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1、最新版牛津深圳版七年级上册英语Unit14单元综合测试题及答案初中英语七年级上Unit1-4单元综合测试题 笔试部分(80分)I. 词语释义。(共15小题,每小题1分) 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。( ) 1. There are many mountains in this place and we often climb them.A. forests B. hills C. lakes( ) 2. I often complete my homework before 7:00p.m. from Monday to Friday.A. finish

2、B. take C. do( ) 3. You must say sorry to your classmate because you hurt (伤害) him.A. should B. can C. have to( ) 4. The air is dry in the north of China in winter.A. not wet B. not clean C. not dirty ( ) 5. I seldom play with my friends outside because I am busy with my work.A. often B. never C. do

3、nt often( ) 6. My grandparents live in a white house close toa beautiful lake.A. far away from B. near C. in the middle of( ) 7. My younger brother is good at playing the piano.A. is interested in B. finishes C. does well in( ) 8. We are too tired. Lets take a break. A. holiday B. walk C. rest( ) 9.

4、 I read books in my daily life. A. everyday B. exciting C. terrible( ) 10.The summer holidays usually end in late August. A. stop B. last C. begin( ) 11.The star shines brightly in the sky. A. runs B. takes in light C. sends out light( ) 12.We should not put dirty water into rivers. A. keep . from B

5、. get . from C. pour into( ) 13.You should not kill the animal. It is wrong to do that. A. make . die B. make . laugh C. make . cold( ) 14.Sams birthday party is really great. We have agood time there.A. have fun B.Spendtime C. are bored( ) 15.We hope people all over the world know more about China.

6、A. in few countries B. in most countries C. in every country II. 语法填空题。(共10小题,每小题1分)阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Dear Alan,Thank you for 16._ (give) me the nice present.I like it very much. I want to give you 17._ nice present too. And I want to tell you something about 1

7、8._ (me) school life. This termI have seven 19._ (subject). They are Chinese, Maths, English, Art, Music,Science 20._ History. My favorite subject is English becauseits very 21._ (interested). I also like playing 22._ guitar. After school, I often playbasketball with my friends. I often 23._ (have)

8、lunch at school and I like 24._ (carrot) and chicken. I think they are healthy. I love my school life. What about 25._ (tell) me about your school life?Yours,John. 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Tom and Mike are good friends. Sometimes theyare _26 _to each other, and someti

9、mes they arenot. But some of their classmates think they arelike _27_. One day they go out for a walk together. At noonthey are very _28_ and they go into a restaurantto have lunch. The waiter(服务员)_ 29_ up to them and asks, What can I do for you?Please _30_ us two apples first, says Tom. When the wa

10、iter _31_ the two apples on thetable. Mike takes the bigger one. Tom gets _32_,You are not polite, Mike. Why dont you takethe smaller one? Tom says.But I am _33_, says Mike with a smile. If I let you take first, which one will (将会) you _34_?Of course I will take the smaller one, saysTom. Yes. Mike s

11、ays. If you take the smallerone, the bigger one will still be _35_. Dont youthink so? Oh., Tom cant answer.() 26. A. kind B. bad C. happy( ) 27.A. classmates B. brothers C. friends( ) 28.A. full B. hungry C. thirsty( ) 29.A. gets B. gives C. comes( )30.A. bring B. take C. carry( ) 31.A. gives B. thr

12、ows C. puts() 32.A. glad B. sad C. angry( ) 33.A. important B. right C. clever() 34. A. choose B.provide C. protect() 35. A. yours B.his C.mine IV阅读理解。(共20小题,每小题1.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 AOne day a poor farmer takes a bag of rice to the town. Suddenly the bag falls off his cart(马车) onto the roa

13、d. He doesnt know what he can do because it is too heavy for him to lift (举起) it. He hopes that someone can give him a hand. Just at that moment, a man riding a horsecomes. But the farmer feels sad when he sees him. It is the great man who lives nearby (附近). He thinks the great man will not help him

14、, andhopes another farmer can come up. But to hissurprise, the man gets off his horse and says, Ithink you need some help. Then he takes oneend of the bag and the farmer takes the other.They lift it together and put it onto the cart.Sir, asks the farmer, how much should Ipay for this?Dont say like t

15、hat, the great man answers.When you see anyone else in trouble, do thesame for him.( ) 36. How does thefarmer go to the town? A. By bus. B. In his cart. C. By bike. D. On his horse.() 37. Why does NOT the farmer lift the bag byhimself? A. Because he wants someone to help him. B. Because he has to ta

16、ke care of his cart. C. Because he is not strong enough to lift it. D. Because he is too tired to lift it.() 38. Why does NOT the farmer feel happy when seeing the man? A. Because he thinks the man doesnt want to help him.B. Because he thinks the man is not strong. C. Because he wants a farmer to he

17、lp him.D. Because he thinks the man is not good.( ) 39. Who helps the farmer at last? A. Another farmer. B. His wife. C. His child. D. The man.( ) 40. What can we learn from the passage? A. People should help each other. B. Always thank those who help you. C. The farmer should not go out by himself.

