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1、各种时态的被动语态各种时态的被动语态 一、八大时态的被动语态的构成: 1.一般现在时的被动语态构成:(am/is/are +done)如: I am asked to study hard. 我被请求努力学习。 This shirt is washed once a week. 这件T恤一周洗一次。 These songs are usually sung by boys. 这些歌曲通常是男生唱的。 2.一般过去时的被动语态构成:(was/were done)如: The soldier was killed, but the train was saved. 这位战士牺牲了,然而列车得救了。

2、 Some notes were passed up to the speaker. 有人给讲演者递上来一些纸条。 3.一般将来时的被动语态构成:(shall/will be done)如: We shall be asked a lot of strange questions. 我们将被问许多怪题。 My son will be sent to school next September. 来年九月我将送我儿子去读书。 4.过去将来时的被动语态构成:(should/would be done)如: The news would be sent to him as soon as it ar

3、rived. 消息一到就会转给他的。He told us that the new railway would be built the next year. 他告诉我新铁路将在明年修建。 5.现在完成时的被动语态构成:(has/have been done)如: The work has just been finished. 工作刚刚结束。 The old rules have been done away with by us. 旧规章已经被我们废除了。 6.过去完成时的被动语态构成:(had been done)如: By last December three ships had b

4、een built by them. 到去年十二月底他们已建造了三艘船。 100 tractors had been produced by the end of last year. 在去年年底前生产了100辆拖拉机。 7.现在进行时的被动语态构成:(am/is/are being done)如: The bridge is being repaired. 桥梁正在修复中。 The new library is being built by the workers. 新的图书馆正在被工人们建设中。 8.过去进行时的被动语态构成:(was/were being done)如: A meetin

5、g was being held when I was there. 我在时,会议在开着。 The college was being built at this time last year. 去年这个时候这所大学正在建设中。 二、被动语态的用法: 1.强调动作的承受者(有时用by 短语来强调动作的执行者): Xiao Li was made monitor of the class. 小李被选为班长。 第 1 页共8 页 This work must be done by you, and not by me. 这件工作必须由你做,而不是我来做。 2.不知道或不必说出动作的执行者: His

6、 bike was stolen last night. 他的自行车昨晚被人偷走了。 Every year a lot os people are killed in the traffic accidents. 每年都有许多人死于交通事故。 3.为了表示委婉或礼貌,避免提及动作执行者或说话者自己: Everybody is expected to obey the following rules. 希望大家遵守以下规定。You are friendly invited to come to our English party at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. 敬请您明天晚上8:0

7、0光临我们的英语晚会。 4.动作的执行者是无生命的事物: The house was struck by lightning. 那房子被闪电所击中。 The famous museum was practically ruined by the big fire. 大火使这家著名的博物馆几乎全部毁坏。 5.使句子连接自然或更加简洁、匀称。 The old professor gave a lecture on American hisotry and was well received. 这位老教授作了一个有关美国历史的讲座,受到大家的热烈欢迎。 The book which had been

8、 lost was found and was returned to the library. 那本丢失的书找到后被还回到图书馆。 三、特殊情况下的被动语态: 1.带情态动词的被动结构,其形式为:情态动词+be+过去分词,如: This must be kept in mind. 我们必须把这个记在心里。 I ought to be criticized for it. 我应该为此受到批评. 2.带双宾语的被动结构,习惯上把间宾提前,也可把直宾提前,但不要遗漏介词: I was given a toy at Christmas. 或A toy was given to me at Chris

9、tmas. 父亲在圣诞节送我一个玩具。 He was offered some assistance. 或Some assistance was offered to him. 他们向他提供一些帮助。 3.带复合宾语的被动结构,只将宾语提前,宾补不动(但make, see, hear等宾补省略的to, 变被动结构时要加to)。 The boy was caught smoking a cigarette. 男孩被看到正在吸烟。 They were made to work day and night. 他们被迫黑天白天得工作。 四、被动语态与系表结构的区别: 被动语态与系表结构都是由“be+过

10、去分词”来构成,其区别如下: 1.如果强调动作或句中有介词by引导出动作的执行者,该句一般为被动语态,否则为系表结构。 The glass is broken.玻璃杯碎了。(系表结构) The glass was broken by the boy.玻璃杯被那男孩打碎了。(被动语态) 2.如果句中有地点、频率或时间状语时,一般为被动语态。 The door is locked.门锁上了。(系表结构) The door has already/just been locked.门已经被锁上了。(被动语态) 3.被动语态除用于一般时态和完成时态外,还可以用于进行或将来时态,而系表结构中的系动词be

11、 只有一般时态和完成时态。 The machine is being repaired.正在修理机器。(被动语态) A new school will be built here.将在这里建一所新学校。(被动语态) 被动语态练习题: I.主动语态和被动语态互变: 1.We shall discuss the problem at tomorrows meeting. 2.His mother gave him a present for his birthday. 3.You can hand in your homework tomorrow. 4.The nurse is taking c

12、are of the sick man. 5.You must lock the door when you leave. 6.I was made a new dress by aunt. /A new dress was made for me by aunt. 7. A picture was bought for me. 8.He was heard to sing in his room just now. 9.A new public school will be set up here. 10.The boy was caught smoking a cigarette. II.

