时,起加强语气的作用,可译为“亲自,本人”。如:Youd better ask your teacher about it yourself. 你最好亲自去问你的老师。1. I used to listen to rock music but now I collect telephone cards and paintings. 我过去常听摇滚乐,可现在我集电话卡和画。used to do sth. 这一结构表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作)或状态

21、(暗含的意思是现在已不复存在),用于所有人称。used to的否定形式为:used not to do或didnt use to do。疑问句为Used you to. ? 或 Did you use to.? 如:1) I used to go to school on foot.我过去步行上学。(暗含的意思是:我现在不再步行上学了。)2) Mary used to sleep late.玛莉过去总是很晚才睡觉。(暗含的意思是:玛莉现在睡觉不再那么晚了。)3) He used not to like Peking opera, but now hes very fond of it. 他过去

22、不喜欢京剧,但现在非常喜欢。现在大多数人在口语中或不太正式的书面语中对否定句和疑问句常使用与do 连用的形式。例如:1) I didnt use to like skating, but now I like it very much. 我过去不喜欢滑冰,但现在很喜欢。2) Did you use to go there? 你以往常去哪儿?3) There used to be a theatre here, didnt there? 以前这里有一座剧院,是不是?另外,注意be used to doing sth.、used to do sth.和be used to do sth.的区别:b

23、e used to doing sth “习惯于”如:1) He is used to working hard. 他习惯于努力地工作。2) Im used to doing jogging in the morning now. 我习惯于早上慢跑。3) He used to bring me roses when he came to see me. 过去他来看我时,常带玫瑰花。be used to do sth.“某物被用来做某事”。如:1) Wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来生产纸张。2) Computers can be used to do a lot

24、 of work now. 如今电脑可用来做许多事。2.Collecting stamps must be great fun! 集邮肯定很有趣!must在这里是情态动词,表示推测,可以翻译为“一定,肯定”。如:1) Your brother must be in the school. I saw him just now.你的哥哥想必在学校。我刚才看见他了。2) Your friend must have left for Nanjing yesterday.你的朋友昨天一定已经离开去南京了。3) She thought that her present must be in the bo

25、x. 她以为礼物一定是在盒子里。情态动词must的三种否定形式:must表示“必须”时,其否定回答为dont have to/neednt/dont need to,意思为“不需要”。如:-Must I pay back the money right now?我必须现在偿还这笔钱吗?-No, you dont have to.不,你不需要现在还。must表示“推测”时,其否定形式为cant,意思为“不可能”。如:1) Ive seen what she is talking about, so she cant be telling lies.我目睹了她所说的事情,因此,她不可能在说谎。2)

26、 Yesterday I received a letter from him, so he cant be here. 昨天我收到了他的信,所以说他不可能在这儿。而mustnt的意思为“绝对不可,不许,禁止”。如:1) You mustnt smoke in the hospital.你绝对不可以在医院里吸烟。2)You mustnt cross the road when the traffic lights are red.交通灯是红色时,你千万不能过马路。3. He doesnt mind whether theyre good or not. 他并不介意它们是否是好的。此句为以whe

27、ther引导的宾语从句。whether.or not“不论是否”。如:You have to get up early everyday whether it rains or not.你必须天天早点起床,不论是否下雨。if与whether的区别:二者在引导宾语从句时一般可换用。如:1) I want to know if / whether it is going to rain tomorrow. 我想知道明天是否下雨。2) He asked me if / whether Li Ping was at home. 他问我李平是否在家。3) He didnt understand if /

28、 whether the stranger told a lie. 他不明白那个陌生人是否说的是假话。但下列几种情况不能换用。1) whether 后可紧接or not,而if一般不能。Let me know whether or not you can come. 你能来还是不能来,请告诉我一声。2) 不定式前用whether,不用if。如:I havent decided whether to go to the cinema or to stay at home. 我还没有决定是看电影还是留在家里。3) 介词后可用whether,不用if。如:I havent settled the question of whether Ill go back home. 我是否回家还没有定.

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