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1、常用医学英语口语对话P: Good morning, doctor.D: Good morning, please sit down. What seems to be the matterP: I think I might have caught a cold.D: How long have you been sickP: For two days.D: What symptoms do you haveP: I have a runny nose and I ache all over.D: What was the discharge likeP: Watery.D: Is it t

2、he same today&P: No, it is yellow and thicker today.D: Do you have a feverP: I havent taken my temperature yet, but I feel feverish.D: Let me take your temperature. It will take 10 minutes. . Yes, you do have a fever. Were you exposed to cold temperaturesP: Yes, the day before yesterday when I went

3、to work, the weather was warm so I didnt wear extra clothes. In the evening the temperature dropped down rapidly. On the way home I felt very cold. After arriving home I began to sneeze. When I got out of bed the next morning my nose was stuffy and running.D: Do you have a coughP: I just started cou

4、ghing today.D: Do you have phlegmP: Yes, but not much.D: What color is itP: Pale yellow.D: Is it easy to cough upP: Not very. I have to use effort to cough it up. The phlegm is a little sticky.D: Have you been sweatingP: I sweated a little after taking some medicine for fever last night.D: Are you t

5、hirstyP: Yes, I feel like drinking cool water.D: Do you have a sore throatP: Yes, I do.D: I want to look at your throat. Please open your mouth.*D: Do you feel any other discomfortP: I feel sore everywhere and I feel very tired too.D: Please stick out your tongue and let me have a look. You have a r

6、ed tongue with thin and yellow coating, which indicates wind and heat in the superficial area. Please put your hand here and let me feel your pulse. . The pulse is superficial and rapid.P: What does a superficial and rapid pulse meanD: A superficial pulse means the attack of pathogens to the exterio

7、r layer of the body which is called exterior syndrome in Traditional Chinese medicine, while a rapid pulse indicates heat.P: What is the diagnosis of Chinese medicine for meD: It is a common cold. According to the symptoms, the manifestation of the tongue and pulse, you have got a common wind-heat t

8、ype cold.P: Can you explain it more in detailD: Pathogenic wind heat often attacks the body through the nose and mouth. The lung is involved first. Pathogenic wind of yang nature is characterized by upward and outward dispersion. When a fight goes on between the pathogenic wind heat and the body res

9、istance, fever, slight aversion to wind and sweating result. When the pathogenic wind heat attacks the head, symptoms like pain and distending sensation occur in head. P: Thats interesting.D: When the lung fails to disperse and descend, a ten-year-old patient has a cough with yellow, thick sputum. W

10、hen the pathogenic wind heat stifles the air passage, the patient experiencing a congested sore throat with thirst. Thin, white or yellowish tongue coating, and superficial rapid pulse are the signs showing the lung and the defensive system being attacked by the pathogenic wind heat.P: I see. Id lik

11、e to be treated with Traditional Chinese medicine. That is why I came here. What kind of treatment will you give to meD: I suggest the prescription Yin Qiao San for you. It is a typical formula for treating wind heat type of common cold. We may modify it by adding some more herbs to relieve the sore

12、 throat and the runny nose. I will give you four doses. Every day take one. Every dose brings to a boil and drain off the liquid. Add cold water and bring it to a boil the second time. Drink the liquid from both times. Do you understandP: Yes, I do.D: Also, Ill now give you acupuncture treatment on

13、the points of the lung, large intestine and bladder meridians, using the reducing method. This will be very effective in relieving your headache and runny nose.P: Will it be painfulD: No, just like a mosquito bite. After that we may apply cupping to your upper back.( After the treatment)P: Oh, I fee

14、l much better after the acupuncture treatment. My headache has gone and the sore throat has lessened. Thank you.D: After returning home be careful to rest and drink more hot water. This is your prescription. Go to the Chinese medicine pharmacy and fill your prescription.P: Ok. Thank you very much, d

15、octor.D: You are welcome.参考译文病人:早上好,医生。医生:早上好。请坐。您那里不舒服病人:我想我感冒了。医生:您病了多久了病人:2天。医生:您有什么症状吗病人:我流鼻涕,而且觉得全身疼痛。-医生:鼻涕怎么样的病人:水样的。医生:今天也一样吗病人:不,今天是黄色的,而且变稠了。医生:有没有发热啊病人:我没有测过体温,但是我自己觉得发烧了。医生:让我先帮您测体温。大概需要十分钟。 . . 是的,您确实是发热。您怕冷吗病人:是的。前天我去上班的时候天气还挺暖和的,当时我就没有多穿衣服。但晚上温度下降得很快,当我回家的时候我觉得很冷。回家后,我就开始打喷嚏了。第二天早上起床的



