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1、英语英语英语完形填空汇编练习题及答案及解析(英语)英语英语完形填空汇编练习题及答案及解析一、中考英语完形填空汇编1阅读下而短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 What do you do in your free time? Surf the Internet? Watch TV? For 15-year-old Wang Yan, her free time is not 1 at all. Wang Yan has a special family. Her mother cant 2 and has to stay in bed

2、all day, and her father cant see. So the family roles are 3 . Instead of parents taking care of their child, Wang Yan has to take care of her parents. From the age of 6, Wang Yan began to cook and wash clothes for the whole family. Now Wang Yan is a 9th grade student in a school. The school is far f

3、rom her home, 4 she has to live at school. At school she studies very hard and every 5 she comes back home and helps her parents. Being a care-giver, she cooks, washes clothes and gives her parents massages(被摩), As the only laborer(劳力)in the family, she does a lot of 6 work-weeding(除草), watering the

4、 field, growing vegetables. She 7 has a busy weekend. Though the girl lives a hard life, she never feels 8 . As for the future, Wang Yan hopes to go to college and then become a 9 , “If I can go to college, I will take my parents with me, she said. And I want to be a doctor one day. Then I will be a

5、ble to help the disabled(残疾人)like my 10 .1. A. busyB. relaxingC. different2. A. walkB. runC. jump3. A. lostB. continuedC. changed4. A. soB. butC. or5. A. dayB. nightC. weekend6. A. farmB. factoryC. school7. A. neverB. seldomC. always8. A. happyB. sadC. comfortable9. A. writerB. doctorC. singer10. A.

6、 parentsB. teachersC. classmates【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)A;(5)C;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)B;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】大意:短文主要介绍了15岁的Wang Yan和她的特殊的家庭。 (1)句意:她的空闲时间一点也不放松。A忙碌的,B放松的,C不同的。根据 What do you do in your free time? Surf the Internet? Watch TV? 你空闲的时候会做什么?上网?看电视?可知别人的空闲时间是很放松的,但Wang Yan的则相反。故选B。 (2)句意:她妈妈不能走路,必须得整天

7、待在床上。A走路,B跑步,C跳。根据下文 has to stay in bed all day .必须得整天待在床上,可知她妈妈不能走路。故选A。 (3)句意:所以家庭的角色改变了。A迷路,B继续,C改变。根据上文可知,Wang Yan的父母是残疾人,可知Wng Yan要负责照顾他们,因此角色改变了。故选C。 (4)句意:学校离她家太远,所以她不得不住在学校。A所以,B但是,C或者。根据 The school is far from her home .学校离她家太远,可知住在学校是结果,应用连词so“所以”。故选A。 (5)句意:每个周末,她回家帮助她的父母。A天,B晚上,C周末。根据前文可

8、知,Wang Yan家太远住在学校,因此应是周末的时候才可以回家。故选C。 (6)句意:作为家里的唯一一个劳动力,她做了大量的农场活。A农场,B工厂,C学校。根据下文 weeding(除草), watering the field, growing vegetables. 除草、浇地和种蔬菜,可知是农场活。故选A。 (7)句意:她总是过着忙碌的周末。A从不,B很少,C经常。根据上文可知,Wang Yan要干大量的农活,因此周末总是忙碌的。故选C。 (8)句意:尽管这个女孩过着一个艰苦的生活,她从不觉得悲伤。A快乐的,B悲伤的,C舒服的。根据转折连词but“但是”,可知艰苦的生活不使她感到悲伤。

9、故选B。 (9)句意:Wang Yan希望上大学,然后成为一个医生 。A作家,B医生,C歌手。根据下文 And I want to be a doctor one day. 我想有一天成为一个医生,可知她将来想当医生。故选B。 (10)句意:然后我将可以帮助像我父母一样的残疾人。A父母,B老师,C同学。根据 the disabled(残疾人) ,可知是像我父母一样的。故选A。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,

10、选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the name list of students. How pleased she was! Guess what she 1 ? After each students name, there was a number 2 138, 140, 154 and so on. 3 these high IQ (智商) students. She thought to herself. Theyve given me a wonderful

11、 4 ! As a result, the 5 teacher worked harder with this class than with her other classes. She 6 some new teaching ways. She thought these 7 would cheer the students and hold their 8 . She was right. It 9 out well! The class did much better than any of her others. Later, however, she found out the 1

12、0 the number after each name did not mean the IQ, but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.1. A. missedB. fearedC. showedD. found2. A. forB. likeC. inD. with3. A. Deal withB. Talk aboutC. Look atD. Listen to4. A. classB. numberC. schoolD. name5. A. coldB. nervousC. relaxedD. excited6.

