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1、仁爱版初中英语七年级英语下Unit6同步学案知识清单2017年仁爱版初中英语七年级英语下Unit6同步学案知识清单Topic 1一, 重点句型及交际用语1, Where is your bedroom? -Its on the second floor. There is a study next to my bedroom.2, Are there any English books in your study? -Yes.There are many English books. 3, Is there a computer in your study? -Yes. There is. 4

2、, Whats on your desk? -My computer is on the desk.There are also some books and a lamp.5, Dont put it there, put it away. 6, You must look after your things. 7, How many model planes are there? -There are three. 二,语法聚焦1, There be 句型 There be句型表示某时或某地有某人,某物,表示客观存在的状态 意为“有,存在。”There be 句型肯定句有两种存在形式。 1

3、)There is +主语+(a/an+单数可数名词/不可数名词或不定式)+状语 eg: There is an apple on the desk. 2)There are+主语+(可数名词复数或不定式)+状语 eg: There are some watermelons under the tree. 3)there be句型就近原则 there be句型主语部分有多个名词并列时,be动词要与邻近的主语保持一致。 eg: There is a cat and two dogs under the tree. There are two dogs and a cat under the tr

4、ee. 4)there be句型疑问句及否定句 there be句型疑问句将句中be动词提前至句首,句末加问号。 其否定句直接在be动词后面加not。 肯定句中的some在否定及疑问句中改为any。 eg: There isnt any black tea in the teapot. Are there any handsome boys in your class? 5)对there be句型主语进行提问时,常用What进行提问,并且常省略there。 无论主语是单词还是复数,be动词都用is。 eg: There are twenty five students in that glas

5、s building. Whats in that glass building? 对there be句型数量进行提问时,常用How many / How much进行提问 eg: There are twenty five students in that glass building. How many students are there in that glass building? There are five bottles of milk on the desk. How much mile is there on the desk? 2,区分floor和story/storey

6、 floor 意为“楼层”,常与介on连用。 英国 美国第一层 the ground floor the first floor第二层 the second floor the second floor第三层 the third floor the third floor 在表达几层楼房时,不用floor而用story. eg: My family lives on the first floor of that 17-story building. She owns a 5-story house.3,study 即可做名词又可做动词,作名词意为“书房”,做动词以为“学习”。 eg: The

7、re is a study next to the bedroom. He studies in his study.4,and so on意为“等等”,列举事物时用于句尾,表示列举完了同类事物。 eg: He likes apples,oranges, mangoes and so on. 5,have a look. 意为“看一看”,look 做名词,其后还可以跟“at+宾语” eg: May I have a look at your new car. 扩充:英语中很多动词可做名词,构成have+a+名词结构。 eg: ride-have a ride swim- have a swim

8、 rest-have a rest walk-have a walk 6,What s+介词短语,主要用来询问“某处有什么”,应用there be 来回答。 eg: Whats behind your garden? -There is a rive behind my garden. Whats under the there? -There are some cats and a dog under the tree. 7,区分on the wall 及in the wall。 on the wall 指物体在墙壁外部表面上 in the wall 指物体部分或全部在墙体里。 eg:The

9、re is a photo of my sisters on the wall. There are some windows in the wall. 8, 辨析 in the front of / in front of. in front of (不在同一范围内) 在.前面 反义词为:behind in the front of (属于同一范围) 在.前面 反义词为:at the back of. eg: There are some grass in front of the house. The bus driver sits in the front of the bus. 9,

10、put 相关词组辨析 put on 穿上 反义词:take off put up 举起 反义词:put down put out 提出 put away 将.收起 扩充:put away 当中间宾语为代词时只能将宾语放在put和away 中间。 eg: Put them away Put your book away=Put way your book. 10,介词play 用法 play with sb 和某人一起玩 Play with sth 玩弄某物 eg: My classmates always play with me. He often plays with a yo-yo. 注

