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1、建筑设计方案初设及施工图深度带英文翻译2 方案设计2 Project Design/Concept Design2.1 一般要求2.1 General Requirements2.1.1 方案设计文件2.1.1 Project design documents1 设计说明书,包括各专业设计说明以及投资估算等内容;1 The design specifications include various professional design specifications and investment estimation; for those professions involved with b

2、uilding energy-effective design, the design specification shall include the special content related to the building energy-efficiency;2 总平面图以及建筑设计图纸(若为城市区域供热或区域煤气调压站,应提供热能动力专业的设计图纸,具体见2.3.3条);2 The general layout and the b3 设计委托或设计合同中规定的透视图、鸟瞰图、模型等。3 The scenograph, birds-eye view and model specifie

3、d in the design commission or design contract2.1.2 方案设计文件的编排顺序2.1.2 Editing sequence of the project design document1 封面:写明项目名称、编制单位、编制年月;1 Cover: project name, preparation units and preparation date2 扉页:写明编制单位法定代表人、技术总负责人、项目总负责人的姓名,并经上述人员签署或授权盖章;2 Title page: the name of the legal representative, ge

4、neral technical superintendent and the general project superintendent of the preparation unit, and signed by the above person or authorized with stamp;3 设计文件目录;3 design document directory;4 设计说明书;4 design specifications;5 设计图纸。5 design drawing;2.2 设计说明书2.2 Design Specifications2.2.1 设计依据、设计要求及主要技术经济

5、指标 2.2.1 The design basis, design requirement and major technical economical index1 列出与工程设计有关的依据性文件的名称和文号,如选址及环境评价报告、地形图,项目的可行性研究报告,政府有关主管部门对立项报告的批文、设计任务书或协议书等。1 The name and number of reference document related to the engineering design, such as location and environmental assessment report, boundar

6、y line of land, project 3feasibility research report, project approval issued by the relevant governmental competent department, design specification or agreement;2 设计所采用的主要法规和标准。2 The main regulations carried out by the design and the adopted primary standard (including the standard name, number, e

7、ra name and version number);3 设计基础资料,如气象、地形地貌、水文地质、地震、区域位置等。3 design basis information, such as meteorology, topography, hydrogeology, basic earthquake intensity and regional location;4 简述建设方和政府有关主管部门对项目设计的要求,如对总平面布置、建筑立面造型等。当城市规划对建筑高度有限制时,应说明建筑、构筑物的控制高度(包括最高和最低高度限值)。4 Briefly indicate the requireme

8、nts of the relevant government departments to the project design, such as requirements on aspects like general layout, environment coordination and architectural style. When the city planning departments confines the building height, the control height of the buildings and structures shall be mentio

9、ned (including the maximum and minimum altitude limitation);5 委托设计的内容和范围,包括功能项目和设备设施的配套情况。5 briefly introduce the content and scope designed according to the commission of the construction unit, including the supporting situation of the functional project and equipment or facilities;6 工程规模(如总建筑面积、总投

10、资、容纳人数等)和设计标准(包括工程等级、结构的设计使用年限、耐火等级、装修标准等)。6 The project scale (such as the total construction area, total investment and accommodation population), project design scale grades and design standards (including the structures design life, building fire type, fire-resistant grades, fitment standards);7

11、 列出主要技术经济指标,如总用地面积、总建筑面积及各分项建筑面积(还要分别列出地上部分和地下部分建筑面积)、建筑基底总面积、绿地总面积、容积率、建筑密度、绿地率、停车泊位数(分室内、外和地上、地下),以及主要建筑或核心建筑的层数、层高和总高度等项指标。根据不同的建筑功。还应表述能反映工程规模的主要技术经济指标,如住宅的套型、套数及每套的建筑面积、使用面积,旅馆建筑中的客房数和床位数,医院建筑中的门诊人次和病床数等指标。当工程项目(如城市居住区规划)另有相应的设计规范或标准时,技术经济指标还应按其规定执行。7 The main technical and economic indexes, su

12、ch as the total construction area, total floor area and categorized building area (with list of building area of both aerial portion and underground portion respectively), total building base area, total greenfield area, floor area rate, building density, green rate, parking berthing capacity (inclu

13、ding indoor, outdoor, ground and underground), floors of main building or core building, floor height and overall height and other indexes; according to different architectural features, major technical and economic indexes reflecting the project scale shall also be indicated, such as residential dw