13、 A. triedB. lostC. solvedD. left7. A. plansB. opinionsC. waysD. results8. A. customB. interestC. troubleD. mistake9. A. hungB. handedC. putD. worked10. A. truthB. aimC. meansD. idea【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)D;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】 短文大意:在学校的第一天,新老师看着名单。老师高兴极了!他看到每个学生的名字后有一个数字,他认为是孩子们的

14、智商,认为他们给了他一个非常棒的班级。激动得老师在这个班比其他班更努力工作。后来他反省远离这些数字是学生们的服装盒上的数字。 (1)考查动词辨析和语境理解。句意:猜测她发现了什么?根据 After each students name, there was a number 可知此处是发现的意思,miss想念;fear害怕;show出示,显示;find发现,故选D。 (2)考查介词辨析和语境理解。句意:每个学生的名字后有一个像138,140和154等等数字。此处表示诸如此类的数字,for为了;like像;in在里;with和一起,故选B。 (3)考查短语辨析和语境理解。句意:“看这些高智商的学

15、生们”他心里想。“他们给了我一个很好的班级。”可知此处指看到这些数字想到的。deal with处理;talk about讨论;look at看;listen to听,故选C。 (4)考查名词辨析和语境理解。句意:“看这些高智商的学生们”他心里想。“他们给了我一个很好的班级。”根据 On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the name list of students. 可知此处指学校给了她一个好班。class班;number数字;school学校;name名字,故选A。 (5)考查形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:结果,

16、这个激动的老师对这个班比对其它班工作更努力。根据上文 Theyve given me a wonderful class!,学校给了他一个好班,所以她很激动。cold冷的;nervous紧张的;relaxed放松的;excited激动的,兴奋的,故选D。 (6)考查动词辨析和语境理解。句意:她尝试了一些新的教学方法。根据Look at these high IQ (智商) students.她认为学生们智商很高,所以想尝试一些新的教学方法,try尝试;lose失去,丢失;solve解决;left离开,故选A。 (7)考查名词辨析和语境理解。句意:她认为这些方法能使学生们高兴,并且能抓住他们的兴

17、趣。根据She tried some new teaching ways,可知此处指这是方法, plan计划,规划;opinions观点,看法;ways方式,方法;result结果,故选C。 (8)考查名词辨析和语境理解。句意:句意:她认为这些方法能使学生们高兴,并且能抓住他们的兴趣。根据常识老师上课时要抓住孩子们的兴趣,custom风俗,习惯;interest兴趣;trouble麻烦;mistake错误,故选B。 (9)考查动词辨析和语境理解。句意:事情进展很顺利。根据The class did much better than any of her others.可知她的事情进展顺利。 h

18、ang悬挂;hand上交;put放置;work工作,work out指事情进展顺利,故选D。 (10)考查名词辨析和语境理解。句意:然而,后来她发现事实每个名字后面的数字不是指智商,而是他或她在学校衣服柜子的号码。根据 the number after each name did not mean the IQ, but the number of his or her clothing box in the school. 可知她发现了真实情况,truth事实,实话;aim目标,目的;means方法,手段;idea观点,看法,故选A。 【点评】此题考查完形填空。解题时先跳过空格,通读完形填空

19、的短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。把握短文大意后再认真复读短文,利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,判断其在句中充当的成分,从而确定所填词的词性,再依据词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填的词的正确形式。3从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Michael Hassard, a former engineer for NASA, hikes and camps, takes long bicycle rides and plays football. He always looks active, 1 he cries quite often. I keep paper t

20、owels at hand all the time, says Mr. Hassard. Mr. Hassard cries so 2 just because he is a Highly Sensitive(敏感的)Person(HSP). This kind of person is very sensitive to feelings-their own and 3 of others. Mr. Hassard first realized he was highly sensitive in his early teens. He said when he sang in the

21、church, there were songs that he had a hard time 4 . Why? They moved him so much. Sometimes his friends 5 his tears and asked him what was wrong. He always answered, Nothing, Im fine. Finally, he learned to control his feelings 6 practicing the songs over and over again in his free time. Researches

