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1、小学英语首字母填空专题练习附答案小学英语首字母填空专题练习(附答案)一、小学英语首字母填空1In the USA, there are many fast restaurants. Fast food is one kind of take-away f_1_. It is very p_2_. The famous r_3_ are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds. You only give m_4_ to the person in the restaurant and then take the food a_5_ to eat outside

2、, in the park or on the street, at work or in your own h_6_. Of c_7_, you can eat in the restaurant. M_8_ children like to go to KFC and McDonalds b_9_ they can get gifts for their coming there. Today there are more and more A_10_ take-away food restaurants in China.1. food 2. popular 3. restaurants

3、 4. money 5. away 6. home 7. course 8.Many 9. because 10. American2 Tom is a seaman. He is always drunk (喝醉). One day Tom went to a strange city. He drank very much in a bar (酒吧间) that night. When he went out of the bar, he saw a man l 1 in the street. The man was quite drunk. When Tom came n 2 , th

4、e man pointed to the sky and asked, Excuse me, is that the sun or the m 3 ? Tom looked at the sky for a few m 4 and answered, Im afraid I cant help you. I am a s 5 here myself. 1.lying 2.nearer 3.moon 4.minutes 5.stranger3 One afternoon ,when school was over, Mary and Joan Black didnt go home. They

5、stayed in school t 1 help their teacher. They helped her to carry some books. They worked for half an hour. Then the teacher said, Thank you, girls. We will finish the work tomorrow. Now you must go home. When the girls got home, it was dark outside. There was a light i 2 their home, and the door wa

6、s open. They could see a man inside. Who is it? said Mary. Mother and father have gone to do some shopping. They will go home at half past seven. When the man saw Mary, he looked a 3 . Then he smiled and said, Come in! You dont know me, but Im your fathers friend. He has asked me to get some money f

7、or him. The man did not see Joan. Mary went inside and began talking to the man, but Joan did not. She quickly but quietly ran off. She soon found a policeman and brought him back to their home. The man was still there, but when he saw the policeman, he t 4 to run off. The policeman took him by the

8、arm. Just then the girls parents returned. Is this man your f 5 ? the policeman asked Mr. Black. No! He must be a thief. He wanted to steal my money. Im glad that you have caught him. 2.inside 3.afraid 4.tried 5.friend4 Kate: Hi, Mike! w (1) did you come back from Germany? Mike: Two days ago. K

9、ate: How was your t (2)? Mike: It was wonderful. I had a good time. Kate: Oh, I like your s (3). Is it new? Mike: Yes. I g (4) it in Germany. Kate: I really like the colour. It l (5) good on you. Mike: Thank you. Kate: Fathers Day is c (6). Its on the t (7) S (8) of J (9). I will send one just like

10、y (10) to my father as a gift. Mike: Good.(1) when (2) trip (3) shirt (4) got (5) looks (6) coming (7) third (8) Sunday (9) June (10) yours5 It was a few days before C (1), so when the office c (2) at half past five, most of the young men and typists stayed and had a party. They a (3) and d (4),danc

11、ed and s (5) songs, and nobody w (6) to go home.But Joe h (7)a wife at home ,and l (8) quite a long way from the city.Every few minutes he l (9) at his watch, and last, when it was very late, he b (10) to leave. Joe! shouted his friends. Are you leaving? W (11) dont you stay and e (12) the party? I

12、am not leaving,s (13) Joe.I am only going down to the station to m (14) the last train back home.I w (15) be back here in a few minutes. (1)Christmas (2)closed (3)ate (4)drank (5)sang (6)wanted (7)had (8)lived (9)looked (10)began (11)Why (12)enjoy (13)said (14)miss (15)will 6She h_ a yellow sweater.

13、 Its very n_. But its too small. She n_ a new one. So she goes to Hua xing Clothes Store with h_ mother on Sunday. There are lots o_ clothes and she l_ a blue sweater v _ much, but its too b_. At last, they buy a green sweater at a good price. Its only ¥30!has nice needs her of likes very big7There

14、are four s( ) in a year. They a( )spring, summer, autumn and winter. I( )Beijing many people like winter though it is very c( ).In winter the days become s( )and the nights l( ),It often snows, after snowing children always play games w( )snow, Its very interesting, i( )it? And its a good season f(

15、)people to go s( ).season are In cold short long with isnt for skiing8John gets up early from Monday to S , because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays(工作日) and go to the D Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He draws very well. He usually goes to the b to look at the new books on Saturday a

16、fternoons, and after supper he watches TV until(直到) m . He doesnt get up early on Sundays. Johns parents b work on Sundays. John always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a h and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and b to play computer games until his

17、parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has a lot of w homework, so he must s three hours on it. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sundays. He often complains(抱怨) he has too m homework to do. Saturday ; Drawing ; bookshop ; midnight; both; hamburger; begins; week

18、end ; spend ; much二、完形填空9完形填空完形填空。 David was a little boy. He 1 four years old. One day his mother 2 him to see his grandmother. His grandmothers home was very far 3 them, so they went there 4 . There 5 only a few(一些) people on the bus. They all sat on 6 seats. David was 7 . He looked out of the win

19、dow and talked with his mother. A moment later (一会儿以后), David started running on the bus. He ran and ran(不停地跑来跑去). 8 are you always running? Please sit 9 . His mother said. I want to see my grandmother 10 . I want the bus to go faster, David answered. 1. A. hasB. areC. wasD. were2. A. takesB. tookC.

