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friends六人行 歌词 Lyrics.docx

1、friends六人行 歌词 Lyricsfriends六人行 歌词 LyricsIll Be There For You-The RembrandtsSo, no one told you life was going to be this wayYour jobs a joke, youre broke, your live lifes D.O.A.Its like youre always stuck in second gearWell, it hasnt been your day, your week, your month, or even your yearBut,* Ill b

2、e there for you when the rain starts to pourIll be there for you like Ive been there beforeIll be there for you cause youre there for me too *Youre still in bed at ten and work began at eightYouve burned your breakfast, so far, things are going greatYour mother warned you thered be days like theseBu

3、t she didnt tell you when the world has brought you down to your kneesthat *No one could ever know me, no one could ever see meSeems youre the only one who knows what its like to be meSomeone to face the day with, make it through the rest with, someone Illalways laugh withEven at my worst, Im best w

4、ith you. Yeah!“伦勃朗”一曲成名 “没有人告诉你,生活会是这样”,然后是标志性的啪啪四记鼓掌每一集的老友记,在听过第一段幽默的对话后,我们就可以迎来名为为你,我会在那里的主题曲。易上口的旋律,简单的节奏,这首短短四十二秒的主题歌随着老友记的走红在排行榜上迅速攀升,连续八周雄踞公告牌电台播放榜头名,此前籍籍无名的演唱乐团“伦勃朗”也一曲成名。 这首由迈克尔斯柯洛夫作曲、阿利威利斯作词的歌曲原本是为迈克尔斯蒂普和纳塔利麦钱特度身定做的,但这两名歌手拒绝出演。于是,剧组想到了由两名喜欢穿黑衣、戴墨镜的歌手丹尼怀尔德和菲尔索利姆组成的“伦勃朗”乐团。乐界普遍认为,这两个人有类似约翰列侬和

5、乔治麦卡特尼般的和谐声音。 当时没有人会预言到老友记能取得如此大的成功,“伦勃朗”乐队只是觉得反正可以赚一笔小钱,何乐而不为。索利姆后来回忆说:“在那个时候,我们没有预料到这个剧集会如此火爆。我们只是觉得,这是挣一笔额外收入的好办法,也是给自己履历增加电视经历的好办法。”怀尔德说:“我们当时觉得,听听自己在电视里的声音岂不好玩?没有人会知道那就是我们。” 事实上,如果他们不唱这首主题歌,才不会有那么多人知道他们呢。怀尔德和索利姆均是1956年出生,成长在摇滚花童年代。1976年两人在洛杉矶的一个歌舞酒店里相识,到拍摄老友记主题曲时已经整整相识了十八年。均有妻有子的怀尔德和索利姆直到1990年才

6、成立了“伦勃朗”,这个名字就借用自十七世纪荷兰的伟大画家,只是在伦勃朗的名字后面加了一个表示复数的S。 在为你,我会在那里之前,他们最成功的单曲是宝贝,就是这样子的,但并非是很热门的歌曲。怀尔德日后回忆说:“是的,有时事情就是这样发生的,你抓住了一个机会。这个机会对于一个艺人来说,可能十年中只有一次。” 电台的DJ立即意识到了这首好听的歌曲,他们将它从电视上录下来,在广播里反复播放,并想办法凑够三分钟的单曲长度。此时,“伦勃朗”的第三张CD密纹唱片正在进行最后的压制工作,一首单曲已经被作为主推曲目送到了电台,但敏感地嗅到了金钱气味的唱片公司决定在已经非常拥挤的CD里加入第十五首歌曲为你,我会在

7、那里。 怀尔德回忆说:“我们被逼入了死角。全美国的电台都在播放这首歌曲我们决定要剪出一个能够代表我们的演绎的版本。”由于时间太紧,CD封面上甚至没有印下这首歌曲的名字。怀尔德说:“他们已经复制了二十五万个拷贝,有人说把它们全部毁掉,然后重新做装帧,因为我们有足够的时间,但我们觉得这将是对塑料的浪费,因为我们是环保主义者。我们参加过拯救鲸鱼。”最后,这张CD成为了白金唱片。 不过,辉煌的高峰昙花一现,“伦勃朗”为主流音乐欣赏却使他们失去了原来的歌迷。过多的播放使得歌迷终于厌倦了,甚至邀请老友记六名主演一起出演的MTV也没有能够挽回颓势,“伦勃朗”两名歌手的生涯迅即走上了下坡路。他们甚至一度分手单

8、飞,但1998年怀尔德单出的旋转它CD虽然获得了广泛的评论,但在销售市场上惨败。怀尔德此后一蹶不振。 到2001年,两人又重新复合,并灌制了一张名为一起消失的唱片,但两人的魔力显然就随着为你,我会在那里已经消失了。怀尔德对录制老友记主题曲并不后悔。他说:“我不能左右世界上其他人的想法我对这首歌并不感到羞愧,它把我们放入了历史。”中文译文 为你,我会在那里没有人告诉你,生活会是这样(四次鼓掌)你工作无趣,你袋里没钱,你的爱情总是见光死这就好像你永远在二档从来没有你的那一天,你的那一周,你的那一月,你的那一年合唱:但为你,我仍然会在那里(当大雨倾盆而下的时候)为你,我仍然会在那里(就像我一直做的那

9、样)为你,我仍然会在那里(因为你也曾经帮助我)你仍然是早上八点开始工作,晚上千点才能上床你把你的早餐煮焦了;但到这里为止,生活还算不错你妈妈警告过你,会有这样的日子但她没有告诉你,世界将让你屈服合唱:但为你,我仍然会在那里(当大雨倾盆而下的时候)为你,我仍然会在那里 (就像我以前做的那样)为你,我仍然会在那里 (因为你也曾经帮助我) BRIDGE:原本没有人会认识我,原本没有人会来看我看来只有你知道我将会变成什么有些朋友是用来共度日子的,共同经历苦难的有些朋友和我永远是欢笑即使在我最糟糕的日子里,我仍然是你最好的朋友耶!这就好像你永远在二档从来没有你的那一天,你的那一周,你的那一月,你的那一年

