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英语学案Unit 4 Period Three Using Language新人教版必修6.docx

1、英语学案Unit 4 Period Three Using Language新人教版必修6Period ThreeUsing Language1The consequence of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.海平面上升的结果将是洪水的大面积泛滥。(回归课本) 用法点拨There is a widespread dissatisfaction among the students with the food on campus.学生普遍对学校的饭菜不太满意。Foxes are being more widespread in

2、urban areas.城区里的狐狸越来越多了。 归纳拓展widespreadly adv.大大地,广泛地It is widespreadly known that.很多人知道widespread damage大面积的损坏widespread confusion各处呈现的混乱the widespread use of chemicals in agriculture农业上化学品的广泛使用 完成句子(1)这个项目得到了的普遍支持。The project has received widespread_public_support.(2)地震给这个城市带来了大面积的损坏。The earthquak

3、e caused widespread_damage to the city.2The greenhouse effect gives the earths surface the average temperature of 15.温室效应给了地球表面15的平均温度。(回归课本) 用法点拨The average age of the athletes is 20.这些运动员的平均年龄是20岁。Theres nothing special about him;hes only average.他没有什么特别的,是个很普通的人。 归纳拓展average n平均数;平均标准;普通Do you kn

4、ow how to work out an average?你知道如何计算平均数吗?Is the fiveday week the average now?现在一般人每周工作5天吗?above/below (the) average在平均水准以上/以下on (the/an) average平均地up to (the) average达到平均的the average age/temperature/rainfall平均年龄/气温/降雨量 完成句子(1)汤姆在学校的功课在一般以上,而约翰的功课在一般以下。Toms work at school is above_the_average,while

5、Johns is below_the_average.(2)平均而言,她每天收到五封信。On_average,she received five letters a day.3Lowlying countries feel their very existence is in danger from rising sea levels.地势低洼的国家感觉他们的生存处于海平面不断上升带来的危险中。(回归课本) 用法点拨Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?你相信有鬼吗?Sudan came into existence at the end of t

6、he 1800s.苏丹国于19世纪末开始形成。 归纳拓展e into existence产生,成立in existence现存的a handtomouth existence勉强糊口的生活exist v存在;实际上有exist on靠生存existing adj.现行的,目前的existent adj.现有的 完成句子(1)这座房子是现存的最古老的木制建筑。The house is the oldest wooden building in_existence.(2)这些检测证实了脑瘤的存在。The tests confirm the_existence_of a brain tumour.4

7、There are many people who have a mitment like yours,.有许多人跟你有同感,(回归课本) 用法点拨The government has failed to demonstrate its mitment to the railways.政府未能证明它对铁路的支持。The government will continue too honour its mitment to pensioners.政府将一如既往地向领取养老金的人兑现承诺。 归纳拓展mitment to.对的拥护honour/fulfil/meet a mitment兑现承诺make

8、 a mitment (to do sth.)做出承诺(做)mit vt.使同意;使承诺;vi.同意,承诺mit to (doing) sth.承诺(做),答应(做)mit (doing) sth.使某人承诺做;使某人答应(做) 翻译句子(1)我们已经答应帮忙,就一定会做到的。Weve_made_a_mitment_to_help,and_we_will.(2)我不想定下具体的日期。I_do_not_want_to_mit_to_any_particular_date.5Dont be casual about this.别对这种事漫不经心。(回归课本) 用法点拨The bar h

9、as a casual lowkey atmosphere.酒吧的气氛轻松而低调。The disease cant be spread by casual contact.偶然的接触不会传染该疾病。 归纳拓展casual clothes休闲服casual labourer临时工a casual meeting remark邂逅/随口说出的话casually adv.随便地,漫不经心地 完成句子(1)即使偶尔看报纸商务版的人也能意识到他的影响力。Even casual readers of the business pages will be aware of his influence.(2)

10、她一边等一边漫不经心地翻看报纸。She glanced casually through newspapers as she waited.6Recycle cans,bottles,plastic bags and newspapers if circumstances allow you to.如果情况允许的话,回收容器、瓶子、塑料袋和报纸。(回归课本) 用法点拨In/Under the circumstances he felt unable to accept the job.在这种情况下,他觉得无法接受这项工作。In/Under no circumstances should a b

