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1、公共英语二级299公共英语二级-299(总分:110.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、第一部分 听力理解(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、第一节(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)A.In November or December.B.In September or October.C.Certainly in November.解析:听力原文M: Have Peter and Mary set a date for the wedding?W: No, not yet. But Mary said theyd get married in September or October.

2、考点 细节题解析 由原文Mary said theyd get married in September or October可知本题答案为B。A.The coming year.B.The mans mother.C.Buying shoes.解析:听力原文M: These shoes are on sale. We can buy two pairs for the coming winter.W: But look at the price. My mother bought the same things at half the price.考点 细节题解析 由原文可知,他们在讨论买鞋

3、的事情。故本题答案为C。A.By plane.B.By bus.C.By car.解析:听力原文M: You are going to Washington tomorrow arent you?W: Yes. I thought Id fly but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.考点 推断题解析 由原文I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying可知。故本题答案为B。A.Ottawa.B

4、.Toronto.C.Alpert.解析:听力原文A: What nationality are you?B: Im Canadian. I was born in Toronto.A: Oh, yes. Thats the capital, isnt it?B: No, no. Ottawa.考点 细节题解析 由原文No,noOttawo可知本题答案为A。A.Walking down a hill.B.Climbing stairs.C.Discussing a trip.解析:听力原文W: Oh. I wish we had taken the lift.M: If I had known

5、 it was so far up, I wouldnt have suggested walking.考点 推断题解析 原文中女士说我希望我们能够乘电梯上来,男士说如果我知道那么高,我就不会建议走上来了。故本题答案为B。三、第二节(总题数:5,分数:15.00)Where does the dialogue take place?Where does the dialogue take place?(分数:2.00)A.In the restaurant.B.At the theater.C.In the classroom.解析:听力原文6-7M: Excuse me, is this s

6、eat taken?W: No, it isnt.M: Would you mind moving over one, so my friend and I can sit together.W: No, not at all.M: Thanks a lot.考点 推断题解析 对话中谈到男士想和他的朋友坐在一起,故可以推测出是在剧院看戏,其他选项不符合常理。故本题答案为B。A.To see a play.B.To eat something.C.To have their lessons.解析:考点 推断题解析 同6。What does the man want to do?What does

7、 the man want to do?(分数:2.00)A.To visit the womans house.B.To ask for a lift.C.To go out for a holiday.解析:听力原文8-9M: What time are you leaving tomorrow?W: You mean to go to the bank?M: Yes, Id like to go with you if I may.W: Id be glad to take you I plan to leave here about nine-thirty.考点 推断题解析 对话中男士

8、问女士介不介意带他一程,说明他想搭便车。故本题答案为B。A.At about 9:13.B.At about 9:00.C.At about 9:30.解析:考点 细节题解析 对话中女士说打算9:30出发。故本题答案为C。What is the man going to do this weekend?What is the man going to do this weekend?(分数:3.00)A.Go on a trip.B.Do some shopping.C.Borrow some money.解析:听力原文10-12W: Hey! Whats the rush?M: The ba

9、nk closes in half an hour and I need to cash a check.W: I can lend you some money.M: I need to cash a cheek because I am going on a trip this weekend. Actually, I want to buy some travelers cheeks.W: Hmm. Can I help you in any way?M: You can drive me to the bank if you want to. My ear is out of gas.

10、W: Yeah. Glad to. Lets go.M: Wait just a minute. I have to get my checkbook out the desk.考点 细节题解析 对话中提到他要去银行取钱是因为他想去旅行。故本题答案为A。A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.In their own car.解析:考点 细节题解析 他们将开车去,对话中女士同意开车带他去银行。故本题答案为C。A.Because he wants to go home.B.Because the bank is closing soon.C.Because he is going to che

11、ck his work.解析:考点 推断题解析 对话中提到银行半个小时后要关门,这正是男士着急的原因。故本题答案为B。Where is the conversation taking place?Where is the conversation taking place?(分数:4.00)A.In a second-hand book shop.B.In a publishers office.C.In a library.解析:听力原文13-16W: Well look at the words. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote

12、 a note on the inside of the front cover. Its dated 1893. Maybe its worth something.M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents.W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well-known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeares signature is worth about a million dollars.M: Oh?

