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Unit 13 Cultural heritages book 2.docx

1、Unit 13 Cultural heritages book 2课题序号Unit 13授课班级授课课时Periods 1 2授课形式授课章节名 称Warming up and Listening in Unit 13使用教具A tape recorder教学目的1. Know something about cultural heritages in China.2. Develop students listening ability.教学重点Understanding the general idea and do the tasks correctly.教学难点Catch the ke

2、y points of the listening materials更新、补充删节内容课外作业教学后记Step 1. Greetings.Step 2. Warming up. . Task 1. China is a country with a long history. It has many cultural heritages. Can you match the following pictures to their names? * mausoleum * ruins . Task 2. Have you been to these places? How much do yo

3、u know about them? Check your knowledge with the following quiz.Step 3. New words and expressions.* heritage n. 遗产;继承物* pyramid n. 金字塔* Egypt n. 埃及 Egyptian * Asia n. Asian adj.* Giza n. * structure n. 建筑物* wonder n. 奇迹;奇观; v. 想知道;怀疑* historical adj. 历史的;历史上的 history n.* hesitate vi. 犹豫;不愿意* enlist

4、vt. 登记* UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)* empire n. 帝国* backwards adv. (空间、时间方面)向后* power n. 权利;能力;力量Step 4. Task 1 in Listening.Pre-listening. Ask students to skim the exercises and guess what they will hear. Listening. Making choices while listening . Afte

5、r-listening. Ask students to discuss the answers and check them by listening again. Listen to the passage again and take notes according to what you hear.Step 5 Task 2. Pre-listening. Ask students to skim the exercises and guess what they will hear. Listening. Ask students to choose the best answer

6、to each of the questions. After-listening. Students discuss the answers and check them by listening again. Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks. Listening and repetition.Step 6 Some points1. How ancient builders managed to build such a huge structure has never been fully answered. 古代的建

7、筑工人如何设法修建出如此巨大的建筑物,这个问题还没有得到完全的解答。* How ancient builders managed to build such a huge structure 是一个主语从句。主语为从句时,谓语动词用单数形式。 That he stole a bike was true. What I am most interested in is American movies. Whatever he says is of no importance.* manage to do sth 设法做到,管理好。表示经过努力最后把事办成了。 He managed to fini

8、sh the work on time. try to do 企图做,设法做,不表明结果如何。 He tried to finish the work on time but he failed to do so.2. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask me.有问题的话就问吧。* hesitate to do sth. 不愿意做某事, 做某事犹豫 Please dont hesitate to let me know whenever you need help. 如果你需要帮助请马上告诉我,不要客气。 If you

9、have any questions in your English study, please dont hesitate to ask me. Please hesitate to let me know if you are not sure of the solution to the problem.3. It is Emperor Qin Shihuang who had all the walls joined together to keep the enemy out of his empire. 正是秦始皇令人将城墙连接起来抵御敌人入侵。* 这是一句强调句,强调句的基本结构

10、是It is / was .that / who.被强调部分放在that 之前,其他部分放在that 之后。强调句子主语且主语是sb.时可以用who也可以用that ,其他情况一律用that。当强调主语时that / who后的谓语动词与主语的人称和数保持一致。 It is he who / that often helps me with my English. It is trees that we plant on the hillside every year. It was where there had been a theatre that they built a new mo

11、dern school. It is she who likes singing in the classroom after class. It was in the street that they met last Sunday. It was because his mother was ill that he didnt go to school yesterday.* have sth. done. 让某事由别人来做。 We had the machine repaired. She has her hair cut every month.* keep. out of (keep

12、 off) 阻止进入,阻挡 She closed the door to keep the dog out the room.4. In most of places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men to walk side by side.* enough是副词,修饰形容词或副词,表示程度,一般放在形容词或副词的后面。 The boy is old enough to go to school. He couldnt run quickly enough to catch up with the cat. Enough可用于 “Its

13、 .enough for . to do sth.” 结构. It isnt low enough for me to touch. 那不够低,我摸不着。Step 7. Homework. Preview “Speaking”.Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Cultural heritages* heritage n. 遗产;继承物* pyramid n. 金字塔* Egypt n. 埃及 Egyptian * Asia n. Asian adj.* Giza n. * structure n. 建筑物* wonder n. 奇迹;奇观; v. 想知道;怀疑* histor

14、ical adj. 历史的;历史上的 history n.* hesitate vi. 犹豫;不愿意* enlist vt. 登记* UNESCO ( United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)* empire n. 帝国* backwards adv. (空间、时间方面)向后课题序号Unit 13授课班级授课课时Periods 3 4授课形式授课章节名 称Speaking in Unit 13使用教具A tape recorder教学目的1. Learn how to describe a place.2

15、. Develop students spoken English.教学重点Grasp and use the expressions of describing a place correctly.教学难点Make up and act out the dialogue according to the given situations.更新、补充删节内容课外作业教学后记Step 1. Greetings.Step 2. Free talk. T: Can you tell me something about your hometown? Ss: Sure. T: Where is you

16、r hometown? S: My hometown is. It is situated in . T: Is it a nice place to live in? S: Yes, of course. T: What is it famous for? S: It is known for (as) .Step 3. New words and expressions. * classical adj. 古典的 classical gardens * Oriental adj. 东方的;东方文化的 * Venice Oriental VeniceStep 4. Read the dial

