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1、英语四级考试词汇冲刺英语四级考试词汇冲刺:情感类1 overcome vt.战胜, 克服【例】overcome difficulties 克服困难2 annoy vt.使烦恼, 使恼怒【派】annoying a. 令人恼人的; annoyance n. 烦恼;annoyed a.颇为生气的3 despair vi.绝望; n. 绝望【考】despair of 绝望; sb. be in despair 某人处于绝望中4 frustrate vt.使沮丧, 使灰心【派】frustration n. 挫折; frustrating a. 令人沮丧的5 embarrass vt.使窘迫, 使尴尬【派

2、】embarrassed a.(某人)尴尬的;embarrassment n. 沮丧; embarrassing a. (某事)令人尴尬的6 envy vt.嫉妒,羡慕 n.羡慕, 嫉妒7 neglect vt.忽视, 忽略 n. 疏忽, 忽视【考】neglect of duty 玩忽职守8 oppress vt.压迫, 压制【派】oppressed a. 压抑的, 受压迫的; oppression n. 压迫9 admire vt. 钦佩, 赞赏, 羡慕【派】admirable a. 令人羡慕; admiration n. 赞赏,钦佩10 restrain vt.阻止,控制;抑制,遏止【考】

3、restrain sb. 抑制某人做某事11 relieve vt.使轻松, 使宽慰; 缓解, 减轻【例】relieve pain 缓解疼痛; relieve anxiety 缓解焦虑12 complain vt.抱怨,诉苦【考】complain about(of) sb./sth. 抱怨.【派】complaint n. 埋怨13 insult vt.侮辱, 辱骂 n. 侮辱, 凌辱14 conscious a. 意识到的, 自觉的【考】be conscious of 意识到【派】consciousness n. 知觉; 意识 unconscious a. 无意识的subconscious a

4、. 下意识的 self-consciousness n. 自我, 自觉15 intense a. 激烈的,紧张的【例】intense competition 激烈的竞争intense feelings 激烈的情感【派】intensity n. 强度; intensive a.密集的16 eager a.热切的, 渴望的【考】eager to do sth. 渴望做某事17 optimistic a.乐观(主义)的【考】be optimistic about sth.对乐观18 positive a.确实的,明确的,积极的【考】positive effect 积极作用19 negative a.

5、负面的,消极的20 panic n. 恐慌, 慌乱 vi.使恐慌, 使惊慌失措【例】The crowd paniced the explosion.爆炸声一响, 人群便惊慌起来.21 jealous a.嫉妒的,猜忌的【考】be jealous of sth.对嫉妒22 upset vt使心烦意乱; a.心烦的,苦恼的; n 不安【考】sth. upset sb.某乱sb. be upset about sth. 某人对某事苦恼【派】upsetting a. 令人心烦意乱的23 sympathetic a.同情的,体谅的【考】be sympathetic to/with 同情【派】sympat

6、hize v体谅; sympathy n. 同情24 concern n.关切的事; 关心; 关系【例】be concerned about/with/to 对很关心25 hatred n.憎恶, 憎恨26 affection n. 喜爱, 感情, 爱慕之情【派】affectionate a. 爱的, 挚爱的27 passion n.激情, 热情, 酷爱【派】passionate a.激情的28 preference n.(权)【派】prefer vt.倾向于29 stress n.压力, 紧张【派】stressful a. 紧张的30 gratitude n. 感激,感谢【派】gratefu

7、l a. 感激的英语四级考试词汇冲刺:灾难类1 emerge vi.浮现;(问题)发生,暴露【考】emerge from 浮现【例】 emerging market 新兴市场【派】emergence n.形成,出现;emergency n.紧急情况2 collapse vi. 倒塌;崩溃,突然失败;【例】 The roof collapsed suddenly. 屋顶突然塌了。3 infect vt.传染;影响【例】get infected 受感染【派】infection n.感染4 wreck vt. 毁坏;使失事;n.失事,掉的人【例】a plane wreck 飞机失事【派】wrecka