11、意: 玩电脑固定用语为:play on the computer. 11,like / love+doing sth like / love to do sth like / love+doing sth 表示长期的兴趣爱好 like / love to do sth 表示特定或某次的喜欢 eg: He like waling, but he doesnt like to walk today. I love singing,but I love to dance today. 12,left 即可以做名词也可做形容词及副词,left 做名词意为“左边”。 常用短语on the left of

12、.“在.的左边”反义词为:on the right of. eg: There is a big farm on the left of our school. On the right of that hill located a factory. 13,help sb (to) do sth 意为:“帮助某人做某事”sb后接不定式短语做宾补。 help sb with sth 意为:“帮助某人做某事”with后接名词。 eg: I often help my classmates ( to )study English. I often help my classmates with th

13、eir English. 14,write sb a letter= write (a letter) to sb. 给某人写信 get a letter from sb 收到某人来信 eg: Do you often write to your parents. Do you often write your parents a letter.仁爱版英语七年级下Unit 6 知识清单Topic 2二, 重点句型及交际用语1, What kind of home do you live in? -Its a townhouse with two floors.2, Would you like

14、 me to help you? -Yes.Thanks. Im looking for a store.3, Are there any near here? -Yes. there is one in front of our building. 4,There are no houses on the right, but there is a tall tree.5,There are many old people living here. 6, We can call it for help. 7,The traffic is heavy and the cost of livin

15、g is high. 二,语法聚焦1,kind 名词意为“种类”, what kind of.?意为“哪种.”? eg: What kind of sports do you like? What kind of juice do you like? 拓展:a kind of 一种,many kinds of 许多种,all kinds of 各种各样 kind of 表示程度,意为“稍微,有点儿.” eg: Lemon lade is a kind of juice. She has many kinds of skirt. I like all kinds of food. She is

16、kind of tired. 2,介词with的用法 1)表示人与人的协同关系。意为“一起”“和” eg: go with play with live with work with 2)表示“带有”“拥有” eg: coffee with milk a house with a big garden a chair with four legs. 3)表示表示“用”某种工具或手段。 eg: write with a pen cut apple with a knife live with work with 4)表示“在.身边”“在.身上” eg: I dont have money wit

17、h me. Take an umbrella with you. - 5)表示表示“在.下” eg: With the help of my deskmate I worked out the math problem. 6)表示“随着.” eg: with the development of.“随着.发展” 拓展:with和and 都表示“和”的意思,其区别为:and 是并列连词, 当连接两个主语表复数意义时,谓语动词用复数。with 是介词, 如果跟在主语之后表伴随转态,with 之后所接的名词,代词与主语数无关。 eg: You and me are walking on the st

18、reet. I often go shopping with my friends. 3,country意为:“乡下,农村”,常用单数形式与the 连用。 country 还有“国家”的释义,可数形式为:countries. eg: My grandpa lives in the country. His countrys economy lies in ruins. 4,for rent 和wanted 的用法 “for rent”意为:“出租,招租”,常用于广告。 rent sth from sb. 向某人租某物。 ”wanted”意为:“求租”,也可以指被通缉。 eg: This fla

19、t is for rent. She wanted a flat. They want to rent a bicycle from the shop owner. 拓展:”for sale” 意为:“供出售”on sale” 意为:“,进入销售环节,打折促销” eg: That chair is not for sale. Tickets are on sale from booking office. I bought a coat on sale, for 100 yuan less than the original price.5,quiet 意为“安静的,寂静的” eg:Keep

20、quiet in the library. This is really a quiet place. 6, 辨析 home/house/family home 指“家庭成员共同生活地方,或是出生城市或地点” house 指“家庭住宅,着重指房屋这一概念。” family 指“家庭成员,或者家族。” eg: His family has a big house in the USA. My home is in the country. 7, would like 相关用法(复习) 1) would like sth = want sth 想要某物 2) would like to do st

21、h = want to do sth想要做某事 3) would like sb to do sth = want sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事 8, any 用法 any 可做代词也可做形容词,做代词时指代上文中所提事物。 做形容词时可与可数名词单数连用,用于肯定句,指“任何的” eg: Is there any left? (代词) You can take any one as you like. 9, Its very kind of sb 是Its very kind of sb to do sth 的省略句。 同意句为”Its very nice of sb.” 10