11、aby be left alone in the house.无论如何都不能把婴儿独自留在家里。 归纳拓展in/under the circumstances在这种情况下;情况既然如此in/under no circumstances决不,无论如何都不,放在句首时主句用倒装语序 完成句子(1)我无论如何不会拿你和她作比较。I would never in_any_circumstances dream of paring her with you.(2)他们在那种情况下还做得那么好,这真令人惊奇。Its amazing that they did so well under/in_the_ci

12、rcumstances.7I have learned about phrases I can use to express agreement or disagreement.我学过可以用来表示同意或意见不一致的短语。(回归课本) 用法点拨Just because weve had a few disagreements,it doesnt mean we arent still friends.仅仅因为我们有过几次意见不合并不能说明我们不再是朋友。There is a lot of disagreement among/between the doctors about this.关于此事

13、医生中有许多不同的意见。 归纳拓展disagreement with sb.与某人发生争执/意见不一disagreement over/about sth.在上意见不一be in disagreement with sb.和某人意见不一致disagree v有分歧;意见不合disagreeable adj.令人不高兴的;讨厌的 完成句子(1)钱是造成许多夫妇不合的一个根源。Money is a source of disagreement_between many couples.(2)我吃海鲜不舒服。Seafood disagrees_with me.8On_the_whole the wa

14、rming of the earth is a phenomenon that causes great concern.总的来说,地球变暖是一个引起广泛关注的现象。(回归课本) 用法点拨On the whole,the world were satisfied with the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.总的来说,全世界人民对北京奥运会的开幕式是满意的。On the whole,it is a happy marriage.总的看来,这是个幸福的婚姻。 归纳拓展as a whole总体上,整个来看the whole of.整个in th

15、e whole world在全世界the whole point要点,主旨 翻译句子(1)总的说来,这是一次很成功的会议。It_was_a_pretty_good_conference_on_the_whole. (2)这次会议的主要目的是讨论财政问题The_whole_point_of_this_meeting_was_to_discuss_finances.9Together,individuals can make_a_difference.众人拾柴火焰高。(回归课本) 用法点拨The sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改善

16、了她的健康状况。The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference.我现在可以安排自己的时间,这样情况就大不相同了。It makes a difference to me.它对我很重要。 归纳拓展在difference前可加no,some,much,any,little等作定语make some difference有些影响/差别make no difference没有影响/差别make all the difference大不相同make little difference几乎没有影响/差别 完成句子(1)雨

17、对比赛的影响不大。The rain didnt make_much_difference to the games.(2)什么时间完成任务无关紧要。When to finish the task makes_no_difference.10We do not have to put_up_with pollution.我们不必去忍受污染(回归课本) 用法点拨We have to put up with the inconvenience.我们不得不忍受不便之处。Now you see what I have to put up with!现在你明白我不得不忍受什么了吧! 归纳拓展put asi

18、de节省(时间,钱),储蓄put away(用完之后)收好,储存备用put back拨回;推迟put down写下,记下;击败,镇压put forward提出(意见、建议);推荐,提名;将提前put off推迟,延期put on增加;上演(戏剧);穿上,戴上put out熄灭;生产;出版put up举起;张贴;为提供食宿 佳句背诵(1)作为一个家庭主妇,那个妇女要忍受许多烦恼。That woman,as a housewife,has a lot to put up with.(2)我再也不能容忍你的恶劣行径了!I cant put up with your bad behaviour any

19、 longer!11It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on_so_long_as you are using it.只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着,(回归课本) 用法点拨You may use the room so/as long as you clean it up.只要你把它收拾干净,你就可以使用这个房间。You may borrow the book as/so long as you keep it clean.只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。 归纳拓展as long as 只能用于肯定句,而so long as既可用于肯定句

20、又能用于否定句。as long as还可意为“与一样长,长达”。on condition that如果;在的条件下You may borrow this book,on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是你不能再借给别人。 完成句子(1)只要你有自信,你会获胜的。So/As_long_as you have confidence in yourself,you will win.(2)我们需要一条30米长的绳子。We need a rope as_long_as 30 metres.12So if you a

