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1、届高考英语3500词汇50练基础练+提升练20解析2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础+提升)练20基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.My friend offered to pay my plane _(票), which was very generous of him.【答案】fare【句意】我的朋友主动提出帮我付机票钱,他真是太慷慨了。2.Julies success justified the _(信任)her teachers had put in her.【答案】faith【句意】Julie的成功证明了老师对她的信任是正确的。3. Nob

2、ody can help but be _(着迷)by the world into which he is taken by the science f_.【答案】fascinated, fiction【句意】没有人能够忍住不被科幻小说带给我们的科幻世界着迷。4.If we take a plane, well of course, have arrived in Paris by next weekend.Dont be sure, we should reflect on the weather _(因素). What shall we do if it is _(有雾的)?【答案】fa

3、ctors, foggy【句意】“如果我们乘飞机,我们将在下周末到达巴黎。”“不确定,我们应该考虑天气因素。如果有雾我们怎么办?”5.What is it that makes your son feel blue today?Being forbidden to watch his _(最喜欢的)cartoon Paw Patrol.【答案】favourite【句意】“是什么让你儿子今天心情不好?”“不让他看他最喜欢的卡通狗狗巡逻队。”6.The Confucian Temple of Nanjing has now developed into a _(著名的)scenic spot, _

4、(使有特色)sightseeing, shopping and tasty foods.【答案】famous, featuring【句意】南京夫子庙现已发展成为以观光、购物、美食为特色的著名景点。7.A new _(功能)of Chinas official train ticket booking website is expected to boost buyers chances of obtaining a ticket during the upcoming Spring _(节日)travel rush.【答案】function, Festival【句意】中国火车票预订官网的一项新

5、功能有望在即将到来的春运高峰期间增加购票机会。8. Were he still a child, we could _(原谅)him for his mistakes!【答案】forgive【解析】如果他还是个孩子的话,我们就可以原谅他犯的错误!9.Hydrogen is the _(基本的)element of the universe provided that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.【答案】fundamental【句意】氢是宇宙的基本元素,因为它提供了其他元素赖

6、以产生的基本元素。10. However _(激烈的)the competition is _, there is a good chance that our team will win so long as we have made full preparations.【答案】fierce【句意】不管竞争多么激烈,只要我们做好充分的准备,我们队获胜的机会很大。11.On the surface of the water _(漂浮)some dead leaves, which spoiled the beautiful scenery of the park.【答案】floated【句意】

7、水面上漂浮着一些枯叶,破坏了公园的美丽景色。12.Charles often attempts to escape being _(罚款)whenever he breaks traffic regulations.【答案】fined【句意】每当Charles违反交通规则时,他总是试图逃避罚款。13.The present system no longer meets the changing needs of our customers; we have to make a _(灵活的)management system.【答案】flexible【句意】现在的系统已经不能满足客户不断变化的需

8、求,我们必须建立一个灵活的管理系统。14.Theres now a consensus nearly all over the world that were facing a _(脆弱的)fragile world peace.【答案】fragile【句意】现在几乎全世界都一致认为,我们面临着脆弱的世界和平。15.What happened in the next 30 seconds was one of _(奇妙的/极好的)events of the story.【答案】fantastic【句意】接下来的30秒内发生的事情是整个故事中奇妙的事情之一。16.April Fools Day

9、is an occasion when people rack their brains to make a f_of others.【答案】fool 【句意】愚人节是人们绞尽脑汁捉弄别人的时机。17.Many early Europeans, believing the earth to be flat, feared that Columbus would f_ off the edge of the earth.【答案】fall 【句意】许多早期的欧洲人,相信地球是平坦的,担心哥伦布会在地球边缘掉下去。18.Your conclusions are f_ f_worthless; the

10、y make a good deal of sense to me.【答案】far from【句意】你的结论远非毫无价值,它们对我很有意义。19.Ourattackwassostrongthat theenemyhadto f_ backtotheriverbank.【答案】fall【句意】我方的进攻很猛烈,敌人只好退至河岸。20.In the past several months, many officials in China have been charged with corruption and f_withtrials.【答案】faced【句意】在过去的几个月里,许多中国官员都被

