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1、专四模拟试题11 What does the man worry about?A Traffic jam in the rush hour B Lack of sleepC The paper D His working promotion2 What does the woman ask the man to do when he is upset?A Have a chat with his friends B Take a deep breathC Go to sleepD Cry out loudly3 What will the man probably do this weeken

2、d? A To teach a few classes at a schoolB To have a restC To get down to his paperD To have a meeting4 Why doesnt the woman buy a house?A Because she likes her old houseB Because she likes to rent a houseC Because she cant afford a new houseD Because she has no time to buy a house5 How did the mans s

3、ister-in-law buy her house?A Through an intervening agency B By public auctionC With the help of the man D Through advertising6 Why was the old house sold by the government?A Because its owner left a will to seel itB Because its owner needed money to buy another houseC Because its owner owed the gov

4、ernment moneyD Because its owner had no relatives to inherit it7 The woman wishes that she were promoted to be _A a senior engineer B an assistant engineerC a general managerD an assistant manager8 What does the woman think a good boss should be?A Treating the employees without sex discriminationB T

5、reating the employees without racial discriminationC Pleasing each employee consistentlyD Providing the employees with comfort condition9 The following are the evaluations of the woman about her boss EXCEPT that_A she gets along with others well B she is a good listenerC she treats everyone equally

6、D she is strict with her employees10 What is the result of the interview?A The woman passes the interviewB The woman is refusedC The woman is waiting for itD The woman will receive it next week11 All the following are the forms of business EXCEPT _A individual ownership B sole ownershipC property ow

7、nership D partnership12 If a business is in the form of partnership, _A it has at least two owners running the business togetherB it has a unlimited lifetimeC its existence isnt linked with its ownersD only one of the owners takes the legal responsibility13 If a corporation is out of business, the s

8、hareholders_A pay the debets of the company according to how many stocks they holdB can only get very little reward for their investmentC will get into debt as the corporation doesD have no obligation to pay the debts of the corporation14 How many mums were questioned in the survey by the website Ne

9、tmums?A 1,150B 1,336C 2,672 D 5,50015 The survey found out that 22% of mothers would _ when boys and girls made the same mistakeA ignore both of their behaviourB punish both girls and boysC ignore the boys behaviour D ignore the girls behaviour16 Which of the following is NOT the description of boys

10、 character by mothers?A Playful B LovingC Argumentative D Funny17 Because of the weight problem, schools have the pressure to_A provide more healthy food B ban food advertisements at schoolsC arrange more physical education classes D teach students to keep fit18 Which of the following is INCORRECT a

11、ccording to the passage?A The number of school injuries has doubled in ten yearsB About 20% of American children and teenagers are overweightC Only 2% of the injuries treated in hospitals are seriousD Injuries increased 15 times as many as that during the past decade19 Compared with the traditional

12、P E classes, new P E classes_A are more competitiveB are less riskyC involve more activitiesD provide less choices20 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible reason for the increased injuries in P E classes?A Less school nurses B Less field activitiesC Larger class sizesD The introducti

13、on of new sports21 How many people were found dead inside a home?A One B ThreeC FourD Seven22 What caused the death of those people?A Suicide B MurderC DiseasesD Unknown23 Whats the purpose of police in Rio de Janeiro launching the operation?A To catch suspected murderersB To put an end to violent s

14、trikesC To stop gangs illegal behaviours D To train officers and motorcycle police24 Whom does the state governor turn to for police reinforcement?A Officers doing desk jobsB Military leadersC Motorcycle police forces D Central government25 Based on 2009 data, 439 English secondary schools _A wouldn

15、t meet the new standard to measure performanceB didnt set up performance standardC had made good progressD didnt have enough head teachers26 The measures will be revealed through _ A newspapersB TV announcementC governments white paper D Prime Ministers speech27 The pirates failed to hijack the Fren

16、ch-flagged ship because _A the pirates failed to board the shipB the crew members were all armedC the crew locked themselves in the safe roomD the pirates found the ship not profitable28 The ship attacked by pirates near Somalia was a _A French-flagged cargo shipB French-flagged gas carrierC German-

17、owned cargo ship D German-owned gas carrier29 French workers and youths went onto the streets to be on strike becauseA the government plans to raise the retirement ageB the police is battling against the studentsC they are not satisfied with the parliaments new legislationD the public transportation

18、 services are terrible30 How did Taliban claim responsibility for the attacks?A On TVB On the radioC On the websiteD On the newspaper31A related B linkedC dealt D integrated32A complicatedB vigorousC sophisticatedD rigorous33A incidence B evidenceC consequenceD vision34A a couple ofB a dozen ofC a l

19、ot of D a score of35 A very B tooC soD quite36 A regimeB fieldC arenaD district37 A diseases B disordersC disruptionsD dispositions38 A troubled B troublesomeC diverseD dominant39 A tend B usedC needD point40 A Approximately B ExactlyC Appropriately D Usually41 A offersB offeredC offeringD to offer4

20、2 A affectB controlC sway D impact43 A assumed B resumedC exhausted D consumed44 A affectionateB emotionalC sentimentalD passionate45 A with B onC toD upon46 A indulgenceB expositionC exposure D disclosure47 A that B whichC when D where48 A beforeB throughC since D beneath49 A however B for exampleC

21、 in additionD though50 A informed B conformedC confirmedD approved51 I have kept my _car for twenty yearsA large foreign black first B first large black foreignC first large foreign black D first foreign large black52being May 1st, many people go out for a holidayA ThatB ItC It is D This53 The sente

22、nce “Let me ask you a question” can be replaced by all the following sentences EXCEPTAI have a question to you B I have a question to ask youC I have a question to put to youD I have a question for you to answer54 I _ but for the help you gave meA didnt succeedB wouldnt succeedC hadnt succeedD would

23、nt have succeeded55 He didnt come yesterday He _ busy working in the labA must beB would have beenC must have beenD would be56 _, I will take her as my wifeA Were she rich or poorB Being rich or poorC Be she poor or richD Whether is she poor or rich57 All the flights _ because of the extremely heavy

24、 rain,we had to postpone our scheduleA were canceledB had been canceledC having canceledD having been canceled58 He ought to dismiss the unqualified employees under his supervision, _?A should heB ought heC shouldnt he D oughtnt he59 In the sentence “He woke up to find his house on fire”, the italic

25、ized part is _A an attributeB an adverbialC a subject complementD an object60 The author has written _ this year as he did last yearA as many books twiceB as twice many booksC many as twice booksD twice as many books61 Between the two dense bushes _ the residence of the old hermitA standB standsC st

26、andingD to stand62 I didnt like myself _ in that wayA to be criticized B criticizedC be criticizedD to have been criticized63 Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A He resented his friends remarksB He resented being kept waitingC He resents their being indifferentD He resented that they wer

27、e careless64 _ tasks did we have to do that we had no time to relaxA So many B Too muchC Too littleD So few65 The astronauts and their achievements _ you mentioned stimulate the youth much so that some of them are engaged in astronauticsA whichB thatC whatD whom66 AIDS and cancers are maladies that _ humanityA inflictB addict C afflict D reflect67 When questioned by the judge, my mind went _ ,and I could hardly speak a single wordA blankB dim C faint D vain68 They discussed the matter from all conceivable _A ang

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