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高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 157.docx

1、高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 157高一英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 157Passage 1A bargain is something offered at a low and advantageous price. A more recent definition is: a bargain is a dirty trick to force money out of the pockets of silly and innocent people. The cost of producing a new-for example - toothpaste would make

2、 80p the proper price for it, so we will market it at 1. 20. It is not a bad toothpaste, and as people like to try new things it will sell well to start with; but the attraction of novelty soon fades, so sales will fall. When that happens we will reduce the price to 1. 15. And we will turn it into a

3、 bargain by printing 5p OFF all over it. Sometimes it is not 5p OFF but 1p OFF. What breathtaking rudeness to advertise 1p OFF your soap or washing powder or whatever! Even the poorest old-age pensioner ought to regard this as an insult(侮辱), but he doesnt. A bargain must not be missed. People say on

4、e has to have washing powder (or whatever) and one might as well buy it a penny cheaper. The real danger starts when unnecessary things become bargains. Many people just cannot resist bargains. Provided they think they are getting a bargain they will buy clothes they will never wear or furniture the

5、y have no space for. Once I heard of a man who bought an electric saw as a bargain and cut off two of his fingers the next day. But he had no regrets: the saw had been truly cheap. Quite a few people actually believe that they make money on such bargains. A lady once told me: “Ive had a lucky day to

6、day. I bought a dress for 120, reduced from 400; and l bought a beautiful Persian carpet for 600, reduced from 900.” It will never occur to her that she has actually wasted 720. She feels as though she had made 580. She also feels, I am sure, that if she had more time for shopping, she could make a

7、living out of it. Some people buy in large quantities because it is cheaper. Once a couple bought enough sugar for their lifetime and the lifetime of their children and grandchildren. They thought it a bargain not to be missed. When the sugar arrived they didnt know where to store it - until they re

8、alized that their toilet was a very spacious one. So that was where they piled up their sugar. Not only did their guests feel rather strange whenever they were offered sugar to put into their coffee, but the toilet became extremely sticky. To offer bargains is a commercial trick to make the poor poo

9、rer. When greedy fools fall for this trick, it serves them right. 1. Which word best describes the language style of the passage?A. Polite. B. Foolish. C. Humorous. D. Serious. 2. What does the underlined word “novelty” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Good quality. B. Low price. C. Curiosity. D. New

10、ness. 3. How does the author feel about 1p OFF a product?A. Its a gift for poor people. B. Its an offense to shoppers. C. Its a bargain worth trying. D. Its a real reduction in price. 4. Which statement will the author probably agree with?A. Bargains are things people dont really need. B. Bargains a

11、re often real cheap products. C. Bargains help people make a living. D. Bargains play tricks on people. Passage 2Who needs friends? According to most psychologists(心理学家) we all do, especially nowadays when so many other aspects (方面 ) of modern life are changing. It seems that having friends keeps us

12、 both healthy and happy. The number of TV series about groups of friends shows just how important friendship is to us. Psychologist Dorothy Rowe says that many of us now turn to our friends, instead of our families, for advice, comfort and security. One woman named Rebecca she interviewed even told

13、her that if she had got to choose between her husband and her friend, she would choose her friend. Since our friends mean so much to us, it is not surprising that the happiest marriages are also friendships. Once the romantic stage of a relationship has passed, it is friendship that holds people tog

14、ether, says Rowe. If the couple do not make some changes, they will either get tired of each other and break up or stay together and seek friendship with others. But is friendship equally important to women and men? According to author Rhonda Pritchard, women are more likely than men to have close f

15、riends. You tell a friend things that youd never tell a partner, says one woman she interviewed. For men, friendship is usually based on doing things together rather than the private conversations that are typical of women friends. Men share time and activities like building a fence or a business, r

16、unning, riding a bike, fishing or watching football, but they dont often share their feelings. Although many women find their relationships with a husband or boyfriend is not enough, many men say that their partner is their best friend. Even women who are very happily married are likely to become ve