8、ge n.残骸5 spread vt.展开;散布,蔓延;涂;n.传播,蔓延【考】spread out 散开伸张,延伸【例】the rapid spread of cholera 霍乱的迅速蔓延6 claim vt.声称,索取,提出要求;(灾难)使死亡 n.索赔【考】lay claim to 声称对由权利;claim for 要求【例】 Wenchuan Earthquake has claimed 60,000 people.汶川地震夺走60,000人的生命.7 survive vi.幸存;逃出【例】 The miners survived in the mine accident矿工在矿井事

9、故中幸存下来.【派】survival n.存活 survivor n.幸存者8 injure vt. 伤害,损伤【例】He was badly/severely injured.他受重伤do sb/oneself an injury 使受伤害【派】injury n. 伤害9 transmit vt.传播,发射;传送,传染【例】 The disease is transmitted among people.疾病在人群中蔓延.【派】transmission n.传播10 rescue vt. n. 营救,救援【考】come to ones rescue 拯救【例】 Survivors were

10、rescued by helicopter.生还者被直升机营救.11 donate vt.捐赠,赠送【例】 to donate money/blood 捐款/鲜血【派】 donation n. donator n.捐赠人12 accidental a.意外的,偶然的【例】accidental damage 意外损伤【派】accident n.事故,意外; accidentally ad.意外地13 miserable a.痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的【例】 a miserable cold 重感冒【派】misery n. 痛苦14 fatal a.致命的,灾难性的;重大的【例】 fatal mist

11、ake 重大的过失15 vulnerable a.易受伤的,脆弱的;难防御的【例】 vulnerable financial system 脆弱的金融体系16 voluntary a. 自愿,主动地【例】 voluntary contribution 自愿捐款【派】 volunteer n./vi. 志愿者 volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事17 disaster n.灾难,大祸;彻底失败【例】 Oil spill is a disaster. 漏油是大灾难.【派】disastrous a. 灾难性的18 famine n.饥荒【例】 The famine triggered

12、 wars. 饥荒引起了很多战争.19 destruction n. 破坏,毁灭【例】 The Amazon reforest will be damaged to destruction.亚马逊丛林将会被破坏殆尽.【派】destructive a.破坏性的,毁灭性的20 refugee n. 难民【例】 a refugee camp 难民营21 strap n. 带,皮带 vt.用带扣住;用绷带包扎【例】 to strap the wound 包扎伤口22 foundation n.基础;基金会;建立【例】 educational foundations 教育基金会23 welfare n.

13、福利;福利救济【例】 social welfare 社会福利24 flame n. 火焰【例】 burst into flame 猛烈的燃烧【派】flaming a.燃烧的25 drought n. 干旱,旱灾【例】 to combat the drought 抗旱26 collision n.碰撞;冲突【例】 accidental collision 意外碰撞27 charity n.救济金,施舍;慈善(团体)【考】 out of charity 处于仁慈之心【例】 a 义演【派】 charitable a. 仁爱的,慈爱的28 shelter n.遮蔽处;保护 vt.庇护;躲避【例】 a

14、homeless shelter 收容所【派】sheltered a.遮蔽的,受庇护的29 hazard n. 危害 vt. 冒风险, 试着做【例】 hazard ones life 冒生命危险【派】hazardous a. 危险的,冒险的英语四级考试词汇冲刺:娱乐类amuse vt逗笑、给提供娱乐【考】amuse oneself by doing sth 做某事来消遣【派】amused a. 愉快的 amusement n. 娱乐品2 entertain vt.招待;给提供娱乐【例】This hotel is famous for its entertainment.这家旅馆以它的殷勤待客闻

15、名。【派】entertainment n.娱乐3 relax vt.(使)放松,【例】A hot bath should help to relax you.一个热水澡有助于缓解疲劳.【派】relaxed a 不严格的,不拘束的;relaxation n 放松4 skate vt.溜冰【例】The children skated on the frozen pond.孩子们在结冰的池塘上滑冰。5 ski vi 滑雪 n 滑雪板6 refresh vt.(使)恢复记忆,振作精神【考】refresh ones memory 重新唤起记忆7 enthusiastic a.热心的,热情的【例】All