14、elling size, number, building area, floor area, guest room number and bed number of the hotel building, out-patient visits number and sickbed number of the hospital building, and other indexes; when the engineering project (such as urban residential area planning) is limited by other corresponding d

15、esign codes or standards, the technical and economic indexes shall also comply with them thereof.2.2.2 总平面设计说明2.2.2 Design specification of general plan1 概述场地现状特点和周边环境情况,详尽阐述总体方案的构思意图和布局特点,以及在竖向设计、交通组织、景观绿化、环境保护等方面所采取的具体措施。1 summarize the features of the site actuality, peripheral environment condit

16、ion and geological or morphological features, elaborate the idea intent and layout features of the general planning, and the physical measures adopted in aspects of vertical design, traffic organization, fire protection planning, landscape planting and environmental protection.2 关于一次规划、分期建设,以及原有建筑和古

17、树名木保留、利用、改造(改建)方面的总体设想。2 explain the general considerations on primary planning, construction stages, the preservation, utilization and renovation (reconstruction) of original buildings and old trees or rare woods2.2.3 建筑设计说明 建筑方案的设计构思和特点:2.2.3 Building design specification , the idea and the featur

18、es of building project design.1 建筑的平面和竖向构成,包括建筑群体和单体的空间处理、立面造型和环境营造、环境分析(如日照、通风,采光)等;1 The building layout and elevation include the spatial treatment of building group and monomer, the elevation modeling, environmental creation and environmental analysis(such as sunshine, ventilation and lighting)2

19、 建筑的功能布局和各种出入口、垂直交通运输设施(包括楼梯、电梯、自动扶梯)的布置;2 Layout of building function, various gateway and vertical transport facilities(include stairs, elevator and escalator)3 建筑内部交通组织、防火设计和安全疏散设计;3 traffic organization of building inside, fireproof design and evacuation design.4 关于无障碍、节能和智能化设计方面的简要说明;4 Briefly

20、indicate obstacle-free, energe-saving and intelligent design.5 在建筑声学、热工、建筑防护、电磁波屏蔽以及人防地下室等方面有特殊要求时,应作相应说明。5 When having special requirement in aspect of architectural acoustics、heat engineering、 prevention in building、electromagnetic wave shielding and antiaircraft basement, specification related to

21、 those should be mentioned.2.2.4 结构设计说明2.2.4 1 设计依据 1)本工程结构设计所采用的主要法规和标准;2)建设方提出的符合有关法规、标准与结构有关的书面要求;3) 主要阐述建筑物所在地与结构专业设计有关的自然条件,包括风荷载、雪荷载、地震基本情况及有条件时概述工程地质简况等。2 结构设计 主要阐述以下内容:1)建筑结构的安全等级、设计使用年限和建筑抗震设防类别;2)上部结构选型概述和新结构、新技术的应用情况;3)采用的主要结构材料及特殊材料;4)条件许可下阐述基础选型; 5)地下室的结构做法及防水等级,当有人防地下室时说明人防抗力等级。3 需要特别说

22、明的其他问题2.2.5 建筑电气设计说明1 设计范围 本工程拟设置的电气系统。2 变、配电系统1)确定负荷级别:1、2、3级负荷的主要内容。2)负荷估算。3)电源:根据负荷性质和负荷量,要求外供电源的回路数、容量、 电压等级。4)变、配电所:位置、数量、 容量。3 应急电源系统:确定备用电源和应急电源型式。4 照明、防雷、接地、智能建筑设计的相关系统内容。2.2.6 给水排水设计说明 1 给水设计1)水源情况简述(包括自备水源及市政给水管网)。2)用水量及耗热量估算:总用水量(最高日、最大时),热水设计小时耗热量,消防水量。3)给水系统:简述系统供水方式。4)消防系统:简述消防系统种类,供水方

23、式。5)热水系统:简述热源,供应范围及供应方式。6)中水系统:简述设计依据,处理方法。7) 循环冷却水、重复用水及采取的其他节水节能措施。8)饮用净水系统:简述设计依据,处理方法等。2 排水设计1)排水体制,污、废水及雨水的排放出路。2)估算污、废水排水量,雨水量及重现期参数等。3)排水系统说明及综合利用。4)污、废水的处理方法。3 需要说明的其他问题。2.2.7 采暖通风与空气调节设计说明1 采暖通风与空气调节的设计方案要点。2 采暖、空气调节的室内设计参数及设计标准。3 冷、热负荷的估算数据。4 采暖热源的选择及其参数。5 空气调节的冷源、热源选择及其参数。6 采暖、空气调节的系统形式,简

