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1、常用商贸英语缩写总汇3常用商贸英语缩写总汇(3)(O-Z)O = to the order of; in favor ofO. = orderO/: = to the order too/a;on a/c; o/act.=on account of;on account;open accountO/A = over railOAPEC = Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting CountriesOPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesO/B; O.B. = opening ban

2、k order bookO/B = on behalf / on boardo/b = on or beforeO.B. = other budgetaryO. B/L;OBL; Oc. B/L = ocean (or original ) B/LO.B/L = Order bill of lading OBO = Ore Bulk Oil (carrier)Obs. = observationO.B.S. = Oil Bunker Surcharge o/c = overchargeopen charter old charterO/C = outwrd collection / open

3、coverOc.B/L = Ocean bill of lading O.C.P.; OCP = overland common points 内陆共同点OCP = Overland Continental PointOCAM = African and Malagasy Common OrganizationOCROct. = October O/d ; o/d = on demandoverdraft ( = o.d.; OD.; )O/D = on deck; over deckODA = official development assistanceODM = original des

4、ign manufacturerODS = operating differential subsidy 经营差别补贴O.E.; o.e. = ommission exceptedOECD; O.E.C.D. = Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentOED = operatios evaluation dept.OEEC=Organization for European Economic CooperationOEM = original equiment manufacturerO.F. ; O/F = ocean fr

5、eightOFA = ocean freight agreement Off. = offered / officialOF / OA = Optional Fees / Optional AdditionalO.G. = ordinary goods on gross ( = o.g. )O.G.I. L. = open general import licenceO.G. L. = open general licenceO/H = overheadOJT=on the job trainingO.K. = all correct all approvalO.L. = overload O

6、LT = overland transportationOLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing)O.M.C.C = Ocean Marine Cargo Clause On a/c = on account O.N.; o.n. = on netO.No. ; O/No.; ord.No. = order numberOP = OperationO.P.; o.p. = open policyOPAS = operational assistanceO.pd. = over paidOPE

7、COPP = Oriented Polypropylene FilmsOPS = Oriented Polystyrene FilmsOPT (Optimized Production Technology)OPVC = Oriented polyvinyl ChlorideOQC (Out-going Quality Control)O.R. = owners risk (= O/R; o.r.) official receiver operational research(4) original rateO/R = Outward Remittance O.& R.; o.r. = oce

8、an and railO.R.B. = owners risk of breakageO.R.C. = owners risk of chafingORC = Origin Receive ChargesO.R.D. = owners risk of damageORD = ordinaryO.R.F. = owners risk of fire orig. = originalO.R.L.; o.r.l. = owners risk of leakageORT = ordinary telegram O/S = on sale (= o/s ) out of stock (-ditto-)

9、old style(4) out of sale(5) outstandingO/S/O = ore/sherry/oil shipO.S.S. = overseas supply storesO.T.o.t .= old term OT = open top (container) o.t.o.r. = on truck or railway oz; oz.; ozs. = ounceoz.apoth = ounce apothecary oz.av. = ounce,avoirdupois = ounce,troy(or fine ounce) p. (pp.) = page

10、 (pages); perP = profit pence (pl.)P.A. = particular average ( = P/A; p/a; P/AV.) personal account;private account power of attorney (= PA; pa )(4) purchasingagent(5) procurement authiorization (6)private account ( = PA;pa )p. a. = per annum ( = per year )PA = PolyamidePAA = Polyacrylic AcidPac = Pa

11、cific OceanPADC = Poly(allyl diglycol carbonate)PAE = Polyarylether PAEK = Polyaryletherketone PAI = Polyamide-imide PAK = Polyester alkyd PAM & C = processing given materialPAN = PolyacrylonitrilePara = paragraph PARA = Polyaryl amide part adj = participial adjectivePASU = Polyarylsulfone PAT = Pol

12、yarylate Pat. = patentpatts.; pat. = pattons PAUR = Poly(ester urethane) payt.;pmt.;payt = paymentPB = performance bond PB = Polybutene-1P.B.A. = paid by agent PBA = Poly(butyl acrylate) PBAN = Polybutadiene-acrylonitrile PBS = Butadine styrene CopolymerPBT = Poly(butylene terephthalate) p.c. = perc

13、ent ( = PCT ) per centum (= by the hundred ) petty cash (= P.C.; PC; P/c)P/C. ; P.C = price currentpc. = prices / piece P/C = Paramount Clause PC = PolycarbonateP.C.B.; p.c.b = petty cash bookPCB = Polychlorinated BisphenylPCE PCSpiece/piecesPCL = parcelpc ; pce; pcs;pec. = piece (s)p.c.f. = pounds

14、per cubic foot pch.= parcel P.chgs = particular charges PCS = Port Congestion SurchargePCT = percent PCT = PATENTCOOPERATIONTREATYPCTFE = Polychlorotrifluoroethylene Pd; pd. = paidP.d. = per diem (= by the day; per day)P & D = pick up and deliveryp.d. = partial delivery PDAP = Poly(diallyl phthalate

15、) PDM (Product Data Management)PDPR = PER DAY OR PRORATA P/E = price earning ratioPE = PolyethylenePEA = Polyethyl AcrylatePEBA = Polyether block amide PEBA = Thermoplastic elastomer polyether PEEK = Polyetheretherketone PEG = Polyethylene GlycolPEI = Poly(etherimide) PEK = Polyether ketone PEM = pr

16、ivacy-enhanced mailPEM = Polyethylene With Medium DensityPENAVICO = CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING AGENCY (?)Per Pro. = per procurationper s.s.(or m.v., m.s.) = per steamship(or motor-vessel, motorship) = ex s.s.PEO = Polyethylene OxidePers = personpers pron = personal pronounP.E.R.T. = program evaluation and

