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1、英语口语8000句随意的谈话英语口语8000句-随意的谈话随意的谈话征求意见懂吗? Do you understand? *是一般的说法。Do you understand? (懂吗?)I understand. (懂了。) 懂了吗? Understood? *既可以用于提问也可以用于回答。You have to improve. Understood? (你得有所提高,明白吗?)Understood. (明白了!)Do you understand? 清楚了吗? Is that clear?Is that clear? (清楚了吗?)Its clear. (清楚了。) 你了解情况吗? Get

2、 the picture? *这里的picture不是“照片”,而是“状态”、“情况”、“事态”。这句是Do you get the picture的缩略形式。Did you grasp the overall situation? 你懂我说的意思吗? Do you know what I mean?Do you know what I mean? (你懂我说的意思吗?)I think so. (我想我明白了。)You know what I mean?Are you following me?Do you get my drift? 你在听吗? Are you listening to me

3、? *这句是用于确认对方是否在注意听自己讲话。注意在这儿不能用动词hear。Are you paying attention? 你不知道吗? Are you blind? *blind 是“看不见的”、“盲目的”意思。但在这里它表示的是“没察觉”、“不知道”的意思。Its a great deal. (这可是笔大买卖。)Are you blind? (你不知道吗?)Cant you see?Whats the matter with you?你明白我说的意思吧。 You know what Im talking about. *就自己所说的某个问题确认对方是否明白时使用。You know wh

4、at I mean.Dont play stupid. *更随意的说法。 我是那样说的吧? I said that, didnt I? *用that代替自己所说的话,反复征求对方的确认。I said that, didnt I? Thats okay.Did I repeat myself? 你知道那事吗? Do you know that?Do you know about that? 说不定你知道吧? Do you happen to know.?Tom, do you happen to know Marys phone number? (汤姆,说不定你知道玛丽的电话号码吧?)Yes,

5、I do. (是的,我知道。) 我辨别不出来。 I cant tell the difference.I cant tell. 你听得见吗? Can you hear me? *用于周围很吵,难以听清楚所说内容时。这时的“听”只能用hear,不能用listen to。Can you hear me? (你听得见吗?)Loud and clear. (声音很大,听得很清楚。) 你听见我说的了吗? Did you hear me?同意知道了。I understand. *“理解了”。I cant go today. (今天我不能去。)I understand. (知道了。)I dont under

6、stand. (不能理解。)I get it. 明白了吗? See? *see “明白”、“知道”。Do you see?Do you understand?Do you get it? 完全明白。 I understand very well.Do you understand? (明白了吗?)I understand very well. (完全明白。) 我想我懂了。 I think I understand. 我明白你说的了。 I see what you mean. 我太清楚那种事了。 I know that too well. 我明白你的意思。 I see your point.I

7、think we need to expand. (我认为我们必须再扩展。)I see your point. (我明白你的意思。)I see what you mean.I understand what you mean.That makes sense.I get the point. 噢,我终于明白了。 I get it. *终于明白对方所说的事情。语感较随便。If you change this, it will work. (如果你改变一下这个,它就能运作了。)I get it. (噢,我终于明白了。)I dont get it. (我还是不明白。)这样啊,原来是这么回事。 I g

8、ot it. *随意说法。You see? (明白了吗?)I got it. (这样啊,原来是这么回事。)I see. 这点事儿我还是知道的。 I know that much! *表示“这点事儿我知道,别把我当傻瓜”。原来是这样啊! That solves it. *在对方指点下,问题、疑问得以完全解决。I left because I didnt feel well. (因为不舒服,我回去了。)That solves it. (原来是这样啊!)Well, that solves that.Thats that. *比较随意的说法。 好吧,好吧,我知道了。 All right, all ri

9、ght. I understand. *被对方反复地嘱咐时的回答。You have to change your attitude. (你得改变你的态度。)All right, all right. I understand. (好吧,好吧,我知道了。) 我知道呀! I know. *表示“无需对方解释,我很清楚”。L.A. is in California. (洛杉矶在加利福尼亚州。)I know. (我知道呀。)I know that.I know it.I didnt know. (我怎么不知道。) 我认识那个人。 I know that person.Im acquainted wit

10、h that person. 我见过他。 I know him by sight. *know. by sight “知道,见过面”。Do you know that man? (你认识那个人吗?)No, but I know him by sight. (不认识,但我见过他。) 嗯,我听说了。 Yeah, I heard about it.Jeff got married. (杰夫结婚了。)Yeah, I heard about it. (啊,我听说了。)Yeah, someone told me.Yes, Ive been told.Yeah, I know. 我听着呢。/我知道了。 I

