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1、精编中学英语阅读课优秀教案中学英语阅读课优秀教案教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。以下是本站分享的中学英语阅读课优秀教案,希望能帮助到大家! 中学英语阅读课优秀教案 一、教学课型: 阅读课 二、教材分析: 本节课课型是阅读课,内容是一名学生在网页上找到一篇关于圣经中的英语文章。通过这节课的学习,给学生提供一个了解英语中习语的机会,从而使学生更好的了解不同的信念,宗教以及中西方的文化差异。 三、学情分析: 该年级段的学生有一定的英语基础,对根据具体

2、语境猜测习语意思有浓厚的兴趣,因此教师要给学生表现的机会,指导他们积极主动地阅读。 四、教学目标: 1、知识目标 (1)、重点词汇:in other words ,among other things ,by and by ,have a vague or loose connection to/with ,kill the fatted calf, develop a high level of competence in communication skills (2)、重点句子:It comes from a story in the Bible, where a son returne

3、d to his family after ;, ;among other things, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used,you can easily misunderstand 2、能力目标:培养学生的阅读能力和知识运用能力。 3、情感目标:通过本文的学习,帮助学生更好地提高阅读理解能力,了解这些习语能培养学生更高水平的交流技巧。 五、教学重难点: 1、培养学生的阅读能力,如略读、精读等能力。 2、提升学生综合运用语言的能力,如交际能力等。 六、教学过程: Step1: Lead in Ask the student

4、s to read the following sentence and guess what the idiom means: I took my mothers car without asking for permission. She is angry at me. I m in hot water now! (in trouble ) 【设计说明以有据可依的语境导入,活跃了课堂气氛又恰当的引入了本节课的主题Biblical idioms in English Step2: Fast reading Read the article quickly and answer the fol

5、lowing questions: 1、What is an idiom? 2、Which language was the Bible first written in? 3、Which idiom is often used to describe children? 【设计说明简要的问题使学生对文章内容有大概的了解,为下一步的careful reading 奠定基础。 Step3: Careful reading Part1: Answer questions 1 Why does the Bible have a lot of idioms? 2 What did by and by

6、originally mean in the Bible? 3 What does by and by mean today? 4 How many years ago was the Bible translated into English? 5 What does feet of clay mean? 6 Which animals are featured in the idioms in the article? 7 Which foods are included in the idioms in the article? 8 How is studying idioms usef

7、ul in language learning? 【设计说明这是对文章的细节理解,同时也使学生学习了这部分的知识点。 Part2: Choose the best idiom from the text to fill in the blanks 1 Sarahs grandmother adores her; Sarah is_. 2 Wilson was disappointed when he learnt that the coach had _. 3 She knew it might take a long time for her teammates to change thei

8、r minds, but she believed that the new plan would work_. 4 The people in my village are very honest and hard-working; they are_. 5 When my brother came back home from his trip to Europe, we _for him. 6 She would not say who told her about the surprise party. She just said _. 【设计说明换一种语境让学生更好体会文中出现的习语

9、的用法。 Step3: Careful reading Read a short passage about idioms from the Bible and full in the blanks with the words blow. Hidden underline weaknesses translated idioms group Greek Soon concept bird An idiom is a _of words that has a special meaning which is not usually apparent. If you already have a

10、 good understanding of English and want to polish up and sharpen your language skills, studying_ can be a good way to do so. Many of the idioms used in English are from the Bible was _ from Hebrew into _ and later into English. Take by and by as an example. It originally meant immediately, but now i

11、t means _. Idioms can be used to _ the moral of a story. One idiom about feet of clay stresses the _ that things or people that seem perfect, like a person we admire or respect, can have hidden _. Another idiom, a little_ told me, is used to say that you know something but you do not want to tell ot

12、hers how you know it. Some Bible idioms use things related to food such as salt or apples to make a point more clear. From now on, whenever I read an idiom, I will remember that there could be a _ meaning in it. 【设计说明这个环节可以从另一个侧面检验学生对文章线索的掌握。既是对文章内容的延伸,又是对文章的综合概括,并可以借此提高学生的词汇运用能力。 Step4: Appreciatio

13、n: Enjoy some idioms 1 A little learning is a dangerous thing. 2 Life is made up of little things. 3 A high building, a low foundation. 4 Many a little makes a miracle. 5 Many hands make light work. 6 Actions speak louder than words. 7 Better to arrive late in this world than early in the next. 8 Wh

14、en in Rome, do as the Romans do. Step5: Homework (1) Shorten the passage using your own words. (2) Try to collect some idioms. (3) Find useful and .difficult language points from the passage. 中学英语阅读课优秀教案 一、案例实施背景 任何语言的习得和学习都离不开大量阅读的实践。许多教师也意识到高中阅读对于学生综合语言能力培养的重要性,用尽各种办法来培养学生的阅读微技能。当然这样做的目的确实也提高了学生测试

