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九年级英语上册 Module 12 Save our world教学案 新版外研版.docx

1、九年级英语上册 Module 12 Save our world教学案 新版外研版 Module 12 Save our world【教学内容分析】本模块以环境污染以及环保为话题。本单元是通过工厂污染环境谈论环保,提倡绿色生活,锻炼学生的语言表达能力,并提高学生的环保意识。通过本单元的听说活动,给学生提供充足的体验和运用语言的机会。【学情分析】本模块谈论环境污染和环保,污染问题普遍,学生亲身体会比较多,容易调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣。Unit 1If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.【教学目标】Know

2、ledge objectiveTo master some words and expressions. Ability objectiveTo understand a conversation about pollution and a green school.Moral objectiveTo learn the crisis of the earth and save the world. 【教学重点】1. To learn and review some words and expressions:factory, pollute, recycle, waste, enemy, c

3、rop, kill, oil, less, such as, hopeless 2. To learn how to live a green life.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up Pollution is our great enemy, and we have to fight it. Let Ss watch

4、 a video about pollution. Ss look at the pictures and talk about the questions.Step 2 ListeningWork in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you.factory pollute recycle wasteStep 3 Listen and plete the sentences.1. The factory is causing a lot of _.2. Ther

5、e should be some _ to stop the pollution.3. We can _ waste products, such as _ and paper in a recycling centre.Listen and read. Step 4 Consolidate new wordsLook and say. Look at the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.Step 5 ReadingRead the dialogue and plete the

6、 notes.Pollution problems1. If the rivers are polluted, _.2. In some places, pollution from factories _.3. The cars on the roads _.What the students can do4. Support a green school: every class _ which can be _. Then the school _ to help students _.5. Students learn _. That means _.Step 6 Everyday E

7、nglishIts no use Such as ?Nice idea!Step 7 Language points 1. Its no use talking about things we cant do. Its no use doing sth. 做某事没有用处 e.g. Its no use plaining. 抱怨没有用处。 Listen, George, its no use living in the past. 听着, 乔治, 活在过去是没有用的。 2. Such as .? such as 这个短语常用来表示举例说明。 e.g. There are lots of thin

8、gs you could do. 有很多你们能做的事。 Such as ? 比如说?3. That means less waste. less adj. 较小的; 较少的 n. 较少数; 较少量 less 是 little 的比较级, 指物体的体积或分量相对于别的物体少。 e.g. The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year. 公司的资金和人员都比去年少了。4. Though pollution is heavy now, I dont think its hopeless.hopeless adj. 无望的 e.g. The

9、 doctor said the old mans condition was hopeless. 医生说这位老人的病是没有希望的了。 Step 8 Exercisesplete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.cause enemy factory kill oil pollute spreadPollution is our great _. Pollution from _ is a danger to our health, and may even _ people. Factories someti

10、mes _ the rivers, and farmers cannot use the water for their crops. Pollution _ over cities and villages, and that _ even more danger. Cars use a lot of _ and cause pollution too.Step 9 Pronunciation and speakingListen and mark the words which the speaker links. 1. After our lesson on the environmen

11、t, Im worried about the future.2. Students at a green school also learn ways to save energy and recycle at home.Now listen again and repeat. Step 10 Work in pairs. List the pollution problems in your place. Choose one problem and say what should be done about it.For example The air pollution in our

12、city is getting worse. What can we do to stop it? I think we can ride our bicycles to school more.Step 11 HomeworkWrite a passage about how to control pollution and how save our earth.Unit 2Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.【教学目标】Knowledge objectiveTo master some words and ex

13、pressionsAbility objectiveEnable students to know about how to live a green life.【教学重点】1. To learn the words and expressions.2. To learn the reading method.【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming upDo you live a

14、green life? Resource conservation and pollution reduction 节约资源, 减少污染 Green consumption and green purchase绿色消费, 环保选购Repeated use重复使用,多次利用Recycling分类回收,循环再生Natural protection and co-existence保护自然,万物共存Save the earth and save us.Step 2 New wordsLook at the pictures of new words and let the students say

15、new words.Step 3 Reading 1. Look at the pictures. Say which ways are good for the environment and why. 2. Look at the title of the passage. What suggestions do you think the passage will make? Use the words in the box to help you. china divide necessary plastic policy reuseIt is better to use china

