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1、最新八年级上册英语课件unit10八年级上Unit 10If you go to the party,youll have a great time! Section Av 学习目标: 1、掌握重点句型和短语; 2、掌握if引导的条件状语从句用法。一、重点短语和句型If you go to the party,youll have a great time!如果你去参加聚会,你将会玩得很开心!if连词,意为“如果;假如”,引导条件状语从句。主句是将来时,if条件句用一般现在时代替将来时。eg:If it rains tomorrow,well stay at home.如果明天下雨,我们就待在

2、家里。【拓展】在英语中,由when,until,as soon as,before,after等引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句中,当主句使用一般将来时,从句必须用一般现在时代替将来时。eg:I will tell him as soon as he comes back.他一回来我就告诉他。have a great time意为“玩得开心;过得愉快”,相当于have a good/wonderful time,have fun,enjoy oneself。这些短语后加时间或地点,表示在某时或某地玩得很开心。I think.句型,是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,意为“我想;我认为”。

3、【注意】在此类宾语从句中,如果有否定含义,往往把否定词由从句转到主句,叫做否定转移。eg:I dont think Im going to stay at home.我认为我将不会待在家里。If you do.动词do用于条件状语从句或答语中,起替代作用,使句子更简练。eg:Do you like reading Harry Potter?你喜欢读哈利波特吗?No,I dont,but my sister does.不,我不喜欢,但我妹妹喜欢。随堂练习:一)按要求完成下列句子。1Ill take the bus to the party. (改为同义句) Ill go to the party

4、 _2He will come. You will invite him.(合并为一句) He _if you invite him.3We had a great time at the party.(改为同义句) We _at the party.4Get up early,or youll be late for school.(改为同义句)_you get up early,you _be late for school.5He will go with Karen_and_Ann(对画线部分提问) _he go with?二)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。6我想我会和迈克一起去参加聚会。

5、I think _to the party _Mike.7如果下雨,我就待在家里。I _at home if it _8他昨天乘公共汽车去上学。He _school yesterday.9别穿牛仔裤去上体育课。Dont _the PE. lesson.10如果你不努力,我不会帮你的。If you _work hard,I _help you.a class meeting一次班会meeting可数名词,意为“会议;集会;会面”。常用短语:go to a meeting去开会;have a meeting开会。organize名词,意为“组织;筹备”。其名词形式为organization,意为“

6、组织”;其形容词形式为organized,意为“有组织的;有计划的”。If we have it today,half the class wont come.如果我们今天举行,一半的学生不会来。half形容词,意为“一半的”,一般要放在冠词之前。eg:Half the workers come from Hunan.一半的工人来自湖南。【拓展】half还可作名词,意为“半;一半”,其复数形式为halves。half an hour半小时;half a day半天;half a month半个月;half a year半年;two years and a halftwo and a half

7、years两年半。half of.意为“半数的”,此结构作主语时谓语动词和介词of后的宾语在数上保持一致。class在本句中意为“班上的同学”,是一个集合名词。集合名词通常表示两种含义:一是表示整体,二是表示成员。表示整体时被视为单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;表示成员时被视为复数,谓语动词用复数形式。常见的集合名词有class,family,team等。eg:The class are all interested in English.同学们都对英语感兴趣。Our class is on the fifth floor.我们班在5楼。太而不能 随堂练习:一)根据句意,选择方

8、框中的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。have a good time,be going to do,stay at home,half the class,happen1The same thing _to me last year.2On weekends,my son wouldnt like _3If you go for a picnic with us,you _4_wont come if it rains tomorrow.5What _you_?Im going to study for the coming test.二)按要求完成下列句子。6If you dont hurr

9、y up,you will be late.(改为同义句)Hurry up,_be late.7I dont know when we will leave here.(改为同义句)I dont know when _here.8Study hard,and youll get good grades.(改为同义句)_study hard,_ get good grades.9I think I am going to ride my bike to the party.(改为否定句)I _think I _going to ride my bike to the party.10They h

