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1、LAF上装上卸液袋铺箱装货手册青岛朗夫包装有限公司1.集装箱的挑选标准Container selection Criteria 液袋用集装箱应适合非危险类液态物品的安全、合法运输。必须按照以下标准挑选集装箱:It requires that containers selected should be suitable for the safe and legal transport of non-hazardous bulk liquid in flexitanks. Containers must be in strict compliance with the following crit

2、eria:(1).集装箱应严格按照相关国际标准制造,其设计、尺寸、承重、检测、鉴定、铭牌以及操作要求都应符合国际标准。Containers should be manufactured strictly in accordance with all the relevant ISO requirements, defining design, dimension, rating, testing, identification, nameplate, operation requirements.(2).集装箱铭牌上应标明30吨(30000公斤或67000镑)最大承重量。Max. rated

3、loads : 30Ton(30000kg or 67000lb)should be indicated on container labels.(3). 集装箱应为箱龄不超过5年的20尺标准集装箱。All 20 foot standard containers should be no more than 5 years and under good condition.(4). 集装箱箱体应无任何修补。No repair trace is allowed on outer container panels. All panels are free from repair.(5). 集装箱应

4、适用于公路,铁路和海洋运输。 Containers should be suitable for highway, railway and ocean transportation.(6). 集装箱两边的门栓旁各带有一个垂直凹槽。 Either door bolt has a vertical groove or recess aside.(7). 集装箱左右两扇门上各有两把功能完好的条锁。Two fully workable locking bars are on either door.(8). 集装箱不应有标有“危险”字样的唛头或标签,不应该装载过任何危害人体的放射性物质或有毒物质。Co

5、ntainers should be free of any “DANGEROUS” cargo markings or labels, and havent loaded any radioactive or toxic material harmful to humans. (9).集装箱内不应有任何碎片、锐边、尖刺、螺丝松动、凹凸、焊接修理痕迹等可能引起液袋损坏的现象。箱体表面不应有任何污染物,集装箱内不得有任何异味,以免渗漏到货物里发生交叉污染,或与液袋材料发生反应。(见图 1)Containers for the use of the transport of flexitanks

6、should be clean and dry, free of any debris, sharp edges, floor splinters, loose floor screws, dents or any such weld or similar repair on the inside surface Of the cargo area that may cause damage to flexitanks. All interior surfaces, including the floor surface, should be free of transferable stai

7、ns and other sources contamination or odor that may react with the flexitank material and/or leach into the liquid cargo.(See Pic 1) 图 1 2.液袋和门挡的铺设 Flexitank and Bulkhead Fitting(1). 在集装箱内部的三面箱壁附上瓦楞纸(1.50米高)并在地板上铺设瓦楞纸,用胶带固定,将液袋放置于集装箱内的右侧。(见图2)Attach corrugated paper (1.50m high) on the inner side wa

8、lls and the floor then fix with tapes. Place the flexitank on the right side of container, adjoining right side wall. (see picture 2) 图2(picture2)(2). 将液袋装有阀门的一面向箱外展开,袋体紧贴右侧箱壁,并向箱子底部和左侧充分展开,确保袋体紧贴三面箱壁,同时距离集装箱门口凹槽处一指宽的距离(见图3)。Unfold the face with valve completely to the outside, make it vertical to t

9、he groove of the container door. The flexitank should be close to the right side wall, with a finger width away from the groove.(see picture3) 图 3(picture3)(3).检查确认液袋的位置,液袋中心线应与集装箱中央线对齐。然后将集装向门口的袋体向内折进 50cm左右,便于安装挡板和方钢(见图4)。Inspect and confirm that the location: flexitanks centerline should be align

10、ed with the container of the central line. 图 4(picture 4)(4).排气阀的固定。将排气管上的绳子解开,系住排气阀口部,将排气管伸展至集装箱右侧门口,用绳子系住排气口,固定在凹槽内最上面的栓上,将排气口的盖子拧下便于排气。(见图5)在装货后,排气管的尾端可以向上升至集装箱顶部,并拧上盖子。 Untie the Air Vent, use the strip to fasten the air vent to container loops near the right floor ( make sure the air vent is st

