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1、高二英语寒假作业高二寒假英语学习要求及时间安排一、假期学习的意义:高二的第一个学期已基本结束,寒假即将到来。利用这个假期抓好英语学习十分重要而且也非常必要。因此,如果充分利用这个假期开展英语学习,那么上游同学不但能够进一步巩固基础而且能够扩大成果,继续保持领先优势;中下游的同学就能够查缺补漏,夯实基础,为下一阶段大踏步前进铺设了桥梁,奠定了跳板。另外,英语是一门语言。在学习中,记忆非常重要,除了需要多说多听多读多写之外,还需要有恒心有毅力,能够长期不懈地奋斗下去。在学习英语中,我们应该意识到:学习英语的过程就是同遗忘不断作斗争的过程。在这个过程中,有一种现象令人十分烦恼 - 别说我们努力地学习




5、而不是只想着完成作业就万事大吉。四、假期学习框架计划:依据上文所讲的原则,为了达到学习目标,特意草拟一份学习计划和作息时间表,供同学们参考。假期全程时间安排表(一)2011.1.28(腊月二十五) 放假;制定计划 1.29 1.30 (1.29-2.1四天正常学习) 1.31 2.1 2.2(除夕) 2.3(正月初一) (2.2-2.4欢度春节) 2.4(正月初二) 2.5(正月初三) 2.6(正月初四) (2.5-2.7机动 依任务完成情况而定)2.7(正月初五)2.8 2.9 (2.8-2.16九天正常学习)2.132.14元宵节)2.

6、18 2.19 (2.18-2.20三天正常学习)2.20英语课程安排表(二) 词汇(15分钟) 寒假英语作业(30分钟) 泛读/听力(15分钟)1.29(腊月二十六) 复习高中Us1-2 M5 英语1 自选1.30 复习高中Us3-4 M5 英语2 自选1.31 复习高中U5 M5-U1 M6 英语3 自选2.1 复习高中Us2-3 M6 英语4 自选2.2(除夕) 2.3(正月初一) 2.4(正月初二)2.5(正月初三)2.6 (正月初四)2.7 (正月初五) 2.8 复习高中Us4-5 M6 英语5 自选2.9 复习高中Us1-3 M1 英语6 自选2.10 复习高中Us3-5 M1 英

7、语7 自选2.11 复习高中Us1-3 M2 英语8 自选2.12 复习高中Us3-5 M2 英语9 自选2.13 复习高中Us1-3 M3 英语10 自选2.14 复习高中Us3-5 M3 英语11 自选2.15 复习高中Us1-3 M4 英语12 自选2.16 复习高中Us3-5 M4 英语13 自选2.17 预习高中U1 M7 英语14 自选2.18 预习高中U2 M7 英语15 自选2.19 预习高中U3 M7 英语16 自选2.20 调整心态,准备新学期 高二英语组 2011-1-9注:泛读(英文报刊杂志如:二十一世纪报;英语周报;霸王英语等)听力(听力世纪风;维克多听力;央视9套;

8、英文音乐、电台等)_月_日 星期_ 天气_ 完成时间_分钟作业一:Unit1 Book 5一、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. This new e _for the car works well.2. She has a strong c_.3. The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s_farming.4. The doctor had my eyes e_for weakening.5. The meeting c_at eight oclock.6. They were d _ in

9、 their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.7. The little brave girl e _ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).8. He was a_in the book.9. He b _ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).10. I think you are too s_ on the boy.11. He finished his work in a_(积极的) way.12. We must try to _(分析)the causes of the strike

10、.13. He became_(狂热的) about classical music.14. He has_(完成)the whole job already.15. In the factory the workers_(纺成线)wool into thread.16. Be c_when you cross the street.17. You should not r_the invitation from your old friend.18. What is your v_on Chinese education?19. The police are watching the man

11、s m_secretly.20. The class needs a s_teacher.21. Kindness is one of the prime ministers _(特征).22. Britain_(议定) a trade agreement with China.23. Dont _(暴露) your skin to the sun or you will be burned.24. The _(贵重的) culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.25. The famous Korean

