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1、三年级第一卷小学生快乐英语阅读备课英语课外阅读教案(三年级) 建湖县九龙口镇中心小学Unit 1 A homeless snail教学目标:1,会听,说读单词homeless ,rock, bear, lose, rabbit, turtle,snail等2,掌握词组,听懂 be careful,on the hill, look for ,get it等 3,了解故事情节并能进行讲述。4,能初步掌握在文中划找信息和新知的阅读方法。5,让学生懂得做任何事不要轻易放弃。教学重难点1,阅读方法与技巧的引导与渗透。2,正确理解故事内容。Step1. Warm upFree talkStep2. Pr

2、esentation1. Show the pictures Learn: snail, bear, rabbit, turtle, frog, flower, homeless等Step3. Story time.1, Watch the cartoon. ( 整体感知故事)2,Watch and answer. What is the story about?3, Read and circle the answer:(快速阅读文章,圈出所需问题,其它信息跳过) What do the rabbit and turtle say? Why is the snail crying?4,Lis

3、ten and match.5, Read and judge. (大声朗读,判断正误) The snail loses her house. The bear is near the house.6, Read and answer the questions.(再次精读,划出答案) Where is the snail going? How can the snail get the house? Step4. Consolidation1, Lets dub (配音)2,Students acting time.Tip:丰富的表情和动作可以使表演更精彩哦!小朋友们,快来挑选自己喜欢的角色

4、,以小组为一小组表演一下吧!Step5. Homework1. Listen and read the story five times.2.Retell the story .Unit 2 A lantern for others教学目标: 1.能让学生听懂,会说lantern, others, why, because, carry, help, kind.2.能让学生理解文章大意;3.能让学生明白要互相帮助,不能嘲笑别人的道理。教学重难点:1. 能让学生通过各种方式明白文章中出现的生词意思。2. 能让学生自己体会故事要表达的道理。教学过程:Step one. Warming-up & g

5、reeting1. enjoy a video2. show some pictures & free talkif you are hungry/ thirsty/ cold, you need a / some if you are in the dark, you need a / some A. cake B. car C. lanternStep two. Reading time1. look and fill in the blanks.(1) its in the (2) the man need a 2. read and answer (skimming)Who has a

6、 lantern?3. read and choose (scanning)Why does the blind carry the lantern?4. order the pictures.5. try to retell the story.6. what can you learn from the story.7. act the story out.Step three. Consolidation.Show some pictures and make up a dialogue.Step four. Homework快乐阅读 第 三 单元【教学内容】本单元的语言功能是辨别物品的

7、所有者 “Is this your/her/his?”, 学习和掌握新词汇:gift ,small, hang, deal with,ring,have a meeting,path,smell,way,neck,move,be afraid of . 语言结构有:指示代词this & that, hang a bell,have a good idea, who can hang the bell on the neck? 语言目标是掌握句型: Is this your? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 【文本解读】 本单元共六页(8pages),其中包括My comic

8、s,Story Twon,Mini task和Around the world。My comics提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,为本单元的目标句型提供示例和指导性练习,并通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固。Story Twon,的教学是在已有的基础上开展的,许多知识点都是以旧带新,但学习任务的难度在逐渐递升,口头训练也过度到笔头训练,通过这部分的学习,使学生能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。Mini task是课后自我检测和评价,包括对本单元所学词汇的检测,词汇扩展训练,以及语言运用能力的检测和评价。通过这部分内容的训练,使学生对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。Around t

9、he world延伸,拓展学生视野,丰富课外生活。【教学目标】1 语言知识目标: A)词汇:gift ,small, hang, deal with,ring,have a meeting,path,smell,way,neck,move,be afraid of . B)句型: Is this your/her/his?Who can hang the bell on the neck? 2 语言技能目标:通过各种活动,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和创新的能力。3 情感目标: A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。 B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。

10、 C) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式,勇于挑战的精神。【教学重难点】1重点: A) 词汇: gift ,small, hang, deal with,ring,have a meeting,path,smell,way,neck,move,be afraid of . B)语言结构:指示代词this & that, hang a bell,have a good idea, who can hang the bell on the neck? C)语言功能: Is this your/her/his?Who can hang the bell on the neck? 【课前准备】多媒体【

11、课时安排】一教学流程Step1. Warming-up Listen to a song “Is this your pencil-box?” 让学生从听歌的过程中感受新的语言 鼓励学生主动参与,开口说英语, 增强 初学者用英语表达意思的愿望,激发兴趣,提高自信心,也体现了听说领先的原则。 Step2. Presentation 1,Show and learn new words. 复习句型: Whats this in English? Its a/an, “Whats this in English?”, 引入新句型:Is this / that your? Yes, it is./ N