15、性阅读的能力。如阅读前讲解重点生词或词组,阅读中找main idea, 设计不同程度的问题帮助不同层次学生理解阅读,呈现表格,运用复述,角色扮演,采访等不同形式来开展阅读任务。以上虽均衡了话题及功能两方面,但这些方法仍只停留在字,词,句及其他细节的表层理解上。要想真正让学生内化阅读材料,除了表层的理解外,阅读也要关注语言文字背后的深层理解和文化内涵。这点我们可以从语文学习上得到启示。英语新课程标准就阅读的知识性和欣赏性上提出了指导思想:语言有丰富的文化内涵。英语学习就是要关注说英语国家的历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、价值观念等,从而加深对世界文化的理解。因此,笔者

16、认为高中英语阅读课除了训练测试性阅读之外,需要大量的欣赏性阅读材料来补充教学。教师应该冲破词汇,语法的束缚,在阅读中突出技能渗透的同时,应将课文阅读教学提高到欣赏性阅读的美学高度,真正培养他们的英语学习兴趣。 二、教学内容分析 教学内容为高一NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4的reading task。作为地震内容的阅读补充材料,它是作家Jack London的笔下之作。以一个目击者的身份,介绍了旧金山大地震的所见所闻所感。语言地道优美,描述性较强。重点是欣赏阅读中训练略读和查读两大阅读微技能,逐步加深对旧金山地震及细节理解,并对地震中发生的一切形成自己的观点看法和情感态度,体会人们地震后

17、表现出来的勇敢精神。本课难点是如何引导学生paraphrase 课文中的几个句子如A list of the brave men and women would fill a library. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses. 三、学生分析 教学对象为高一学生,他们的认知能力较初中学生有了一定的发展,有着更强的求知欲。不满足单一的课本教材学习,具备对于兴趣的话题会去网上搜索知识来获得信息的能力。半个学期的英语教学已经让他们意识到高中英语阅读不同于初中的手把手阅读,更多的是他们自主思考,对疑惑提出自己的观点

18、和见解。本次欣赏性阅读材料是美国文学原著,他们也是第一次碰到,有些句子理解上比较难,注意给学生学法上的指导。另外为了帮助学生逐层进行理解课文,设计的问题一定要考虑到不同学生的认知识水平,注意因材施教。 四、案例实施过程 (一) warming-up引入 1.教师用播放San Francisco的音乐录音,让学生带着问题what is the song about? 去欣赏. ( Now listen to an English song. After listening, tell me What the song is about) 2.然后问问题: What country is it i

19、n? In what part of the country does it lie? PPT呈现一张地球板块分布图,并让学生说出旧金山位于哪两个板块交界处。(San Francisco lies where the American plate and pacific plate meet. The two jump and an earthquake may be felt) 教师自然引入:This was just what happened in 1906. 由于学生刚学过唐山大地震的相关知识,了解板块运动会引起地震,图片即或学生原由有背景知识,为下文的阅读做好铺垫。 (二)pre-r

20、eading:预测全文。 浏览题目 the story of an eyewitness呈现两个问题帮助学生预测大意。 Q1: What does an eyewitness mean? Q2: If you were an eyewitness, what would you see and hear during the earthquake? 播放一短视频让学生用几个句子来描述所见所闻。 学生一般都这样描述: The world was at an end! The bridges cracked and broke; the people were killed; buildings

21、were destroyed;The houses were shaking and then the buildings collapsed and were destroyed; Everything was in ruins;. predicting是一项重要的阅读微技能,目的是让学生猜测文章可能会讲什么。提前预测能够更快激活学生脑中原有的图式,帮助学生更快建构新的知识体系。唐山大地震的学习学生已经对地震前,中,后发生的有所了解,让学生用句子或小篇来描述所见所闻符合有效的输入-输出的英语学习规律。当然直观的视频教学也更能激发学生说的兴趣。这环节目的也是为了让学生更快地找到作者在旧金山地震

22、中的所见所闻。 (三)Skimming Q: What did the author see and hear? 划出作者的所见所闻句子。 Skimming是训练学生迅速获取文章大意或中心思想的一种阅读能力。本文的中心就是地震后的所见所闻,引导学生可跳过某些细节,围绕问题,加快阅读速度。在阅读时,有意识地引导读读段落的段首或段尾。该环节目的就是让学生熟悉如何进行略读。 (四)Scanning Q1: Can you find an adj to describe how the author felt about the earthquake? Why? Q2: Can you find an

