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初二英语八下 unit 112.docx

1、初二英语八下 unit 112Unit1 能够表示动作将要发生的时态 一般现在时。1)它表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的情况。常常要加一个表示未来时间的状语。 When does the winter holiday begin? What time does the train leave for Shanghai? Is there a film tonight? Tomorrow is Saturday School begins the day after tomorrow 但这种用法只限于少数动词,如:begin, come,go,leave,sail,start,arrive,r

2、eturn,end,stop,open,close, take,be等。 2) 在时间或条件状语从句中,一般现在时也可用来表示将来的动作。 You will pass the exams if you work hard 现在进行时注意:时间必须指出或在前文中已经指出,不然就可能造成现在时与将来时之间的混淆。1)现在进行时可以表示对最近的将来的确定的安排:Im taking an exam in October Bob and Bill are meeting tonight这句意指鲍勃和比尔已作了会面的安排。如仅仅表示意图,则要用be going to形式。2)但是,表示从一个地方运动到另一

3、个地方的动词如arrive,come,drive,fly,go,leave,start,travel,表示位置的动词如 stay和动词do与have(表示吃、喝),它们的现在进行时形式的用法就比较广泛,可以表示没有具体安排好细节的决定或计划。 be going to do结构1) be going to表示主语进行某一将来行动的打算。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有已做好某些准备的意思,因此通常认为用be going to表达的行动很可能会见诸实施,虽然不具现在进行时所表示的对将来的确定的安排的概念。请注意以下几点: 如前所述,be going to结构带时间状语可以用来表示最近将来的行动。在这种

4、情况下,它可用来代替现在进行时。可以说:Im meeting Tom at the station at six我6点钟到车站接汤姆。Im going to meet Tom at the station at six我打算6点钟到车站接汤姆。注意:Im meeting Tom含有和汤姆约好的意思,而Im going to meet Tom则没有,我去后汤姆可能会感到意外。 想强调主语的意图时,be going to结构可以与时间从句连用。He is going to be a dentist when he grows up What are you going to do when you

5、 have time ?然而,通常是一般将来时(shallwill)和时间从句连用。 be going to 结构可以不和时间连用: Im going to buy a gift for my mother He is going to lend me his bicycle这里通常指的是即将进行或在最近将来进行的动作。 如上面中所看到的,be going to结构可以与动词 be连用。有时也跟通常不能用进行时的动词连用:I am going to think about it Im sure Im going to like it 注意:一般不常把动词go和come用于be going to

6、结构中,而常用现在进行时来代替be going to结构,即通常不用Im going to go而用I am going,不用I am going to come而用I am coming。 be going to 结构可以表示通过某种迹象可以推测出即将发生的动作。Look at those clouds!Its going to rain Listen to the windWere going to have a cold daybe going to结构在动词be sureafraid,believe,think之后都可以这样用:How pale(苍白) that girl is!I a

7、m sureI believeI think she is going to faint(昏倒) 一般将来时的用法1) 表示说话人对于将来的看法、假定和推测的句子中常由动词be afraid,befeel sure, believe, expect,hope,know,suppose,think,wonder等来引导或与副词perhaps,possibly,probably等连用,但也可以不用这些副词:(Im sure)hell come back (I suppose)theyll sell the house(Perhaps)well find him at the hotel Theyl

8、l(probably)wait for us2) 一般将来时可以与时间连用,也可以不连用。这里有时也可以用 be going to,但后一种用法使动作的可能性显得更大些,而且如果没有时间时动作可能会发生得更快些。Hell build a house(他要盖房子)仅意指这是我的看法而不含有什么时候开始盖房子的概念。但 Hes going to build a house(他打算盖房子)则意指他已经做出决定,很可能不久将着手盖。2) 一般将来时用来表示通常认为将要有的习惯性动作: Spring will come again Birds will build nests People will m

9、ake plans Other men will climb these stairs and sit at my desk3) 一般将来时常用在带条件从句、时间从句的句子中,有时用在带目的从句的句子中:If I drop this glass it will break如果我把这个杯子掉到地上,它就会摔碎。When it gets warmer the snow will start to melt 天气变暖时,雪开始融化。注意:在if从句或时间从句中,即使句子是指将来,也不用将来时:不能说:Ill telephone you if I will come.而要说:Ill telephone

10、 you if I come.不能说:I am going to buy a computer when I will arrive in Beijing.而要说:I am going to buy a computer when I arrive in Beijing. 比较be going to与willbe going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但用法还是不同的。 be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write

11、 a book one day. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He will be twenty years old. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如:She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour. 在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如:He will help yo

12、u if you are in trouble.注意:对于上述时态的用法,我们只要知道能够表示动作即将发生的时态有“一般现在时”、“现在进行时”、“be going to do结构”、“一般将来时”即可,而它们的具体用法了解即可而不需掌握。但对于那些基础好的同学,可以多读读。II 句型 一般将来时的句子结构肯定句:People will have robots in the future. There will be more trees and less pollution.否定句:People wont use money. There wont be any schools in the

13、 future.一般疑问句:- Will people use money in 100 years ? - Yes, they will. No, they wont.- Will there be any robots in our homes? - Yes, there will. No, there wont.特殊疑问句:What will Sally be in five years ? 原因状语从句 (because.)Ill live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with i

14、t. 定语从句There are many famous predictions that never came true. 宾语从句I think there will be more pollution. He thought that computers would never be used by most people.The head predicted that no one would want to see actors talk. 词汇1 free adj. not busy, not working, etc. 不忙的,空闲的Will you be free this a

