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1、六级阅读词汇abandon v. 离弃,抛弃,放弃abnormal a. 反常的,不正常的abolish v. 废除(法律、习惯等);取消absurd a. 荒唐的,不合理的abundant a. 丰富的,充分的accelerate v. (使)加速(crisis)acceleration n. 加速(度)access n. 接近(进入)(to) accommodation n.住处;膳宿accord v.(使)一致(with);n. 一致(inwith)accordance n. 一致(in with)accumulate v. 积累,积蓄accuse v.指控(of)acknowledge

2、 v. 承认;对表示感谢acquaint v. 使认识,使了解 (be ed with)acquire v. 取得,获得(knowledge)acute a. 敏锐的;急性的,剧烈的Theres an acute shortage of wateradapt v. 改编;(使)适应于(to)adequately ad. 合适地,足够地adhere v. 粘附,胶着;坚持(to)administer v. 管理,支配;执行admiration n. 赞美,钦佩(for)admission n. 允许进入;接纳;承认advantageous a. 有利的advocate v./n. 提倡(者),鼓

3、吹(者)affection n. 爱;感情(for)The officer transferred his affections to the other girl.agenda n.议程aggravate V. 加重,恶化(病情,负担)The lack of rain aggravated the already serious lack of foodaggressive a. 爱寻衅的aid n./v. 援助,帮助alert a. 警惕的,警觉的;机灵的(to)alliance n. 联合,同盟allege 断言,宣称(it is ed that)The newspaper allege

4、d the mayors corrupt practices.allowance n. 津贴,补助alleviate 减轻,缓和(痛苦)The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the painalter v. 改变,变更alternate v. (使)交替,(使)轮流a. 交替的,轮流的alternative n. 供选择的对象,替换物a. 两者挑一的ambiguous a. 模棱两可的ambition n. 雄心,野心ambitious a. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的amend v. 改正,修正The thief has amended.ana

5、logy 类比(draw an betweenand)anticipate v. 预料,期望anticipation n. 预料,期望anxiety n. 焦虑amplify v.放大或增强(声音、信号、电流等)apparent a. 明显的;表面上的appeal n./v. 呼吁,要求;上诉;吸引(力)applaud v. 鼓掌,欢呼appreciable a. 可估计的,可觉察的appreciation n. 欣赏,赏识apprehension n. 理解,领悟;恐惧,担忧School reports are always received with some apprehensionap

6、propriate a. 恰当的,合宜的Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral.apt 恰当的,易于的(be to do)The words are very apt to my case.appropriately ad. 恰当arbitrary a. 随心所欲的;专断的array v. 使成队列,排列;n. 队列,陈列articulate v. 清晰明白地说a. 发音清晰的Articulate speech is very important.ascend v. 攀登;上升The climbers slowly ascen

7、ded the mountain.ascertain v.查明,弄清I ascertained that she was dead.ascribe v. 把归于(to)assemble v. 集合,召集;装配,组装assessment n. 评价,评估asset 资产,有价值的东西assign v. 指派;分配,布置;指定assist v. 帮助,协助assume v. 假定, 设想assurance n. 保证attach v. 贴上,附上;使依附;将(重点等)放在attend v. 出席;注意,专心,照顾attendant n. 侍从,随从attract v. 吸引,引诱attribute

8、 n. 属性,特征;v. 把归因于(to)He attributes his success to working hard.authentic a.可靠的,可信的This is an authentic news report.We can depend on itauthority n. 权威A policeman has the authority to arrest lawbreakers.authorize v.授权(sb. to do sth.)The government authorized an irrigation project.average a.一般的, 平均的v.