17、ry unhappy without a close friend and can even find the breakup of a close friendship as painful as the end of a marriage. Lasting friendships can provide a lot of the same support that families provided in the past, but the perfect situation is to have your family there for you as well. Friendships

18、 and family relationships can both change, but a friend will not consider you when making really important decisions in the same way that a family member will. 1. What did Rebecca think about friendship?A. All of us need friendship. B. Friends are as important as families. C. Her friend means more t

19、o her than her husband. D. One need not have too many friends. 2. Why do married men or women look for friendship?A. They are encouraged by their partnersB. They do not get what they need from their partners. C. They are not fairly treated by their partnersD. They think their friends are more romant

20、ic. 3. What is the main difference between mens and womens friendship?A. Women often do things together with friends. B. Men often talk to their friends about work and family. C. Women often talk about business with friends. D. Men seldom talk to their friends about their feelings. 4. What might wom

21、en do when a close friendship ends?A. They feel as upset as when a marriage ends. B. They share feelings with their partners. C. They treat their partners as friends. D. They turn to their husbands for comfort. Passage 3 New research has found that even if you give up smoking, the damage it has done

22、 to your genes (基因) will stay there for a much longer time. In the research, a team of US scientists studied the blood of 16, 000 people. Among them, some were smokers, some used to smoke, and the rest were non-smokers. Scientists compared their genes and found that more than 7, 000 genes of smokers

23、 had changeda number that is one-third of known human genes. According to NBC News, both heart disease and cancer are caused by genetic changes. Some people may have had the changes when they were born, but most people get them in their day-to-day lives while doing things like smoking. When you stop

24、 smoking, a lot of these genes will return to normal within five years. This means your body is trying to heal (治愈) itself of the harmful effects of smoking. But the changes in some of the genes stay for longer. They can stay for as long as 30 years. Its almost like leaving a footprint on wet cement

25、 (水泥) -it will always be there, even when youve walked away and when the cement becomes dry. Although the study results may make people unhappy, there is a bright side: the findings could help scientists invent medicine to treat genetic damage caused by smoking or find ways to tell which people have

26、 heart disease or cancer risks. 1. The usage of Paragraph 1 is to _ . A. give an exampleB. introduce the topic of the passageC. make an argumentD. compare the genetic changes2. Most genetic changes happen because of _ . A. peoples condition at birthB. environmental pollutionC. peoples bad living hab

27、itsD. heart disease and cancer3. The underlined word it in Paragraph 4 refers to _ . A. the cement B. the footprintC. the harmful effect D. the genetic change4. Which of the following statements is true? _A. The findings are the fruit of more than thirty years research. B. The findings have prevente

28、d more people from starting smoking. C. The findings offer evidence that a damaged gene can heal itself. D. The findings help to find cures for genetic damage caused by smoking. Passage 4 I live on the twelfth floor of a building. One afternoon I was coming home from a friends house. It was just aft

29、er four oclock. I got quickly into the lift and pressed Button 12. The lift started to go up, but very slowly. And then, half way up, it suddenly stopped between two floors. I couldnt understand it. I pressed all the buttons from 1 to 14. I called for help very loudly. But nobody answered. Then sudd

30、enly the lights went out, and I was alone in the dark. I started to cry and beat the walls of the lift. I cried and cried until I had no voice left. Then, I felt hopeless, and pressed all the buttons with my open hands. And all at the same time, there was a bell far away. It rang and rang. It was th

31、e fire alarm(火灾警报). I thought the whole building was on fire. I said to the God quietly, Just get me out of here. Ill never be bad again. Just then, I realized the lift was moving very slowly. On the ground floor it stopped, and the door opened. A man was standing there. How long have you been there

32、? It is good that you pressed the alarm bell. But havent you learned to read at your school? He pointed at a small piece of paper on the wall beside the lift. It said: Attention: This lift will be stopped for repairs between 4pm and 5pm on Thursday, March 13. 1. What happened to the lift? _A. It had a fire accident. B. It stopped half way. C. It was turned off by the writer. D. It moved fast up to the top floor. 2. As the situation went on, the writer became_.

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