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1、雅思作文写作Task2第四课时观点类IELTS大作文讲解:agree& disagree/whats your opinion 类作文学生面授老师时间本次课时IELTS写作第四课时教学思路1.作文简介、写作技巧2.实例分析3.课后作业教学目标1. 观点类作文理论分析2. 掌握此类作文基本特征和写作方法3. 学习写作思路,掌握写作套路讲解重点题目特点解题思路写作技巧以与X文分析备考资料剑桥真题、雅思写作套路剖析与X例大全教学详细内容:一、分析雅思写作观点类理论1.题目特点与解题思路题目特点:Express your opinion aboutTo what extentdo you agree

2、or disagree?What is your opinion about?How do you think about?解题思路:这种题的写法较灵活,考生的回答可以是正面的也可以是反面的,还可以从正、反两个方面论述.2.写作技巧与知识点1开头段Sentence 1 :background第一句话:文章的背景一般的介绍如何写背景句?首先,确定题目讨论哪个方面的问题,然后以这个问题为中心,写一句介绍性的话.例: Some people who have been successful in the society dont attribute their success to the theo

3、retical knowledge they learned from their university. Do you agree or disagree?这个题目讨论的是个人成功或者理论知识,那么就围绕这几个单词写一个陈述句:开头句一:People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement.开头句二:The importance of theoretical knowledge to ones success is a matter for deba

4、te.考生可以记住一些开头句的句型,比如the importance oftois a matter for debate等,并将此运用在不同的题目练习中,这样就可以在考场上迅速写出开头段了.注:考生在考场上可以按照实际情况自由掌握句子的数量,未必一定要写三句.Sentence 2: rephrase the topic第二句话:改写题目点名论题很多考生在这里容易犯两个错误:一是照抄题目,二是句子过长.解决方法如下:1、改写题目,而不是照抄题目.例:Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive e

5、ducation or job training?很多考生会在开头段第二句把题目照抄上去:some people think that it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training.这样的写法不会给考官留下好的印象.考生可以通过下面三种方法来改写题目:1)加上常用句型There is much controversy over whether to send criminals to jails or to let them receive education or jo

6、b training.2)改变句子成分的顺序- some people think that to send criminals to jails is better than to let them receive education or job training.3)改变句子成分some people think that imprisonment is better than education or job training in treating criminals.2、简洁地改写题目,避免累赘,看下面这句话就可以充分理解意思:Some people think that it c

7、an decrease the violent crimes in society, whileother people think that it cannot decrease the violent crimes.这半句的后半句是没有必要的,完全可以去掉.如果不去掉,那么在最后一句说明自己观点的时候,累赘的问题就更为明显了,因为考生很有可能再写一句话:I think that it is necessary to curb media violence.如果考官连续看到三句意思相近的话,他还有心情去给这篇作文一个高分吗?Sentence 3:personal opinion or bri

8、ef description of the main body第三句话:个人立场或者中间主体部分的简单概述观点类的文章中,第三句话有两种写法:一种是阐明自己的立场也就是具体支持或者反对哪一方面;支持:As far as I know, its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.反对:My personal view is that its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.另一种是不阐明自己的立场,而只是简单说文章会讨论什么内容.不明确表示自己支持哪一方面,二是指明文章会讨论一个事物的两

9、个方面.There are some points in both sides/This essay will compare and contrast its benefits and downsides.3.主体段每段主体段的结构大致如下:中心句只写一句:突出段落的中心思想,用来支持一个论点.此时,考生需注意两点:1、一般来说,最有说服力的观点应放在第一段,第二段的观点次之,第三段的观点最弱.2、观点不要标新立异.最常见的观点往往是最安全和最有说服力的.如果考生表达一个鲜见的观点,那么久需要有很好的语言能力去清晰解释此观点;如果解释不清楚,就会导致丢分.支持句:拓展、解释和论证中心句的句子


11、三点:重新总结主体部分讨论过的要点;重新阐述你的立场和观点;不要加入新的内容,尤其是主体部分没有讨论过的内容.参考例子:文中如果有以下三个中心句:One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.Despite its importance, there is n