9、平均baffle v. 使困惑, 为难The question baffled me completely and I couldnt answer it.bald a. 光秃的 (head)barren a. 贫瘠的,荒芜的betray v. 背叛,出卖;暴露,流露bet v. 打赌bewilder v. 迷惑,使糊涂The big city bewildered the old woman from the n. 出价,报价;v. 出价,投标(for);吩咐blunder n. 大错v. 做错;跌跌撞撞I saw that I had been guilty

10、 of a careless blunder.boom n.繁荣,人口激增boundary n. 边界,界限bounce (球)弹起,(人)跳跃breed n. 品种;v. 繁殖,饲养;产生breakthrough n.突破brilliant a. 才华横溢budget n./v. 预算bulk n. 大部分;大批Great bulk does not always mean great weight.bump n./v. 碰撞,颠簸The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.cabinet n. 橱,柜;内阁I keep my collection

11、of old china in the cabinet.calculate v. 计算candidate n. 侯选人;求职者capability n. 能力capacity n. 容量,容积,能力The theater has a seating capacity of 800.capsule n. 胶囊;宇宙密闭小舱caution 小心谨慎(with )You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.cautious a. 小心谨慎的cease n./v. 停止,终止The storm has ceased.certify v

12、. 证明,保证The bank certified my accounts.challenge n. 挑战;难题;v. 挑战charge n.费用 v.控告 (with)chase v./n. 追逐,追赶My dog likes chasing rabbits.cherish v. 爱护或珍爱;怀有(某种感情或想法)chip n. 片屑,薄片chronic a.慢性的He had a chronic cough.circuit n. 电路,线路;环行,巡回circulation n. 循环,流通,传播clap v. 鼓掌clash n./v. 碰撞(声);冲突climax 顶点,高潮coars

13、e a. 粗糙的;粗俗的coincide v. 恰好相符,相一致(with)、My holiday coincides with Johns.coincidence n. 符合,一致;巧合,巧合之事collaborate v. 协作,合作( with)The work gets done more quickly when we collaborate.collaboration n. 协作,合作(in with)The two companies are working in close collaboration with each other.collapse v. 倒塌;垮掉,突然失败

14、The bridge collapsed under the weight of the train.collide v. 碰撞,冲突(with)The ships collided in the fog.collision n. 碰撞,冲突combat n./v. 战斗,格斗(for, against)combination n. 结合,联合;化合commend v. 称赞,表扬commence v. 开始comment n./v. 评论,意见(on)commemorate v. 纪念,举行纪念仪式,庆祝commentary n. 评论;译注;解说词His running commentar

15、y on the football match was excellentcommission n. 委任状;委托(书);佣金The commission for the new theatre was given to a well-known architect.The salesman can get commission on everything he mitment n. 许诺,承担义务He made a commitment to pay the rent on monplace a. 平凡的;陈腐的compact a. 紧密的;紧凑的;v. 使紧凑;压缩companion n.

16、 同伴,伴侣The companion volume will soon be parison n. 比较,对照;比喻My garden doesnt stand comparison with patible a. 一致的;兼容的(with)compel v. 强迫,迫使The rain compelled us to stay pensate v. 弥补;赔偿(for)Nothing can compensate for losing my pensation n. 补偿(金),赔偿(金)competitive a. 竞争的,比赛的complaint n. 抱怨;疾病complement

17、n. 补充(物);补语;v. 补足,补充Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry pletion n. 完成The completion of the building is scheduled for Mplicated a. 复杂的This is the most complicated case I have ever handledcompliment n. 问候;赞美之词;v. 赞美,致意comply (with) v. 遵照comprehensive a. 广泛的,综合的An objective test can be quite

18、press v 压紧,压缩compromise n. 妥协;折衷方案;v. 妥协(with)compulsory a. 强制的;义务的(education)Is English a compulsory subject?conceal v 隐瞒,隐蔽concede v. (退一步)承认;让与;让步I conceded that I had made a mistake.conceive v. 构想出, 认为(of);怀孕conception n. 概念concise a. 简明的,简洁的condense v. 使冷凝;精简,缩短Soup condenses when boiledconfide

19、ntial a. 秘密的,机密的confine v. 限制,使局限于(to);禁闭She confined her activities in educational circlesconfinement n. 限制,局限The animals are kept in close confinementconfirm v. 使有效,批准;证实确认confirmation n. 证实,确认;批准conflict n./v. 斗争;冲突conform v. 遵守,符合(to)confront v. (使)面临;面对(危险等) conscientious a. 认真的,诚心诚意的consent n.