12、 play actor got an_(热情的) reception in Hong Kong.26. The most important thing is not to admit _(失败)-27. Water and salt are _(吸收) into our blood stream everyday.28. If a doctor or a medical treatment c_someones illness, they make the people well again.29. A v_is a kind of germ that can cause disease.3

13、0. If you a_something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.二短语翻译1蒸汽机_2提出 _3得出结论_4也,另外_5将和连接起来_6对严格的_7有意义_8通向,导致_9态度,观点_10继续工作_三、完成句子1. 除了这些理由以外,他无话可说了 _ _these reasons, he said nothing.2. 我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。Our English teacher_ _ _us.3让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲Lets _t

14、he lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.4. 他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。His careless driving _ _the serious traffic accident.5. 他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。He _food and clothing _the Red Cross.四语法练习(过去分词作定语和表语)1. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to inviteC. being invite

15、d D. had been invited2. The computer center, _last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened3. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay4.How do you deal with the disagreement between the com

16、pany and the customers?The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. A. to solving; making B. to solving; madeC. to solve; making D. to solve; made 5. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge.A. being known B. having been knownC. to be known

17、D. known6 _ English is different from _ English in many ways. A. Spoken; written B. Speaking; written C. Spoken; writing D. Speak; write7 The woman _ there under the tree, _ in a blue shirt, is our headmaster. A. sitting; wearing B. sitting; dressed C. seating; dressed D. seated; dressing8 Linda wor

18、ked for the Minnesota Manufacturing Mining Company, _ as 3M. A. knowing. B. known. C. being known. D. to be known9 The _ dishes lay on the floor. A breaking. B. broken. C. broke. D. break10 the ship,_ by a huge piece of iceberg, cam to a sudden stop. A. hitting. B. hit. C. hitted. D. to hit_ _月_日 星期

19、_ 天气_ 完成时间_分钟作业二 Unit1-2 Book5单项选择:1,The meeting _ tomorrow will be of great importance. All of us should attend it.A held B to be held C being held D is going to be held 2, You must do everything _you _. A as; are told to B as; are told B like; are told D when ; are told 3,The purpose of technology

20、 is to make it easier ,_ it more difficult. A not make B not to make C making not D do not make4,Before using the more thing, you must_ carefully to these instruction. A join B join in C take part in D attend5,The building _in our school is for our teachers, though there is noise most of the day, we

21、 still feel happy about it.A built B having been built C to be built D being built 6,The old man,_ abroad for 20 years, is on the way back to his mother land. A to work B working C to have worked D having worked7,- Who are these people with banners? -A group _ itself the league for Peace. A calling

22、B called C calls D is called8, The mother did not know _ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.A who B when C how D what 9,There are trees and flowers along both sides of the road_ our school.A leading to B defeated C won D gained10, It was unbelievable that the fans waited

23、outside the gym for three hours _a look at the sports stars. A had B having C to have D have11,A man is questioned in relation to the _ murder last night.A advised B attended C attempted D admitted12,Linda worked for the Minnesona Manufacture and mining Company,_ as 3M.A knowing B known C being Know

24、n D to be known13, -George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding.-No, I _.Did they have a big wedding.A was not invited B have not been invited C hadnt been invited D didnt invite14, The major of Beijing says that all construction for Being Olympics _by 2006.A has been complete

25、d B has completed C will have been completed D will have completed15,_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A Exposed B having exposed C Being exposed D after being exposed16.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _.A 20 dollars remained B 20 dollars to remai

26、n C remained 20 dollars D remaining 20 dollars17.Has someone suggested there _ be an international language all could understand and use _? A can; it B /;/ C would; it D may;/18. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C. did not include women players until 1912. A. first played B. to be first played C. first

27、 playing D. to be first playing19.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out20. European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world.A. making B. makes C. made D. to make21 Unless _ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference Ainvited Binviting Cbeing invited Dhaving invited 22.-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. -Well, now I regret _ that. A. to do B. to be do

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