17、ogue carefully and try to find out how to describe a place.Step 5. Read and act out the dialogue.Step 6. Read and explain the useful expressions.Step 7. Some points.1. I really felt at home in Kunming. * feel at home 感到自在(随意) The girl was so shy that she didnt feel at home at the big party. Please f

18、eel at home in my place.2. It covers an area of.= It has an area of.3. It has a population of one million. = It has one million people. 但就数量提问时方式不同: What is the population of the country? How many people are there in the country?Step 8. Do Task 2. Pair work: Use the following situations to make dial

19、ogues with your partner, discussing what should be done in each situation.Step 9. Homework. . Read and recite the dialogue in Speaking. . Preview Section 1 in Reading.课题序号Unit 13授课班级授课课时Periods 5 6授课形式授课章节名 称Section One of Reading in Unit 13使用教具A tape recorder教学目的1. Learn something about the Sanxing

20、dui Ruins.2. Train and develop students reading ability and skills.教学重点Know the main idea of the passage、the usage of some phrases and can do Tasks correctly.教学难点1. In the spring of 1929, Yan Qingbao, then a 43-year-old farmer, discovered a circular piece of jade while digging a hole.2. Driven by cu

21、riosity, he dug deeper and found a group of about 400 colorful jade pieces.3. Since then, more than 10,000 relics, dating back between 3,000 and 5,000 years, have been unearthed at Sanxingdui.4. They seem to prove that Sanxingdui was the site of an ancient city that was once the political, economic

22、and cultural center of the ancient Shu Kingdom the old name for Sichuan.更新、补充删节内容课外作业教学后记Step 1. Greetings.Step 2. Revision. Read and act out the dialogue in Speaking.Step 3. Task 1 in Section 1. Discuss the questions in small groups and then share your opinions with other groups.1. Have you ever he

23、ard of the Sanxingdui Ruins?2. Can you guess where the objects in the following pictures were found?3. How do you like them?Step 4. New words and expressions.* ruin n. pl. 废墟;遗迹Sanxingdui Ruins* accidental adj. 偶然的;意外的 accidentally adv. an accidental death 意外死亡 an accidental meeting 不期而遇 The scienti

24、fic discovery was accidental. by accident = by chance 意外地,偶然 She cut her finger by accident. accident n. 意外事故 He was hurt in a car accident.* date back to 追溯至* find n. 发现;发现物* historian n. 历史学家* circular adj. 圆形的;环行的* jade n. 玉* curiosity n. 好奇(心);求知心* relic n. 遗迹;残片* unearth vt. (从地下)发掘;掘出* gold n.

25、 黄金;金器 golden* pottery n. 总称 陶器* ivory n. 象牙* political adj. 政治的;政治上的* upper adj. (河的)上流的 仅用于名词前反义词lower* reach n. (江河的)一段流域* civilization n. 文明 civilized adj. China had reached a high level of civilization at that time. We had a civilized conversation on the phone.* valley n. 流域;山谷* mystery n. 神秘的事

26、物* draw n. 有吸引力的事物(或人物);吸引力* trace n. 痕迹;踪迹* mask n. 面具;面罩* statue n. 雕像;塑像;铸像* educated adj. 根据一定事实(或经验)的;受过教育的,有教养的 She is a well-educated woman. educate v. You should educate your children to behave well. education n. Im willing to pay for my childrens education. educator n. 教育家*fascinating adj.

27、迷人的Step 5. Read the passage quickly with the questions of Task 2.Step 6. Answer the questions of Task 2.Step 7. Do Task 4. Step 8. Some points.1. .the rock paintings in France dating back to somewhere between 13,000 and 15,000 BC were discovered by four teenagers who were looking for shelter from th

28、e rain.* 句中 dating back to somewhere between 13,000 and 15,000 BC是分词短语作定语,修饰painting; who were looking for shelter from the rain.定语从句修饰teenagers.* date back to 追溯到,是时间开始就有的,也用作date from His interest of collecting stamps dates back to 1976. The ancient bridge dates from the Song Dynasty and has becom

29、e the most famous place of interest in this city.2. In the spring of 1929, Yan Qingbao, then a 43-year-old farmer, discovered a circular piece of jade while digging a hole. 1929年春,时年43岁的农民燕青保在锄地时发现一块圆形玉。* while 作连词引导从句时,如主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语又含有be, 则从句主语和be可省略。While后可直接跟现在分词、名词、形容词或介词短语。 She felt asleep wh

30、ile (she was) listening to the radio. We are teachers while (we are) serving as students. While (he was) yet a youth, he gained many prizes. He caught a cold while (he was) on vacation. He saw an old friend while crossing the street yesterday.3. Driven by curiosity, he dug deeper and found a group o

31、f about 400 colorful jade pieces. 出于好奇,他进一步挖掘,发现了一批约400件色彩各异的玉器。* drive 驱使,迫使 drive sb. to do sth. 驱使(迫使)某人做某事 He drove her to admit it. 他逼迫她承认。 He was driven by necessity to steal. 他迫不得已而偷窃。 They drove him to leave his homeland. The little girl was driven ( = forced) to work all day and all night by her boss. Over a hundred people must have been drive

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