13、I can hardly read what that one says. Who wrote it?W: The title looks like Harold Dobson. Wasnt he a politician or something? Im going to buy this book and see if I can find a name looks like that in the library.M: Good luck. Your poetry book may make you rich. But I think my seventy-five-cent story

14、 is a better buy.考点 推断题解析 两人在讨论书上的签名和买什么样的书,故一定是在书店。故本题答案为A。A.He gave gifts to millions of people.B.He was a very wealthy man in his time.C.A sample of his writing is worth a lot of money.解析:考点 推断题解析 因为他的签名值很多钱。故本题答案为C。A.Sell some of her books.B.Talk to some politicians.C.Do some research.解析:考点 细节题解

15、析 她准备买回去后好好考证一下。故本题答案为C。A.He can help her find the name.B.She had better get two poetry books instead.C.She might be wasting her time.解析:考点 细节题解析 男士宁愿买一本小说而不是那本诗集。故本题答案为C。Why are American bills or paper money unlike that in many other countries?Why are American bills or paper money unlike that in ma

16、ny other countries?(分数:4.00)A.American bills are not the same color.B.American bills are the same size and color.C.American bills are the same color but different size.解析:听力原文17-20One of the first things a visitor does upon arrival in another country is to get to know the local money. American money

17、 is unlike the money used in many other countries, since the bills, or paper money, are all the same color and size no matter how much it is. Visitors should be careful to look at the bill before giving it out. Besides, new bills often stick together.The coins of every country are difficult to learn

18、 at first. American coins are represented by the cent sign. Also the size of American coins do not show the value. For example, the 10-cent coin is much smaller than the 5-cent coin, although it is worth twice as much. All United States coins are silver colored, except for the penny (one-cent piece)

19、, which is a brown coin. Here are more details about American coins.考点 细节题解析 美国的货币和其他国家的有所不同,不管多大的面额,其纸币的颜色和大小都是一样的,可知本题答案为B。A.They are often kept long.B.People often keep them in a stick.C.They often go together by mistake when used.解析:考点 细节题解析 根据独自“除此之外,新支票经常粘在一起”,可知本题答案为C。A.The size does not tell

20、 the amount.B.The bigger, the more valuable.C.The smaller, the more valuable.解析:考点 细节题解析 根据独白“美国硬币的大小并不显示其价值”,可知本题答案为A。A.They are all silver colored.B.They are not all silver colored.C.The one-cent piece is silver colored.解析:考点 细节题解析 根据独白All United States coins are silver colored,except for the“penn

21、y故本题答案为B。四、第二部分 英语知识运用(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、第一节 单项填空(总题数:15,分数:15.00)1.What were you up to when she dropped in?I _ for a while and _ some reading.(分数:1.00)A.was playing, was going to d0B.played, didC.had played, was going to doD.had played, did解析:考点 谓语动词的时态解析 根据句意,前后空格内应分别填入表“承前”和“启后”的谓语动词时态,即“过去的过去”过去完成

22、时和过去将来时。2.There are many kinds of sports, _ my favorite is swimming.(分数:1.00)A.asB.thenC.soD.but解析:考点 连词用法解析 A 项表示比较时,意为“与一样”;后面连接时间状语从句时表示“正值”。两种用法均不符合题意,可以排除之;B 项表示顺承关系,意为“此外,然后”;C 项表示因果关系,意为“因此,只要”;D 项表示转折关系,意为“但是”。A、B、C 均不符合题意。3.Mary said that she _the cold for several days and still couldnt get

