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1、陕西省宝鸡市岐山县学年九年级上学期期末英语试题陕西省宝鸡市岐山县2020-2021学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完型填空 Im Michael. I live in Poland and Polish is my native language(母语), 1 I can speak English very well. Now I want to share my experience with 2 .I started to learn English 3 listening to English songs when I was six. My dad e

2、ncouraged me 4 to The Beatles. In the beginning I 5 understand nothing of what they were singing. Then I got a book with the words of all the songs. I read 6 book again and again. I learned most of the songs by heart. I sang them to my dad. Still, I had difficulty in 7 the meaning of the songs. Lear

3、ning English well to understand The Beatles became one of my 8 .When I was 13 years old, I started reading science fiction books. I read them in Polish at first. The books were all translated(翻译) from English. I hoped I could read the books in English. I felt that the books in English would be even

4、9 . I decided to read the books in English. This decision guided me for many years.Today, I have become good at English and I can understand many English songs and English books. English 10 me so much satisfaction and pleasure. I also find it so useful in my job.1Abut Bif Cwhen Dbecause2Athey Btheir

5、 Cyou Dyour3Aat Bby Cin Don4Alisten Blistened Clistening Dto listen5Acouldnt Bcould Cmust Dmustnt6A/ Bthe Can Da7Aunderstanding Bunderstand Cdescribe Ddescribing8Asecret Bsecrets Cdream Ddreams9Ainteresting Binterested Cmore interesting Dthe most interesting10Agave Bwas given Chas given Dwill give O

6、ne day, Jackie and Tony decided to visit one of their old friends Michael. Michael had dedicated(奉献) his life to praying(祈祷) and 11 others. Now, he was getting old and sick. 12 Jackie and Tony reached, they asked Michael about his life. Jackie asked, “Michael, can you 13 us what you have learned ove

7、r the years?”“Yes. Time and tide(岁月) wait for no man,” replied Michael. “So, we should never 14 time. We should do something meaningful.”Tony said, “Youve been praying to God for long. What do you pray for?”Michael smiled and replied, “In the beginning when I was young, I prayed to God to give me th

8、e strength to change the world. But 15 , I realized that I could never make it. Then, I started to pray to God to give me the strength to change people around me.”“Your 16 has come true as we know that youve helped a lot of people,” said Jackie.Michael shook his head and said, “Well, Ive helped many

9、, but Ive 17 changed them. In fact, its 18 for me to change others. You know what? One can change, but only if he or she wants to. Now at this age, I finally 19 what I should have been praying for from the start.”“What is it?” asked Jackie and Tony in surprise.“The ability to 20 myself,” replied Mic

10、hael with a smile.11Ateaching Bchallenging Chelping Dwaking12AIf BAfter CBefore DAlthough13Ashare with Bdepend on Cshout to Dcompare with14Asave Bspend Cfind Dwaste15Aslowly Bprobably Cactually Dcertainly16Ahabit Badvice Cwish Dopinion17Aalways Boften Csometimes Dnever18Aeasy Bimportant Cnecessary D

11、impossible19Aforget Brealize Crepeat Dchoose20Aaccept Bchange Cpunish Dtrust二、阅读判断 Each year Americans in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. Here are some common traditions.Travel: One of the best things about Thanksgiving is spending time with family. Most

12、people living far from home will travel a long way to be with their family. Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel days of the year!Feast(盛宴): Traditional foods are a large part of Thanksgiving celebrations. They include turkey, sauces, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread and so on. Many people serv

13、e pie for dessert at the end of the meal.Wishbone: Breaking the turkeys wishbone is part of their celebration. Two people each take one end of the wishbone, make a wish, and pull. Whoever ends up with the larger part of the bone gets their wish!The Turkey Pardon(“特赦火鸡”大典): It is an interesting white

14、 House tradition. Each year before Thanksgiving, the President of the US will let a live turkey free, allowing it to live out the rest of its life on a farm.Helping Others: Some generous(慷慨的) people like to help the poor at Thanksgiving. Some volunteer to serve food to the homeless.21Most people wil

15、l get together with their family at Thanksgiving.22“The Wishbone” is a program that people like watching at Thanksgiving.23The President of the US will share turkey with others on the farm.24Some people would like to help the poor at Thanksgiving.25The passage mainly tells us how American people cel