21、re not using the lights,the TV,the puter,and_so_on,turn them off.因此当你不用灯、电视、电脑等等时,将它们关上。(回归课本) 用法点拨He has many hobbiesgo fishing,go hiking,play table tennis and so on.他有很多业余爱好钓鱼,徒步旅行,打乒乓球等。Its surprising to hear such a little boy count 1,2,3 and so on/forth up to 100.听到这么小的孩子从1,2,3一直数到100,真是令人惊讶。 归纳

22、拓展and so on用于不完全列举,相当于and so forthnot so.不太,不很not so very.不太or so左右,上下and so sb./sth. is某人/某物的确/确定Is that so?是真的吗? 翻译句子(1)他们有权拥有自己的文化、宗教、语言等等。They_have_a_right_to_have_their_own_culture,their_own_religion,their_own_language_and_so_on.(2)雇员总是在抱怨他们的工资,工作环境等等Employees_were_always_plaining_about_their_w

23、ages,their_working_conditions_and_so_on.1.,if not,turn it off!,如果不用就把它关掉! 用法点拨if not在本句是if you are not using it的省略形式I think the train leaves at midday.Youd better take a taxi.If not,maybe youll miss it.我想火车是正午开,你最好打的去,否则可能会误车的。I think there is a train at midday.If not,youll have to wait till 2:30.我想

24、中午会有一班火车。要是没有,你只好等到两点半了。Please point out the mistakes in my homework,if any.如果我作业中有错误的话,请指出来。 归纳拓展有关if的常用省略形式有if any如果有,即使有if ever如果曾经if possible/necessary如果可能/有必要if so如果这样/那样的话有些表示时间、地点、条件、方式或让步的状语从句,如果谓语含有动词be,主语又和主句中的主语一致,或者主语是it,常把从句中的主语和谓语动词的一部分省略。 完成句子(1)她建议我除非被问,否则什么都不要说。She advised me not to

25、 say anything unless_asked.(2)恐怕即使还有食物,也只剩下一点了。Im afraid theres very little food left,if_any.2 用法点拨It takes many men to build a house.建造一幢房屋需要很多人。It takes two to make a quarrel.一个巴掌拍不响。It took us four hours to do the job.我们花了4个小时做这件事。 归纳拓展句中 it 为形式主语,take 意为“需要/消耗(时间、劳力等)”;有这种含义的 take 通常不可用于被动式。比较:I

26、t takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费时间做某事对比:sb. spend time (in) doing sth./(on sth.) 某人花费时间做某事sb. spend money on/for sth. 某人花钱买某物sb. pay sb. money for sth. 某人为某事给某人钱sth. cost sb. money 花费某人金钱 翻译句子(1)爬那座高山花了我们长达5小时的时间。It_took_us_as_long_as_5_hours_to_climb_the_high_mountain.(2)他每天花半小时的时间锻炼。(用两种方式翻译)



29、波炉之类的小件物品。5在你的花园或校园里栽种树木,它们能吸收空气中的二氧化碳,还能在你观赏的时候使你感觉清爽。6最后,也是最重要的是,做一个教育者。同你的家人和朋友谈一谈全球变暖的问题,并把你学到的东西告诉他们。记住,你的贡献是很有价值的。“关爱地球”组织.单词拼写1Chronic pollution(污染)of the atmosphere does great harm to peoples health.2I think theres an electrical(电的,与电有关的)fault.3We are strongly against the threat of nuclear(核

30、能的,核的)war.4There has been serious disagreement between the two political leaders over the problem.5The microwave helps me a lot with my cooking.6The graph shows the average temperature of April.7A widespread(广泛传播的)flu epidemic (流感)affected eighteen western states.8So far no evidence has been found to support the existence of a monster in the lake.短语填空on the whole;on behalf of;put up with;so long as;and so on;make a difference;on average;under no circumstances1Your support will certainly make_a_difference in our cause.2On_average,women live between fi

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