20、/v. 同意,赞成(to)consensus n. 意见一致,共同看法Can we reach a consensus on this issue?consequently ad. 所以,因此conservation n. 保护,保存;守恒,不灭conservative a. 保守的,守旧的conserve v.保存,保全considerable a. 相当大(或多)的,可观的considerate a. 体谅人的,考虑周到的consistent a. 始终如一的,一致的(with)consolidate v. 巩固,加强conspicuous a. 明显的;惹人注目的constitute v

21、. 组成,构成Can we reach a consensus on this issue?constrain n. 强制;约束Cold weather constrained the plants growth.consult v. 咨询,查阅;协商consultant n.顾问consumption n.消费,消费量contaminate v. 弄脏,沾污,污染They are contaminating the minds of our young people with these subversive ideas.contemplate v. 注视;沉思The possibility

22、 of war is too horrifying to contemplate.content n. 目录;容量;满足;a. 满足的The police emptied her bag and examined the contentscontest v.争夺;争辩;n.竞争,比赛Hes contesting the election next weekcontext 上下文;背景,环境You can always tell the meaning of a word from its context.continuation n. 继续,连续contradiction n. 矛盾;反驳co

23、ntroversy n.争论,辩驳contrast n./v. 对比,对照contribute v. 捐献,贡献(to)contributor n. 投稿者;捐助者convenience n. 方便,便利conventional a. 普通的,常规的converse a. 相反的convert v. 使转变;改变信仰convey v. 运送;传达(思想,感情等)convince (of) v. 使确信,使相信cope (with) v. 处理,对付cord n. 绳,线,索correction n. 改正,纠正correspondence n. 通信;符合,一致;相当correspond v.

24、 通信(with)counsel n./v. 忠告,劝告Listen to the counsel of your elders.courageous a. 勇敢的crisis n. 危机crisp a. 脆的criteria(pl. of criterion)(批评,判断的)标准critical a. 批评的;危急的,关键性的crude a. 天然的;粗俗的;粗糙的Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.crucial a. 很重要的,关键的(to);极困难的Its a crucial decisio

25、 n./v. 巡游,巡航They will go cruising in the Mediterranean.crush vi. 压碎Egg crushes easilycumulative a. 累积的cynical 愤世嫉俗的With that cynical outlook, he doesnt trust anyonedazzle v. 以强光使眩目The bright morning sun dazzled himdebate n./v. 辩论,争论decay v./n. 腐败;衰败,衰弱The vegetables have begun to decaydeceiv

26、e v. 欺骗,蒙骗He deceived his friends about his incomedecent a. 体面的;合适的(befor)I didnt have a decent dress for the dance.decisive a. 果断的Man is a decisive factor in doing everythingdecline v. 下降;衰落;谢绝decorate v. 装饰,布置dedicate v. 奉献;献身,致力(to)deduce v. 推论,演绎(from)deem v.认为, 相信(be deemed to do)defect n. 缺点,缺

27、陷deficit 赤字defy v. 公然反抗;蔑视degrade v. (使)降级;(使)堕落Dont degrade yourself by answering himdelete v. 删除deliberate a. 深思熟虑的;蓄意的He told us a deliberate liedeliberately ad. 审慎地;蓄意地delicate a. 纤细的;精美的;易碎的deliver v. 送递demonstration n. 论证;演示,说明denial n. 拒绝给予(of)deny v. 否认;拒绝给予depart v. 离开,起程(for)dependence n.

28、依靠,依赖depict v 描绘,描述They depicted the thrilling situation to us in great detaildeposit v 存放;储蓄;n.存款He deposited the books on the desk.depress v. (使)沮丧;(使)萧条depression n. 沮丧;(经济)萧条deprive (of) v. 剥夺,使丧失derive (from) v. 起源于,引申于descend v 下来;传下They descended the slope towards the hamletdescent n 斜坡We watched anxiously during her descent from the treedesperate a. 绝望的destiny n. 命运destruction n. 破坏,毁坏destructive a. 破坏性的,毁灭的deteriorate v. 变坏,恶化deviate v. 背离,偏离(from)His statements sometimes deviated from the truthdeviation n. 背离,偏离;偏差dictate v. (使)听写;口授differ vi. 与不同(from)diffuse v. (使)扩散;传播,散布

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