12、o,it isnt. .After doing it, read the new words and sentences. 可以帮助学生了解单词的发音,熟悉句型,为下一步的学习打好基础。 2.Watch a cartoon and answer some questions.How many animals in the story?What are they talking about?Then. What happen at last? Show the things as quickly as possible, have a competition between boys and g

13、irls. Get them to name the things they see. 活动有效训练学生的注意力和瞬间记忆力,同时在真实的语境使所学的语言知识得到强化。3.Find out the new words4.Read and practice the words and phrases.5.Read after the tape6.Read in one way Practise the conversations in 1b, then make own conversations. 结对合作学习,尝试用英语交际,体会合作带来的快乐。 7.Act the story8.Conso

14、lidation and do the mini taskStep3,Around the worldRead the passage together, let Ss enjoy the world.Step4, Homework Write the new words they learned today without looking at the books,see who will be the best.激励每个学生不甘落后,学有所获。第 4 单元【教学内容】本单元对话主要内容是The donkey with the lions fur【教学目标】知识目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读

15、、写词汇donkey,real,fur,scared,like。能正确地听、说、读词汇be scared of,like,worse than。2. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、复述对话。 3. 能运用本课语言进行问答、谈话。技能目标:1.通过本课的学习,学生能够会读会说会写。2. 能正确地运用对话中的日常用语和句型【教学重难点】1. 词汇:donkey,real,fur,scared,like.2. 能正确地理解、朗读对话内容,并能在教师帮助下复述对话。 3. 词汇:donkey,real,fur,scared,like的读音。【课前准备】PPT, WB【课时安排】一课时The d

16、onkey with the lions fur一、课时目标知识目标:1.能正确地听、说、读、写词汇donkey,real,fur,scared,like。能正确地听、说、读词汇be scared of,like,worse than。2.能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、复述对话。 3.能运用本课语言进行问答、谈话。二、教学重难点1.词汇:donkey,real,fur,scared,like.2.能正确地理解、朗读对话内容,并能在教师帮助下复述对话。 3.词汇:donkey,real,fur,scared,like的读音。三、教学主问题如何让学生更准确的朗读课文。四、教学流程Teach

17、ing steps:Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings and Free talk Good morning / afternoon, class. Nice to meet you. How old are you? Close the door. Open the window. Is this your ruler/ cake/ toy car/ ? 师生之间运用学过的日常交际用语自由交谈,创设英语氛围。 (设计意图:师生问候简单交流拉近学生距离,进而让学生快速的融入到课堂学习当中来。) 2.Enioy a song3.Free talk 4.Magic eye

18、sStep 2 Presentation and practice 1.整体感知课文 (1)出示教学挂图:T:Who is he?Ss:Hes a donkeyT:Who is he?Ss:Hes a lion.Read together:donkey , lion ,sheep ,fox(2)观看课文动画,完成下面句子。How many people are there in the text?What happend? (设计意图: 通过动画录音整体感知课文内容,让学生整体把握了解课文内容,培养学生的听说能力,设计问题和判断培养学生爱思考的好习惯。)(3).Read the new wor

19、dsRead after teacher.Read one by oneRead in group.(4)T:Who can tell me what the text tells a story? S1:2.Listen and repeat 跟着录音一起读。3.Read after teacher跟着老师一起读。4.Read togher同学们自由朗读5.T:Who can tell me the story of how to tell a truth?S1:Step 3 Consolidation 1. 自由,大声朗读这篇课文。2.全班分角色朗读课文,小组内分角色表演课文,请几组到台上

20、表演并给以奖励。3. 请学生说一说这节课我们还学习了哪些句型?4. 教师结合板书和课件帮助学生总结主要内容。Step 4 practise1. T:Who finds a lions fur?S1:The donkey .2. T:Who wears a lions fur?S2:The donkey.3 T:Who runs away? S3:The sheep.4.T:Who is not afraid of the donkey? S4:The fox.Step 5 homework1.Listen the story.2. Read Story time after the tape

21、for 3 times.3. Copy the words 3 times.4. Repeat the story.Unit5 The fox and the goat教案一、教材分析本课是根据新课标双语助学读物伊索寓言2其中的一则寓言故事The fox and the goat一课而设计的一堂英语阅读课,通过这堂课让学生通过对一则寓言故事的解读,从而明白这则寓言故事告诉人们的寓意,通过故事情景的运用,进一步提高三年级学生学习和使用英语的兴趣。二、教学设计本案例是Reading(精读课),按照英语新课程标准的要求,这堂课应当是“以任务贯穿读、听、说的活动,让学生通过感知概括应用的思维来增长知识