18、上加一些用于缓解咽痛和流涕症状的草药。我将会给您开四剂药。每天一剂。猛火煎药,然后倒出药汁。然后再加冷水复煎一次。把两次煮的药都喝完,明白吗病人:知道了。医生:我们能否给他用针灸治疗来缓解症状我会用泻法在你的肺经、大肠经和膀胱经上的穴位上用针。这对于缓解你头痛和流涕的症状是很有效的。病人:针灸会很痛吗医生:不会,就像蚊子咬,然后我们可以在他上背部拔火罐。治疗后病人:我觉得治疗后舒服多了。我的头不痛了,而且咽痛也缓解很多了,感觉好多了。谢谢。医生:回家后要注意休息,还要喝多点热水。这是您的处方,您可以到中药店抓药。病人:好的,谢谢,再见。D: Good morning, what seems t

19、o be the problem today, Mr. ChenP: Well, Ive had nocturia for six months and I started losing weight four months ago.D: Any other problems Have you noticed any changes in your urineP: Yes, its darker, reddish. I wonder if it could be blood.D: Have you noticed anything elseP: Yes. Ive felt sick sever

20、al times in the morning and Ive noticed my legs are swollen after work in the evening. Also, Ive felt really groggy for some weeks now. I dont seem to enjoy my food any more and Ive lost weight.)D: How muchP: About 6Kg.D: How long have you had this troubleP: About 4 months really.D: Have you ever ha

21、d trouble with your urine beforeP: Yes. Two years ago I had a burning sensation when I passed water. The doctor said that I had high blood pressure as well and he put me on tablets and it cleared up.D: Well, Id like to examine you. Please come to the examination room, remove your clothes except your

22、 underpants, and lie on the table. (After examination)D: You can get dressed now . well, it looks like you have some reduced kidney function. I want you to take some blood tests, X-rays and kidney function tests. Id like you to collect your urine for 24 hours. The nurse will tell you exactly how to

23、do it. Then well ask you to come in for an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. This is a very simple procedure to make sure there is no obstruction.P: Can you tell me exactly what is wrong with my kidneys&D: Well, the tests show that you are in a condition called chronic glomerulonephritis, which

24、 has damaged the kidneys.P: Is the chronic glomerulonephritis severe Are there any good treatments to repair the kidney damageD: Yes, of course. Youd better stay in the hospital for treatments, and observation. Well have to insert a tube into your abdomen to flash out toxic substances in the blood s

25、tream.P: How long will I have to stay in hospital Will I have to stop workingD: For about 3-4 weeks. Just remind me. Whats your jobP: Im a teacher.D: Well, I should advise you to have a 2-month rest.P: Thank you doctor.D: Not at all.参考译文*医生:早上好,陈先生,你哪里不舒服 病人:我夜尿多(遗尿)六个月了,而且我四个月前体重开始下降。医生:还有别的不舒服吗您有没

26、有留意过您小便跟以前有什么不同吗病人:是的,它是暗红色的。我都怀疑那是不是血。医生:您还发现别的什么吗病人:有啊,我早上和晚上工作后都有几回觉得恶心。我还留意到我的腿肿胀了。我近几周来总觉得头昏眼花,而且也没什么胃口,体重也下降了。医生:降了多少病人:大约6公斤。医生:像这样子多久了病人: 大概4个月吧。(医生:您以前小便也有过异常吗病人:是的,两年前我曾在小便的时候有尿道的灼热感。医生检查后也说我有高血压,并给了我一些药片吃,吃了之后就好了。医生:好的,我想给您检查一下。请您脱下衣服,只剩下内衣,然后躺在那检查床上,先用毛毯盖上,我等下就来。(检查后)医生:您现在可以穿好衣服了。我想您的问题


28、不是需要停止工作呢医生:大概3到4周。您提醒我了,您是从事什么职业的病人:我是一名教师。医生:那样的话我建议您休息2个月。病人:谢谢您,医生。医生:不用客气。D: Whats the matter with youP: I have been feeling thirsty recently, and I am always tired.D: How about your urinationP: I pass more urine than I used to.D: How many times a day【P: About eight times.D: How about your appe

29、titeP: My appetite has been good, but I still feel I am losing weight.D: Any other symptomsP: I cant concentrate on anything for long, and I always feel weak. I have said that, I guess. Sometimes I also feel dizzy.D: How old are youP: Im 45 this year.D: Sir, do you have anyone in your family who has

30、 diabetesP: Yes, my father has had diabetes for nearly 15 years. What do you mean, doctor Do you mean I have got diabetesD: According to your symptoms and your fathers history, there is a strong possibility that you have got diabetes, as the disease runs in families. Of course, we need to do some ch

31、ecks. First please go to the Laboratory Department and examine your urine and blood sugar. Come back to me with the report.、(Later with the results of the examination)D: The examination shows an elevation of blood sugar and you have sugar in your urine. You have got diabetes. P: Is it serious Whats a normal blood sugar levelD: It is 130mg%, Generally it is 80120mg%. Diabetes is a disease due to the poor function of the pancreas, which brings about metabolic disorder of sugar, fat and protein. Its a chronic disease. At the time being there is still no way to cure it. But

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