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1、上海对外经贸大学课程资料市场营销英考试重点总结名词解释1. Customer lifetime valueThe value of the entire stream of purchases that the customer would make over a lifetime of patronage2. Business portfolioThe collection of businesses and products that make up the company3. Market segmentationDividing a market into smaller groups

2、 with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors who might require separate products or marketing mixes.4. Market targetingThe process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter5. Product lineA group of products that are closely related because t

3、hey function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges.6. Product mix (or product portfolio)The set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale7. Vertical marketing system (

4、VMS)A distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system. One channel member owns the others, has contracts with them, or has so much power that they all cooperate.8. Horizontal marketing systems (HMS)A channel arrangement in which two or more compa

5、nies at one level join together to follow a new marketing opportunity9. Integrated direct marketingDirect-marketing campaigns that use multiple vehicles and multiple stages to improve response rates and profits10. Integrated marketing communications (IMC)Carefully integrating and coordinating the co

6、mpanys many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products.Chapter 1Marketing Management Orientations1. Production conceptMarket situation: S DThe idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable

7、and that the organization should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency2. Product conceptMarket situation: S DThe idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products unless it undertakes alarge-scale selling and promotion effort4. Marketing conceptMarket situat

8、ion: S DThe marketing management philosophy that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do.5. Societal marketing conceptMarket situation: S DA principle of enlightened marketing that hol

9、ds that a company should make good marketing decisions by considering consumers wants, the companys requirements, consumers long-run interests, and societys long-run interests.Customer relationship groupsShort-term CustomersLong-term CustomersHighProfitabilityButterfliesGood fit between companys off

10、erings and customers needs; high profit potentialTrue FriendsGood fit between companys offerings and customers needs; highest profit potentialLowProfitabilityStrangersLittle fit between companys offerings and customers needs; lowest profit potentialBarnaclesLittle fit between companys offerings and

11、customers needs; low profit potentialProjected loyaltyPotentialProfitabilityChapter 2The Boston Consulting Group ApproachThe Growth-share MatrixRelative Market ShareHighLowHighStarQuestion Mark(QM)LowCash Cow()DogMarketGrowthRateSBU Strategies Next task is to determine what objective, strategy, and

12、budget to assign to each SBU.4 strategies can be pursued:build, e.g. QMhold, e.g. CCharvest,divest, e.g. QM, CCThe SBU Life CycleSuccessful SBUs have a life cycle.They start as QM, become S, then CC, and finally D.Therefore, companies should examinenot only their businesses current positions in the

13、growth-share matrixbut also their moving positionsProduct-market expansion gridProductExistingNewExistingIMarket penetrationIIProduct developmentNewIIIMarket developmentIVDiversificationMarketChapter 3Microenvironment1. The companyMKT managers must work closely with other company departments.Under t

14、he marketing concept, all of these functions must think consumer.They should work in harmony to provide superior customer value and satisfaction2. SuppliersSuppliers form an important link in the companys overall customer value delivery system.Supplier problems can seriously affect marketing.MKT man

15、agers must watch supply availability and monitor the price trends of their key inputs3. Marketing intermediariesFirms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers; they include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing service agencies, and financial inter

16、mediaries.They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries.4. Customer markets (5types)Consumer marketsConsist of individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumptionBusiness marketsReseller marketsGovernment ma

17、rketsInternational markets5. CompetitorsMarketers must do more than simply adapt to the needs of target consumers.They also must gain strategic advantage by positioning their offerings strongly against competitors offerings in the minds of consumers.6. PublicsAny group that has an actual or potentia

18、l interest in or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objectivesFinancial publicsMedia publicsGovernment publicsCitizen-action publicsLocal publicsGeneral publicInternal publicsMacroenvironment1. Demographic environmentPopulation sizePopulation growth rateAge structure of the POPGender

19、structure of the POPUrbanization of China2. Economic environmentIncomeGDPGDP per capitaDisposable income p.c.Average wageSavingMarginal propensity to saveDeposit p.c.SpendingMarginal propensity to consumeEngel coefficient3. Natural environmentShortages of raw materialsIncreased pollutionIncreased go

20、vernment intervention4. Technological environmentIt changes rapidlyNew technologies create new markets and new opportunity , e.g. the Internet of things5. Political environmentIncreasing legislationSocially responsible behavior6. Cultural environmentPersistence of Cultural ValuesShifts in Secondary

21、Cultural ValuesChapter 5Model of Consumer BehaviorMKT & other stimuliMKTOtherProduct EconomicPrice TechPlace PoliticalPromotion CulturalBuyers black boxBuyer characteristicsBuyer decision processBuyer responseProduct choiceBrand choiceDealer choicePurchase timingPurchase amount Characteristics Affec

22、ting Consumer Behavior1. Culture factorsCultureSubcultureSocial Class2. Social factorsGroupsOpinion leaderPerson within a reference group who exerts social influence on othersFamilySocial roles and status3. Personal factorsAge and life cycleOccupationEconomic situationLifestylePersonality and self-c

23、oncept4. Psychological factorsMotivationPerceptionLearningBeliefs and attitudesTypes of Buying Decision BehaviorInvolvementHLHComplex BBVariety-seeking BBLDissonance-reducing BBHabitual BBBrandDifferenceChapter 6Evaluating Market SegmentsIn evaluating different market segments, a firm must look at t

24、hree factors:-segment size and growth-segment structural attractiveness-According to Michael Porter, there are 5 forces influencing competition in an industry:Threat of new entrantsThreat of substitute productsBargaining power of suppliersBargaining power of buyersRivalry among competitors-company o

25、bjectives and resourcesSelecting Target Market SegmentsUndifferentiated MarketingA market-coverage strategy in which afirm decides to ignore market segment differences and go after the whole market with one offer.No market segmentationOne product for all marketDifferentiated Marketing A market-cover

26、age strategy in which a firm decides to target several market segments and designs separate offers for eachOne product for one segmentConcentrated MarketingA market-coverage strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or a few segments or nichesOnly one product for only one segmentMicro

27、marketingThe practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to the needs and wants of specific individuals and local customer groups includes local marketing and individual marketingPossible value propositionsMore for More (MM)More for the Same (MS)More for Less (ML)The Same for Less (SL)Less

28、 for Much Less (LML)PriceMSLMoreMMMSMLThe SameSLLessLMLBenefitsChapter 7Levels of Product and ServicesCore benefit/productIt addresses the question what is the buyer really buying?Actual productFeatures, design, quality level, brand name, and packagingAugmented productAdditional consumer services and benefits, such as after-sale S., warranty, installation, delivery and creditProduct Mix DecisionsWidth: the number of P

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