23、 adj to describe how the people felt about the earthquake? Why? Scanning称扫读或寻读。目的是找出某些特定信息或回答阅读理解题所需要的事实及依据。在对通篇文章疏而不漏的快速扫描中,迅速定位信息点,而和内容无关或关系不大的部分则可一带而过。该阅读材料文学性强,所描述的细节也很多,学生很难以找出一主线去分析地震景象。以上的两个问题解决了这一教学难点。这两个问题十分有效地让学生去思考人们在震中和震后的感受。通过第一个班的教学,笔者发现可以先将Q2提前解决。因为学生很快就能说出人们的感受。They are kind, sad;教师顺

24、势抓住学生的思维,马上问Why? Can you find some sentences to support your opinion? 进一步提升问题的本质,启发学生的思维,学生很快也能找到支撑的信息:They helped one another climb the high hills around the city. Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night. 第二个班级教学中说到人们为什么很悲伤难过,学生的兴趣一下子被激发出来。有人说他们失去了家人,亲人

25、,朋友;有人说他们失去了房子,无家可归;由于课文中的一句话还能证明他们可能会由于失去财产和至爱而悲伤。我也趁机问学生:What can you conclude from the sentence? whole families put everything they owned and could save into wagon 引导学生这样思考they may lose possessions and beloved ones so they are very sad.然后问学生what do you think of the earthquake?你能在文中找出几个形容词来描述么?其实这

26、也就回答了第一个问题。在这整个过程中,教师起到的作用是组织,参与和引导,重视了学生在学习中的主体能动作用。 (五)Careful Appreciation 1.Discovering structure 让学生观察以下句子结构,引导学生发现重复和排比的修辞现象。 1) San Francisco is gone. 2) Its businesses are gone. 3) The factories, hotels and palaces are gone too. 1) A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses

27、. 2) A list of the brave men and women would fill a library. 3) A list of all those killed will never be made. 让学生文中找出并有感情地朗读,让学生能体会其中的情感并提出一个问题让学生进一步思考:What did the writer want to tell us by using these sentences? 2.Paraphrase some important sentences: A list of the brave men and women would fill a

28、 library. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses. 让学生第一次做意译,先渗透一些paraphrase的技巧:可以使用句子中的同义词、反义词,注释性说明,改换说法,倒换顺序等。帮助学生抓住关键词brave, library, address等的同义来意译。 3.Comparative reading NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4中前后两篇阅读文章A Night The Earth Didn t Sleep和The Story Of An Eyewitness虽然都是描写地震,但风格截然不同。为

29、了让学生体会到不同的体裁风格,教师设计了一表格来进行对比阅读。 Tangshan earthquake San Francisco earthquake Main idea Details Point of view Response of people Where the writer shows more feeling (六)布置作业:写一篇描写台风之后的小短文the story after a typhoon。 本单元中心是自然灾害及自我保护,让学生联系生活实际,描写家乡最常见的灾害台风之后情景。 五、课后反思 本课以任务型为教学原则,本案例的每一个任务都是围绕学习者学的角度设计的。通

30、过小组活动,培养自主探究能力。学生的每一个活动都具有明确的目的指向和具体的操作要求,较好地体现有效性的教学。教学成功之处是引导学生一步接一步从阅读文章表层意思,到探讨深层意思,使学生体会地震后人们相互帮助并勇敢面对的精神。引入部分达到预期效果,用自己准备了录音和图片自然衔接,时间短但有效能引起学生兴趣,猜测旧金山地震的相关内容。在各个环节中能运用激励评价和过程评价来鼓励学生去说。 不足之处是在于很多设计问题难度过高,教师一开始没有预料到,直到第一个班级的教学发现诸如这样的句子让学生去意译有很大困难,A list of the brave men and women would fill a l

31、ibrary.问题给出后一片沉默,即使是程度比较好的同学也是难以入手。到了二次教学中引导学生通过抓住关键词的同义词去替换解释。In what kind of situation are they called brave people? What does library mean? 这两个问题的铺垫较好地处理了教学难点。在今后类似的教学过程中,我想可以提供几个选择项,降低难度,以便更有效地进行因材施教。 教无定法,高中阅读欣赏课也不例外。阅读可分导入,快速阅读,表层理解,深层理解,欣赏,拓展等步骤进行。但教学过程不能只将重点放在处理词汇或讲解句子上。阅读欣赏课可对开设英语文学欣赏选修课也有一定的借鉴意义:首先,阅读欣赏课的文学作品要符合学生的认知水平,要满足学生的求知欲。其次,阅读中启迪学生思维,由表层及深层理解语言背后的文化内涵,丰富学生的审美体验。 中学英语阅读课优秀教案 初中英

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