10、合唱:但为你,我仍然会在那里(当大雨倾盆而下的时候)为你,我仍然会在那里(就像我以前做的那样)为你,我仍然会在那里(因为你也曾经帮助我)PHOEBE 的歌Smelly CatLyrics:Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat its not your fault.They wont take you to the vetYour obviously not their favorite pet.You may not be a bed of roses,And your no frien

11、d of those with noses.Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, its not your fault!Episodes: 206 - The One With the Baby on the Bus, 217 - The One Where Eddie Moves In-The Shower SongLyrics:Im in the shower and Im writing a songStop me if youve heard itMy skin is soap

12、y and my hair is wetAnd tegrin spelled backwards is nirgetLather rinse repeatAnd lather rinse repeatAs neededEpisode: 206 - The One With the Baby on the Bus-The Two of Them Kissed Last NightLyrics:There was a girl well call her BettyAnd a guy lets call him NeilNow I cant stress this point too strong

13、lyThis story isnt real.Now Neil must decideWho will be the girl that he casts aside?Will Betty be the one who he loves trulyOr will it be the one that well call Loolie?He must decideEven though I made him up he must decide!Episode: 208 - The One With the List-The Truth About GrandmaLyrics:Now Grandm

14、as a person who everyone likesShe bought you a train and a bright shiny bikeBut lately she hasnt been coming to dinnerAnd last time you saw her she looked so much thinnerNow your mom and your dad say she moved to PeruBut the truth is she died and someday you will toola la la la la la la la la la la

15、la .Episode: 212: The One After the Superbowl: Part 1-The Barnyard SongLyrics:Oh the cow in the meadow goes mooOh the cow in the meadow goes mooThen the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him upAnd thats how we get Hamburgers.Episode: 212: The One After the Superbowl: Part 1-Terrys A JerkLyrics:

16、Terrys a jerkAn he wont let me workAnd I hate Central Perk!.Youre all invited to bite me!Episode: 206 - The One With the Baby on the Bus-The Double Jointed BoyLyrics:Twas the double-double-double jointed boyEpisode: 206 - The One With the Baby on the Bus-StephanieLyrics:Stephanie knows all the chord

17、s!Episode: 206 - The One With the Baby on the Bus-The BlackoutLyrics:New York City has no power.And the milk is getting sour.But to me it is not scary,Cause I stay away from dairy.Episode: 107 - The One With the Blackout-SometimesLyrics:Sometimes men love women,Sometimes men love men,And then there

18、are bisexuals,Though some just say theyre kidding themselves.Episode: 212: The One After the Superbowl: Part 1-DontLyrics:Therell be times when you get olderWhen youll want to sleep with peopleJust to make them like you.But dont.Cause thats another thing that you dont wanna do. Everybody!Thats anoth

19、er thing that you dont wanna do.Episode: 212: The One After the Superbowl: Part 1-My Mothers AshesLyrics:My mothers ashes,Even her eyelashes,Are resting in a little, yellow jar.And sometimes when its breezy,Or if Im feeling sneezy,And now I.Excuse me! Excuse me!Yeah, noisy boys!Episode: 110 - The On

20、e With the Monkey-BabiesLyrics:Theyre tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch.But soon theyll grow up and resent you so much.Now theyre yelling at you and you dont know why.You cry and you cry and you cry.Episode: 123 - The One With the Birth-The SnowmanLyrics:(Jingles tambourine)I made a man with eye

21、s of coalAnd a smile so bewitchin.How was I supposed to knowThat my mom was dead in the kitchen?La la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la-la.Episode: 110 - The One With the Monkey-Sticky ShoesWith Leslie Version:Lyrics:(Leslie:)My favorite shoes, so good to me, I wear them everydayDown in the heels, holes in th

22、e toes, dont care what people sayMy feets best friends, pals to the endWith them on one high ChicyThough late one night, not much light(Phoebe and Leslie:)III. stepped in something ICKY!Sticky Shoes, sticky shoes, always make me smileSticky Shoes, sticky shoes,Next time Ill. avoid the PILE!Episode:

23、314 - The One With Phoebes Ex-PartnerSinging Solo Version:My Sticky Shoe!Lyrics:My sticky shoeMy sticky, sticky shoeWhy you stick on me, ba-a-bay?Episode: 405 - The One With Joeys New Girlfriend-Holiday SongLyrics:Went to the storeSat on Santas lap,Asked him to bring my friendsAll kinds of crap.He s

24、aid all you need is to write them a song,They havent heard it yet so dont try to sing alongSO DONT SING ALONG!Monica, Monica, Have a happy Hannukkah,I saw Santa Claus, he said hello to Ross,And please tell Joey, Christmas will be SNOWYYYYYY!And Rachel and Chandler(mumbling) haberill Glandlerrrr!Epis

25、ode: 410 - The One With the Girl from Poughkeepsie-Colors of My BedroomLyrics:.Fushia and MauveThose are the 66 colors of my bedrooooomm!Episode: 401 - The One With the Jellyfish-Parading GoatsLyrics:Parading goats are parading,Parading down the street,Parading goats are parading,Leaving little treats!Episode: 405 - The One With Joeys New Girlfriend-Tiny TarzanLyrics:Little Tiny Tarzan,Swinging on a nose hair,Swinging with the greatest of ease.Episode: 407 - The One Where Chandler Cross

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