22、of HSPs show differences in their neural(神经的)activity. Compared with non-HSPs, HSPs pay 7 attention to the environment around them and care more about the 8 of their friends and parents. Scientists say that high sensitivity can be 9 in at least 100 spices(物种). We cannot have the idea that HSPs are d

23、ifferent from us and stay far away from them. Instead, we should help them find 10 to deal with their feelings. In modern times, HSPs can be excellent teachers, artists, reporters, etc.1. A. soB. butC. since2. A. hardlyB. formallyC. easily3. A. thatB. ThoseC. these4. A. getting throughB. turning dow

24、nC. taking away5. A. requiredB. noticedC. admired6. A. withB. onC. by7. A. noB. LessC. closer8. A. changesB. plansC. reports9. A. repeatedB. foundC. collected10. A. waysB. reasonsC. jobs【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)B;(6)C;(7)C;(8)A;(9)B;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了高敏感人迈克尔哈萨德在日常生活中的表现以及高敏感人与低敏感人的区别,告诉我们应

25、该帮助高敏感人,并且找到处理他们感情的方法。 (1)句意:他看起来总是很活跃,但他经常哭。 A.so所以; B.but但是; C.since 自从。根据 He always looks active.看起来总是很活跃。可知应用但是,故选B。 (2)句意:他这样容易哭只是他是一个高敏感人。 A. hardly ; B. formally; C. easily 。根据高敏感人性格的特点,可知是容易哭,故选C。 (3)句意:这种人对自己和别人的感情都很敏感。 A. that 那,代替前面出现的不可数名词; B. Those那些,代替前面出现的可数名词的复数; C. these这些 。根据 This

26、kind of person is very sensitive to feelings-their own 。可知应该是代替可数名词feelings,故选B。 (4)句意:有很多歌他很难忍受。 A. getting through通过 ; B. turning down拒绝,关小;C. taking away拿走。 根据 They moved him so much它们把他感动了很多。根据高敏感人性格的特点,可知应用通过,忍受,故选A。 (5)句意:有时他的朋友们注意到他的眼泪,就问他怎么了。 A. required需要; B. noticed 注意; C. admired羡慕 。根据 as

27、ked him what was wrong. 就问他怎么了。可知应用注意到,故选B。 (6)句意:他靠在空闲时间一遍又一遍地练习歌曲。学会了控制自己的感情。固定搭配by doing sth靠做某事,故选C。 (7)句意:高敏感人密切关注周围的环境。A. no不 ; B. Less更少 ; C. closer更近 。根据 Compared with non-HSPs 与低敏感人相比,高敏感人更注意周围的活动。可知应用更近,故选C。 (8)句意:高敏感人密切关注周围的环境并且更多地关心他们的朋友和父母的变化。 A. changes 变化; B. plans计划 ; C. reports报告 。根

28、据 HSPs pay attention to the environment around them.高敏感人密切关注周围的环境 。可知也注意周围人的变化,故选A。 (9)句意:高敏感度科学家说在至少100中物种中能找到。 A.repeated重复; B.found找到; C.collected 收集。根据 in at least 100 spices(物种) .在至少100中物种中,应该是找到,故选B。 (10)句意:我们应该帮助他们找到处理感情的方法。 A.ways方法;B. reasons原因; C. jobs工作 。根据 to deal with their feelings.处理感

29、情,应该是处理感情的方法,故选A。 【点评】考查词汇在语篇在中的运用能力。答题首先要跳过空格,通读文章掌握大意,然后细读文章 字斟句酌作答,注意考虑句型句法搭配,语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。4阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Billys favorite color was orange. But he couldnt see what orange looked like. A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his 1 werent as big as a normal babys

30、. Billy would 2 be able to see. He is blind. The doctor said. Even so, with the hope to help Billy learn about the world around him, his mother kept 3 everything she saw for him. Not just through his mothers 4 , Billy saw with his ears and hands, too. He had perfect hearing. In fact, he could 5 many

31、 things that normal people didnt notice. 6 Billy lived in the dark, he always believed a dream would light up his life. He found that he was 7 in computer science. So he began to learn it at seven years old. As a young boy, he 8 going to Sanford University some day. And for years of efforts, he finally achieved his dream. Many people wanted to find out the secret of his 9 . Billy explained, Just move forward! Dont let any difficulty 10 your dream from coming true. You cannot choose what you ar

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