11、控告贪污并面临着审讯。21.There is no reason to be disappointed. As a matter of f_, this could be rather amusing.【答案】fact【句意】没有理由感到失望。事实上,这可能相当有趣。22.Friendships will f_ awayif there isnt a good balance between the give and the take【答案】fade【句意】如果在付出和索取之间没有很好的平衡,友谊就会消失。23.I feel I am as well-behaved and as carefu

12、l as my deskmate, but how come I always f_ behind?【答案】fall【句意】我觉得我和我的同桌一样做的好,一样细心,但为什么我总是落后呢?24.You can always f_ back onhim when you are in difficulties.【答案】fall【句意】你碰到困难时总是可以求助于他。25.Its a little surprising that a house made of wood or bamboo may stay up in an earthquake while one made of steel and

13、 concrete may f_ down.【答案】fall【句意】让人有点惊讶的是,用木头或竹子建造的房子在地震中也许屹立不倒,而用钢和混凝土建造的房子可能会倒塌。26.Jack always dreams of his song catching on, so that he can make a f_ overnight.【答案】fortune【句意】杰克一直梦想他的歌能够流行,这样他就可以一夜暴富。歌曲流行他才能暴富,故选B。27.As f_ asI am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, th

14、e more equipped for life you are.【答案】far【句意】据我所知教育就是学习,你学的越多,你就越能适应生活。28.Long skirts have been out of f_for a long time in the West, but they are coming back this year.【答案】fashion【句意】长裙已过时很长一段时间了,但它们今年将卷土重来。29.Country music is f_to Bush while his son is f_with modern jazz.【答案】familiar, familiar 【句意】

15、乡村音乐为布什所熟知,而他儿子通晓现代爵士乐。30.Nobody likes him, because he is such a man who is always finding f_ with other people.【答案】fault【句意】没人喜欢他,因为他是一个总挑别人毛病的人。二、单句语法填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空或填上恰当的单词)1.At no time did they actually break the rules of the game. It was _(fair)to punish them.【答案】unfair【句意】实际上他们从未违反比赛规定,惩罚他们不公平

16、。2.Each member country of WTO must submit to its laws and regulations and complete on the principle of_(fair)and cooperation. 【答案】fairness【句意】世界贸易组织各成员国必须遵守其法律法规,遵循公平与合作的原则。3.Your profession will have an important effect on the _(form)of your character and temperament.【答案】formation【句意】你的职业将会对你性格和脾气的

17、形成有重要的影响。4.The new law of consumer rights also clarifies rules about returning_(fault)goods.【答案】faulty【句意】新的消费者权利保护法也对问题食品退换作了说明。5.Your colleague is speaking English with_(fluent).Its no wonder. She worked in the UK for a year as a visiting professor. 【答案】fluency【句意】“你的同事英语说的很流利。”“不奇怪,她曾在英国做访问教授一年的时

18、间。”6.Its on such occasions when others unites while I am alone in a_(foreigner)land that I am twice as homesick.【答案】foreign【句意】就是在别人团聚而我一个人在异国他乡时,我的思乡之情就会加倍强烈。7.Theonlyway to take the enemy position is by strategy, not by_(force)attack.【答案】forceful【句意】夺取敌人阵地的唯一办法是只可智取,不可强攻。8.For most_(form)dinners,

19、you should wear comfortable and casual clothes.【答案】informal【句意】对于非正式的晚宴,你应该穿着舒服并随意的服装。9.During his stage career, he created many lively and _(forget)artistic images. 【答案】unforgettable【句意】在他的舞台生涯中,他塑造了许多生动且令人难以忘怀的艺术形象。 10.Two men were _ to death on the mountain because it was _.(freeze)【答案】frozen, fr

20、eezing【句意】有两个人在山上冻死了,因为天气很冷。11.Why do you have a_ look?Because you almost_ me out of life by your_ clothes. (fright)【答案】frightened, frightened, frightening【句意】“为什么你脸色看起来被什么给吓着了?”“因为你吓人的衣服吓着我了。”12.To his credit, his translation manages to be_(faith)to the spirit of the original.【答案】faithful【句意】值得赞扬的是