20、 is takingD. taking3. A. fromB. onC. inD. at4. A. on busB. with a busC. by a busD. by bus5. A. wasB. wereC. isD. had6. A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs7. A. happyB. sadC. sadlyD. happily8. A. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. Why9. A. inB. onC. downD. up10. A. harderB. laterC. earlierD. slower【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(

21、4)D;(5)B;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)C;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】这是一篇描述小孩David和妈妈去看望外祖母途中在车上发生是事。(1)根据上下文时态,都是过去时, 这里也用过去时, 谓语动词用过去式, A选项和B选项不适合,句子主语是He不合选择D, were搭配,只有C选项was可以。故答案为:C.(2)根据上下文时态, 这里也用过去时, 谓语动词用过去式, A选项, C选项和D选项都不是过去式, 只有B选项是过去式。故答案为: B.(3)句意是: 他外祖母的家.他们远。根据句意这里是短语far from距离.远,这是固定搭配,故答案为: A.(4)句意是: 因此他们

22、.去那里。根据所给选项是短语乘公交,这里用介词短语, 乘公交有两种说法by bus或on a bus. 根据所给选项,D正确。故答案为: D.(5)根据上下文时态, 这里也用过去时, 谓语动词用过去式, 这是There be句型,不用had, 空格后是people, be用过去式were. 故答案为: B.(6)句意: 他们都坐在.座位上。根据句意这里做定语,应该用形容词性物主代词their 他们的, C选项正确。故答案为: C.(7)句意: 大卫.。这里做表语,不用副词,因此C选项和D选项淘汰。根据后面的句意: 他看着窗外和妈妈交谈。可知是happy高兴的, 故答案为: A.(8)句意: 你

23、.一直在跑? 根据句意可知这里问原因,用Why为什么, 故答案为: D.(9)句意: 请坐. 根据句意这里是短语sit down坐下,这是固定搭配,故答案为: C.(10)句意: 我想.见到外祖母。harder更难,later更晚, earlier更早, slower更慢, 根据意思用earlier, 故答案为: C.【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。要充分理解上下文的意思关联,并注意语法和固定搭配。10完形填空完形填空 Mrs. Green lives in the country, and she doesnt know London very well. One day, she we

24、nt to London. She couldnt find her 1 Just then, she 2 a man near the bus stop. I can ask him the way. she says to 3 and asked, Excuse me, will you please 4 me the way to King Street? The man smiled with 5 answers. He 6 know English. He spoke Russian. He was a 7 Then he 8 his hand into his pocket, 9

25、a piece of paper and let her 10 it. On the paper are these words, Sorry, I dont speak English. 1. A. wayB. streetC. roomD. house2. A. looked atB. sawC. watchedD. stared3. A. sheselfB. himselfC. herselfD. himself4. A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tell5. A. noB. notC. neitherD. nor6. A. dontB. didntC. doesntD

26、. doesnot7. A. dancerB. blindC. visitorD. dumb8. A. broughtB. tookC. carriedD. put9. A. took awayB. took part inC. took outD. took place10. A. to seeB. looked atC. watchingD. read【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)C;(10)D; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:她当时找不到,她在公共汽车站附近一个人。根据短文提到格林太太住在乡下,她对伦敦不太了

27、解。可知选项A符合题意,选项A路,故答案为A.(2)句意:她当时找不到路,她在公共汽车站附近一个人。look at看,指强调动作,watch看,指看大型节目比赛,看电视,stare盯着看,都不符合题意,只有see看见,指强调看见的结果,符合题意,故答案为B.(3)句意:“我可以问问他。”她自言自语地问:,根据本句句意,主语是she她,反身代词用herself她自己,故答案为C.(4)句意:“对不起,请我去国王街怎么走?”根据本句句意,tell告诉的意思,符合题意,故答案为D.(5)句意:那人笑了,回答。本句是否定句,answer回答是名词,用no修饰,故答案为A.(6)句意:他懂英语。根据后句


29、意完整。11完形填空完形填空。 Bob 1 born in 1993 in New York. When he was 6 years old, he 2 3 school. He 4 to China 3 years ago. He 5 Chinese food and he 6 many places of interest in China. He 7 a new friend; They 8 and 9 together in the park. They 10 very happy. 1. A. wasB. isC. beD. were2. A. goB. wentC. goingD

30、. goes3. A. inB. toC. forD. at4. A. cameB. comeC. comesD. coming5. A. likingB. likeC. to likeD. liked6. A. visitedB. visitC. visitingD. to visit7. A. hadB. haveC. havingD. to have8. A. to singB. sangC. singD. singing9. A. dancedB. to danceC. danceD. dancing10. A. isB. beC. wasD. were【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)D; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)Bob出生是个过去发生的事情,故应该选择过去式。排除BC。Bob又是第三人称单数,Be动词应该用单数。排除D。故选A。(2)讲的是他六岁时的事情,故用过去式。go to shool 是去上学的固定用法,变成过去式即went

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