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1、上课必修三Unit5Words教师肥城一中“四阶段六步导学”课堂教学导学案年级:高一学科:英语序号:3-5-1编制人: 刘平审核人:孙娟课题:Unit 5 Canada 课时:1st【学习目标】1、课前预习、记忆单词,能够会读、会写。2、通过查字典、小组合作探究,掌握单词、词组的用法。【重点难点】重点单词: chat,surround,measure,aboard,border,mix,confirm,distance,downtown,terrify, impress重点短语: prime minister, rather than, settle down, manage to do, c

2、atch sight of,have a gift for, in the distance【自主学习】 The classification of parts of speechv. chat, surround, measure, mix, confirm, terrify, impress, terrify n.quiz,Candian,minister, continent,chat,scenery,harbour,measure,eagle,border,acre, topic,mixture,bush,maple, frost,distance,mist,schoolmate, b

3、ooth,dawn,buffet,traditionadj.Canadian,slim,raw,limited, eastward, westward, upward,slight,urban,wealthy,misty,downtown, broad, nearby,terrified,pleased, impressive adv.eastward,westward, upward,aboard,slightly, downtown,approximately, nearbyprep. aboard,within【合作探究】1. rather than 而不是,不愿,不要, 常用来连接并列

4、的成分。1)I would have a coffee rather than coke(可口可乐).2)He was busy writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper.3)I decided to write rather than telephone.4)He ran rather than walked.5)She likes to keep things in the house rather than throw them away.总结以上句子中rather than连接成分1) 宾语(n) 2)宾语(ing) 3)宾语

5、(to do不带to )4)谓语 5)宾语(to do不带to) vi&n. 聊天;闲聊1)They chatted about the film shown last night.2)Mary chatted with most of the guests at the party.3)We had a chat about the old days.4)They chatted with each other about the weather.= He had a chat about weather with me.用法总结:chat about 聊 chat with s

6、b 与闲聊 have a chat with sb about sth 与某人聊天谈论某事3. surround vt.包围,环绕,围绕surrounding adj. 附近的;四周的surroundings n环境 1)She works in pleasant surroundings.2) They have surrounded the town with troops.3) The lake is surrounded by/with mountains.4)To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.对一

7、些人来说,幸福就是家人和朋友的环绕。 5) The lake is surrounded by/with mountains.=Mountains surround the lake.这个湖四面环山。用法总结:insurroundings在环境中surround sth with sth 用包围be surrounded by/with被包围/环绕4. measure v. 测量; (体积、长度、容积等)是 n. 计量单位;尺寸;措施1) Our classroom measures 10 meters long.2) Its hard to measure his ability when

8、we havent seen his work.3) The suit was specially made for you to your measure.这套衣服是专门为你做的(根据你的尺寸)。4)We must take some measures to help the poor.用法总结:measure sth ones measure 根据的尺寸做take some measures/steps to do= take action to do 采取措施做某事5. aboard prep./adv. 在/到船上/飞机/火车上abroad adv.“去(在)国外;到处

9、”。board n.“木板;膳食”;vt.“上(船、飞机等); 用板盖上;提供膳食;”go abroad 出国 1) He was the last to go aboard the ship and the first to realize the danger.他是最后一个上船的也是第一个意识到危险的。2)Its time for us to get aboard the plane.用法总结:go/get aboard3) He is said to have gone abroad. = It is said that he has gone abroad. 据说他出国了。4) He

10、went aboard (the plane).= He boarded the plane. 他上了飞机。5) That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午,这对表姐妹上了火车落了座。6. settle down 定居,平静下来,专心于1) When are you going to get married and settle down? 定居2) They settled down to a serious discussion over coffee.他们喝着咖啡,开始认真讨论

11、问题。3) The teacher tried to settle the students down. 平静下来用法总结:settle down to(do/doing) sth开始认真对待某事,定下心来做某事7. sight (翻译下列划横线的短语):1) I caught sight of his figure in the crowd. 看见2) At first sight his demand seemed reasonable. 乍一看3) The train is still in sight. 在视野中4) The house was out of sight behind

12、a wall. 在视野之外5)They ran away at the sight of the police. 一看到8. border n.边界,国界, 边沿 vt. (与相)接壤border (on/upon) sth. 与相接壤1) You cant pass the border without a passport. 没有passport,你不能越过国界。2) France borders (on) Germany. 法国与德国接壤。3) The handkerchief has a lace border.蕾丝花边9.mix v. 混合,调配 n. mixture 1) Dont

