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1、牛津英语7Bunit6知识重点Unit 6Welcome1. hurry up2. feel/ betired3. carry it for me.carry 不强调方向carry sth. with sb.随身携带.bring 带来 (由远到近)bring your homework to school.take带走 (由近到远)plain too much抱怨太多. complain to sb.向某人抱怨.complainabout sth.抱怨某事. eg. He always complains to his friend about too much homework.他总是向他的

2、朋友抱怨作业太多。5. thatadv. The bag isntthatheavy.那个包不是那么重。6.gojogging /swimming/ skating / camping7.anoutdoor activity一项户外活动. outdoor activities8.Whatoutdooractivitywould you like totry?你想尝试什么户外活动?9.Whatdo youlikeaboutcamping?你喜欢野营的什么(方面)?10. I likebeingoutside.我喜欢在外面。Reading1. on a sunny day在一个晴朗的日子.sunn

3、y/ cloudy/ windy/ rainy/ snowy/ foggy/ frosty2. sit by a river坐在河边3. hear a sound听到一个声音.make a big noise制造一阵大的噪音.talk in a low voice低声交谈4. look up / down/ left/ right5. a white rabbit in a coat一只穿衣服的白兔子6. see sb. do看见某人做过某事.eg. I saw him play football on the playground yesterday.see sb. doing看见某人在做某

4、事. eg. I saw him play football on the playground at 5:00 p.m. yesterday.类似:hear / watch/ notice. eg. I heard someone singing in the classroom when Ipassedby.Ioften watch them play basketball on the playground.7. pass by经过. walk by走过8. say the rabbit = the rabbit say9. take sth. out of将某物从某处拿出来. take

5、 sth out = take out sth.拿出. eg. take your book out = take out your book注意:takeit/ them out10. run after追赶.run across the field after the rabbit追着那只兔子穿过田野11. across/ through.swim across the river.walk through the forest12. jump down跳下.fall down掉下13.let sb. do14. get away.ran away15. fall for a long t

6、ime下落了很久.fall down.fall into.fall off= falll down from从掉下16. hit the ground触碰到地面17. find herself along in a long, know hall发现她独自在一间狭长、低矮的大厅里18. along = by oneself19. all around四周20. be locked锁着21. It didnt fit any of the doors.它不适用于门中的任何一个。.eg,. You can read any book form the library.你可以阅读图书管里的书籍。22

7、. fit指尺寸、大小合适. match指式样、款式、颜色搭配23. one of + n. (pl.).some of + n. (pl.)24. putinto25. on the other side of在的另一边26. try to do尽量做.try ones best to do尽某人最大的努力做.try doing尝试做.try sth.尝试.have a try试一试27.surprisen.a big surprise一个大惊喜.surprisevt.surprise sb.令某人惊讶 surprised surprised to

8、 do28. She could see no one(nobody) in the hall= She couldnt see anyone in the hall.29. use sth to do= do sth. use a key to open the door= open the door with a key30. ask sb. sth问某人某事.eg. Can I ask you a question?.ask (sb.) for sth.向某人要某物.ask sb. (not) to do sth.要某人(不)做某事31. It took Alice a

9、 long time to hit the ground.=Alice spent a long time hitting the ground.32. Whats the story about?.What happened next?.What happened after that?Grammar1.have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself(doing sth)玩得高兴2.go out出去go out of-从-出去3.put upour tent 搭起帐篷put up张贴;挂起;举起put -in把-放在-里put-into把-放到-里Integr

10、ated skills1.tellsb. allaboutsth.告诉某人关于某事的一切2. people in thewest/ people in theWesterncountries西方人3. find a new waytomakepaper发现一个造纸的新方法. the waytoschool. the triptoShanghai4.usebambootomakekites =makekiteswithbamboo用竹子制作风筝5.makeAintoB =makeBoutofA. make a bird out of wood = make wood into a bird用木头

11、制成一只鸟6. a longhistory. eg. China is a country with a long history.中国是个有着悠久历史的国家。.inhistory. eg. the first kite in history历史上的第一个风筝7. afamousman一个著名的人.befamousfor因为而文明eg. China is famous for the Great Wall.befamousas作为而出名eg. Andy Law is famous as a singer.becomefamousfor因为变得出名.becomefamousas. eg. Wei

12、fang has becomefamous for making kites.8.inthe13thcentury在13世纪9. Italyn.意大利- Italianadj. / n.意大利的、意大利人 (Italians).anItalian (man)calledMarco Polo一个叫马可波罗的意大利人. people in Italy意大利人10. kiteflying放风筝.treeplanting植树.stampcollecting集邮11. a very popular outdoor activity12. ShandongProvince13. from then on从

13、那时起14.havea picnic =goona picnic进行野餐15. Im afraidnot.恐怕不行。.Im afraidso.恐怕是的。16. swiminthe lake在湖里游泳.row a boatonthe lake在湖里划船17. Remember to close the door when you leave the classroom.当你离开教室的时候,记得关门。 I remember having breakfast this morning, but I am so hungry now

14、. 我记得今早吃过早饭的,但是我现在非常饿。Task1.knowwhat to do知道做什么(tell sb / worry about / )knowhow / when / whereto dosth2.feel a little ill感到有点不舒服eatlittle 几乎不吃drinka little喝了一点点have a little(一点儿) time / food / waterhavea little(小的) cat / fishalittle(有点儿) ill / different (原级)a little (有点儿)better (比较级)less than不足,少于a

15、t least至少3.It tasted sweet.taste sthtaste行为动词,品尝taste sweet / good / nicetaste系动词,尝起来have a good tastetaste 名词,味道用法同smell4.have a good taste5.drink some(much)more又喝了一点eat two more cakes6.becomesmaller and smaller变得越来越小runfaster and fasterbecome more and more important7.decide to enter the garden 决定进

16、到花园里decide to do决定做某事decide not to do sth 决定不做某事8.small enough足够小-be adj enough to do sth9.betoo small to reach the key太小而够不着钥匙too to 太而不能eg. walk too slow to follow the others10. reach 伸手(脚)够得着reach the book够到那本书到达(同get to或arrive in / at)reach the park= get to the park=arrive at the park11.enter=go intov.enter the room=go into the room n. entrance 入口

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