24、述控制方式。7 通风系统简述。8 防烟、排烟系统简述。9 方案设计新技术采用情况,节能环保措施和需要说明的其他问题。2.2.8 热能动力设计说明1 供热1) 热源概况;2)供热范围;3)供热量估算;4)供热方式;5)锅炉房及场区面积、换热站面积、位置及房高等要求;6)热力管道布置方式及敷设原则;7)水源、水质、水压要求;8)节能、环保,消防及安全措施。2 燃料供应1)燃料来源,种类及性能数据;2)燃料供应范围;3)燃料消耗量;4)燃料供应方式;5)灰渣储存及运输方式乙6)消防及安全措施。3 其他动力站房1)动力站房内容、性质;2)主要设备技术参数;3) 系统形式;4)站房面积,位置及其他要求;

25、5)节能、环保,消防及安全措施。2.2.9 投资估算编制说明及投资估算表1 投资估算编制说明资料1)编制依据;2)编制方法;3)编制范围(包括和不包括的工程项目与费用);4)主要技术经济指标;5)其他必要说明的问题。2 投资估算表 投资估算表应以一个单项工程为编制单元,由土建、给排水、电气、暖通、空调、 动力等单位工程的投资估算和土石方、道路、广场、围墙、大门、室外管线、绿化等室外工程的投资估算两大部分内容组成。 编制内容可参照第3.10和4.9两节有关建筑工程概、预算文件的规定。在建设单位有可能提供工程建设其他费用时,可将工程建设其他费用和按适当费率取定的预备费列入投资估算表,汇总成建设项目

26、的总投资。2.3 设计图纸2.3 Design drawing2.3.1 总平面设计图纸2.3.1 The general design layout drawings1 场地的区域位置。1 The regional location of the site2 场地的范围(用地和建筑物各角点的座标或定位尺寸、道路红线)。2 The scope of the site(land and coordinate of building angular point or location dimension and boundary lines of roads.3 场地内及四邻环境的反映(四邻原有及

27、规划的城市道路和建筑物,场地内需保留的建筑物、古树名木、历史文化遗存、现有地形与标高,水体,不良地质情况等)。3 The reflection of the site and the surroundings(such as the original and planning urban road and buildings, ancient and well-known trees, historic landmark, currently existing landform and level, water body and adverse geological condition.4 场

28、地内拟建道路、停车场、广场、绿地及建筑物的布置,并表示出主要建筑物与用地界线(或道路红线、建筑红线)及相邻建筑物之间的距离。4 Proposed road, parking area, plaza, green and location of the building in the site should be mentioned. The main buildings and site boundary(such as boundary lines of roads or property line)and the distance of adjacent building.5 拟建主要建筑

29、物的名称、出入口位置、层数与设计标高,以及地形复杂时主要 道路、广场的控制标高。5 The name of the main proposed building, gateway location, number of plies, design level and if the formland is complicate, the main road and plaza controlling elevation.6 指北针或风玫瑰图、比例。6 North arrow, wind rose map and proportion.7 根据需要绘制下列反映方案特性的分析图: 功能分区、空间组合

30、及景观分析、交通分析(人流及车流的组织、停车场的布置及停车泊位数量等)、地形分析、绿地布置、日照分析、分期建设等。 7 Draw the analysis graphics that can reflect the poject property according to the requirement, such as function division, spatial organization and landscape analysis, green layout, sunlight analysis, stage construction.2.3.2 建筑设计图纸2.3.3 Buil

31、ding design drawing1 平面图应表示的内容1 The content that the layout should indicate1) 平面的总尺寸、开间,进深尺寸或柱网尺寸(也可用比例尺表示);1)The layout boxed dimension, bay, depth dimension or column grid dimension(also can be indicated by scale.2)各主要使用房间的名称;2)The name of every main room3)结构受力体系中的柱网、承重墙位置;3)The location of main w

32、all and column grid in the structure stress system.4)各楼层地面标高、屋面标高;4)Every floor ground level and roof level.5)室内停车库的停车位和行车线路;5)The parking space of indoor parking lots(garages) and driving route.6)底层平面图应标明剖切线位置和编号,并应标示指北针;6)Mark the number and the section line location and Indicate north arrow.7)必要时绘制

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