13、 try to mix business with pleasure.2) Oil dont mix with water. 5) Water and oil dont mix. 油水不相溶。3) Mix the eggs into the flour.用法总结:mix with mix into Translate:将红色和黄色混合,你会得到橙色。4)Mix red with yellow and you will get orange. 10.confirm vt. 证明,证实;确认;批准提示:confirm作“证明”讲时与prove近义;作“确认(定)”讲时与make sure近义。1)

14、 He looked around to confirm that there was nobody around.确保 2) What he did confirmed my opinion that he was lying. 证明 3) Did they confirm your decision? 批准11. distance n. 距离;远方 distant adj.1)I could see the slight light in the distance. 我能看见远处微弱的光。2)The painting can only be admired at a distance. 这

15、幅油画只能在稍远处欣赏。3)Whats the distance between London and Paris? 伦敦和巴黎之间有多远?4) Mary likes to keep people at a distance.用法总结:in the distance 在远处 at a distance 隔开一段距离,从稍远处keep sb at a distance 与保持适当的距离12. urban adj.城市的、市镇的(范围大) downtown adj./adv./n.(在/往)市区(的)、商业区(的)suburban 市郊的, 郊区的 block 街区1) This is a fam

16、ous downtown street.2) Lets go downtown shopping tomorrow. 明天我们打算去市中心购物。3) He lived downtown.=He lived in downtown Feicheng.= He lived in the downtown. 他住在市中心。13. terrify vt. 使人害怕,吓唬使恐怖,恐吓 (情感动词) terror n. 恐惧,害怕terrible adj. 恐惧的,害怕的terrorist 恐怖分子 terrorism n.恐怖主义,恐怖行动1)Dont terrify the poor boy with

17、 ghost stories.2)He was terrified of heights.3)Im terrified to think about the fact that my mother will die someday.4) The great wave formed a terrifying wall of water.5) What he did terrified me. 他所做的吓到我了。6) What he did was terrifying. 他所做的很吓人。7) I was terrified by/at what he did. 我对于他所做的感到恐惧。用法总结:

18、terrify sb with sth 吓唬某人terrifying (物) terrified (人) terrified of对害怕be terrified to do不敢去做14. impress v. 使印象深刻;使铭记;盖(印),盖(印)于(和with /on 搭配使用)impression n. 印象 1) She did not impress me at all. 她没给我留下丝毫印象。2) Our teacher impressed us with the importance of learning English. 我们的英语老师让我们记住了学英语的重要性。

19、=3) Our teacher impressed the importance of learning English on us.4) Your impressive speech left a good impression on us.5) Im deeply impressed by your speech.6) His words impressed me. I was impressed with/by/at his words. 7)He impressed his words on me. His words were impressed on me. 8) He impre

20、ssed me with his words. I was impressed with his words.用法总结:sth impress sb.= sb be impressed at/with/by给某人以印象;使铭记impress sb with sth= impress sth on sb让某人铭记某事;使印象深刻;impressive (物) adj.感人的,留下深刻印象的impressed (人) adj.make/leave a good impression on sb给某人留下好印象【当堂检测】Task1.1)When asked, she confirmed (证实)

21、that she was going to retire. 2)He left as a poor, working class boy and returned as a wealthy (wealth) man. 3)The distance (distant) between his house and school is quite short.4)Britain is increasingly a multicultural (多元文化的) society.5)He tried to flee across the border(边境) but was caught.6)Nowada

22、ys many young people still have traditional (tradition) family values.7)The job will take approximately (approximate) three weeks.8)She likes to chat with grandma over the phone.9)He went to Australia in the 1980s and settled down there.10)There are seven continents in the world, of which Asia is th

23、e largest.Task 2. 翻译句子1.听到这个令人兴奋的消息,他哭了而不是笑了.(rather than)Hearing the exciting news, he cried rather than laughed.2.他住在一所四周都是美丽花草的房子里。(be surrounded with /by)He lives in a house surrounded with/by beautiful flowers and grass.3.他计划在乡下定居。(settle down)He planned to settle down in the country.4. 就像他的父亲一样,他也有音乐天赋。(have a gift for)He has a gift for music like his father.5.我害怕在黑暗中睡觉(terrify)Im terrified of sleeping in the dark.6.远处山中的景色给我留下了深刻的印象.(in the distance, impress)The scenery in the mountain in the distance greatly impressed me.Many thanks.

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