18、 D. The great man is kind.BThere are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring the weather becomes warm. There ismuch green grass in the field. The woods and forests are filled with (充满) the songs of the birds. All living things in the world wake upfrom their long

19、 winter sleep. Summer is the hottest season of the year. Thedays are long and the nights are short. The sunalways shines brightly. But sometimes it iscloudy with heavy clouds and there are storms. If it often rains, there are too many floods (水灾). Autumn brings the harvest (收获) time. People can pick

20、 up crops and fruit. The days get shorterand the nights get longer. The woods turn yellow and brown. Leaves begin to fall from the trees.The sky is blue and people feel comfortable. When winter comes, we have to spend moretime indoors because it .is cold outside. There isice in lakes and rivers, and

21、 roads are sometimes covered with(被覆盖) ice or snow. Strong winds blow and people have to put on moreclothes.( ) 41. What does the underlined phrase wakeup mean?A. Turn green. B. Are not asleep. C. Grow up. D. Turn big.( ) 42. In _, the days are long and the nights are short. A. winter B. spring C. a

22、utumn D. summer( ) 43. What does the writer think of autumn? A. Comfortable. B. Happy. C. Free. D. Excited.() 44. Why must we stay indoors more often inwinter? A. Because we cant find anything to playoutdoors. B. Because there are too many people outdoors. C. Because its warm indoors. D. Because the

23、re are many things to do in-doors.( ) 45. Which of the following can be the best titlefor the passage?A. My favorite season. B. Four seasons. C. Activities in different seasons. D. Weather in different seasons.CLook for your own way to do something onEarth Day with your kids this year. These ideaswi

24、ll help your family get into the activity whenit comes to protecting the environment.Whether (不论) its at your kids school, a neighborhood park, or other places,let your family take part inan activity to protect environment on Earth Day.Make your friends or people around you join(加入)you together.For

25、kids who love to play in the dirt (泥土), gardening isa natural (自然的) way to do good to the Earth. Getyour kids take part in plantinga tree, flowers, vegetables orother plants in your yard. Ifyou choose something like atree, it will grow aroundyear after year to make youknow your hard work onEarth Day

26、.Save water to protect theEarth. Ask everyone to turnoff the water when theybrush their teeth or washtheir faces and hands. See who can take the fastest(最快速的)shower (and still get clean,). Use a broom (扫帚) rather than water to clean the floor.( ) 46. What should a family do on Earth Day? A. Take par

27、t in an activity to protect the environment. B. Plant a tree with other people. C. Talk to their friends about Earth Day. D. Provide some activities for their friends.( ) 47. What does the underlined word it refer to(指的是)? A. The flower. B. The tree. C. The vegetable. D. The dirt. ( ) 48. Which of t

28、he following is a natural way toprotect the Earth? A. Cooking with a little rice. B. Washing cars with a little water. C. Planting flowers. D. Taking care of food.( ) 49. Which of the following can NOT save water? A. Turn off the water when you dont use it. B. Do your best to take a faster shower. C

29、. Clean your sidewalk with a broom. D. Clean your house with water more often.( ) 50. The writer writes this passage for_. A. children B. parents C. teachers D. workers DHow early should parents begin reading to theirchildren? The answer is easy and usually thesame - as early as possible. In fact, s

30、ome people ask parents to begin reading to their children before they are born(出生). You may think the babies dont know the words.But it is good to read to them before they areborn. The voice of the mother or the father can have a good influence (影响) on the baby. It is very important to read to the c

31、hildren when they growand become to know everything. Reading to thechildren at a young age can have a good influence on their thinking skills (技能) It is also important to choose the book youread to your child. For the first twelve months ofa babys life, he or she can not know the words.At this time, the child enjoys books with lots ofbright colors and pictures. Between the ages ofone and two, as the chi

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