10、ad fun in the park last week. (改为同义句)They _in the park last week.二、语法专讲含义:if引导的从句在复合句中表示条件,作主句的条件状语,称为条件状语从句,表示假如从句的动作发生,主句的动作就(不)会发生。条件状语从句的引导词条件状语从句通常由连词if(如果;假如),unless(if.not除非;如果不)引导。eg:You will get good grades if you study hard.如果你努力学习,就会取得好成绩。I will not go to the party unless he goes there,to

11、o.我不会去参加聚会的,除非他也去。条件状语从句的位置条件状语从句位置灵活,可放在主句之前,但要用逗号隔开;也可放在主句之后。条件状语从句的时态当主句为以下三种情况时,条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。当主句为一般将来时时。当主句的谓语中含有can,may,must等情态动词时。当主句为祈使句时。【拓展】为避免重复,条件状语从句常用助动词do(does,did)来替代上文所提到的动作。if还可表示“是否”,相当于whether,主要用于宾语从句。eg:I dont know if he will come tomorrow.If he comes,I will tell you.我不知道他明天

12、是否会来。如果他来,我就会告诉你。(前一个if表示“是否”,后一个if表示“如果”。)随堂练习:一)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1If we do more practice,we _(win) the match.2If there _(be) no air,there wont be lives on the earth.3If you _(do) your homework right now,you will be able to watch TV.4If you dont go shopping tomorrow,I _(not),either.5Hurry up,or you

13、_ (be) late for class.6I dont know if he _ (join) the party tomorrow.7You _ (not get) good grades unless you work harder.8The children will go to the zoo if it _(not rain) this Saturday.9If she _(stop) smoking,she will be healthier.10Ill answer the phone if anyone _(call)二)按要求完成下列句子。11Get up early,o

14、r you will be late for the meeting.(改为同义句)_ you_ get up early,you will be late for the meeting.12Finish your homework and you can watch TV.(改为条件状语从句)_ you finish your homework,you _ watch TV.13If you study hard,you will pass the exam.(改为同义句)_ _ ,_ you will pass the exam.14We will not go to the park.

15、 It will rain tomorrow.(合并为一句)We _ go to the park if it _ tomorrow.15Ill be free tomorrow. Ill go to the movies.(合并为一句)_ I _ free tomorrow,I _ go to the movies.upset形容词,意为“难过的;失望的;沮丧的”。eg:He was upset and didnt know what to do.他很难过,不知道该怎么办。advice不可数名词,意为“建议”。表示“一条建议”用a/one piece of advice,表示“一些建议”用s

16、ome advice。【拓展】ask for advice征求意见;follow/take ones advice接受某人的建议give sb. some advicegive some advice to sb.给某人提一些建议;随堂练习:根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。1Miss Li,could you give me some _(建议) on English learning?2Tom,you can take a _(出租车) there.3I cant go to the beach for holiday,so I feel very _(失望的)三、重难点突破:一)单项选择1

17、If Kate _ to my birthday party next Sunday, Ill be very glad. A. come B. will come C. comes2The teacher asks us _ on public places. A. to not make noise B. not to make noise C. not make noise3They _ at home if it _ tomorrow.A. will stay; is going to rain B. stay; is going to rain C. will stay; rains

18、4Jim says he will travel _ the world if he makes enough money. A. in B. around C. of5Dont worry _ me, Ill be okay. A. in B. of C. about6It is _ for us to have problems in life. A. normal B. easy C. sorry7I have problems _ my math. Can you help me? A. in B. with C. of8Dont always _ the problems in li

19、fe.A. run away with B. run away from C. run away9If you have problems with schoolwork, dont _ them to yourself. A. keep B. make C. face10Beijing is famous _ Tiananmen Square and the Great Wall. A. as B. to C. for二)完形填空Many students have some _11_. For example,some students do not learn their school