13、用下列动词的被动语态形式填空 1.Many trees _ (plant) in China every year, but they are still not enough. 2.The Great Wall _ (build) thousands of years ago. 3.You have to be 18 years old before you _ (allow) to drive a car. 4.Now many difficult and dangerous kinds of work _ (can do) by robots in factories. 5.It is

14、said that more good teachers _ (send) to the rural areas in Xinxiang next year. 6.To make our city more beautiful, rubbish _ (must not throw) into the river. 7.The problem _ (discuss) at the meeting now. 8._Were these machines _ (invent) ed by Edison? 9.English _ (speak) by most people in the USA. 1

15、0.Ways _ already _ (find) to make waste water clean. III.单选: 1. He arrived in Beijing, where he _ his friend. A.was met by B.was met C.was meeting D.met by 2. The mistakes in the exercises will _ the teacher. A.cross crossing crossed by D.cross by 3. My sister and I have _ her birthday par

16、ty. A.been invited B.been invited for C.invited to D.been invited to 4. It _ in this way. had to do had to be done C.had to be done D.has to do 5. Mary realized she _. A.was making fun of B.was made fun C.was being made fun of D.was being made fun 6. Great changes _ in our province. Many t

17、all buildings _. A.have taken place, have been set up B.have been taken place, have been set up C.have been taken place, have been set up D.were taken place, were set up 7. The new hall is the tallest building in this town. _ from here? A.Can it see B.Can it be seen C.Can it seen D.Can see 8.Some of

18、 the hotels in my hometown _. A.have now been rebuilding B.are now rebuilding C.are now being rebuilt D.are rebuilt now 9. I promise that the matter will _. A. be taken care B. be taken care of C. take care D. take care of 10. Bob _ to a medical school in 1990 and he _ a doctor seven years later. A.

19、 sent; become B. was sent; became C. sent; was becoming D. was sent; has become 11. Because of the rain, the football match _. A. has been putting off B. has put off C. put off D. has been put off 12. The police found that the house _ and a lot of things _. A. has broken into; has been stolen B. had

20、 broken into; had been stolen C. has been broken into; stolen D. had been broken into; stolen 13. -Have you moved into the house? -Not yet. The rooms _. A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting 14. The computer, _ bought in the new shop yesterday, will be sent to you

21、 as a present. A. that was B. which is C. which was D. that has been 15. I need one more stamp, before my collection _. A. has comleted B. comletes C. has been comleted D. is comleted 16. -_ the sports meet might be put off. -Yes, it all depend on the weather. A. Ive been told B. Ive told C. Im told

22、 D. I told 17. Flowers must _ well every day. A. be watered B. water C. watered D. be water 18. The vegetables didnt taste very good. They _ too long. A. had been cooked B. were cooked C. have cooked D. cooked 19. With the development of science, more new technology _ to the field of IT. A. has intr

23、oduced B. is being introduced C. is introduced D. was introduced 20. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet. A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided 一般将来时态的被动语态 一、一般将来时态的被动语态的基本结构的构成: 1.一般将来时态的被动语态的肯定式为:shall / will + be + done。(shall

24、 用于第一人称;will用于各种人称) 如: We shall be punished if we break the rule. 如果我们违反规定,我们将要受到惩罚。 The new film will be shown next Thursday. 这部新电影将在下周四上映。 2.一般将来时态的被动语态的否定式为:shall / will + not + be + done.(可缩写成shant或wont)如: The meeting wont be held tomorrow. 明天不再举行会议。 The exhibition wont be put off till next week

25、. 展览会将不会推迟到下周。 3.一般将来时态的被动语态的一般疑问句需将shall / will提到主语的前面。(回答用yes或no)如: Wont water be turned into ice, it it is belwo freezing? 如果气温在冰点之下,水难道不会变成冰吗? -Will the work be finished at once? -Yes, it will. -这项工作会立刻被完成吗?-是的,立刻就完成。 4.一般将来时态的被动语态的特殊疑问句为:疑问词+ shall / will + S + be + done。如: When will these book

26、s be published? 这些书将在什么时候被出版? Whom will this book be written by? 谁来写这本书? 二、一般将来时态的被动语态的其他结构构成: going to be done Some old buildings are going to be put down. 一些旧的楼房将被推倒。 The problem isnt going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. 这个问题将不在明天的会议上被讨论。 -Are these trees going to be cut down?-Yes,t

27、hey are. -这些树将被砍倒吗?-是的,将被砍倒 to be done The sports meet is to be held on April 10. 运动会将于四月十日举行。 The machines are not to be repaired tonight. 今晚将不会修理这些机器。 -Are new textbooks to be published next week?-No, they arent. 新教科书将在下周出版吗?不,不是。 三、一般将来时态的被动语态的用法: 1.一般将来时态的被动语态的同它的主动语态一样,强调表示根据计划或安排将要发生的被动性动

28、作。 The new film will be shown next Thursday. 这部新电影将在下周四上映。 A lot of athletes will be invited to Beijing. 好多运动员将被邀请到北京来。 2.在时间、条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时的被动语态代替一般将来时的被动语态。如: When the dam is completed, the Changjiang River will be controlled. 当大坝竣工时,长江将得到控制。 If I am given enough time, I will go to Japan for my h

29、oliday. 如果我有足够的时间,我将去日本度假。 3.表示有固定性条件就有规律性被动结果。如: Heated to 100c , water will be turned into steam. 加热到100度时,水将会变成蒸气。 If you speak in class, you will be punished. 如果你在课堂上讲话,你将会被惩罚。 I. 单选: 1. These films _ until tomorrow morning. A. cant develop B. arent developing C. wont be developed D. wont develo

30、p 2. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose 3. A party is going to _ tonight. Would you like to go with me? Id like to, but I have to look after my sick mother. A. organize B. have been organized C. be organizing D. be organized 4. The water will be further polluted unless some measures _. A. will be taken B. are taken C. were taken D. had been taken

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