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1、专升本英语密押答案1、请选取出划线某些读音不同选项( )。分值:1您回答:B.possible(得分:1)2、请选取出划线某些读音不同选项( )分值:1您回答:B.think对的答案为:C.their3、请选取出划线某些读音不同选项( )。分值:1您回答:C.encourage(得分:1)4、请选取出划线某些读音不同选项( )分值:1您回答:C.height(得分:1)5、请选取出划线某些读音不同选项( )。分值:1您回答:C. birth对的答案为:D. there6、We forgot to bring our tickets,but please let us enter,_?分值:1您

2、回答:C.can we对的答案为:B.will you答案解析:考查反意疑问句。句意:咱们忘了带票了,请让咱们进去,好吗?let us表达“祈求”,反意疑问句是will you/wont you;而lets表达建议,反意疑问句是shall we。7、The effect of TV_the life of average people is incalculable.分值:1您回答:C.about对的答案为:D.on8、Its already 5 oclock now. Dont you think its about time_?分值:1您回答:B.we go home对的答案为:C.we

3、went home答案解析:考查it is time(that)从句用法。句意:当前已经5点钟了,你不以为咱们该回家了吗?在这一句型中,从句中动词需要用过去时,故C项对的。9、I like all kinds of fruit,but my _is banana.分值:1您回答:B.favored对的答案为:A.favorite10、Shortly after the accident,two _ policemen came to the spot.分值:1您回答:B.dozens对的答案为:C.dozen答案解析:考查名词单复数。句意:事故发生后不久,二十各种警察就来到了现场。当dozen

4、与详细数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不接介词of,因而本、选C。11、The headmaster wanted the classroom building_as soon as possible.分值:1您回答 set up对的答案为 be set up12、Its really kind _.分值:1您回答:A.of you to say so(得分:1)答案解析:考查介词of和for在与不定式连用区别。句意:你这样说真是太好了。在“It is(was)+adj.+ of sb”句式中,作表语形容词大多是表达人物特性形容词,且与of后名词关系十分密切,故意义上主表

5、关系。在“It is(was)+adj.+for sb.+to”句式中,作表语形容词与for后名词关系不密切,无意义上主表关系。因此依照句子构造,本题选A。13、HOW many times did the clock_?分值:1您回答:A.hit对的答案为:D.strike14、It was not until midnight _ they reached the campsite.分值:1您回答:A.when对的答案为:B.that答案解析:考查强调句。句意:她们直到半夜才到达宿营地。强调句构造为:It is/was+被强调某些+that/who+其她成分。此句可还原为:They did

6、nt reach the campsite until midnight.15、He tried to_his involvement in this robbery,but he finally confessed.分值:1您回答:B.reject对的答案为:D.deny16、_ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.分值:1您回答:B.That对的答案为:A.What答案解析:考查主语从句。句意:父母言行对她们孩子有终身影响。从句中缺少宾语,排除that,因that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分。which有选

7、取含义,应排除。what符合、意。17、There was plenty of time.You_.分值:1您回答:B. neednt hurry对的答案为:D. neednt have hurried18、_ at such a time,his work attracted much attention.分值:1您回答:C.Published(得分:1)答案解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:她作品在这样一种时刻出版,受到了很大关注。his work与publish之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式。19、This year the factory_ almost twice as many mot

8、ors as it did last year.分值:1您回答:A.turned down对的答案为:C.turned out20、Many a young scientist _ engaged in the research work.分值:1您回答:C.have been对的答案为:D.has been答案解析:考查主谓一致。句意:诸近年轻科学家都投入到这一项研究工作中来。“many a+名词单数”作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。此外,be engaged in是固定搭配,表达“忙于,从事于”。21、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:A.Fortunately对的答案为:D.f

9、inally22、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:C.issue对的答案为:B.exam23、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:A.which对的答案为:D.who24、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:B.hurt对的答案为:C.disturb25、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:B.listen对的答案为:D.Concentrate26、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:C.gate对的答案为:A.exit27、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:B.bothered(得分:2)28、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:

10、A.still对的答案为:C.carefully29、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:A.messages(得分:2)30、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:C.following对的答案为:B.steps31、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:B.breath(得分:2)32、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:D.Words对的答案为:C.directions33、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:A.Look对的答案为:C.Skim34、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:C.Count对的答案为:A.Budget35、请选取最佳

11、对的答案填入( )分值:2您回答:C.problems对的答案为:D.Questions36、The man asking for a lift was .分值:3您回答:B.a policeman who had worked in prison对的答案为:C.a prisoner who had escaped from prison答案解析:事实细节、。一段最后一句指出,当Mr.Green 与搭车者交谈后得知,她是两天前越狱抢劫犯。37、Mr.Green was worried because .分值:3您回答:B.he had taken a stranger in his car对的

12、答案为:D.he was afraid that the man might rob him答案解析:推理判断、。一段二句交代了Mr.Green 口袋里有1000英镑,并且她理解到搭车者曾因抢劫入狱,因而可推断出,D项为对的答案。38、Mr.Green asked to be taken to the police station because he .分值:3您回答:C.didnt like to talk too much with the policeman对的答案为:B.wanted to get help and tell the truth there答案解析:推理判断、。从二段