12、o denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.那么结论段就可以总结为:In conclusion, advertising plays an essential role in society, not only making consumers well-informed buyers but also fostering economic development. However, con

13、sumers should be aware of the misleading nature of advertising, 5.高分文章四个标准:Correctness:用词和用句要准确,拼写没有错误.Coherence & consistency:前后论述要一致,逻辑性好,避免跳跃性思维.Cogency:观点要有力度,要对应题目.Conciseness:句子结构不宜复杂,要清晰地表明观点.二、 常用句型与模板:中心句参考句型:According to my personality and fondness, I would prefer. rather than In my point

14、of view, I likemuch more than. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view. In my opinion, the advantages of .are more than those of. To my mind, the advantages far outweigh the drawbacksAs far as I am concerned, this proposal seems a bit absurd and ridiculous. Perso

15、nally, I hold that I totally agree with this statement, and I will explain why this is the case. I fully support/agree with the statement that As far as I know, its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.My personal view is that its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.Personally, I side

16、 with the former/latter opinion. Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view. To be frank, I advocate the argument that参考模板:A or B1、The main reason for my propensity for A is that_.就理由进行解释_.For instance,_Another reason can be seen by everyone is that_.就理由进行解释_For example,_The argument I su

17、pport in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_. Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as_.In a word, _So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.2、 my point of view, A is

18、 as important as B, if not more important than B. So it is sagacious to choose A. Among countless factors which influence A. There are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The above point is certainly true if A is considered. For example,_Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I

19、 believe that A is better than B. For instance,_It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important . B同样有可选之处.In a word, to choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B, and neglect the ge

20、nuinely good aspects of A. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that A, but not B.三、实例分析Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?a)题目分析.1、明确题目中关键词university.因此文章中若提到中小学或者公司等其他机构将被视为不相关而被

21、扣分.2、题目中提到in every subject,因此答案中不能只提到某个学科而将其他学科排除在外.b)写作结构.根据以上讲解理论知识可以判定这是属于观点类大作文,并由此确定写作结构.文章的格式应该包括一个引论部分,两到三段主体以与一个结论部分.每一段主体段应该只论述一个主旨.X文赏析:首段:There has been some debateabout the basis on which universities should accept students. In particular, the traditional system of accepting students pur

22、ely on the basis of their grades needs to be re-evaluated. In this essay,I would like to point out the benefits of accepting an equal number of male and female students into each university course. 改写题目点名论题 文章的背景一般的介绍 个人立场的简单概述.主体段一:1The first benefit is that it would encourage young men and women t

23、o consider a wider range of careers. Many young people think that certain careers are for men or for women,whereas a person can actually do any job provided that they get the right qualifications for it and work hard at it. Veryoften, the idea of mens jobs and womens jobs comes from parents and gran

24、dparents who are out of touch with todays job market. In this way, our society will develop more slowly than it should because of traditional pre-conceptions. If young women saw more men becoming nurses, they would consider that traditionally female area of work.2是本段的中心句.突出段落的中心思想,用来支持一个论点.3对比:描述相反的

25、情形,对相反观点进行描写.延伸中心句并阐述影响:将中心句或解释中心句的句子扩展一下,阐述它的影响.主体段二:4The second benefit is that women would have more rapidly been seen as equal tomen. At the moment, many women are discouraged from attending university. Many people still think that it is better for a young woman to find a well-off husband than t

26、o develop his career. If men and women were given equal opportunities to develop themselves, and contribute to society, there would be less sexism. The result would be a society where a persons gender was less important than their skills and personality.1是本段的中心句;2对相反观点进行描写;重点强调自己的观点;延伸中心句并阐述影响:将中心句或

27、解释中心句的句子扩展一下,阐述它的影响.结尾段:5To conclude, providing an equal number of places in university courses for young men and young women would encourage people not to think in stereotypes about what they can and cannot do and would lead to sex equality.重新总结主体部分讨论过的要点.四、课后练习:Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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