11、raight without bending), secure the strip to container loop firmly. And take off the vent cap,so that the air release from the air vent. Air vent is for air release automatically, when cargo generate air by itself. And Air vent can be used for sample-taking. 图 5(picture 5)(5). 将液袋正确铺装完毕后,请按以下步骤说明安装方

12、钢和挡板。(以下安装均以16-20方液袋为例)。Assemble container door with bulkhead, after placing flexitank correctly.(e.g. 16-20CBM flexitank for an example in the following).A. 第一步:熟悉液袋规格、方刚及挡板配合明细,根据实际情况选择合适的配合方式。First Step: please check Instruction to fitting Steel Bars and Cardboard as belows, to fit the steel bars

13、 and Cardboard according to flexitank specification. 液袋规格、方刚间距及挡板配合明细 Instruction to fitting Steel Bars and Cardboard液袋规格Flexitank Capacity 方钢1 (从下向上)Gap between 1st steel bar& container floor(From Bottom to Top)方钢22nd gap方钢33th gap方钢44thgap方钢55th gap挡板高度规格Cardboard Height16-20 CBM 10 cm21 cm21 cm23

14、 cm23 cm130 cm21-24CBM10 cm23 cm23 cm28 cm28 cm150 cm B.第二步:将纸筒切成上表中规定适合长度,以待放置在伸缩方刚两端集装箱的凹槽内,需要用胶 带固定在集装箱壁上。(见图 6) Second Step: Cut the paper pipe into ones with required length according to the flexitank capacity,please check in the above table. C. 第三步:将第一根钢管放在集装箱侧面槽内, 落在第一根支撑短管上。 Put the first st

15、eel bar in the side slot of the container, use the 10cm paper pipe to support on its 2 ends. Use tape to secure the paper pipe.( see picture 6) 图6(picture 6) D. 第四步:以此类推从下往上依次安放好方钢2、方刚3、方钢4、方钢5。 Fourth Step: Repeat the above operation and fix the five steel bars one by one. Note: must use paper pipe

16、 with suitable length to fix the gap between each two steel bars, check the above table. E. 第五步:将挡板的折边折到集装箱内,用扎条或者挡板上的系绳把档板固定在方钢上。(见图7) Fifth Step:Put the flat area of Cardboard under the flexitank, and use cable ties or Strips to fasten the cardboard to the steel bars. ( see picture 7) 图7(picture7)

17、(6)将箱内袋体伸展至纸挡板处,再次检查确认袋体是否完全伸展开,并紧贴集装箱三面墙壁及挡板。 Check and make sure flexitank has been sufficiently unfolded, adjoining both side walls and end wall of container and the front Cardboard. (7)将泡沫条放在方钢和左侧箱门之间,关闭左门后贴上LAF警示标签,准备装货(见图8)Lock the left door, paste the warning label on the left door .(see pict

18、ure 8) 图8 (picture8) 3.装货管的连接与液袋的装载 Transmitting Pipe Connection & Flexitank Loading (1).装货管的要求 Requirements of transmitting pipeA. 装货管上要装有一个与液袋阀门管径相符的快速接头(见图9)。A loading pipe must have a proper size cam lock adaptor.(See picture 9). 图9 (picture9) B. 管内不能有残留的液体,以免在连接阀门时污染液袋与箱体。 There should be no li

19、quid residue in the pipe which may contaminate flexitank and container when connecting it to flexitank valve. (2). 装货管的安装 Installation of loading pipe A. 先打开阀门盖,把阀门把手下面的紧固栓向外拉,再将把手逆时针旋转90度完全打开。Open the valve cover first, pull out the fastening bolt , pull up the handle anticlockwise, and make it ver

20、tical to the ground.B. 将装货管连接在阀门上,将快速接头上的两个凸轮锁扣扣紧。安装时禁止用力按压、用力摔击阀门(见图10 )。Connect the pipe with the valve and fasten the two cam lock of the adapter. During installation, pressing and pounding the valve violently are forbidden(see picture 10). 图10(picture 10)(3).启动机器开始装货,液袋高度开始增加并且侧壁折叠将向墙面展开。 Start

