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第二讲 M3 Unit 2 Language.docx

1、第二讲 M3 Unit 2 LanguageUnit 2 Language【重点词汇讲解】1throughoutprep. 遍及, 贯穿The road is kept open throughout the year.这条路全年开通。His songs are popular not only in China but also throughout the world.他的歌不但在中国而且在全世界都是很流行的。He remained quiet throughout the meeting. 整个会议期间他保持沉默。Lifelong education means a sustainabl

2、e study after ones graduation from a university throughout ones life终身教育意味着一个人要在大学毕业后持续不断的学习,这种学习贯穿于他的一生。adv. 到处, 始终, 全部The material is flawed throughout.这种材料到处是裂缝。Though unsure how her speech would be received, she remained calm and professional throughout.尽管她不能确信演讲是否会被接受,但她一直保持镇定且职业化2create vt. 创造

3、, 创作, 引起, 造成 产生;制造That remark created a stir.发言引起了一阵骚动通过艺术或想象力创造create a poem; create a role创作一首诗;塑造一个角色The young are able to create their own future. 年轻人可以创造自己的未来。3consist vi. 由组成, 在于, 一致由构成:被组成或构成:New York City consists of five boroughs.纽约市由五个行政区组成。在于或存在:The beauty of the artists style consists in

4、 its simplicity.这位艺术家的风格上的美在于它的简朴符合的;一致的:The information consists with her account.这消息与她的描述是一致的4contribute v. 捐助, 捐献, 贡献, 投稿contribute ones share 尽自己应尽的一份力量contribute two stories to the summer issue 投两篇故事给夏季版做出捐款 contribute to several charities.捐助一些慈善团体Exercise contributes to better health.锻炼能促成更强健的

5、体魄5raisevt.升起, 唤起, 提高, 使出现, 解除, 饲养, 筹集, 使复活raise the loads with a crane用起重机把货物吊起raise a new building 建造一幢新楼raise an employees salary为雇员加薪raise his voice 他提高了声音raise her to management level把她提到管理层里raise corn and soybeans种玉米和大豆raise cattle 饲养家畜raise children 抚养孩子raise an important question提出一个重要的问题noi

6、se that would raise the dead声音大得能把死人吵醒raise money from the neighbors for a charity 从邻居们那里收钱用于一件善事【短语】raise Cain或raise the devil 或raise hell粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行为或表现raise eyebrows使不满,使不快:引起惊奇或轻微的不满raise the stakes增加困难,增加义务:增加某人的义务或财政困难6adopt vt. 采用, 收养采用;采纳;采取;选定adopt a new technique 采用新技术adopt a new ide

7、a 采纳新意见adopt an air of importance 采取自以为是的态度adopt a resolution 决议adopt a new line of English textbooks选择英语教材的新方式收养,过继:通过合法手段吸收为家庭中的一员并作自己的孩子抚养The old man adopted him 20 years ago. 老人二十年前收养了他。7include vt. 包括, 包含包括,含有The price includes both house and furniture. 这个价格包括房子和里面的家具。Your duty will include put

8、ting the children to bed. 你的职责包括让孩子上床睡觉。放入,算进去:纳入或包括进一个组织、阶层或整体We have included in your bill the cost of the cup you broken. 我们把你打碎了的那个茶杯一同算入了你的帐单。Please include me in your group. 请把我算在你们组内。8depend vi. 依靠, 依赖, 信任;决定于(指条件或可能性,其后通常跟有on或者 upon,例如这取决于谁是负责人。 在非正式口语中,通常省略介词。)Children must depend on their

9、parents.孩子们必须依赖他们的父母The young man began to depend more and more on drugs.这个年轻人开始越来越依赖于毒品You can depend on his honesty. 你可以相信他的诚实。a grade depending on the results of the final exam.分级由期终考试的结果而定9promisen.誓言;预示;前途,希望Last month he made a promise that if he was free he would take me to Beijing. 上个月他许诺如果有

10、空将会带我去北京。They make a promise that they will never quarrel with each other again.他们做出承诺以后再也不吵架了。a promise of spring in the milder air和风预示着春天就要到来She is a young player of great promise.她是一个很有前途的年轻演员。v. 允诺, 答应Thunderclouds that promise rain.有雷云就会有雨。an enterprise that promises well一定有发展的企业10disagree vi.不

11、一致,不符:Our figures disagree. 我们的身材不一样意见不同,有分歧:She disagrees with him on everything. They say it will rain, but I disagree.在任何事情上她都与他意见不同。他们说要下雨了,但我不这样认为造成不良影响,不适宜:Caffeine disagrees with me.咖啡因不适合我11differ vi. 不一致, 不同不同,相异:在本质、性质、数量或形式均不相同或不相像:Ambition differs from greed.雄心与贪心截然不同不同意,意见相左:观念有差异;意见不同:

12、The critic differed with the author on several facts.评论家与作者几处意见不和。【辨析】differ, disagree, vary这些动词中心意思都含有“不相同或不一样”意思:Birds differ from mammals. 鸟类与哺乳动物不同。The testimony of the two witnesses disagreed on significant points. 两个目击者的证词在几个重要处不一致。People vary in intelligence. 人的智力因人而异。 12complexadj. 复杂的, 合成的,

13、 综合的complex capital structure 复合资本结构complex chart 综合图the complex modern world 复杂的现代世界n. 联合体a complex of cities and suburbs; the military-industrial complex.城郊结合体;军事工业合成体辨析complex, complicated, involved这几个形容词的一般含义是“复杂的”。complex指组成某种机器的零件、构成某件事的因素或构成数学题的元素不仅很多,而且相互的关系或相互的作用也令人眼花缭乱,只有学识深的人或具有专门知识的人才能处理