16、the staff are enthusiastic about the sports.所有职员都对体育感兴趣.【派】enthusiasm n.热情 巨大兴趣8 leisure a.空闲的 n.空闲时间【例】leisure time 空闲时间 at leisure 闲暇时9 prevalent a 流行的,普遍的【例】The in some countries.这种颜色在一些国家很流行.10 slim a 苗条的,薄的【例】a slim waist 纤细的腰【派】slimmer n. 减肥者11 fashionable a 流行的、普遍的【考】be in fashion 流行 be out o

17、f fashion 落后12 recreation,消遣【考】recreational activities 娱乐活动【派】recreational a. 娱乐的13 episode n 插曲,连续剧的一集【例】the first comedy 那喜剧的第一集14 series n. 连续剧,一系列【考】a series of 一系列15 pop n 流行音乐【例】pop music 流行音乐16 movie n 电影【例】movie star 电影明星17 poster n 海报,招贴画【例】the poster for exhibition 展览海报18 spectator n

18、观众19 cartoon n 卡通 漫画【例】cartoon characters 卡通人物20 comedy n 喜剧【例】silent comedy 无声喜剧21 tragedy n 悲剧,惨事【例】Hamlet is one of Shakespeares best known tragedies哈姆莱特是莎翁最著名的悲剧之一.22 hobby n 爱好23 baseball n 棒球【例】The heavy rain interrupted the baseball game大雨中断了棒球比赛.24 soccer n (美国)足球25 volleyball n 排球26 chess n

19、 国际象棋27 gym n 体育馆28 ameteur n 业余爱好者 a 业余的【例】an ameteur orchestra 一个业余的管弦乐队29 athlete n 运动员【例】a professional athlete 专业的运动员【派】athletic 运动的30 sportsman n 运动员【例】an all-round sportsman 一个全能的运动员英语四级考试词汇冲刺:法律类1 inherit vt. 继承【例】inherit property 继承财产2 condemn vt. 谴责; 判(刑)【派】condemnation n.谴责;定罪3 execute vt

20、.处死,处决;执行【例】The soldier excuted the generals order.士兵执行了将军的命令.【派】execution n. 执行, 实行4 sentence vt. 宣判,判决【例】The man was sentenced to five years in prison.那个人被判五年监禁.5 ban vt.禁止【考】ban sb./sth.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事6 confess vt.供认;承认【考】confess to 承认【派】confession n.招供7 justify vt. 证明(为正当)【例】You should j

21、ustify your action.你应当证明你的行为是正当的.8 accuse vt.指控,控告【考】accuse sb.of sth.指控某人某事【派】accusation n.指控9 arrest vt. 逮捕【记】ar(加强)+rest(休息)=加强休息=扣留,停止10 resort vi.凭借,求助 n.求助的对象;度假胜地【考】resort to sb./sth.求助某人/某事【例】At last I have to resort to law. 最后我不得不求助法律.11 valid a. 有法律效力的【例】a valid contract 一份有效的合同12 legal a.

22、 合法的【派】illegal a.非法的13 liable a. 可能的,任的;易于的【考】be liable for sth.对某事有法律责任;be liable to do sth.有做的倾向14 innocent a. 清白的;天真的【考】be innocent of sth.清白的,无辜的15 guarantee n. 保证;保证书16 legislation n. 法律,法规;立法【例】The legislation has been rejected by the House of Lords.这项法规被上议院否决了.17 judgement n. 审判,判决;判断力18 pena

23、lty n. 处罚,惩罚【考】death penalty 死刑19 clue n. 线索【考】clue to the case 案件的线索20 detective n. 侦探【考】detective story 侦探故事21 court n. 法庭;球场【考】basketball court 篮球场22 cop n. 警察23 jury n. 陪审团【派】juror n. 陪审团成员24 justice n. 正义,公正【考】do justice to 公平地对待25 client n. 委托人,当事人【例】The lawyer explained the to his client.律师给委