16、cups and bowls because they can be used many times.Step 4 Read the passage and answer the questions.Which ways are good for the environment and why?Step 5 Check () the suggestions that are mentioned in the passage.1. Order food that you can finish.2. Use less electricity at home.3. Learn ways to rec

17、ycle rubbish.4. Use paper cups and bags.5. Repair things.6. Divide rubbish into different groups.7. Collect waste or rubbish to raise money.8. Burn things to save energy.Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6Step 6 Find two things you should do and two things you should not do in the passage. Find reasons. Use your an

18、swers to write sentences.We should recycle rubbish because it can help us protect the environment.Step 7 Language points1. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change. ton n. 吨 tons of 许多, 很多e.g. Weve bought tons of beer for the party tonight. 我们已经为今晚的聚会买了大量啤酒。throw away 扔掉

19、; 丢弃 e.g. When are you going to throw away those old magazines? 你打算什么时候扔掉那些旧杂志? He has thrown away a good opportunity. 他已经失去了一个良好的机会。2. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. repeat v. 重说; 重新做前缀“re-”, 意思是“再, 重复”e.g. I repeated after the teacher word by word. 我跟着老师一个字一个字地读。reuse v

20、. 再次使用; 重复利用e.g. She often reuses old envelopes. 她经常重复使用旧信封。 The bottles can be reused up to 20 times. 这些瓶子可重复使用达20次。 3. Although it takes energy to change things into something else, it is better than throwing things away or burning them. change into 把变成e.g. You cant change iron into gold. 你无法把铁变成金

21、子。4. We cannot hope for rapid change, but lets take these simple steps today take steps 采取措施e.g. We need to take some steps to reduce pollution. 我们需要采取一些措施了减少污染。Step 8 Practice plete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. divide granddaughter plastic policy rapid recycle repeat s

22、tep ton We throw away _ of rubbish every year. If we want a clean world for our grandsons and _, we have to reduce, reuse and _. _ these three words every day. The first _ is to use less. The second is to use things as long as possible. Then _ your rubbish into _, paper, rubber and glass. Finally, d

23、raw up a recycling _ for your munity. We cannot hope for _ change, but every little bit helps!Keys: tons, granddaughters, recycle, Repeat, step, divide, plastic, policy, rapidStep 9 WritingWork in pairs. Make a list of things you can do to make your school greener. Dont throw bottles away.Write a pa

24、ssage on how to make your school greener and give reasons. Use the list you have made in Activity 7 to help you. Use because, so and so that.Dont throw bottles away because it is better to recycle them.Unit 3 Language in use【教学目标】Knowledge objectiveTo practice word-building: pounds, derivatives, con

25、versionAbility objectiveEnable students to learn how to protect environment and Earth Hour.Moral objectiveTo arouse the awareness of students protecting environment.【教学重点】To learn word-building: pounds, derivatives, conversion【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and

26、some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Language practice Reuse means “use again”.Though pollution is heavy now, I dont think its hopeless.Step 2 Make a new words. Join the parts of words in Box A with the words in Box B. You need to use some of the parts more than once.A able -ful im- -less r

27、e- un-B care collect hope possible use usual wanted wasteStep 3 Now work in groups. Play the guessing game English for Fun.English for Fun1. full of care _2. can be collected _3. full of hope _4. without any hope _5. not possible _6. not usual _7. without any use _8. use again _9. not wanted _10. ma

28、king a lot of waste _Step 4 Learning to learnSometimes if you know the meaning of the parts of a word, you can work out the meaning of the whole word. re + new + able; re = again, able = can be renewable = can be new againStep 5构词法1. 合成法将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法叫做合成法。合成法是一种比较灵活的构词方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副

29、词、代词、动词等。例如:afternoon, sportsman, blackboard, sportsperson, newspaper, airplane, classmate, grandfather 等就是通过合成构词法构成的名词;kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working 等为合成形容词;however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing, overlook 等也都是通过合成法构成的单词。2. 派生法通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法叫作派生法。要通过派生法理解和记忆单词, 我们需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀及派生规律。(1) 常见前缀前缀含义例词dis-不disagree, dislikeen-使处于某种状态enable, enrichim-, in-不impossible, impatient, inexpensiveinter-在之间, 相互international, interconnectmis-错误地mislead, misunderstandnon-不, 非non-smoker, non-nativere-再, 重复rewrite, retellun-不unable, unhappy, unpopular(2) 常见后缀后缀功能例词-e

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