21、,他的翻译做到了忠于原作的精神。13.The schemes investors, _(fear)of bankruptcy, decided to abandon the project. 【答案】fearful【句意】因为担心破产,该计划的投资者决定放弃这个项目。 14.They only charged me half price for the_(fashion)skirt.【答案】fashionable【句意】这条时髦的裙子他们只收了我半价。15.If the project to be completed before the end of this month is delaye

22、d, the construction company will be made fully responsible for the_(finance)losses.【答案】financial【句意】如果这个月底预计完工的大楼建设的工期被拖延的话,建筑公司将对经济损失负全部责任。三、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.Jamie, I cant tell you how fortunately I felt when I received my wallet sent by you. 【答案】改为fortunate【解析】felt在这里是系动词,其后应用形容

23、词作表语,表示“我感到非常幸运”,故把fortunately改为fortunate。句意:杰米,当我收到你寄来的钱包时,我简直无法告诉你我有多幸运。2.Unfortunately, a teacher impressed on me the value of cooperation.【答案】Unfortunately改为Fortunately【解析】根据句意“幸运的是,一位老师让我认识到合作的价值”,应该将Unfortunately 改为Fortunately。3.I firm believe that communication and smiles act as bridges to fr

24、iendship.【答案】firm改为firmly【解析】副词firmly修饰动词believe作状语,故把firm改为firmly。句意:我坚信沟通和微笑是友谊的桥梁。4.Final I finished the job before the new term began.【答案】Final改为Finally【解析】Finally“最终,最后”,为副词修饰整个句子。故Final改为Finally。句意:最终,我在新学期开始之前完成了工作。5.If you face the same problem, why not talking to your parents face on face?【

25、答案】on改为to【解析】face to face面对面地,故把on改为to。句意:如果你面临同样的问题,为什么不当面和你的父母谈谈呢?6.Whenever I face with an important decision, I seek advice from others. 【答案】删除with【解析】结合句意可知此处face“面对”,是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,故把face后面的with删除。句意:每当我面临一个重要的决定时,我都会向他人寻求建议。7.So when face with difficulties, we should fight for them bravely.【答案

26、】face改为faced, for改为against【解析】分析句子可知,So when face with difficulties,为省略了主语和be动词的时间状语从句,本句为短语be faced with面对,故把face改为faced。fight for为了而战斗/斗争;fight against与作斗争,故把for改为against。句意:当面对困难的时候,我们应该勇敢地与困难作斗争。8.Facing with difficult problems, we should have faith in ourselves. 【答案】Facing改为Faced或删除with【解析】句意:面

27、对困难,我们应该对自己有信心。Sb. be faced with为固定搭配,意为“某人面对”,be faced with的逻辑主语是we,因此把Facing改为Faced或删除with。9.We seldom use computers, so the software they use is not familiar with us.【答案】with改为to【解析】be familiar to sb.为某人所熟悉。句意:我们很少使用电脑,所以他们使用的软件对我们来说不熟悉。10.Not only is the father interested in football but his fam

28、ily is beginning to care about it.【答案】family后面的is改为are【解析】family是“家人”的意思,为复数意义,故把is改为are。句意:这位父亲不仅对足球感兴趣,而且他的家人也开始关心足球了。11.Chinese food is famous as its wide variety.【答案】as改为for【解析】be famous for 表示“以/因而闻名”,故as改为for。句意:中国美食以种类繁多而闻名。12.How do you find the guy who took office last week?Hes always findi

29、ng a fault with others.【答案】删除fault前面的a【解析】find fault with sb.找某人的茬。句意:“你觉得上周就职的那个人怎么样?”“他总是找别人的茬。”13.Her mother is not in the favour of her marriage at all.【答案】删除favour前面的the【解析】in favor of赞成,故删除favour前面的the。句意:她妈妈一点也不赞成她的婚姻。14.Then I can have more free time to do what Im fond.【答案】fond后加of【解析】be fon

30、d of喜爱,故在fond后面加上of。句意:然后我可以有更多的自由时间做我喜欢的事情。15.One hundred and twenty students took the exam for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them.【答案】was改为were【解析】a few 作主语,谓语用复数形式。 故把was改为were。句意:一百二十个学生为此参加了考试,但只有几个被选中,我就是其中之一。16.We should employ people who fit for the job.【答案】fit前面加are【解析】be fit for适合,胜任于。句意:我们应该聘请那些能够胜任于这个工作的人。

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