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1、三峡学典高效课堂作业英语九年级上册共29页三峡学典高效课堂作业 英语 九年级上册参考答案Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section A 1a to 2c当堂演练1. study for a test 2. listen to cassettes/tapes 3. make flashcards 4. ask the teacher for help5. make vocabulary lists 6. watch English-language videos 7. practice conversations with friends 8. read

2、 aloud to practice pronunciation 9. 通过那种方式学了很多 10. 提高我的说的技巧 11. 太难了听不懂 BDABB . 1. How do 2. Does, learn; Yes, does 3. too; to 4. doesnt; either 5. How soon 拓展延伸15 BADCB 610 CBBCB 1115 CABAB Section A 3a to 4当堂演练1. A E H 2. C F J 3. B I L 4. D G K1. asks me about 2. the best way to, by reading Englis

3、h magazines 3. Listening to tapes4. ended up speaking 5. has been teaching English 拓展延伸15 C B B A C 610 D A A B D 1115 D A B C BACCBDSection B 1a to 2c当堂演练1. Can I help you/Is there anything I can do for you 2. problems/difficulties (in) studying3. Why not join/Why dont you 4. understand the teacher

4、 5. Listening to 1.forget a lot of new words; write the new words in a notebook and study them at home.2. dont have/get much writing practice; find a pen pal3. cant always understand when people talk to me in English; join an English language club to practice speaking English拓展延伸15 BBCAA 610 ADCBD 1

5、115 CCABDABCDCSection B 3a to 4当堂演练1. reading 2. helpful 3. frustrated 4. impressed 5. learner 6. quickly 7. exciting, excited 8. pronunciation 9. mistakes 10. unfairCCDCD拓展延伸1. listening 2. better 3. afraid 4. from 5. wrong 6. slow 7. difficult 8. way 9. meanings 10. otherA. 1.understand what the t

6、eacher says 2. is afraid of talking with his classmates in English. 3. cant read English fast.B. 参考范文:Dear Peter, I am sorry to hear that you have some problems about studying English. But dont worry. I can give you some advice. First, you say you cant understand what the teacher says. Maybe you sho

7、uld listen to the English cassettes more and speak more. They are good for your listening. Then, why are you afraid of talking with your classmates? Dont be shy, just have a try. Youd better find a good partner to practice more. It can improve your speaking. Come on! Try your best and you will be su

8、ccessful! I hope you can be happy and study English well. David Reading当堂演练1. unless it is fine tomorrow 2. instead of playing basketball 3. take some grammar notes4. best way to 5. regard problems as challenges 6. to practice speaking 7. learning to forget 8. decided not to 9. afraid of making mist

9、akes 10. try our best to 15 CBDAD 610 BCABD拓展延伸15 DACDB 610 CDCBA 1115 DCABCDABBCUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A 1a to 2c当堂演练连词组句。1. 1. Mario used to be short. 2. She used to have curly hair. 3. Amy didnt used to be quiet.4. Did you use to play the piano? 5. People sure change.DGCFA

10、拓展延伸A D C E BFTTTFSection A 3a to 4当堂演练1. Did 2. being alone 3. What about you 4. what 5. ask1. He used to be a football player.2. She used to be afraid of being alone.3. I go to bed/sleep with my bedroom light on.4. She used to have short hair, but now it grows long.5. Larry is still afraid of spea

11、king in front of a group.6. He used to watch NBA games on TV.拓展延伸CDCADJim used to have long hair and used to be energetic, but now he has short hair. He is always interested in playing the guitar. Jan used to have long and curly hair, but now she has short hair. She still likes wearing a hat.Section

12、 B 1a to 2c当堂演练1. worry about tests; 2. in the past; 3. all the time; 4. chew gum; 5. hate gym class; 6. eat candy 7. 我以前不喜欢考试; 8. 我过去嚼很多口香糖;9. 我以前在足球队;10. 蜘蛛和其他昆虫5723146拓展延伸15 CDAAD 610 BCBBD This is me!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. For example, I am fat now, but I used to be thi

13、n, and I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a group, but now I dont mind it. I used to play football. Now, I like playing basketball. I used to hate gym class. Now, its my favorite class.Section B 3a to 4当堂演练1. What, did, use, be; 2. Did, use; 3. to, be; 4. didnt, he; 5. took, to1. interested

14、; 2. terrified; 3. outgoing; 4. funny; 5. friendly; 6. biggest/big; 7. watching; 8. painting; 9. really; 10. being拓展延伸15 CDABA 610 CCBAD 1115 DCACB参考范文: How my friend has changed!Lily is my good friend. We havent seen for over ten years. She has changed a lot. She used to be short and fat. She used

15、to have short hair. And she didnt use to wear glasses. But now she is tall and thin. She has long hair and wear glasses. How beautiful she looks! She used to be quiet. Also she used to be afraid of speaking in front of strangers. But now she is very outgoing. She used to like sports, for example, pl

16、aying soccer and playing basketball. Also she was good at swimming. But now she likes reading and is good at playing the piano. To my surprise, her oral English is quite good.She has changed a lot!Reading当堂演练1. 一个十五岁的男孩;2. 问题孩子;3. 尽她所能好地照看他;4. 更加难的多;5. 陷入麻烦;6. 做出一个困难的决定;7. afford to pay for her chil

17、drens education;8. cause a lot of trouble;9. to ones surprise;10. take pride in;11. pay attention to;12. not. any more/ no longer; 13. give up doing sth. 14. even though 15. a boys boarding school1. It seems that; 2. spent much/lots of time playing; 3. more interested in; 4. used to be afraid of; 5.

