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1、级英语专业学年论文模板外国语学院英语专业学年论文教学大纲(试行)课程名称:学年论文课程编码:开课学期:7学分:1课程类别:实践性教学课程性质:专业课程论文适用专业:英语语言文学一、课程设计的性质、目的和任务 学年论文是英语专业本科教学计划的重要组成部分和人才培养的重要环节。为了培养学生的科学思想和科学态度,掌握科学方法,使学生具备初步的学术研究能力,获取知识的能力,分析、概括总结的能力以及创新能力,促进其知识、能力和素质的协调发展,为撰写毕业论文打下良好的基础,依照英语系英语专业本科人才培养方案和教学大纲的规定,特制定学年论文教学大纲。(一)指导原则1、严格执行学院有关论文(设计)管理工作规范



4、召开年级“学年论文撰写动员会”,下达选题任务。3、第七学期第十周前后,为学生选方向,见导师,查资料,写文献综述阶段。导师的认定方法和毕业论文导师认定方法一致。4、导师指导学生选题和查阅资料。5、第七学期结束前为论文撰写阶段。论文格式参照毕业论文写作规范。论文字数为2500-3000字之间。第七学期的期末为论文提交时间。6、第八学期的前五周,系里组织指导教师对学生论文进行评定、成绩录入及论文材料存档。(二)具体要求1. 选题要求:1)阐明本学科理论在实际应用中的一些问题2)探讨本学科中某些观念、热点问题或研究历史进程、预测其发展趋势3)阐述本学科领域发展进程中的重大事件和重要问题4)对专业课程中

5、的某一部分内容进行讨论或研究5)坚持教师提供题目和学生自主选题相结合的原则,支持学生选做有创新特色的课题。2.学年论文的写作要求1)系统、完整地阐述论题所包含的问题,明确表达作者自己的观点与结论;2)综合应用已学的专业理论与知识,融会贯通所掌握的资料;3) 学生通过结合自己的学习经历进行思考、选题、查阅资料最后写出论文;4) 学年论文的书写语言为英语,篇幅在2,500字到3,000字之间。字数统计指论文正文文字数量,不包括标题、摘要、英文摘要、关键字、标点符号、空格、空段落、参考文献、注释、敬辞、外文翻译等内容的字数。5)学年论文要符合英语论文的写作规范。语言要求文理通顺,无重大语法错误,层次

6、分明,表达较确切。6) 参考文献是学年论文不可缺少的组成部分,也是作者对他人知识成果的承认和尊重。参考文献不少于5本。参考文献应按英文26个字母的顺序列全,先列外文文献后列中文文献,另起页附于文末。7)论文的各个组成部分按下述顺序排列:(1)封面;(2)论文目录;(3)正文(包括英、中文内容摘要和关键词);(4)参考文献;学年论文各部分的具体格式见附表。8)提交的论文定稿必须按照要求排版,并用小四号Times New Roman字体打印在A4纸上。三、指导教师的职责(一)指导教师的确定学年论文的指导教师需由中级以上职称或具有硕士学位的教师担任。(二)论文指导教师应履行的职责1积极推荐学年论文选

7、题题目,并根据专业教学要求指导学生选题。2向学生讲清课题意义、任务,提出明确要求,介绍主要参考文献、资料目录。3指导学生撰写开题报告、拟订论文提要,并在研究方法与写作方法上给学生提出切实可行的指导。4学年论文定稿并提交后,应给出每篇论文的成绩,不及格者,立即要求学生限期改正或重作。5对所指导论文提出评阅意见,写出评语,填写学年论文综合评分表。6教师指导学年论文应尽职尽责,教师指导学生应有书面记录。本大纲从2010年11月开始执行。以上规定的未竟事宜,由英语系负责解释。指定人:审定人:批准人:时间: 英 语 系 2010年11月附:学年论文具体格式(Times New Roman 5号加粗)学号

8、:20090000天 津 商 业 大 学 学 年 论 文中文题目(宋体二号加粗,居中)外文题目(Times New Roman三号加粗,居中)二级学院: 外国语学院教 学 系: 英 语 系专业班级: 英 语 学生姓名: 姓 名 指导教师: 姓 名 职称 2016年1月 日论文使用A4复印纸。页边距要求:上边距2.8厘米,下边距2.8厘米,左边距2.8厘米,右边距2.8厘米。英文标题字体采用Times New Roman,14号(四号)字,加粗。1.5倍行距。(空三行)ContentsAbstract (in English)IAbstract (in Chinese)II1. Introduc

9、tion11.1 The importance of writing in EFL11.2 Need for the study21.3 Purpose of the study21.4 Significance of the study32. Literature review42.1 Concepts and roles of interaction42.1.1 Definition of interaction52.1.2 Roles of interaction in EFL52.2 Learner participation62.3 Interactive language teac

10、hing72.3.1 Definition of interactive language teaching72.3.2 The application of interactive language teaching82.4 Writing: an interactive experience103. Research design and methodology11111112134. Research findings161618195. Conclusion21Works cited22英文用Times New Roman, 14号字,1.5行距。字数不超过150字。3-5个关键词,各

11、关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一个后不加标点。(空一行)Abstract This paper focuses on how the Vygotskian concepts of internalization and mediated knowledge are crucial to the development of both learner and teacher autonomy in second language instruction. First, the Vygotskian notions of spontaneous and scientific concepts, sca

12、ffolding, and internalization in the zone of proximal development are explored as they relate to the concept of learner autonomy. It is then suggested that learner autonomy is dependent on teacher autonomy, and teacher autonomy is examined as both a pragmatic and a scientific concept. The roles of g

13、uided practice and self-regulation in such autonomy are also considered. (空一行)Key words: second language instruction; learner autonomy; teacher autonomy 摘要内容汉字用宋体小4号字,1.5行距。字数为300-400字。3-5个关键词,各关键词之间用分号“;”隔开,最后一个后不加标点。(空一行)摘要(左顶格,黑体小四号)(空一行)主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨


15、么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么主要讨论了为什么。(空一行)关键词: 第二语言教学;学习者自主;教师自主1. Introduction This paper focuses on how the Vygotskian concepts of internalization and mediated knowledge are crucial to the development of both learner and teacher autonomy in second language instruction.

