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1、英语汉译英练习题及答案培训课件英语汉译英练习题及答案完成句子高考英语专题训练材料(完成句子)1.The harder you work, the_(你将会取得更大进步)。(progress)2.With_(许多事情要处理),he has no time to play basketball.(work, attend)3._(你那样是不礼貌的)shout at the little girl. (it) 4_(中午没睡好),he went to bed earlier that night.(sleep)5. He never wrote _(一样好的书)as his first one ag

2、ain. (good).6.The United States always expected_(有更多国家)support it for occupying Iraq.(there)7.So tired_(他觉得)that he fell asleep soon.(feel) 8.It was he, believe it or not, _(给你帮助)when you were in trouble.(lend) 9.He likes telling stories, _(没有一个)can make me happy. (none) 10._(听到)her father had come,

3、 her face lit up at once. (hear) 11.I never dreamed of _(会有这样的机会)study in the capital.(there) 12.I failed in the final exam last term and only then_(我才意识到学习的重要性).(realize)13._it began to rain.(他一进屋)(sooner) 14.We are determined to get our rights_(不惜代价).(cost) 15._(很难被忍受的)is his coldness.(put) 16.The

4、 weather turned out to be good,_(这是我们没有预料的).(than) 17.I find _(与那些人合作困难) those who always stick to their our opinions. (it) 18._(但愿这样严重的污染不会发生) in our city. (only) 19.Without electricity human life _(现在将会十分困难)(quite) 20._(从早到晚忙生意), he cared little about his sons study. (occypy)21._(在物价飞涨下),many peop

5、le can hardly make ends meet.(increase)22.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_(老师对我的成绩却一点也不满意)with my progress.(satisfy) 23.If_(我没有及时送你去医院)at once, you would still be in danger now.(send) 24.Below the table_(一只猫躺在那儿)(lie).25._(他考试不及格的原因)that he played so much. (reason).26._(以实

6、验为基础),his conclusion is right.(base) 27.The factorys output of cars this year is_(大约是去年的三倍). (that) 28.The man died, _(给他儿子留下了大笔钱). (leave) 29._(从这里看), he can see far more. (see)30._(尽管他的成绩很差), he still concentrates on studying.(as) 31.The snack _(味道好极了 ) (taste)32._(是酒后开车)that resulted in the accid

7、ent (it) 33.Who _(你认为)will be the winner? (think) 34.We must overcome every obstacle,_(不管是什么困难 ) (whatever) 35._( Zidanne离开),France is like dragons without a head (with) 36.Thanks to the relief supply, _(没有它,我们就挨饿了 )(which)37. _(直到她回家)that Jennifer realized that she had lost her keys(until) 38._(大学读

8、了三年之后), he was used to living there.(having) 39.-Do you think where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere.-Well,He_(不可能走远)-His coat is still here(go) 40._(为了当选),he spent a lot of money promoting(to) 41.41.Your article is all right_.(只是太长了)(except) 42.I knew I had made a mistake_.(我一交上试卷)(directly)43

9、.He was absent,_(那是常事)。(case)44.The city shows its new appearance to people ,_.(政府采取措施改善环境)(with)45._,(他没有拜访她)nor will he do so.(neither)46.The bridge_(正在被建的)will be completed next month and open to the public.(built)47.If the war hadnt broken out, the most important artistic treasures_.(就不会被损坏)(mis

10、s)48.When I saw a lot of people gathering over there,I went there to see_.(发生了什么事)(matter)49._,(要不是银行贷款)he would have dropped out of school.(for)50._(虽然我盯着它看),I still didnt know how it woked.(fix)51.The cost of production_(一直在持续下降) (decrease)52.A traditional hand shadow show _(他们认为有趣)takes the audie

11、nce back to their childrenhood.(attach)53.The manager ,_( 向我们明确表明) that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room.(make) 54.A net is to a fisherman _ (犹如枪对猎手) (what)55.I _(宁愿你没帮我),otherwise, I would not have so much trouble now.(rather) 56.The visiting expert preferred giving lectures to student

12、s_(被邀请)to meetings at times.(invite) 57.No sooner_(他一锁上门) than he realized that he forgot to take the key.(lock) 58.Jennys face turned red when she found her teachers eyes_(盯着她)(fix) 59.I would have called you, but I_(忘了你的号码)(forget)60.The peace talk _(据说失败了)(break) 61.The boy _ (假装睡着) when his moth

13、er came into his bedroom. (pretend)62.My sister _ (一直忙于写小说) recently. (engage)63.The police found the house _ (被人闯入). (break) 64. _ (与杰克辩论毫无意义). It wont help at all. (point) 65._ (他突然想起) he had left the dictionary in the library on the way home. (occur)66.He _(本可以逃命), but he chose to stay and fight.

