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1、八下目标基础题Module 1 Feelings and impressionsUnit 1 It smells delicious.四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 巧克力曲奇闻起来很香,你想尝尝吗?The chocolate cookies smell delicious. try some?2. 比萨做好了。它看上去可爱,吃起来很美味。 The pizza is done. and tastes delicious。3. 恐怕我不喜欢吃苹果派,我不是甜食爱好者。 apple pie. I dont have a sweet tooth.4. 那条鱼闻上去不新鲜了

2、。The fish .5. 你的建议听起来很棒。我们试试吧! . Lets have a try! Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese. 四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 我很伤心上周没有收到你的来信。 I feel sad that you last week.2. 我为我自己感到自豪,因为我经常在学校取的好成绩。 myself because I often get good marks at school.3. 我说英语时总是害怕出错。 making mistakes when I speak English.

3、4. 我在学校花了很多时间演奏古典音乐! classical music at school. 5. 和陌生人说英语时,我会觉得紧张。Module 1 综 合 训 练一、单项填空。从各题选项中选择最佳选项,将其代号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. The flowers very sweet. Lets go for a walk in the garden. A. look B. smell C. feel D. taste( ) 2. When I talk with strangers, I often nervous. A. feel B. taste C. smell D. sound

4、( ) 3. My sister often spends much time sightseeing.A. gone B. go C. going D. to go ( ) 4. Thank you for me the postcard. Its very beautiful. A. send B. sent C. sending D. to send( ) 5. It was great from you. A. to hear B. hearing C. hear D. heard二、完成句子。根据中文提示,完成英文句子。1. 快点!我等不及告诉你那个好消息。 Hurry up. th

5、e good news2. 我现在很忙,恐怕帮不了你。I am very busy at the moment. I cant help you. 3. 当我不会回答老师的问题时,经常感到有点难过。 when I cant answer the teachers questions.4. 我个子很高,留着长发,戴着一副眼镜。肯定你会认出我来。_and I wear glasses. Im sure you can recognize me.Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions.四、达标

6、测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 口语竞赛能帮你提高你的英语口语水平。 Speaking competition your English speaking.2. 关于那本书她说不出什么来,因为她从来没读过。 She cant say anything about the book because .3. 我一直想去英国和澳大利亚,你呢? _to England and Australia. What about you?4. 你曾参加过那种写作竞赛吗? that kind of writing competition? 5. 如果我获得一等奖,我会邀请你跟我一起去英国。 I

7、f I win the first prize, to England with me.Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 据说汤姆去过很多有趣的地方。 It is said that Tom . 2. 迄今为止,我学会说五种外国语了。 So far, five foreign languages. 3. 阿拉伯语在许多方面与英语不同。 Arabic in many ways. 4. 在非洲,开罗是最大、最繁忙的城市之一。 Cairo cities in Africa. 5. 你最好停止全世界旅游,太

8、贵了! all over the world. Its too expensive. Module 2 综 合 训 练一、单项填空。从各题选项中选择最佳选项,将其代号填入题前括号内。( )1. Though Chinese is difficult to learn, Tom still _ learning it. A. enjoys B. enjoyed C. will enjoy D. has enjoyed( )2. Have you ever been to Shanghai ? Yes. I _there every year. A. have gone B. am going C

9、. go D. went( )3. Mike _ the museum twice, so he knows a lot about it. A. has visited B. will visit C. visits D. is visiting( )4. This is the best film I have _ seen. A. never B. ever C. once D. always( )5. Ive invited Tom _ dinner with me this evening. A. have B. had C. having D. to have 二、完成句子。根据中

10、文提示,完成英文句子。1. 你曾经在海里游过泳吗?真是太棒了! _ in the sea? Its great!2. 只有一个宫殿他还没参观过了。 Theres only one palace _yet .3. 迄今为止,鲍勃没有获得任何奖项,他现在已经停止尝试了。 So far, Bob_. He has stopped trying now.4. 我一直想帮你提高你的英语水平。_improve your English. 5. 我叔叔已经邀请我们和他一起去美国旅游。 My uncle to the US with himModule 3 Journey to spaceUnit 1 Has

11、 it arrived yet?四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 我刚为我们学校的项目做了一架宇宙飞船模型。 a model spaceship for our school project. 2. 宇航员还从没去过火星。 The astronauts Mars yet. 3. 他做那个飞机模型已经花了三天时间了。 to make the model plane.4. 别着急,我帮你搜索关于太空旅行的信息。 Dont worry. the information on space travel.5. 那就是为什么这么多年来他们一直努力工作的原因 for so many

12、 years. Unit 2 We have not found life on other planets yet.四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 地球上有生命已经上亿年了。 on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. 2. 那部电影太精彩了,我看了两遍。 The film is _ twice.3. 我认为在其他任何行星上都没有生命。 on any other planets.4. 其他行星中没有一颗有像地球那样的环境。 None of the other planets of the earth. 5. 想象

13、宇宙有多大是不可能的。 how large the universe is 五、自我评价。根据你本单元的学习效果,进行自我评价,并制定改进措施。1. 我是否达到了本单元的学习目标?(在相应选项上划勾) A.是 B.不清楚 C.否2. 我的改进措施是: Unit 3 综 合 训 练一、单项填空。从各题选项中选择最佳选项,将其代号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. Why not communicate your parents. They can understand you. A. to B. for C. about D. with( ) 2. I like the pictures on spa

14、ce travel. Could you please send some? A. you B. her C. me D. him( ) 3. I havent read that book . Could you please introduce it to me? A. yet B. already C. too D. only( ) 4. I wont go to see the play tonight because I my ticket. A. lost B. have lost C. lose D. will lose二、完成句子。根据中文提示,完成英文句子。1. 还没有人在太