13、前几句可知,Mr.Green 明知限速是时速30英里,而故意超速驾驶,显然是要引起警方注意以便求助。39、Whats the end of the story?分值:3您回答:A.The prisoner stole the policemans notebook and gave it to Mr.Green in return.(得分:3)答案解析:事实细节、。通过最后一段得知,逃犯偷了警察记事本并送给了Mr.Green作为回报。40、What did the girls enemy like to do?分值:3您回答:D.Quarrelling with her.对的答案为:B.Poi

14、nting out her weak points.41、What did the girl do when she could no longer bear her enemy?分值:3您回答:A.She turned to her father.(得分:3)42、Why did the girls father ask her to make the list?分值:3您回答:C.He wanted the girl to talk back.对的答案为:D.He wanted her to check if she really had these weak points.43、What

15、 can we infer from reading the passage?分值:3您回答:C.The girls father loved other peoples advice,对的答案为:A.The girl benefited from her fathers advice.44、Mary Outerbridge is important in the history of lawn tennis because .分值:3您回答:B.she gave it its name对的答案为:D.she brought it to America答案解析:推理判断、。文章二段指出,玛丽奥

16、特布莱吉将草地网球带回美国并举办了美国初次草地网球比赛,因此她在历史上具备重要性就是由于她把草地网球引进了美国。45、The new game called Sphairistike appeared in in 1873.分值:3您回答:A.America对的答案为:B.Europe答案解析:事实细节、。文章一段讲到,1873年在威尔士草地约会上进行初次草地网球比赛。威尔士属于欧洲。46、The first United States lawn tennis game was played .分值:3您回答 New York(得分:3)答案解析:事实细节、。文章二段讲述到,玛丽奥特

17、布莱吉将草地网球带到了纽约,并在那里进行了初次比赛。47、Which of the following statements is NOT true?分值:3您回答:C.The sport was called “lawn tennis” shortly after it was invented.对的答案为:B.It was Major Walter Wingfield who invented court tennis.答案解析:事实细节、。从文章一段可知,沃特威费尔德创造是草地网球而不是场地网球。48、The wheel is important because_.分值:3您回答:C.e

18、very machine depends on it对的答案为:D.both B and C49、The wheel is called_.分值:3您回答:B.complicated对的答案为:D.unusual50、It was remarkable of man to invent the wheel because_.分值:3您回答 led to .many other inventions对的答案为:D.all of the above51、The wheel was probably invented by_.分值:3您回答:C.a great prehistoric th

19、inker对的答案为:A.a group of early hunters52、In the 1600s,if a man wanted to buy or sell shares of stock in England,he had to do it through .分值:3您回答:D.the stock exchange对的答案为:C.a broker答案解析:事实细节、。文章一段三句指出,如果(在18世纪此前)有人想在英国买卖股票就必要通过经纪人(代理人)替她交易。53、The second largest stock exchange in the U.S. used to be c

20、alled .分值:3您回答:C.the Curb Exchange(得分:3)答案解析:事实细节、。文章二段三句指出,美国证券交易所是美国二大证券交易所,曾因其发起地点在纽约市街道上而被称为Curb Exchange。54、Which of the statements is true?分值:3您回答:D.The stockbrokers do the transaction without charging for the stockholders.对的答案为:C.The price of stock is not stable.答案解析:推理判断、。文章四段二句指出,股票价格依照公司总体

21、状况、收益及公司将来发展状况而变化。从而可以鉴定C项对的,即:股票价格不稳定。55、The passage is mainly about .分值:3您回答:D.the stockholder and stockbroker对的答案为:B.the stock exchange答案解析:主旨大意、。文章重要讲是证券交易所形成和发展状况,因此B为对的答案。56、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:3您回答:C. We are going to Paris.(得分:3)57、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:3您回答:B. We are going with our teachers.对的答案为:D.

22、 When are you leaving?58、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:3您回答:A.Well show you our photos when we are back.对的答案为:B. We are going with our teachers.59、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:3您回答:B. We are going with our teachers.对的答案为:E. How long are you going to stay there?60、请选取最佳对的答案填入( )分值:3您回答:A.Well show you our photos when we are

23、back.(得分:3)61、(写作)你是Lucy,写一封给老同窗Allen邀请信,邀请她参加下个星期日下午4点(8月6日)校友约会。但愿Allen尽快回信接受邀请,以便她们及时做好安排。分值:25您回答:1(简答题需要人工评分)答案解析:August 26,Dear Allen, We are having all classmates for dinner at 4 Sunday (August 26) at the hotel. There will be a big reunion. Would it be possible for you to join in it

24、at your convenience?I hope that you will feel it worthwhile to accept this invitation. We havent seen each other for a long time and we are all anxious to have you with us. We shall be very much pleased if we receive word of your acceptance in the near future,so that we can make good arrangements in time. Yours,Lucy,

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