22、,发展能力”。基于此,其教学设计的落脚点有二:1.学生通过阅读学习,有助于提高学生的阅读能力和自主学习能力。2.通过阅读进行语音处理、单词处理和句子处理;通过阅读进行意义建构,在与文本相互作用的过程中,在理解、思辨的过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话能力和写话能力。三、教学目标 (一) 知识目标1掌握下列单词和短语:fox,goat,well,cant wait to get out of2.综合本课所学知识与好友讨论寓言背后的深刻含义。3正确理解和朗读短文内容及对话,能够结合情境通过表演的方式更加深刻的理解故事的含义。(二)技能目标1. 能初步理解故事的含义。2. 能利用表演的方式让学生会

23、说,会演。(三)情感目标通过对故事的解读,能体会到寓言带给我们的深刻含义。四、 教学重点和难点1阅读方法与技巧引导和渗透。2正确理解故事内容,能够进行表演。 五、课前准备多媒体课件,单词、短语卡片等。 六、教学步骤Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings2.Free talkGood morning, everyone. Whats your name ? How old are you? I like animals. What about you? Do you like reading stories? OK, me too, and I like reading Engli

24、sh stories. Today well enjoy an English story about animals, OK? Lets go. The story is about the fox and the goat. 教授单词 fox和goat.(通过轻松愉快的真实交流,建立了融洽的师生交流渠道,即为教学作了铺垫,也巩固了已学知识。)Step2 Presentation 1,The story is the fox and the goat. (揭题,贴板书)故事开始,有教师讲述前言部分:Its a hot day. A thirsty fox looks for water. T

25、heres a well nearby.(教授新单词well 水井) When he comes to the well,he sees a lot of water in it. He cant wait to jump into the well. (教授词组cant wait to 迫不及待 的) 读一读he cant wait to jump into the well.(可以让学生演 一演cant wait to)2,Now the fox is in the well, what does he say? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放视频)观看完视频出示答

26、案:Lets read it together, first read after me (边读边教)How am I going to get out of here? 带领读完之后read by yourselves.(出示中文:带感情的自由朗读,读出狐狸喝到水后的满足与发现自己出不去之后的紧张). OK, lets read together.(一起有感情的朗读一遍)3,Look!Herere some questions,try to answer:(1)Does the fox drink the water? (2)How is the water? 学生回答完之后边引出:The

27、fox cant get out,so he is very worried,at that moment, a goat is coming. (出示图片陈述). He walks to the well. He sees a fox in it. What happens? Can you guess? 4,Discuss in groups and guess: What will happen next? ( 让学生自由说给出答案) 5,提出问题:Why does the goat jump into the well?Lets watch the cartoon. (播放视频)Ope

28、n your books and find the answer. (让学生在对对话中找答案) 交流引导学生说狐狸的几句话:Because the fox says:(提示一下)学生会说:Its very nice and yummy. Come down,boy!(边教边读,读出狐狸的狡猾,带领学生读读看)The fox tempts the goat,so at last the goat also jumps into the well. Then the fox stands on the goats back and get out of the well. Look, the fo

29、x is out, but the goat is in the well, what does the fox say? Please read and underline.6,From the dialogue we know the fox is very sly. Do you think the fox is a good friend? What do you learn from the story? 揭示寓意:Think carefully before you act.(三思而后行)Now we know the story. Can you retell the story

30、 (复述这个故事),take out your pictures,lets make a storybook.(排序制作故事书) 让学生起来复述。Step3 HomeworkLets think a new story:One day the fox falls into the 陷阱,a goat comes, what happens?Write a new story.Unit 6【目标预设】1能听懂、会读、会说词汇today 、Saturday、angry 、repay、 mean 、forgive、 talk about 、worry、 safe、 told。 2.能听懂、会读和会说

31、故事中的日常用语I will let you go. Dont worry. I told you I could repay you.等。3能正确地理解故事内容,并能正解、流利地朗读与讲述。4培养学生英语思维的能力,形成有效的阅读策略。【重点、难点】重点:能正确理解、掌握故事内容,并能正解、流利地朗读故事。难点:能绘声绘色地讲述故事内容。【教学过程】Step1 GreetingsStep2 My comics1. Revision Review the cartoon time2. Lead in Learn: Saturday3. Look and guessQ: Is Bobby late for school again today

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