21、up the pump and start loading.The flexitank will begin to inflate in height and the side folds will expand toward the container walls.(4). 在液袋装货时,保持液袋装载平稳。装货过程中随时调整装货管位置与液袋保持垂直。(见图11)。Keep loading evenly. Adjust the supporting strap and the height of loading pipe as needed during loading in order to

22、 raise up the pipe and keep it vertical to body of flexitank(see picture 11). 图11(picture 11) (5)当到达货物装载需求量时,依次关闭机器及液袋阀门并系紧阀门袜套。货物装满后液袋上表面应绷紧(见图12)。Stop loading when reaching the required volume / weight of liquid. Stop pump engine, and then closeflexitank valve.The upper flexitank surface should be

23、 expanded 图12(picture 12) tightly when fully loaded(see picture 12). 4.装载后的处理Disposal After Loading (1).检查管子内是否还有残留的液体,如有,先处理管子里剩余液体。Check carefully if there is liquid residue in the pipe . If yes, drain off the liquid before disconnecting the pipe with the valve.(2).断开装货管的连接,如有液体渗漏,处理干净。盖上密封阀盖, 用扎带

24、将防护罩扎紧(见图12)。 Close the flexitank valve, then disconnect the pipe from it. Wipe off spilled liquid( if there is any). (3). 灌装完毕后,关好集装箱右门,认真填写铺箱装货记录(见附件一)并回传我公司,以便在必要时我们做出快捷的应急反应。After loading, close the right container door, record the container number, carefully fill in LAF FLEXITANK LOADING TRACIN

25、G RECORD(See Appendix 1), and send it to LAF Company, so that we can make prompt response in emergency(4). 在移动集装箱前,确保集装箱门安全关闭。Close and secure the container door before moving container.(5). 船运前确保用经认可的海关铅封封好右侧箱门。Ensure the right container door is tagged with an approved customs seal prior to shippin

26、g. 5.液袋的卸载Flexitank Discharging (1)为卸载液袋货物,需要以下设备:The following equipment will need to be procured in order to discharge the goods:A. 一台泵来完成卸货。1 positive displacement pump to ensure complete discharge.B.一根足够长的装货管,确保长度可以从液袋到泵。1 hose with sufficient length to span distance from flexitank to pump.C.一根转

27、换管。确保长度可以从泵到储罐。1 transfer hose with sufficient length to span distance from pump to storage receptacle.D.一组合适的阴端转接头,取决于泵和液袋连接尺寸。顶部装卸液袋使用的是标准3寸接口。1 set of suitable cam lock adapter, depending on supplied pump and connections. Top Valve equipment will be supplied with a 3” male cam lock valve as stand

28、ard.E.一副吊带以吊起装货管。1 supporting strap.F.一个合适容积的储罐。1 storage receptacle of suitable capacity 以上所提到的只是基本的卸货设备及工具。如遇特殊情况,可向朗夫售后服务部门征询建议。The above list is a very brief synopsis of the equipment required to discharge and itis recommended that advice always be sought from technical department before proceed

29、ing.This is important due to the potential variations in discharge sites, as well as the different valve connections that can potentially be supplied on the equipment.(2)集装箱的检查与准备 Container Inspection & Preparation A.检查集装箱箱号是否与提单上显示的一致。Check container number corresponds with all relevant paperwork.B

30、. 检查集装箱箱况是否良好。Inspect container side walls and chassis unit to ensure no damage or safety risk.C.检查警告标签是否在左侧箱门上。Check warning label and tag are present on left hand door.D.在液袋卸货过程中,严禁打开左侧箱门。NEVER OPEN left hand door during discharge of flexitank.E.确保船运铅封仍然完好并且与提单上一致。Ensure that shipping seal is stil

31、l intact and corresponds with all relevant paperwork. F.打开并且固定右侧箱门,检查门挡是否完好。Open and secure right door. Check bulkhead assembly is secure and undamaged.G.检查阀门是否完好且处于关闭状态。Ensure valve in good condition, with cap secured and handle in closed & locked position.(3)连接卸货管 ConnectionA. 取下阀门盖,露出阀口。Remove valve cap to expose male cam lock connection.B. 连接卸货管并打开阀门,固定好转换接头锁环。Connect suction hose and open va

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