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1、外研初中七年级上英语单词表外研初中七年级上英语单词表清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果七年级上册英语单词Module 1*meet mi:tv.认识,遇见*first f:st adj. 第一*English igli n.英语,英文lesson lesn n.(一节)课class kl:s n.班级*student stju:dnt n.学生Miss mis n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼)twelve twelv num.十二; 12year j:n. .岁,年thirteen :ti:nnum.十三*too tu: adv.也,还*fro

2、m frm, frmprep.从来*close kluz v.关闭open upn v.打开match mt v.相称,匹配;*write rait v.写practise prktisv.练习*city siti n.城市*England inglndn. 英国英,格兰*English ig li adj.英语的fourteen ,f:ti:n num.十四eleven Ilevn num.十一blackboard blkb:dn.黑板twenty -nine ,twentinainnum.二十九fifty fifti num.五十Module 2*parent prntn.父,母;家长(p

3、l.parents父母)can kn, knaux. v.能,能够*basketball ba:skitb:l n.篮球piano pinu n.钢琴tennis tenis n.网球(运动)*table tennis teibl tenis 乒乓球*ride raid v.骑;开(车)horse h:sn.马*welcome welkm v.欢迎*international ,ntnnladj.国际的*factory fktri n.工厂hotel hutel n.饭店, 宾馆university ,ju:niv:siti n.大学hospital hspitln.医院office fisn

4、.办公室,*doctor dkt n.医生*worker w:kn.工人manager mnidn.经理secretary sekrtrin.秘书*at t prep.在(工作或学习地点);向,朝*photo futu n.照片*family fmili n.家庭*her h:pron. (she的所有格)她的Module3there , pron (用于引导句子)forty-six *dictionary diknri n.词典,字典*libralaibrri n.图书馆,藏书室 *picture pikt n.图片,照片*right rait adj.正确的,准确的fifteen ,fif

5、ti:n num.十五sixteen ,siksti:n num.十六seventeen ,sevnti:n num.十七eighteen eiti:n num.十八nineteen ,nainti:n num.十九thirty :ti num.三十sixty siksti num.六十seventy sevnti num.七eighty eiti num.八十ninety nainti num.九十dining hall daini,h:l 饭厅;饭堂gym dim(=gymnasium/ dimneizim n.体育馆*science sains n.科学,科学课lab lb (=labo

6、ratory lbrtri )n.实验室in front of in frnt v, v, v, f 在前面next nekst to 在. .旁边behind bihaind prep.(表示位置)在的后面*some sm, sm adj.一些,若干*any eni, ni pron.任何(一个)*one wn n.一个物,一个人building bildi n.建筑物Module 4many meni adj.许多*people pi:pl n.人,人们;一般的人aunt :nt n.姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母grandfather grnd,f: n. 祖父;外祖父grandf

7、ather grnd,f:n.祖父,外祖父grandmother grn,m n.祖母;外祖母*grandparent grnd,prntn.(外)祖父,(外)祖母uncle kl n.伯伯, 叔叔, 舅父, 姑父, 姨父*sister sist n.姐, 妹*have hv, hv v.有 have got 拥有*grandma grnm: n.奶奶,姥姥*grandpa /grnp:/ n.爷爷;姥爷*email i:meil n.电子邮件him him,lmpron.(he的宾格)他*make meik v.做;制造Module 5healthe hel n.健康的*orange rin

8、 d n.橘子,橙, 柑 drink drik n. 饮料; v.喝*fruit fru:t n.水果;果实*vegetable veditbl n.蔬菜beef bi:fn.牛肉carrot krt n.胡萝卜*chicken tikinn.鸡,鸡肉*juice du:sn.果汁melon melnn.甜瓜*milk milkn.牛奶onion njnn.洋葱pork p:kn.猪肉potato pteitun.土豆*tomato tm:tun.西红柿*favourite feivritadj.最喜欢的*noodle nu:dln.面条candy kndin.糖果Coke kukn.可口可乐

9、*hamburger hmb: n.汉堡包*ice cream ,aiskri:m n.冰激凌unhealthy nheliadj.不健康的,身体不好的,身心不健全的fridge frid (=refrigeratorrifridreit) n.冰箱Revision module Aparty p:ti n.晚会,聚会birthday b:dei n.生日last l:st adj.刚过去的;最近的 table teibln.桌子;台子them em, mpron.他/她/它们(they的宾格)live liv v.活,生存;住chocolate tklit n.巧克力Module 6invi

10、tation ,nvitein n.邀请cinema sinm n.电影院would wud, wd aux.v. 愿意film filmn. 电影,影片stadium steidjm n.体育馆match mt n.比赛,竞赛star st:n. 明星team ti:m n.队伍evening i:vni n. 晚上,傍晚, 黄昏 Friday fraidi n.星期五Monday mndi n.星期一Saturday stdi n.星期六Sunday sndin.星期日Thursday sndin.星期日Tuesday sndin.星期日Wednesday wenzdin.星期三with

11、wi prep.和在一起 (表示关系)great reit adj.好极的,伟大的idea aidin.想法,主意let let v.让,使lets=let us let s; s, s 让我们when hwen adv.什么时候,何时invite invait v.邀请on nadj. adv进行;上演ask :sk v.问,询问magic mdik n.魔术show u n表演day dein. 白天,日子place pleis n.地点price prais n.价格,theatre it n.戏院;剧院swimming 游泳come km v.来;来到today tdei adv.今天

12、plan pln n.计划,打算,方案playground pleiraundn.操场stay steiv.停留game eimn.游戏Module 7talk t:k v.谈论about bautprep.关于What-about.?(询问其他人的情况)怎么样?time taim n.时间oclock klk n. . .点钟half h:f n.一半past p:st prep.超过art :t n.艺术, 美术chemistry kemistri n.化学history histri n.历史maths ms n.数学at t, t prep.在(某时间或时刻)start st:tn.开