20、subjects _12_. Some are good at _13_ and do well in many exams,_14_ they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call _15_ “bookworms”. So many students suffer from(遭受) stress (压力). The good news _16_ that there are some simple ways to deal with(

21、处理) _17_Then students should _18_ make enough time for their hobbies. Playing sports,reading and watching movies help them relax.Finally,_19_ is useful and important for students to share their problems with their _20_ and family members.( )11.A.friends Bproblems Chappiness Dhomework( )12.A.goodBwel

22、lCgreatDbad( )13.A.learns Blearn Clearning Dto learn( ) Band Cbut Dbecause( )15.A.them Bthey Chim Dthey( )16.A.are Bwere Cbe Dis( )17.A.hungry Billness Cstress Dtired( )18.A.eating Beat Ceats Dto eat( )19.A.when Bwhere Cwhat Dwhy( )20.A.good Bweak Cstrong Dbadly( )21.A.asking Bask Casks Daske

23、d( )22.A.other Bothers Cothers Dothers( )23.A.too Beither Cto Dalso( )24.A.that Bthis Cit Dthese( )25.A.brothers Bfriends Csisters DCousins八年级上Unit 10If you go to the party,youll have a great time! Section Bv 学习目标: 1、理解并掌握重点句型和短语; 2、掌握本单元话题作文写作技巧。一、重点词组和句型travel around the world环游世界travel动词,意为“旅行;游历

24、”。其现在分词形式为traveling/travelling;过去式为traveled/travelled。【拓展】traveler名词,意为“旅行者;游客”。around介词,意为“遍及;全”,后常跟表示地点的名词。around the world意为“世界各地”,相当于all over the world。make a lot of money赚许多钱 make money赚钱【拓展】make friends交朋友make the bed铺床 make a living谋生make paper造纸 make tea沏茶 make up ones mind下决心【辨析】join,join i

25、n与take part injoin“成为的一员;参加,加入”,用以表示“加入某一政党、团队、组织或人群”,着重强调成为其中一员。join in常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。take part in“参加”,强调参加会议、活动或比赛等,并且在活动或比赛中发挥作用。eg:He joined the army in 1948.他1948年参军。Lets join in the game together.我们一起参加这个游戏吧。They took part in the game last Friday.上星期五他们参加了那项比赛。重点短语归纳go to college上大学

26、get an education受教育随堂练习:用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1If the girl _(become) a pop singer,she will be famous.2Do you think you _ (be) happy if you have lots of money?3Nowadays,many Chinese _(travel) to foreign countries every year.4If you dont study _(hard) than you did last year,Im sure you wont pass the exam.5I

27、 dont think _(make) a lot of money is the most important to me.unless连词,意为“除非;如果不”,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式,即unlessif.not。【注意】unless引导的条件状语从句与if引导的条件状语从句一样,用一般现在时代替将来时。eg:You will be late for the meeting unless you take a taxi there.You will be late for the meeting if you dont take a taxi th

28、ere.如果你不乘出租车去那儿,你将开会迟到。worried形容词,意为“担心的;发愁的”,常用于短语be worried about中,意为“为担心”,相当于worry about。eg:Dont be worried about Tom.Hell be back soon.Dont worry about Tom.Hell be back soon.不必为汤姆担心。他很快就回来。angry形容词,意为“发怒的;生气的”,其副词形式为angrily。eg:My teacher got angry because I didnt finish my homework.因为我没完成家庭作业,老师生气了。【拓展】be angry with sb.生某人的气 be angry about/at sth.因某事而生气careless形容词,意为“粗心的;不小心的”,其反义词为careful,意为“小心的;细心的”。重点短语归纳 oneself保守秘密 have problems with在(方面)有问题in the end最后 make mistakes犯错误 随堂练习:一)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1She is so (understand) that all her friends like to talk

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