11、hear you. *对对方所说的事情表示“知道了”、“听到了”。We have to work harder. (我们得更加努力地工作了。)I hear you. (我听着呢。/我知道了。)Yes, I understand. 我理解了。 Im following you. *向对方再一次表示“我懂了”。So, do you get it? (怎么样?你理解了吗?)Im following you. (理解了。)Im with you.Im following.Im not following you. (我不明白你的意思。) 言之有理。 Makes sense. *认为所听到的事情“有道理

12、”、“可以理解”时。He got fired because he was lazy. (他因为懒,才被解雇了。)Makes sense. (说得有道理。)That makes sense.Makes sense to me.Youre making sense.That doesnt make sense. (这也太奇怪了。)不明白、不知道我不明白。 I dont understand.I cant tell you. (我不能告诉你。)I dont understand. (我不知道是什么事。)Im not following.I dont get it. *比较随便的说法。Im conf

13、used.I get it. /I understand. (明白了。)我不太明白。 I dont really understand.I dont understand very well. 我不清楚。 Thats not clear. *不清楚对方所说的事情时。So, was he the thief? (这么说,他是个小偷?)Thats not clear. (那不太清楚。) 我不明白你在说什么。 I cant see your point. *表示“我不同意你所说的,我不明白你为什么会这样说”。We should do this first. (我们首先应该做这个。)I cant se

14、e your point. (我不明白你在说什么。)I dont see where youre coming from.I dont see your point. 我不明白你的意思。 I cant understand what you mean.I cant see what you mean.I dont understand what youre trying to say.I dont get your drift.我弄不清楚你想说什么。Im not sure what you mean.Thats how you do it. (所以应该这样做呀。)Im not sure wha

15、t you mean. (我弄不清楚你想说什么。)Im not sure I understand.Im not sure I see what you mean.I dont know if I understand what youre trying to say.我根本不知道这是怎么回事。 I dont know whats what. *whats what 是what is what的缩略形式,直译为“什么是什么”。I dont have any idea whats going on.I dont know anything any more. 太难了,我弄不懂。 Its over

16、 my head. *直译是“它超过了我的头脑”。用于所听到的信息或事情,难于理解、弄不懂时。.so, thats the way to use computers. (总之,电脑是这样使用的。)Its over my head. (太难了,我弄不懂。)Its beyond me.我也搞不清楚。 Your guess is as good as mine. *guess “推测,猜想”。这是句常用表达方式,意为“你要不知道,那我更不知道了”。How many people live in this town? (这个镇上住了多少人?)Your guess is as good as mine.

17、 (我也不清楚。) 越想越糊涂。 The more I think about it, the less I understand it. *如例句所示,在more(更好的,更多的)、less(比较少的,更少的)等比较级前面加the,构成the+比较级,the+比较级。 我不知道他要干什么。 I dont know what he is driving at. *drive at. “打算做”。I dont know what he intends.I dont know what he is getting at.I dont know what he is trying to do.Its

18、 not clear. (我不清楚。)Thats unclear.Thats clear. (那很清楚了。) 她到底想干什么? Whats she after?Whats she after? (她到底想干什么?)Im not sure. (我不清楚。)Whats her game? 我一点儿都不知道。 I have no idea.Do you know where my pen is? (你知道我的笔在哪儿吗?)I have no idea. (我一点儿都不知道。)I have no clue.No idea.Its all Greek to me. 我怎么不知道。 I didnt kno

19、w that.John got married last week. (约翰上星期结婚了。)I didnt know that. (我怎么不知道。)Thats news to me. *习惯用法。I wasnt aware of that. 不知道。/不太清楚。 I dont know.Do you know where shes from? (你知道她是从哪儿来的吗?)I dont know. (不知道。/不太清楚。)I have no idea. 我不太清楚。 I dont know for sure. *for sure 有“确切地”、“毫无疑问地”的含意。Do you know the

20、 way to my house? (你认识去我家的路吗?)I dont know for sure. (我不太清楚。)I dont know for certain.Im not absolutely sure. 谁也不知道确切的情况。 No one knows for sure. *这种说法与“who knows?”几乎相同,但因为有了for sure,所以句子含有知道得不确切,但也有各种各样的说法的语感。 我怎么会知道? How should I know? *用于被问到“自己不可能知道”、“根本不知道”的问题时。根据说话的语气,有时会给人以不理睬对方、冷淡对方的语感。Is he mar