13、始get-up起床have breakfast brekfst n.早饭house haus n.房子,住宅 break lunch lnt n.午饭or :, conj. 或者go home 回家dinner din n. 晚饭;正餐finish fini v.结束,完成park p:k n.公园housework hausw:k n.家务劳动Module 8different difrnt adj.不同的habit hbit n.习惯always :lweiz adv.总是;一直card k:d n.卡片present preznt n.礼物usually ju:uli adv. 通常of

14、ten fn adv. 经常never nev adv.从不get et v.得到send send v.发送OK好的(表同意)ticket tikit n.票pair p n.双,对a poir of 一双,一对trainer jeans di:nzn.(复)牛仔裤T-shirt ti:t n.T恤concert knst n.音乐会box bks n.盒子silk silk n.丝绸shirt :t n.衬衫magazine ,mzi:n n.杂志novel nvl n.小说CD si:di: (compact disk ,kmpktdisk n.光盘choose tu:z v.挑选;选择

15、lot lt n.大量;许多 lots of 大量;许多a lot of 大量;许多clothes kluz n.衣服(总称)music mju:zik n.音乐singer si n.歌手on n prep.通过,以. .方式on television teli,vin 通过电视;在电视上its its pron.它的think ik v.想;认为think of v, v, v, f 想出Mogule 9 trip trip n.旅行zoo zu: n.动物园tiger tai n.老虎camel kml n.骆驼elephant elifnt n.大象lion lain n.狮子gira

16、ffe dir:f n.长颈鹿kangaroo ,kru: n.袋鼠monkey mkin.猴子panda pnd n.熊猫snake sneik n.蛇wolf wulf n.狼polar-bear,pulb 北极熊guide aidn.导游thousand auznd num.千visit vizit v. 参观;访问 n. 参观;访问every evriadj.每一个/只animal niml n.动物zebra zi:br n.斑马more m:adv.更多Australia streilj n.澳大利亚Australian streilin adj.澳大利亚(人)的Arctic :k

17、tik adj.北极Europe jurp n.欧洲European ,jurpinadj.欧洲的; 欧洲人的Asia ei n.亚洲Asian ein adj.亚洲的here hi adv.在这里,向这里,到这里bamboo bmbu:n.竹子Africa frik n.非洲African friknadj.非洲的America merik n.美洲;美国American merikn adj.美洲的;美国的,美国人的Oceania usi:ni n.大洋洲Oceanian ,uieini adj.大洋洲的desert dezt n.沙漠,不毛之地forest frist n.森林,丛林ju

18、ngle dl n.(热带)丛林,密林grass r:s n.草,牧草grassland r:slndn.草原;草地;草场India indj n.印度leaf li:f n.叶子world w:ld,地球Module 10keyboard ki:b:d n.键盘monitor mouse maus n. 鼠标,老鼠 print print v.打印printer print n.打印机connect knekt v.连接,switch swit v.用开关把. .开启(或关掉)switch-on 接通;开(电灯、机器等)finally fainli adv.最后first f:st

19、 adv. 首先document dkjumnt n.文件,公文,文献use ju:z v.使用;利用click klik v.点击next nekst adv.然后;其次的save seiv v.保存;挽救box bks n.方框then en adv. 然后,接着,于是again en adv.再一次;又online ,nlainadj.在线travel trvl n.旅行download ,daunlud v.下载lnternet grandchild sometimes smtaimz adv.有时候;不时check tek v.检查train trein n.火车timetable

20、taim,teibl n.时刻表laptop lptp n.笔记本电脑weekend ,wi:kend n.周末website London lndnn.伦敦information ,nfmein n.信息kind kaind n.种类Revision module B subject sbdikt n.科目清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果Unit15 of Book21.a few , a little , a lot of , lots of , few , little , some , many , much, a bit , a

21、bit of, a lot, 2. Jeans kitchen , the twins room, the childrens , mens coats 3. So do we . So we do. We do so .4. 5. would like sthto so. Want to do6.pass me the cheese= pass the cheese to me 7.Help yourself to some meat. Help yourselves to some meat, my children.8.o

22、ne of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips . 9. take it home to their workplace10.or, and but too also as well12. the most popular13. find hearwatchseenotice- dodoing14. enjoy sthdoing good bad for your health keep healthy eat healthily be good bad for sb. to do sth16 I thin

23、k so. I dont think do.17 I agree. I agree with youthem-18 neither -nor either -or either of neither of19 Sometimes my father goes shopping and sometimes mother does.20. do some cleaning cooking shopping-21 help -withdo22 never, little, few. no ,not (除un-)23 I like Chinese tea without anything in it

24、.24 take a seat = sit down25 something English to eat to drinkelse26 take-away food 27 This is home cook cooking.28 It must be more delicious.29 The food is really delicious.30 Well have chicken with potatoes.31 be famous for as 32 make me laugh 33 Words: chocolate without Italian Italy 34 简单句的五种基本句

25、型(见p159)Unit 161. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library? Where s the libriary? Which is the way to the libriary? How can I get to the libriary? Could you tell me Where the libriary is?2. turn right at the second crossingturning= take the second crossingturning on the right .3. between -a

26、nd -4. Go across the bridge.= Cross the bridge5. Walk Go along downup this street 6. You cant miss it.7. in front of in the front of 8. across though9. What a good, kind girl! = How good, kind the girl is!10. the way to a place you dont know 11. at a street corner12. She seems worried.13. the worried woman14. on ones way to15. Whats the matter? Whats wrong with you? Whats the trouble?16. Can I help you? What can I do for you ? 17. maybe=perhaps may be may 18. in hospital , in the hospital in

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