24、托人解释法律术语.26 proof n. 证据,证明 a. 防的【考】give proof to 证明【例】positive proof 确凿的证据; water proof防水的27 code n. 准则,法规;代码【例】The judge ruled that there had been no breach of the code.法官裁定没有违反法规.【派】codify v. 编成法规28 clause n. 条款;从句29 appeal n. 呼吁,恳求;上诉 vi. 上诉【考】appeal to 对有吸引力;求助于【派】appealing a. 吸引人的30 convinction

25、 n. 定罪;说服,信服【例】This is Travis third convinction for theft.这是Travis第三次被判偷窃罪.英语四级考试词汇冲刺:医学类1 disable vt.使无能力; 使残废2 transplant vt.移植【记】trans(转移)+plant(种植)=移植【派】transplantation n.移植3 prescribe v. 开处方【派】prescription n. 处方4 diagnose vt. 诊断、判断【派】diagnosis n. 诊断5 soothe vt. 安慰、使平静、减轻、缓和【例】This medicine shou

26、ld smooth your sore throat.这种药会减轻你的喉痛。6 alleviate vt. 减轻、缓和、缓解【例】alleviate pain 缓解疼痛7 expire vi. 断气、(期限)终止【例】My driving licence expires next month.我的驾照下个月到期。8 chronic a. 慢性的【考】chronic diseases 慢性疾病9 dizzy a. 头晕目眩的10 resistant a. 有抵抗力的、抵抗的【派】resistance n.抵抗、阻力11 immune a. 免疫的,不受影响的【派】be immune to 免于,

27、不受影响的be immune from 免除的12 disorder n. 混乱、失调【例】economic disorder 经济【记】dis(否定前缀)+ order(秩序)13 discomfort n. 不适14 syndrome n.综合症【考】AIDS 艾滋病(Acquired Syndrome)15 handicap n.缺陷、障碍【派】handicapped a.有缺陷的【派】disabled a.伤残的16 strain n.拉紧、过劳、扭伤 vt. 拉伤、使紧张 vi. 尽力【派】restrained vt. 抑制, 遏制; 管制,17 surgeon n.外科医生【派】s

28、urgery n.外科、外科手术18 physician n.内科医生19 pregnancy n. 怀孕、怀孕期【派】pregnant a. 怀孕的20 remedy n. 治疗法、补救办法21 bacteria n. 细菌22 stress n. 压力【派】stressful a.有压力的23 absent-minded n. 心不在焉的医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。24 bandage n. 绷带25 stroke n. 中风26 pharmacy n. 药房、药店、药剂学、配药27 capsule n. 密封舱【例】a space capsule 太空舱28 pill n.药片【例】take

29、 pills 服药29 tablet n. 药片30 scar n. 伤疤、创伤 v.留下伤痕英语四级考试词汇冲刺:道德类1reform vt./n.改革,改造【考】welfare reform 福利改革【例】They reformed the voting system 他度【派】reformer n.改革者 reformism n. 改革主义2 demonstrate vt.展示,论证;vi.举行示威游行【考】demonstrate against 游行反对【派】demonstration n. 示威3 inspect vt. 检查,视察【考】inspect sth/sb for 检查,察

30、看【派】inspector n. 检查员 inspection n. 检查4 interfere vi. 干涉,介入【考】interfere in/with 干扰,妨碍5 appease vt 平息【例】There was a clever attempt to appease the people.这是平息人们怒火的好方法.6 reconcile vt 使协调,使和解【考】reconcile to 使顺从于7 commit vt 犯(错误、罪行),使承诺,把托付【考】commit suicide自杀 commit oneself 使承担义务be committed to sth. 致力于8 verify vt 核实,查对【例】Bills statement was verified by several witnesses吉姆被裁定有罪,军衔.9 strip vt 剥夺,脱去的衣服【例】Jim was found guilty and stripped of his rank.比尔的陈述得到了几位目击者的证实。10 investigate vt. 调查,研究【例】Police were investigating t

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