16、 First, the Vygotskian notions of spontaneous and scientific concepts, scaffolding, and internalization in the zone of proximal development are explored as they relate to the concept of learner autonomy. This paper focuses on how the Vygotskian concepts of internalization and mediated knowledge are

17、crucial to the development of both learner and teacher autonomy in second language instruction. First, the Vygotskian notions of spontaneous and scientific concepts, scaffolding, and internalization in the zone of proximal development are explored as they relate to the concept of learner autonomy. 排

18、版格式及装订要求:论文使用A4复印纸。页边距要求:上边距2.8厘米,下边距2.8厘米,左边距2.8厘米,右边距2.8厘米。装订线:0厘米,装订位置:左侧。先设置文档段落:选“只指定行网络”,每页36行。再设置格式:段落行距为1.5倍行距。英文字体采用Times New Roman,14号字,1.5倍行距。标题和小标题使用加粗强调。正文首页无需出现论文题目,正文中章节的标题都取左对齐格式。正文的章与章之间空一行。每段的首行空6个字母。页号写在页下方右侧。在封面左侧用塑料夹固定(不要用订书器装订)。论文正文注释:在正文中用括号标明引语的作者和页码。如果需要注明翻译、解释、背景等信息,则采用当页脚注

19、的方式。Citations:1. Likewise, Hudson (2000: 23) claims that “the very general notion variety includes examples of what would normally be called languages, dialects and registers.” 2. Halliday (1985a) originally suggested that this was the meaning of Theme.3. , “since they must come first they do not ex

20、haust the thematic potential of the clause (Halliday, 1994: 52): the speaker still has the main thematic options open.” (Thompson, 2000: 134)4. He once said:The interpersonal meanings relate to the fact that the clause is interrogative (a question), that it expresses the writers assessment of probab

21、ilities and her attitude, and that it explicitly signals the writers negotiation with the reader. (Thompson, 2000: 39)It is clear that 5. On one level, social exclusion has been conceptualized as a new multidimensional form of disadvantage, incorporating a dynamic diachronic analysis and a relationa

22、l view of disadvantage between an included majority and an excluded minority (Fairclough, 2007).6. As a consequence of the British government taking up the concept there has been a burgeoning academic literature spanning different traditions of research, most prominently including, on the one hand,

23、approaches within the largely empirically grounded field of social policy, typified by the work of the London School of Economics (LSE) Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion (Hills et al., 2002).7. The cognitive effects (re)produced through an understanding of SOCIETY AS BOUNDED SPACE function

24、 to embed a post-Thatcherite political project in Britain, characterized by the selective combining of elements from social democratic and New Right ideologies (Driver & Martell, 2002).8. On the other hand, work has been conducted in a more critical vein concerned with understanding exclusion as an

25、effect of discourses and paradigms (Levitas, 1998, 2004; Silver, 1996).9. Furthermore, there is nothing at all that we can find from a critical cognitive semantics perspective, despite the important work along those lines that has been done on political discourse more generally (Charteris-Black, 200

26、4; Chilton, 1996; Chilton & Schaffner, 2002; Musolff, 2004).10. Some critics of this model (Byrne, 2005; Goodin, 1996; Judge, 1995; Levitas, 1998, 2004) have argued that the effect is to gloss over the diversity and complexity within the included space, backgrounding structural inequalities, particu

27、larly income inequalities, and repressing conflict.11. However, in what form social democratic elements remain is a matter of some contention, with commentators like Heffernan (2001) arguing that New Labour has completely abandoned appeals to social democratic collectivism.12. According to critics l

28、ike Byrne (2005: 6), New Labour is prototypical for political parties that have shifted social democratic forms to fit the perceived inevitability of the market-dominated logic of post-industrial capitalism, which requires for its sustainment a flexible labour market predominantly characterized by l

29、ow pay and insecure work.13. Appeals to inclusion/exclusion carry great force within this post-Thatcherite form of politics as discourse producers selectively draw on a mental model whose ultimate effects may contribute to the depoliticization of poverty as far as income redistribution is concerned,

30、 control anomy through integration into regulating processes, particularly work, and allow for neo-liberal political agendas to be presented as “reformist” (Byrne, 2005: 6).14. Within horizontal conceptions, however, the majority are included within a circle of acceptable conditions with the exclude

31、d self-evidently outside that circle (Byrne, 2005: 157158).15. As Johnson (1987) noted in his discussion on image schemas, a two-dimensional BOUNDED SPACE schema, combined with a CENTREPERIPHERY one, “gives rise, in turn, to a SELFOTHER distinction, which can have the MINETHINE valuation imposed upon it” (Johnson, 1987: 123).16According to Cai Jigang (2001a: 12), “a good translation of a text is usually based on the understanding of the meaning of the paragraph rather than on the understanding of a specific sentence in the paragraph.”Works cited (另起一页)1 Hymes, D. 19

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