22、, 区分 at the end of / by the end of / in the end 1) at the end of.“在.的尽头”既可指时间又可以指地点 eg: I see a film at the end of every mouth. He lives at the end of King Street. 2) by the end of.“到.为止” eg: You must hand in your thesis by the end of this week. 3) in the end “终于,最后”相当于“at last” eg: In the end, we f

23、inish it. -At last, we finish it. 拓展:end 还可以做动词,意为“终止,结束” eg: He end his letter with best wishes to the family. 11, There be +人/物+doing sth+地点状语,意为:“某地有正在做某事的人或物” 句型当主语是人或物时,句子的语意相当于“某人/某物”+ be+doing sth. eg: There are some writers talking in the meeting. -Some writers are talking in the meeting. 12

24、, a lot of 与lots of 同义,意为:“大量,许多” 其后既可接可数名词复数, 也可以接不可数名词原形 。 eg: We have a lot of work today. Are there a lot of massages in your phone? 拓展:a lot 修饰动词,意为“很,非常”。 lot(名词)意为:“一块地,场地。”eg: Parking lot13, sport (名词)意为:“运动”,sports (形容词)意为:“运动的” sports meeting / sports shoes / sports clothes. eg: Badminton

25、is my favorite sport. 14, close to.意为“靠近,离.近” eg: My school is close to your company. Our factory is close to a river. 拓展:close 作及物动词意为:“关闭” 作形容词意为:“亲密的” eg: Our shop will close at 9:00 p.m. (动词) Lucy is one of my close friend. (形容词)15, far意为“远的,远方的” far from意为“离.远”与near(to)意思相反。 eg: a far country /

26、 far away My hometown is not far from our city. -My hometown is near to our city.16, service 意为“服务”,不可数名词。通常指商店,旅馆提供的服务。 eg: What is the service of that hotel? 拓展:service 还可以做帮助,do sb a service = do sb a favor 帮某人的忙 17,区分near / close to /next to near, close to, next to 三个词都可以表示在.附近。 在表示距离时,near是指附近,

27、范围较大;close to 是指靠近,比near 更 近些;next to 是指隔壁,旁边,距离更近。18, move 意为:“搬动,挪动”时为及物动词。 意为:“搬家,移动”时为不及物动词,常和介词to连用。 eg: Can you move this case for me? His family moved to the USA last year. 常用词组:move in (into) 迁入(新居); move (from.) to. 从某处搬到某处。 eg: I am going to move into a new apartment sometime next week. Ma

28、ny people are moving from village to the city.19, 区分interesting和interested interesting 是指事物本身有趣 eg: an interesting book. Interested 是指人对某事物感兴趣,常与介in 连用(be interested in) eg: I am interested in this interesting book.20, noise 名词 意为:“噪音”常用词组:make a noise. noisy 形容词 意为:“吵闹的”其反义词为:quiet 意为:“安静的” 21,heav

29、y 形容词,意为:“多的,繁忙的,紧张的,重的,大的” eg: She had a heavy day yesterday. It rains heavy outside now. This box is to heavy for him to carry.22,high 形容词 意为:“价格高,消费高,温度高” eg: The price of cell phone is high these days. The cost of living in the city is higher and higher I have got a high temperature. 拓展: high 还可

30、以指离开地面的高度及距离。 eg: The vase is to high for her to get.22,miss 及物动词 意为:“想念,错过” eg: Get up early or you will miss the bus. I miss you so much my dear friend.23, 区分spend /cost /pay / take spend /cost /pay / take四个词都可以表示花费,其区别为: spend 主语必须是人,常用于以下结构: 1)spend time / money on sth. 在.花费时间(金钱) eg: I spend tow hours on this math problem. She spends 100 yuan on that glasses. 2)spend time / money on doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事 eg: I spend tow hours in solving this math problem. 仁爱版英语七年级下Uni

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