17、 review techniquePES = Polyether sulfone PET = Polyethylene TerephthalatePETG = Poly(ethylene terephthalate) glycol P.f. = pro formaPf. = PhenningPF = Phenol-formaldehyde resin PFA = Perfluoro(alkoxy alkane) PFF = Phenol-furfural resin PGP = pretty good privacyP.h. = per hourp.h.d. = per hatch per d

18、ay P.I . = proforma invoice P.& I. = Protection and Indemnity Association PI = Polyimide PIB = Polyisobutylene PICC; P.I.C.C. = the Peoples Insurance Co. of ChinaP & I Clause = protection and indemnity clauseP & I club = PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY CLUBP & I liability insurerP & I model(or standard) B/

19、LPISU = Polyimidesulfone Pkg.; PKG; pkg. ; pkge = packageP.& L. = profit and lossP.& L. accountP. L; p.l. = partial lossP/L = packing listpl. = plural PLC PLP = parcel post PLTC = port liner term chargespm. = prem. = premiump.m. = P.M. = post meridiem (=afternoon)P.M. = postmaster post mortem Prime

20、MinisterPMCA = Poly(methyl-alpha-chloroacrylate)PMMA = Poly(methyl methacrylate) P.M.O. = postal money orderPMP = Poly(4-methylpentene-1) PMS = Poly(alpha-methylstyrene) pmt = prompt PMT; pt. = paymentP.N.; p.n.; P/N = promissory noteP.0.;p.o.o. ;p.m.o. = postal order / post office orderP/O; P/o = p

21、ayment order PO = (1) Polyolefin(2) Phenoxy Resin(3) Elastomeric Polypropylene OxideP.O.B. = postal office box; post office box p. o. c. = port of callp.o.d. = payment on deliveryP. O. D. = Payment on Delivery; paid on delivery POD = Port Of Destination (又:pt/dest) / port of discharge POF = Proof of

22、 FundsPOL = Port Of LoadingPOM = Polyformaldenyde;Polyoxymethylene,PolyacetalPOP (Proof of Product)P.O.R. = payment on receipt (?)POR = port of refuge P.P = Parcel Post Pp = past participleP.P; pp; ppd = PrepaidP.P. = (1)pier to pier (2)picked ports(3)per procuration ( = per pro; = Polypro

23、pylenep. p. a. = percent per annumPPA = project proposal for approvalPPA = Polyphthalamide PPB = (1) planning,programming and budgtarry system (2) plan,program and budgetPpd.; p.pd; p.p;P.P = prepaidPPE = Poly(phenylene ether) PPF = project preparation facilityPPI ; P.P.I. = (1) policy proof of inte

24、rest (2) producer price indexPPO = Poly(phenylene oxide) deprecated PPOX = Polypropylene oxide PPP = purchasing power parityp. p. s. = post postscriptPPS = Poly(phenylene sulfide) PPSU = Poly(phenylene sulfone) ppt. = prompt loading PR = public relationsPR;PRC = price Pr. = per / pairP/R = parcel re

25、ceiptPref = prefixPref. = preferred; preferencePref.Shr. = preference sharePrem; prem. = premiumPrep = preposition(al)Pres. = presidentPro. Rata. = proportionally; IN PROPORTIONPron = pronounprox. = proximo ( = of the next month )PQI = protection and indemnity insuranceP.S.; PS.; ps. = postscriptP/S

26、 = public salePS = PolystyreneP.S. = Port SurchargePSC = peak surchargePSS = Peak Season SuchargesPSU = Polysulfone p.t. = per ton pt. = part / pintpt. cash = prompt cashpt = past tensePte = private (a.)PTFE = Polytetrafluoroethylene PTL = partial and total loss PTL = private tieline service ptly pd

27、 = partly paid PTNR P. T. O. = please turn over 转下页p.t.w. = per ton weight PU accounting = purchasing power unit accountingPU = PolyurethanePUR = purchasePUR = Polyurethane P/V = profit value ratioPVA = Polyvinyl Alcohol / Polyvinyl AcetatePVAC = Poly(vinyl acetate) PVAL = Poly(vinyl alcohol) PVB =

28、Poly(vinyl butyral) PVC = (1) permanent virtual circuit (2) Polyvinyl ChloridePVCA = Poly(vinyl chloride-acetate) PVDC = Polyvinylidene ChloridePVDF = Polyvinylidene FluoridePVF = Poly(vinyl fluoride) PVFM = Poly(vinyl formal) PVK = Polyvinylcarbazole PVOH = Polyvinyl AlcoholPVP = Polyvinylpyrrolido

29、ne PWWD = PER WEATHER WORKING DAY P.X. = please exchangeQ. ;qua.; QUNTY = quantity / qualityq = QuintalQ = Quantity (rate classification) = question and answer supportQC = quality controlQCC (Quality Control Circle)Q.c.o. = quantity at captains option Q/D = quick deliveryqe. = quireqlty.

30、;qal.; QLTY = qualityQn = Quotation Q.P.; = quantum placet (= as much as you please) Qr; qr. = quarterqt.; qt = quartQ.T. = q.t. = quietquart. = quarterlyqto. = quartoQUNTY ; qty = quantity Quotn.;QUOTN; quotn = quotationq.v.= quod vide (= which see )Qy.;qy; QY. = quayQ.y.; qu. = queryR = (1) reply(2) rail (railway) ( r.; Ry.)(3) registered ( = rgd; reg. )R. & A = rail and air (transport)RB = regular budgetR/A = refer to acceptorR/D = refer to drawerrd. = road RCCP (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)R.C.C. & S. = riots,civil commotiion and strikesrcd;

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