18、 afford to pay for; 6. pay more attention to; 7. use to cause a lot of; 8. took pride in everything/what I did拓展延伸1. interested 2. cities 3. money 4. with 5. spend 6. hard 7. more 8. without 9. work 10. careBBCDDUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes?Section A 1a to 2c当堂演练I.

19、DCBADII. 1. is allowed; 2. old enough; 3. fifteen-year-old boy; 4. arent allowed to get to school late/ shouldnt get to school late; 5. What should, to do拓展延伸I. 1. be allowed to have a part-time job; 2. a six-year-old child / six-year-olds; 3. wearing that silly dress; 4. spend time with friends; 5.

20、 instead of doing homework at home last weekendII. DEBCASection A 3a to 4当堂演练I. CBA BDCII. 1. lots of/ a lot of rules; 2. on school nights; 3. arent allowed to go out , neither; 4. to choose my own clothes; 5. has to/must clean up her room; 6. go to the movies with friends, must be home by half past

21、 ten. 拓展延伸I. 15 ACBDC610 ABDAC1115 BCBDCII. DCDCBSection B 1a to 2c当堂演练I. CDDBACII. 1. Whats the matter/wrong? 2. got to school late/was late for classes; 3. Children should be allowed; 4. failed my science test; 5. Dont be too strict with children; 6. at friends house; 7. should get to school on ti

22、me/ be at school on time/ go to school on time拓展延伸A: CADABB:1. Their parents dont understand them and are too strict with them. 2. They will make a careful plan. 3. They will probably begin a thing without thinking over. 4. Because they want to be cut off from the old peoples world and make a new cu

23、lture of their own. 5. They should get their parents to understand and win them over. Section B 3a to 4当堂演练. TTFFFII. BADB DCBD 拓展延伸I. CEBDA II. 参考范文:Dear Li Gang,Ive been studying in this new school for about a month. There are many school rules. Such as, we should wear school uniforms on weekdays.

24、 We are not allowed to grow our hair long or get ears pierced, We shouldnt be late for school. If we have anything wrong, we should ask for a leave. We arent allowed to cheat in our examinations, either. Of course, we cant copy others homework and we should finish doing our homework on time. On week

25、days were not allowed to watch TV and mobile phones arent allowed to take into school. But we are allowed to study with friends and do some volunteer work on weekends. I mostly agree to the school rules. But I think students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school because if they have any

26、 problems, they can get in touch with their parents at once. Xiao MingReading当堂演练I. DBACDII. 1. running, allowed; 2. schoolwork, practice; 3. agree, decisions; 4. serious, dream; 5. have, succeed 拓展延伸I. 1. have nothing against; 2. Few people; 3. be allowed to make her own decision4. concentrate more

27、/ spend more time; 5. succeeded in II. ADCACUnit 4 What would you do?Section A 1a to 2c当堂演练I. 1. medical; 2. worry; 3. dollars; 4. charity; 5. tieII. BCABBCIII. 1. were, would take, present; 2. were, would be; 3. should, hard; 4. shouldnt be late for; 5. if/ whether拓展延伸I. ACBDCAACBDDBADCII. DCEABSec

28、tion A 3a to 4当堂演练I. CDACBII. 1. to say, what to do; 2. should, do; 3. should, more, vegetables, drink; 4. were, would, a walk, going; 5. before a exam 拓展延伸I. CABDBDACBCABDCA II. 1. Get in touch with other people.2. No, I dont think so. Because people may think hes not interested in them.3. Be a goo

29、d listener / Let people talk about themselves before talking about her/ Listen to other people first.4. Be friendly to other people / Get out to meet other people5. How to make friends/ To make friends / Make friendsSection B 1a to 2c当堂演练. 1. in public; 2. be afraid of sth./doing 或be afraid to do; 3

30、. give/make a speech; 4. without permission; 5. introduce sb. to; 6. wait for; II. BCDCD拓展延伸I. 1. had a million yuan; 2. Nobody can take out; 3. begin/start catching/taking a bus to work; 4. invite him to give us a speechII. CDBCBSection B 3a to 4当堂演练I. 1. 相当自信; 2. get on with; 3. 一小群十分要好的朋友; 4. wou

31、ld rather.than; 5. 使我的朋友沮伤; 6. come up with good solutionsII. 1. comes up with; 2. not, in the slightest; 3. her company; 4. let, down; 5. rather than拓展延伸I. BACACII. 参考范文: What helps you relax?Maybe you feel tired and worried before important exams. Now let me tell you some ways to keep it away. First, you should go out to do some sports or go on a trip, th

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