21、ried? (他结婚了吗?)How should I know? (我怎么会知道?) 谁能知道? Who knows? *该句有时让人听起来有些富有哲理。What is the meaning of life? (什么是人生?)Who knows? (谁能知道?)Nobody knows.No way of knowing.Theres no way of knowing.Its impossible to find out.反问有事吗? Yes?Excuse me. (对不起)Yes? (有事吗?) 为何? What for?I bought this beautiful pen. (我买了

22、一支漂亮的钢笔。)What for? (那又为何?) 您说什么? Pardon me? *因为声音小而没有听清楚或一时没能理解对方所表达的意思时,与其装作听见或听懂了,不如问一句Pardon me?这样就可以不失礼貌地将对话进行下去。Is there a post office near here? (这附近有邮局吗?)Pardon me? (您说什么?)Pardon?I beg your pardon? 现在怎么样? How about now? 对不起,你说什么? Excuse me?What did you say? 什么? What? *用于没听清对方说什么、没理解对方的意思时。但这样

23、的问法让人听起来有些粗鲁和生硬。Huh? *比what?更随便的说法。 你说什么来着? Did you say anything? *用于没听见对方说什么、或别人说话时,自己走神或不知对方是否说了什么的场合。 对不起,你说什么来着? Im sorry, what did you say? *确实听到对方说了什么,希望对方能够重复一遍。 那又怎么样呢? So what? *含有不感兴趣和轻蔑的语气。口语中常用。What of it? 什么意思? What does it mean? *没弄明白对方所说事情时,可以这样积极主动地问。What do you mean?Please explain w

24、hat you mean. (请您解释一下您的意思。)What are you trying to say? (您想说什么?)What do you mean by that? (您这是什么意思?) 你是说吗? Are you saying that.? *确认对方讲话内容时。Are you saying that its a bad idea? (你是说这个主意不好?)Thats right. (是的。)Do you mean.?Are you trying to say that.?后来怎么样了? Then what?And then?What happened then? 他到底想干吗?

25、 Whats he driving at? *用于不明白对方的意图时。 您能再说一遍吗? Would you repeat that, please? *用于没有听清或没有听懂时。Could you repeat that, please?Could you say that again, please?Say it again. (再说一遍。)Please say it again. (请再说一遍。)Please repeat that. (请再重复一遍。) 您说得太快了。 Youre speaking too quickly.Youre talking too fast. 请您再说慢一点儿

26、。Please say it more slowly.Please speak more slowly.More slowly, please.Please speak slower.Please dont speak so quickly. (请您不要说得太快。)Would you slow down, please? (您能说慢一点儿吗?) 我跟不上您说的。 I cant keep up. 请再大一点儿声说。 Please speak a little louder.Could you speak up? (您能再大一点儿声儿吗?)A little louder, please? (请大点

27、儿声。)Speak up, please? (请大声说。)Please speak up.Please speak louder. 我听不见。 I cant hear you. *这种情况下只能用hear而不能用listen。I cant hear a word youre saying. (我根本听不见你说什么。)I cant hear you at all. (根本听不见。)I cant hear you well. (我听不太清楚。) 我没听见你说什么。 I couldnt catch what you said. *“听见,明白(话语等)”。I didnt catch that. 你在

28、说什么呢? What are you talking about? *用于听不懂对方所说的内容,或没注意听对方说什么的场合。What did you say? (你说什么呢?)感想就像我一样。 Just like me!John is very smart. (约翰真聪明。)Yeah, just like me! (嗯,就像我一样。)*夫妻谈论自己的儿子约翰。 好吃吗? Was it good?We had melon for lunch at school. (在学校吃午饭时,我们吃了哈蜜瓜。)Was it good? (好吃吗?) 玩得高兴吗? Did you have fun?After

29、 school, we played soccer. (放学后,我们去踢足球了。)Did you have fun? (玩得高兴吗?) 这套衣服怎么样? How do you like this suit?How do you like this suit? (这套衣服怎么样?)It looks great on you. (很配你呀!)How do you like this suit? (你看这件衬衫怎么样?)I think its nice. (我觉得挺好。) 你觉得怎么样? How did you like it?How did you like it? (你觉得怎么样?)I like

30、d it very much. (我非常喜欢。)What did you think of it? 你喜欢吗? Did you like it?Did you enjoy it? 你觉得那个怎么样? What do you think of it? *询问别人有何感想时。What do you think of our new boss? (你觉得我们新老板怎么样?)I think shes very friendly. (我觉得她非常友善。)What do you think about it?询问、叙述情况结果怎么样? Howd things turn out? *turn out. “结果是”。Howd things turn out? (结果怎么样?)They turned out to be miserable. (结果很惨。)How was it?How did it go?

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