14、 (escape) 68._ (从早到晚忙生意), he cared little about his sons study. (occupy) 69.I _ (全神贯注地看报纸) that I didnt notice him stealing in. (absorb) 70.No _ (他刚一入睡) the telephone rang once again. (go)71._(要不是银行贷款), he would have died in the hospital. ( for ) 72.I_(聚精会神地看电视)that I didnt notice the cat stealing i

15、n. (absorb) 73.He walked as fast as possible, _(希望准时到达那儿)(hope) 74._(她生病了) worried her mother. (be) 75.But for his help, I_(我就不会成功)(succeed). 76.Do you know_(昨天被送进医院的那个人是谁)in our class? (that) 77.You could go to play basketball _(条件是)you must finish your homework.(condition) 78.When he went on a bus

16、, he _(他发现一位老人在偷一位妇女的钱包)(catch) 79.He shut himself in the room_(以免被打扰)(disturb) 80.At what time would _(对我来说最方便)to call you again.(convenient) 81.How I wish that Jay Chou_(能在我们学校开演唱会) (hold)82._(当一名老师)is very interesting. (be) 83._(等了很久之后), she lost her temper. (keep, wait) 84._(给更多时间), I would do i

17、t better. (give) 85.It _(直到你告诉我)that I had any idea of it. (until) 86.Youd better_(检查身体)regularly in a hospital. (examine) 87._(为了急于到达) a place of safety, no one stopped to look or help. (anxiety) 88._(无论他作出什么决定),I would support it. (decision) 89._(众所周知), the moon travels the earth once every month.

18、 (know).90._(从太空看), the earth looks blue.(see)91._(天气许可), they will go to the West Lake. (permit)92. (铃声一响)than the teacher came in.(no sooner).93、 (直到战后)that he made his most important.(not until)94、That the little girls buttons (扣错了)made everybody laugh.(do up)95、 ,(有了那表链配手表)Jim might be properly

19、anxious about the time in any company. (with,on) .96、She has married again , (这是大家没有料到的) (expect)97、 (当被问及他的发明时),he said:“One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.” (when ask)98、Marys face turned red when she (发现她老师的眼睛盯着她)。(fix99、Nowadays an increasing number of people (不允许动物试验).(approve)100、

20、China is no longer (过去的样子了)(used to)完成句子参考答案1.greater progress youll make 2.a lot of work to attend to 3.It is impolite of you to4.Not having slept well at noon / as good a book 6.there to be more countries to7.did he feel 8.that lent you a hand 9.none of which 10.When she heard(that)11.there b

21、eing such opportunity 12.did I realize the importance of study 13.No sooner had they entered the room than 14.on matter how much it costs 15.What is not easy to put up with 16.which was more than we could expect hard to cooperate with 18.If only such serious pollution wouldnt happen 19.would b

22、e quite difficult today 20.Occupied in his business from morning till night 21.With prices increasing rapidly the teacher satisfied 23.I had not sent you to the hospital in time 24.lies a cat 25.The reason why he failed in the examination was 26.Based on the experiments 27.three times that of

23、last year 28.leaving his son a large sum of money29.Seeing from here 30.Poor at his study as he is 31. tastes delicious32.It is driving after drinking you think 34.whatever difficulty it is35.With Zidanne leaving 36.without which we would have suffered from hunger37.It was not until she went h

24、ome 38.Having lived in the university for 3 years39.cant have gone far 40.To be elected 41.except that it is too long42.directly I handed in my paper is often the case44.with the government taking measures to improve the invironment45.Neither has he called on her 46.being built 47.would have m

25、issed serious damages48.what was the matter 49.Had it not been for the bank loan 50.While I fixed my eyes on it51. has been constantly decreasing 52 .to which they attach fun 53.having made it clear54. what a gun is to a hunter 55. would rather you hadnt helped me 56. to being invited 57.had he lock

26、ed the door 58 fixed on her 59 forgot your number 60 is said to have broken down 61.pretended to be sleeping/asleep 62.has been engaged in writing a novel 63.had been broken into 64.Theres very little point in arguing with Jack65.It occurred to him that 66.could have escaped67.Having taken the matte

27、r into consideration/account68.Occupied with business from morning till night69.was absorbed in reading the newspaper 70.sooner had he gone to sleep71.Had it not been for the bank loan 72.was so absorbed in watching TV73.hoping to get there on time. 74.Her being ill 75.would not have succeeded76.who it was that was taken to hospital yesterday 77.on condition that78.caught an old man stealing a womans wallet as not to be be most convenient for me 81.could hold a concert in our school82.

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