15、fternoon? I shall not be free until five oclock. He had no free time. adj. that costs nothing. 免费的,免税的The parks in the city are usually free except on holidays. You may have free use of my house this summer.2 on comuters, on paperKids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers. Books will

16、be only on computers, not on paper.- May I use your computer ? - Sorry, but I have to work on it now.3 learn 与 study 的比较 learn一般侧重学习成果,因此,可译为学会、学到;而study则侧重学习过程。I learnt to drive a car when I was sixteen years old. What subjects do you usually study at your school ? learn一般用于从不知到知、不会到会的初级学习阶段或有模仿性的操

17、作技艺等;study则用于比较高深或周密的学习研究。Father often helps me learn English when hes free.Scientists are now studying how to make robots do the same things as a person. 向学习应该说learn from sb.,而不能说study from sb.We should learn from Comrade Lei Feng. 在某学校读书、念书要用study,而不能用learn。Which school does your brother study in

18、? learn还有知道、听说之意,而study没有这些意思。I learnt that there are many people who can speak French in Canada.4 only There will only be one country. = There will be only one country.5 live to be Its said that a tortoise(龟)can live to be hundreds of years old.6 in ten years, after ten years, ten years later in te

19、n years用于一般将来时态的句子中;而after ten years,ten years later则用于一般过去时态的句子中。What will you want to be in ten years?Bill Gates left college at his twenties. He became a famous computer scientist after twenty years.In 1989, Mr Green went to New York City. Ten years later, he set up his company. 对in ten years划线,用

20、How soon 提问;对after ten years, ten years later划线,用When提问。I will come back in ten years. How soon will you come back ?He learned to dance ten years later. When did he learn to dance ?1 不定数量词比较级:many, much more, few fewer, little less = 同义词 反义词 引申 a lot of, lots of 后接复数可数名词或不可数名词,通常用于肯定句。在否定句中,“很多”的意思,

21、通常由“many”或“much”表示。 A lot of people dont have much free time today. many后接复数可数名词,much后接不可数名词,这两个词的比较级是more。Tomorrow is my grandmothers birthday. Mother bought many vegetables and much fruit.I believe there will be more people living on the moon in the future. few,a few 后接复数可数名词。few表示否定的含义,“没有几个”的意思;

22、a few表示肯定的含义,“有几个”的意思。few的比较级是fewer,“更少”的意思。Jim is new here. Few people know him. Last Sunday, I met a few famous soccer players at a supermarket.There are fewer people in the countryside than in the city. little, a little 后接不可数名词。little表示否定的含义,“没有几个”的意思;a little表示肯定的含义,“有几个”的意思。little的比较级是less,“更少”

23、的意思。I have little money with me. I cant afford to buy such an expensive suit.He is Japanese. He knows only a little Chinese. I have less free time now than before. some和any都可以表示“一些”的意思,后接复数可数名词或不可数名词。some通常用在肯定句和特殊疑问句中。There are often some old people doing sports in the park.Where may I find some bo

24、oks about English ?而any则用在否定句和一般疑问句中。Robot scientists think that people wont need to do any simple jobs in the future.Will there be any difficult problems on tomorrows English test paper ?some有时也可以用于一般疑问句中,具体情形如下: 表示请求或建议语气。- Could I borrow some books from the school library?- Sorry, the books here

25、mustnt be lent to the students.- Would you like some tea with milk? - Yes, please. 期望得到肯定回答的问句。Were you making some dumplings when I arrived yesterday? no表示否定的含义,意为“没有”,相当于not a / an,not any,后接可数名词或不可数名词。There is no air or water on the moon. 也可以写成 There is no air and no water on the moon. There will

26、 be no farmers in the future because food will be able to be made in factories.2 much 和 a little 可以表示程度,修饰动词并放在所修饰的动词的后面。more和less用法亦如此。Thank you very much for answer my questions.I think he can like you a little.People will use the subways more and drive cars less. in high school(念中学), in college(念

27、大学)注意:因为这两个短语都是表示抽象的活动,所以名词前无冠词。Mr. Green works in a high school. His daughter is in college and his son is in high school.1 I live in an apartment across the street from here.他住在这街对面的一个公寓里。across.from./ across from2 Is that a picture of you? 那是你的相片吗?(相片中的人物是you)Is that a picture of yours? 那是你的相片吗?(

28、you搜集的相片,相片中的人物不一定是you)3 Ill fly rockets to the moon.我要驾驶火箭去月球。fly 驾驶飞行器,如:My dream job is to fly a plane in the sky.4 Ill live on a space station. There will be flights to other planets.1 前面不加介词的时间状语。 yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon / evening, the day before yesterday last year, last month

29、, last December, last week, last weekend, last Sunday, last night, last time, the year before last, the month before last, the week before last . today, tonight this morning, this afternoon, this evening, this year, this month, this January, this week, this weekend, this Friday, this time tomorrow,

30、tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening, the day after tomorrow next year, next month, next January, next week, next Friday, next weekend, next time, the year after next every day, every morning, every afternoon, every evening, every week, every month, every year2 fall in love withI f

31、ell in love with drawing when I was a child. I believe he will fall in love with this sport.3 as 作为As a student, you must work hard to improve your grades. My father worked as a farmer when he was alive.4 alone adj. apart from others 单独的 His parents are very busy every day, so he has to be alone at home. adv. with no other people 单独,独自地 It was too dark. He dare not go home alone.The old man has no family. He lives in a small house alone.5 might 表示请求语气,比may更加委婉。 - Might I smoke here

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