14、。the complex mechanism of a watch 手表的复杂结构Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分。He mentally visualizes a complex form all round itself.他在脑海里从形体的各个方面来模拟复杂的形体。complicated 具有complex的一切意义,但更强调复杂得难以解释或理解。一道算式题可能非常 complex,但未必确实complicated;而一道complicated 算式一般总是complex的。The old

15、view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated.过去对伽利略的看法并不复杂(指不深奥),这是令人欣然的。involved 通常指许多事物或事物的关系盘根错节。These are involved financial affairs.这是些错综复杂的金融事务。【重要短语讲解】1be made up of 由.组成The world is made up of seven continents and four oceans.世界是由七大洲和四大洋组成的。That medical team is made up of 20 women doctors.

16、那个医疗队是由20名女医生组成的。A football team is made up of eleven players.一个足球队是由11个运动员组成的。A car is made up of many different parts.汽车是由许多不同的部件组成的。2pick up 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速When you pick up the boys,dont leave that little one out.你去接孩子的时候,别把那个小的遗漏了。You can often pick up packs of used stamps v

17、ery cheaply. 你经常可以很便宜地买到大量用过的邮票。He picked it up and threw it away.他把它捡了起来扔掉了。My radio can easily pick up Beijing Radio.我的收音机能很容易收到北京广播。3depend on依靠, 依赖Well depend on you rather than on him. We dont trust him.我们依靠你而不依靠他。我们不信任他啊。Johns mother didnt believe in or depend on others.约翰的妈妈不相信不依靠其他人。You can

18、depend on that they will support you.你可以相信他们是会支持你的。4look up向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查寻, 拜访, 好转Tom,look up and tell me what you can deduce(推断).汤姆,去查一下然后告诉我你的推断。We often look up new words in this dictionary.我们经常用字典查生词。Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.查一下火车时刻表中下一趟车的时间。You can look up his number

19、in the telephone directory.你可以在查号台查到他的号码。5care about 担心Do you care about my using your dictionary?你介意我用你的字典吗?I dont care much about fine clothes.我不太注重穿着。I dont care about going or starting.是走还是开始对我来说无所谓。Nowadays few care about distant relatives.现在很少有人关心远方亲戚。6as a whole 总体上We must consider these matt

20、ers as a whole. 我们必须全盘来考虑这些事。treat the human body as a whole.把人体当作一个整体治疗I disliked the acting but enjoyed the play as a whole.我不喜欢表演但整体上喜欢这个剧7turn into进入, (使)变成The powerful muscles of the body will turn into fat.健壮的肌肉将会转变为脂肪。China will turn into a rich and powerful country in the middle of 21st cent

21、ury到21世纪中叶中国将会成为一个富裕、强大的国家。【短语翻译】1由组成,由构成_答案:be made up of / consist of2拿起,捡起_答案:pick up3拿起,举起_答案:lift up4是的成因之一_答案:contribute to5控制,取得对的控制_答案:take control of6视而定,取决于,依赖于;依靠_答案:depend on7(在字典或参考书中)查找_答案:look up8关注,关心;在意;担心_答案:care about9和不同,不同于_答案:differ from10作为整体,整体上_答案:as a whole【重点句型讲解】1The Engl

22、ish language is made up of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.英语是由进入不列颠的各族人群所说语言的规则和词汇构成的。(1)句中each group of people brought to Britain with them 是定语从句,修饰the rules and vocabulary. (2)短语bring with somebody 意思是“随身携带”。如:Jack brought an umbrella with him in case it

23、 rained.杰克随身带了把伞,以防下雨。I brought enough money with me.我随身带了足够的钱2Before the middle of the 5th century, people in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic.公元世纪中叶以前,不列颠所有的人都说一种叫作凯尔特语的语言。凯尔特语(Celtic )指古代居住在不列颠和欧洲大陆西部的凯尔特人(Celtic )所说的语言。called “叫名字”,如:I have a dog called /named Jack. 我有一只叫杰克的狗.3They eac

24、h had their own languages and Anglo-Saxon (the base of Old English) developed from mixing these languages with Celtic. 他们分别有自己的语言,作为古英语基础的盎格鲁-撒克逊语就是在三种语言与凯尔特语相交汇的过程中发展起来的。盎格鲁-撒克逊人(Anglo-Saxons )属于古代日耳曼人的部落集团的一员,公元世纪入侵英国,他们讲的语言构成了古英语的基础。develop “发展, 生长, 发育, 逐步显示出来”,如:With hard work, she developed int

25、o a great writer.经过艰苦地工作,她成为一位伟大的作家。Their skill developed until it rivaled their teachers.他们的技艺不断增长,最后,可以与他们的师傅相匹敌了。Tension developed between students and faculty.学生和教职员工之间关系逐渐紧张起来4At the end of the 9th century, the Vikings, people from the Scandinavian countries, including Denmark and Norway, began

26、 to invade Britain. 公元世纪末,来自斯堪的纳维亚半岛国家(包括丹麦和挪威)的维京人开始侵略不列颠。维京人或北欧盗(the Vikings )是指从世纪劫掠欧洲北部和西部海岸的斯堪的纳维亚人。at the end of“在结尾,在末端”,如:At the end of that year, they got married.在那年底,他们结了婚。At the end of this road theres a roundabout.路的尽头是段环行路。Pass the message down to the people at the end of the table.把这条消息转告给桌子那边的人。invade vt. 侵略, 侵袭, 拥挤,如:The principal of the trusts could not be invaded without trustee appr

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