23、 rid of it.(分数:1.00)A.had hadB.had caughtC.has caughtD.caught解析:考点 谓语动词的常见时态辨析解析 A 为过去完成时,表示在相对于过去的某个时间的过去(即“过去的过去”)所发生的事情或对其后(仍为过去)所造成的影响,如本句中得感冒这一事件发生在玛丽“说”这一动作(发生在过去)之前,对后来(仍是过去)发生的影响即“还没好”;get rid of 意为“消除,去掉,根除”。4.What _ this damage?(分数:1.00)A.has brought toB.brought upC.has brought inD.brought

24、 about解析:考点 短语辨析解析 考查常见动词bring 与副词搭配构成的短语辨析。A 项一般仅用于“把带到某地方”,to 为介词;B 为“把抚养大,把带大”;C 为“把带入某处”;D为“导致,引起”,相当于cause,lead to,result in 等等。5.Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night._I am sure you had a good time.(分数:1.00)A.Sounds good!B.Very well.C.How nice!D.An right.解析:考点 固定句型解析

25、A 为“听起来不错”;B 为“很好”,用在回应对方的问候;C 为感叹句,表示“多好啊”;D 项表示“好,行,不错”,表示认可对方的看法。经过比较,C 项最为恰当。6.Helen had to shout_ above the sound of the music.(分数:1.00)A.making herself make herself hearC.making herself make herself heard解析:考点 动词的用法解析 A 项和C 项的现在分词短语表示伴随状态,不符合本题题意,故排除之;B 项和D项的动词不定式表示目的,B 项表示“

26、使她听到”,不合题意;D 项意为“使她的声音被听到”,故选D。7.Id like to take a weeks holiday._, were too busy.(分数:1.00)A.Dont worryB.Dont mention itC.Forget itD.Pardon me解析:考点 语用题解析 本题为情景对话题,需根据对话的内容作答。A 意为“别担心”;B 意为“不用谢,没关系”,用来表示不必道谢、道歉等;D 表示“未听清楚,请对方重复说”,相当于pardon,因此应选C。此种题目平时需要注意积累。8.I often see lights in that empty house.

27、Do you think I_ report it to the police?(分数:1.00)A.shouldB.mayC.willD.can解析:考点 情态动词和助动词用法解析 A 表示“应当,应该”,发表肯定的意见;B 表示“可能,可以”,表示一种允许或者许可;C 项表示对未来事情的预料,意为“将要,会”;D 项表示能力,含义为“能够”。9.I dont know whether you happen_, but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.(分数:1.00) be be hearingC.t

28、o have heard解析:考点 动词的用法解析 happen to have done 表示碰巧已经做过某事,符合此句的含义。A 项的不定式表示“将来被听到”;B 项表示“正在听到”;C 项的不定式表示“将来听到”,均不符合对过去的一种陈述,不符合题意。10.We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had.(分数:1.00)A.itB.oneC.himselfD.another解析:考点 代词用法解析 A 为特指,指代上文中提到的事物;B 为泛指,指某一事物,此

29、处表示“一个橱柜”,符合题意;C 表示“自己,亲自”,选C 则句子缺少宾语;D 指“另一个”,因为上文没有指出已经有一个,因此不符合句意。11.The window is dirty.I know. It_ for weeks.(分数:1.00)A.hasnt cleanedB.didnt cleanC.wasnt cleanedD.hasnt been cleaned解析:考点 时态及语态解析 主语为window,需要用被动语态,表示“被擦”。A、B 均为主动语态,不符合句意,排除之;C、D 为被动语态,需要进一步分析。C 项为过去时态,不能与for weeks 表示一段持续时间的时间状语连用,故选D 项。12.I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _ in two days?(分数:1.00)A.the restB.the otherC.anotherD.the others解析:考点 代词的用法解析 A 项表示“剩下的”,指代the work;B 项表示“另、个”,指代可数名词,不符合题意;C项表示两个中的“另一个”,不符合题意;D 项表示“其他”,用来指代可数名词。由于 work 为不可数名词,因此排除B、D。1

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