16、ebrate Thanksgiving.三、阅读单选 Asking for directions is the first thing we need to do when we get to a different country. Knowing how to ask for help can make our life much easier! Here are some tips for you.Use greetings and polite expressions: Starting the conversation with a friendly greeting is a mu

17、st. If you want to get a great answer, begin by saying “hello” first. And finish with a “thank you” and “have a nice day”.Examples: Excuse me, could you help me?/ Hello! May I ask for some help? / I need to get to the CN tower.Build your vocabulary: You should know the basic vocabulary that can be u

18、sed when getting directions. Try to remember places like High Park, Queen Street, and words like traffic lights, bank, block, etc.Examples: Its about two blocks away from here. /Go along the street until you reach the traffic lights.Learn the most commonly used prepositions and adverbs: Some importa

19、nt prepositions to remember are between, next to, and straight ahead. And the adverbs nears, nearer, and nearest are very useful when you need to find somewhere fast.Examples: The zoo is straight ahead. / Its between a bank and a post office.Try to know some important landmarks: Every city in the wo

20、rld has its own landmarks. You can cut down on search time if you know what the important landmarks are.Examples: It is next to the CN Tower! Go past the Aquarium and then turn left.26Who may be most interested in the reading?ALisa from France, who is learning Chinese culture.BMr. Green from Britain

21、, who is teaching English.CYuan Hai from China, who is taking a trip in England.DMiss Smith from America, who is having a meeting in New York.27_ is the most important when you ask for directions.AKnowing where you are BAsking the right personCMaking yourself understood DGreeting the person politely

22、28Using the word “nearest” can help you _.Amiss wrong places Bfind the place quicklyCfind a better place Dlearn about more places Once upon a time, there was a fair with different shops in town. Among those was a small shop set up by a young man.The shop was filled with colorful jewelry and other th

23、ings made of glass. One of the pieces caught a jewelers eye. It was shining so brightly that the jeweler thought it was a precious diamond(珍贵的钻石). He asked the shop owner,” Whats the price of this piece?”“20 dollars,” replied the owner.The jeweler wanted to save some money, so he said, “I can give y

24、ou only 15 dollars for it.”The shop owner refused.There werent many people around the shop, so the jeweler thought to himself, “If I come back later, the shop owner may change his mind.” After hanging about for a while, he returned to the shop, only to find the piece missing. He asked the shop owner

25、, “Where is the piece I asked for a moment ago?”The shop owner replied , “I sold it for 20 dollars.”The jeweler got angry and said,” What a fool(傻瓜)you are! It was not a glass piece but a precious diamond.”The shop owner replied, “Im not a fool but you are! You knew that piece was precious, but you

26、tried to buy it for 15 dollars and left.”29The change of the jewelers feeling can be described as _.Aangryhappyregretful BhappyangryregretfulCangryregretfulhappy Dhappyregretfulangry30What lesson can we learn after reading the story?AAction speaks louder than words. BTry to save as much money as we

27、can.CThink twice before making decisions. DDont lose much by trying to save a little.四、完成句子完成句子。31当你遇到狗时,不要突然跑起来,否则它可能会追赶你。When you meet a dog, dont run suddenly, or it may _you.32出门前别忘记切断水源。Dont forget to _ the water supply before going out.33了解一些餐桌礼仪是非常必要的。Its necessary to know some _.34尽管你很忙,但请尽力

28、保持房间整洁。Though you are very busy, but please _ to keep the room tidy.35起初,没有人看好这个计划。_, nobody thought the plan was good.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)lead yourself search collect ask good find please listeners exactOne day, a speaker was giving a speech about happiness. He

29、 wanted to draw the36 attention, so he created a group activity. All of the listeners were asked to take part in it.He gave each listener a balloon. Each one was asked to write his or her name on the balloon. Then, all of the balloons were 37 and put in another room.The speaker then38 the group to t

30、he room full of balloon. He told each person to find the balloon that had his or her name within five minutes. Everyone was busy 39 for his or her name. They pushed each other around and bumped into each other. Five minutes passed, but no one could 40 his or her own balloon.After seeing this, the sp

31、eaker asked each person to take any balloon and try to find the person whose name was written on it. Everyone started41 each other for their names. They all had their own balloons within just two minutes.“This is 42 what happens in our life,” the speaker said. “ The balloons are like the happiness we look for . Everyone is busy looking for their own happiness, not caring what happens to others. But som

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