15、空中发现任何生命。 in space yet.2. 到目前为止,我们已经发给他们很多地震信息了。 So far, a lot of information on the earthquake.3. 爱丽斯去香港了,但她以前从没去过。Alice has gone to Hong Kong, there before.4. 刚才我看见他在带领外宾参观我们学校。 _our school just now.Module 4 Seeing the doctorUnit 1 I havent done much since I got my computer.四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共

16、1分)1. 从我吃了快餐食品以来就一直这样。 since I had fast food.2. 因为这几天没睡好觉,我感冒了。 because I havent slept well these days.3. 我总是每天花两个小时练习弹钢琴。 I always playing the piano.4. 汤姆可能发烧了,我给他量一下体温吧。 Tom may get a fever. .5. 医生叫我停止吃快餐食品,多运动。The doctor and do more exercise.Unit 2 We have played football for a year now.四、达标测评。根据

17、中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 你最好跟我们一起参加锻炼,这对你有好处。 exercise with us. Its good for you.2. 我太困了,不能继续写作业了。 go on doing my homework.3. 你为什么不花些时间多运动呢? doing more exercise? 4. 你当英语教师多长时间了? an English teacher?五、自我评价。根据你本单元的学习效果,进行自我评价,并制定改进措施。1. 我是否达到了本单元的学习目标?(在相应选项上划勾) A.是 B.不清楚 C.否2. 我的改进措施是: Module 4 综 合 训 练一、单

18、项填空。从各题选项中选择最佳选项,将其代号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. I many new friends since I came here. A. make B. made C. have made D. will make( ) 2. have you played football? For a week.A. How often B. How far C. How long D. How much ( ) 3. Mum, Love Me Once Again is a very moving film. I it twice already. A. see B. am seein

19、g C. will see D. have seen ( ) 4. We havent seen each other last summer. A. for B. since C. as D. when( ) 5. Ive had a headache three days now and I feel terrible. A. for B. to C. with D. by( ) 6. Its important for us healthy in our daily life. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep二、完成句子。根据中文提示,完成英文

20、句子。1. 她每天骑车去上班用两个小时。 to work by bike every day.2. 锻炼身体已经成为我生活的一部分了。 Doing exercise my life.3. 快餐食品对我们的健康有害,我们别吃了。 Fast food . Lets stop eating it.4. 汤姆在电脑游戏方面花费时间太长了,所以没有时间锻炼身体。 Tom that he has no time to do exercise.5. 为了保持健康,你最好停止工作,在家休息。 In order to keep healthy, and have a rest at home.6. 早睡早起对你

21、的健康有好处。 to go to bed early and get up early. Module 5 CartoonsUnit 1 Its time to watch a cartoon.四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 我们该弹钢琴了。 _ play the piano.2. 我们爬上树摘苹果吧。_ the tree and pick the apples. .3. 别一直呆在家里。为什么不去公园散散步呢? Dont stay at home all the time. _ take a walk in the park?4. 这部卡通片太逗了,我忍不住笑了。

22、 The cartoon was so funny that I _.5. 你最好坚持工作,这对你有好处。 _. Its good for you. Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. 四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 他们两个赢得了全世界年轻人的心。Both of them _ young people all over the world.2. 丁丁已经深受欢迎八十多年了。Tintin _ for over eighty years.3. 当妈妈回到家时,发现托尼把家里弄的乱七八糟。When

23、Mum came home, she found that Tony _ in the house. 4. 当格林先生听到这个消息的时候,忍不住哭了。Mr. Green when he heard the news. 5. 我发现这本书很难理解。I find . Module 5 综 合 训 练一、单项填空。从各题选项中选择最佳选项,将其代号填入题前括号内。( )1. Rose _ here for four years since she came to Beijing. A. was living B. has lived C. lives D. will live( ) 2. Tinti

24、n _ in China in the 1980s. A. appeared B. appears C. will appear D. has appeared( ) 3. Kate, how long _ you _ in this school? For three years. Ill graduate in July. A. have; studied B. do; study C. will; study D. did; study( ) 4. There are some trees on _ sides of the river. A. either B. all C. ever

25、y D. both( ) 5. You will learn English well if you keep _ it every day. A. practicing B. to practice C. practice D. practiced二、完成句子。根据中文提示,完成英文句子。1. 你为什么不交几个美国朋友,并和他们用英语交谈呢? some American friends and talk with them in English?2. 到了我们看动画片的时间了。_ cartoons.3. 我们已经工作了四个小时了。我们停下来歇会儿吧。 We have been working

26、 for four hours. _.4. 我认为我们不应该过分依赖父母。 _ depend too much on our parents.5. 这个女孩非常喜欢弹钢琴,她已经坚持练琴两年了。 The girl likes playing the piano so much that _. Module 6 HobbiesUnit 1 Do you collect anything?四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 我的爱好不像你的爱好花费那么多,占用空间也比较少。My hobby _and it takes up less place.2. 大明的房间有点乱,所以

27、妈妈想让他整理一下。Damings room was a bit of mess, so his mother _.3. 我父母经常给我硬币作为生日礼物。 My parents often _. 4. 你的小提琴看上去很棒,能让我看看吗?Your violin looks great. Could you please ?5. 我集邮只是为了记住生活中重要的某些事情。I collect stamps just in my life.Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.四、达标测评。根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(共10分)1. 小芳对画画很感兴趣,她经常花大量闲暇时间画画。 Xiaofang is inte

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